Just how many of these generic thieves guild quests (changing books, theft, etc) do you have to do before becoming the Guild Leader?
Just how many of these generic thieves guild quests (changing books, theft, etc) do you have to do before becoming the Guild Leader? I liked the idea of them, but so far they've just been go here, pick up this, come back and get another.
My "Dead Thrall" zombies keep poofing on me since the last patch. Not sure if it borked something, or if they're just getting stuck without me noticing.
I don't know how, as I don't have any armor mods, but the female Steel armor (not plate) shows up as a big red triangle with an exclamation point on all the female characters that wear it.
Data / meshes / armor / steel / f / cuirasslight_0.nif
I tried opening that in the CK and it said it was missing all the meshes and stuff.
If I download an armor mod or retexture for the steel armor, will that be enough? or do I need to find something that gives me a replacement .nif with the maps?
Got the platinum trophy. Some thoughts:
- I still want to play this game, but I want a build that kind of let me do everything.
- Tried 3 characters: Heavy Armor - One Handed - Shield / Stealth - Destruction / Necromancer - Bound Weapons - Alteration.
- The first one is baby easy mode, heavy armor with the perks make you indestructible to almost anything, you have to absolutely not be paying atention to the game during hard fights to actually be hurt, much less killed.
- The second one was fun and alright, but after a while the level scale makes stealth kills not the one-shot from a bow that I feel it should be. So you have to hit the guy once, kind of wait him to stop running around, hit him twice and so forth. Enemies that take 4 or 5 arrows to go down are strictly boring. At lvl 50 when almost all Dragurs are deathlords, it is a pain.
- The third I think I did it wrong. If you go for Alteration armor, I feel you need to go destruction spells. Anyway, I ragequite this build at around lvl 20 because a boss was unkillabe. It was a skeleton dragon who would not give the rest normal dragons do by flying around. Stoneflesh could not keep damage away, I was spending all my mana healing so I couldn't bind a weapon and even when I did by using a lot of potions, he would just deal too much damage. So I quit this build, I may have done something wrong.
So, for my new build, which I intend to be final and kind of completist since I'm not worring about trophies anymore and I hope I don't make mistakes with the perks, I'll try to be *everything*.
The plan is to be a necromancer, because it is awesome, use heavy armor and shield, so I can have the complete dragon set by the end of the game, bind the one handed weapon.
I'll try to pickpocket, lockpicking and speech are kind of is automatic, and maybe use a dagger and stealth (failing that, I bind the one handed weapon and just fight).
I feel it will either be glorious or fail spetacular. So it will be:
Conjuration - Heavy Armor - Stealth - Block - One Handed - Pickpocket.
And there is my Thievering Battlemage.
Edit: Actually, light armor makes more sense. I hope I don't miss being immortal.
If you're on PC just use Cheat Engine to give yourself an extra 100 or so perk points and then you get everything.
You may think "No, that's too much." But think about it. The way the perks work it's not like you ever really benefit from them all at the same time. Like me personally I almost never use 2 handed weapons. So having maxed out 2h weapons doesn't really do anything for me except that once in a blue moon I decide to try one out. Same with shields, I hardly ever use them, so on the off chance that I do at least I can do cool stuff like shield bash. I never wear light armor either, but if I ever want to try on a set I have the perks, otherwise it's like they're not even there. Same goes for all the other categories too. There's only a few exceptions, like the silent casting up in the Illusion tree. I wouldn't go up the Illusion tree in a legit build, and that perk effects all spells. But it's not like some huge game changer and you can always just choose not to take it.
So while it may sound OP at first, think about what you're really getting from the perks and how self contained they are. There's really no reason not to take em all if you can and for the most part you don't even notice them.
And again I definitely resommend using Cheat Engine to do it rather than going through the console and adding each perk code 1 at a time. That's just too tedious, CE is way faster and I like spending the perks myself so I can see those stars light up.
Made a little montage of Wuuthrad's killcams.
I fucking love this weapon. :lol
Nope, not a sausage.
Oblivion had six DLC packs by now. I just hope it's building up to something Shivering Isles in scope.
Edit- after thinking about it I think I'm just going to go back to the save right before I cured my lycanthropy and just not cure it. That way the bugs aren't really bugs which makes that much more tolerable to me and there's really apparently no downside except for not getting rested bonuses. Vampirism seems kinda dumb so yeah I think this is for the best. I only lose 4 hours of playtime. Not too bad.
One of my character's has been a werewolf pretty much since the beginning and it doesn't bother me at all. I'd just roll with it..4 hours of play time is a lot (more than I'd backtrack through). I guess I just don't really care if I miss some non-werewolf chitter from NPCs though. Different strokes.
Another one I made a vampire and had planned on kind of roleplaying a bit, but ended up just hating vampirism. So annoying plus I am way too much of a completionist to roleplay.
With the Werewolf thing:
Does it occasionally not bug out? I was under the impression that this happens every time no matter what. If it's possible to cure it properly I might go and do that questline once I'm done with the Main Quest and just keep reloading or whatever I have to do until it goes away correctly. Otherwise I'll stay away from it.
So I'm determined to finish the main quest of Skyrim before Diablo III comes out. Yesterday I played a marathon half day session with my straight mage, focusing almost entirely on the main quest. Plus, I figure after a 100+ hours into this game I might as well finish the main story line and see what its like, lol. Got all the way into(I spoiler'd it for anyone who hasn't gotten that far yet). How much further do I have to play to finish the main quest? If I only get in about five hours a week or so, will I get this main quest finished before May 15th?Blackreach and even got to the end and grabbed the Elder Scroll from the Dwemer device. Next I have to take it back to the hermit up north and then back to the Throat of the World
I swear, every time I boot this game up (PS3) I don't know if I'm going to get Wii textures, PC textures, or anything in between. It just seems so random.
Oh, and I stumbled upon this beautiful scene when I walked into the Jarl's place in Morthal just now:
It's his demeanor that really killed me. He's like, "Ah...come on. Just for a second..." in that oppressed Argonian voice.Looks like a ralph pls go kind of scene.
From 1E 243 to 498, the new kingdom of humans, under the rule of Empress Alessia, prospers and rules the nearest kingdoms of Colovia. They build a strong national identity as they gradually become the most populous culture of Tamriel. Later, the Empress Alessia creates the new religion of the Eight Divines, fusing the pantheons of the Nords and Cyrodiilic tribes, who followed Altmeri deities. Also in this period the first Elder Council is formed, along with the first Imperial College of Battlemages.
So, the pantheon already isn't pure, why keep it? Or why stop at wanting the Nine to rejoin, why not kick the elven gods while at it?
Because the elves like the elven gods. It's just the man god that they hate.
I'd love to see Ulfric reach out to Hammerfell to forge an alliance. There's some bad blood from the past, but if they can get past it they'll have the greatest warriors of Tamriel together to take on the Thalmor.
Since I shouted him to death, I don't think that's an option.
Rest in pieces, rebel scum.
Sadly, I don't think the Empire would be able to reach the same deal with the Redguards since they feel pretty betrayed...
Because the elves like the elven gods. It's just the man god that they hate.
I'd love to see Ulfric reach out to Hammerfell to forge an alliance. There's some bad blood from the past, but if they can get past it they'll have the greatest warriors of Tamriel together to take on the Thalmor.
I think the Empire just needs to tell the Redguards "Yo dudes, it's time. Let's smash some Thalmor."
I don't think so. I think Hamerfell will live on as "the one who resisted" and will see the Empire more and more as cowards.
I don't think so. I think Hamerfell will live on as "the one who resisted" and will see the Empire more and more as cowards.
Btw, there is a sad lack of High Rock in the lore regarding this war. From the top of my head, Morrowind is screwed because of the volcano, Elsewyr is a puppet of the Aldemri Dominion, Summerset Isles is the Aldemeri Dominion, Valenwood was the first to fall in the war, and the Black Marsh is apparently in some kind of weird anarchy. High Rock isn't even mentioned.
The Redguards are warriors by nature: they've always seen the Empire as somewhat-cowards, and they've always been resistant to their rule. They were one of only two provinces to actually fight back the Empire and dictate the terms for their inclusion, the other being Morrowind. At some point the human races are going to need to work together to boot the Thalmor back out, or they'll be dangling by the necks side-by-side.
Except for Ulfric, because I shouted him to bits.
The Bretons are too busy cooking to fight. When the dust on the second Great War has settled, they will take their rightful place as kings of the universe.
From a lore standpoint, I think it's pretty cool to think about the "provinces" as actual sovereign states for once. It just seems like it would create more variation and unique cultures in the world. I especially like the idea of Skyrim joining forces with Hammerfell and/or High Rock (these things are mentioned) to combat the Dominion all on their own accord. That's a really cool thought and I'd love for it to enter the lore. The Redguards and Nords seem to get along pretty well so I think it may happen.
In lore, I'm pretty sure the Empire is falling regardless of whether or not they stopped the Stormcloaks. The fact that at least one rebellion will have to have succeeded to account for the players' possible actions, and the Dark Brotherhood thing... I just don't see the Empire coming back from that. Both Ulfric and Tullius have to die off before things are settled. The Empire has to defend and lose Skyrim at some point, and they have to lose the Emperor.
I guess I just prefer an imaginary world where there are lots of separately functioning, well-defined states with their own unique culture and with relative isolation from others. That way, it's a lot more interesting when they interact with each other. For instance, negotions between a super powerful High King of Skyrim and a super powerful ruler of Hammerfell are a lot more interesting than just having an Emperor and everything else is petty politics.
Piercedveil said:
Sorry haven't been keeping up with Skyrim news so I'd thought I'd ask here. Any news on DLC for the game any time soon?
There is some kind of rule that the Dark Brotherhood (or Morag Tong) have to have the best writing & Quests in each ES game. I finished up the Skyrim DB quests lastnight and wooo. It just feels slightly odd that the most interesting and resonating characters are the assassins.
I killed Cicero, but I felt bad about it. He was right, but he according to his journal he had been driven mad as fuck. If I let him live, who's to say he wouldn't flip out and stab me someday? Plus I was all being all doe-eyed at Astrid. Then there was the betrayal and her becoming a crispy-fried corpse. That sort of spoiled the (b)romance there. Seeing the sanctuary burn was Skyrim's moment for me.
I always saw it as Redguards and Argonians being a step or two above the rest. Nords in particular just seemed like filler for the Imperial armies. Black Marsh comes off as the most independent province. The Empire couldn't ever conquer it, it were the first to abandon the empire, and then the Argonians finally manage to take over chunks of Morrowind. Don't see anyone messing with them. But I'd really love to have a game (or large expansion) set in Black Marsh. The place sounds even more alien than Morrowind.
Sorry haven't been keeping up with Skyrim news so I'd thought I'd ask here. Any news on DLC for the game any time soon?
Getting the game finally today, now that the ground breaking FPS problem in the PS3 version seems fixed. Any tips for a new player starting out?
I'm trying to hit the "major" plot points in Skyrim as I'm not going to do a second play through.
So far I've finished:
- Thieves Guild
- Dark Brotherhood
- Mage College
- Companions
- Bard's College
- Daedric Quests
- I'm about 3/4 done with the Dragon Priest masks
I have only just met Lydia, so obviously I have most of the main quest...but aside from the civil war are there any other significant quest lines that I'm missing?