I'm on PS4, but yes, that works fine. At least on PS4, there are character slots and you'll be able to character hop easily.
Chumley, those shots are absolutely stunning. Wow.
Thanks very much
I'm on PS4, but yes, that works fine. At least on PS4, there are character slots and you'll be able to character hop easily.
Chumley, those shots are absolutely stunning. Wow.
It's the Skyrim Scarves and Mufflers mod. See if you can find it!^ Cool story! Where'd you get that scarf? I had a similar mod on PC, but the Xbone version got removed like a minute after being uploaded. :'(
Managed to get my hands on Spellbreaker. Good to have that one on me again. The quest to get there was tough as balls, though: those afflicted kept burning through my health. Got ganged up on by Dwemer Spheres on more than one occasion. And Orchendor was just ridiculous.
I need to start upping my magic resistance. And fine some better armor, Steel Plate isn't cutting it anymore. I've come across several Ebony helmets, I'm wondering where the rest of the armor is hidden. I can't craft it myself, since I've got a mod to make the loot more Morrowind-like.
Game is still a goddamn looker, too.
Figured as much. I had it on PC, but it got uploaded on Xbox One and removed shortly thereafter. Don't think it ever got reupped.It's the Skyrim Scarves and Mufflers mod. See if you can find it!
New patch is out for consoles:
New patch is out for consoles:
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad and appreciate Bethesda is still making an effort in giving out patches/fixing issues.
But I really hate when the patch notes just indicate “General stability and performance improvements” and bug fixes.
What exactly does that mean? What factors in game were made more stable/better performance? What bugs were fixed?
Wondering if anyone can help me, playing on PS4. I've appeared to hit a gamebreaking bug. I was exploring the dwemer ruins of Fahlbtharz, got all the way through, cleared the last room, was excited about the loot, and...now I can't leave. Through either of the exits, I'll get a quick lore-based loading screen, then I'll get a black loading screen that seems to be endless.
My saves might be really far before then, possibly several hours as the autosaves took over once inside - honestly if I can't get out it kind of kills my interest in continuing my playthrough, if you know what I mean.
On PS4 I have the following mods installed: Deadly Bosses, Better City Entrances, Project Hippie, Better Loot, Stones of Barenziah quest marker, Ring of Increased Carry, rain and Snow FX, Lampposts, Lore-Based Loading Screens, and Point the Way. I've tried disabling all of them (except the Ring) - no dice.
Any thoughts or advice from anyone?
I had a similar issue with the game crashing in dwemer ruins. Try backtracking to a door that will show a loading screen. And then try to go back to where you want to go, see if it fixes itself. Good luck!Wondering if anyone can help me, playing on PS4. I've appeared to hit a gamebreaking bug. I was exploring the dwemer ruins of Fahlbtharz, got all the way through, cleared the last room, was excited about the loot, and...now I can't leave. Through either of the exits, I'll get a quick lore-based loading screen, then I'll get a black loading screen that seems to be endless.
My saves might be really far before then, possibly several hours as the autosaves took over once inside - honestly if I can't get out it kind of kills my interest in continuing my playthrough, if you know what I mean.
On PS4 I have the following mods installed: Deadly Bosses, Better City Entrances, Project Hippie, Better Loot, Stones of Barenziah quest marker, Ring of Increased Carry, rain and Snow FX, Lampposts, Lore-Based Loading Screens, and Point the Way. I've tried disabling all of them (except the Ring) - no dice.
Any thoughts or advice from anyone?
Quick Question...
Me and my wife are moving early next year and we were boxing things up and she came across my original collectors edition strategy guide. I recently bought the new guide, but have not opened it yet. Is there any reason to keep the new guide since the remaster is the same game, just with a fresh coat of paint or does the new guide/re-master have additional stuff for the main game?
Thanks! Just could save me about $30 bucks or so.
What's the point of Quick Reflexes in Block now? Before, I could use it to interrupt an enemy's power attack but now you move to slowly to counter it. That's why I hate the slow time effect in Skyrim. Outside of the Archer one (which is only marginally useful), it's stupid to have your character slow down too since you gain no benefit from it.
Later, as I traveled with Esbern and Delphine towards the Karthspire and Sky Haven Temple, another Dragon decided to ambush us. This was no mere dragon, either, but one of the Elder variant. What resulted was an epic battle between an army of Forsworn, two Blades, the Goddamn Dragonborn and the fire-breathing wyrm. Thank god for Spellbreaker.
The Trumpborn?Enjoyable read as always, Ghaleon, thanks for taking the time. You make me appreciate aspects of the game I hadn't really thought about (e.g., the reversals).
I would share my own stories, but they wouldn't be terribly engrossing. I'm so ridiculously over-leveled due to mods, my stories would go something like, "... then I one-shot this guy, and then I one-shot this other guy, then I killed a dragon in three swings..." It's no challenge at all, but I still enjoy it. I've completed almost all the main quests, so I'm just cleaning up and poking around, seeing what I can find.
The only little vignette I'll share is that I had intended to skip the Boethia questline -- the one that asks you to lure someone to the shrine and sacrifice them -- because I'm playing as a good guy. However, I changed my mind today, because Njada Stonearm (one of the companions) was getting on my nerves.
"I don't know why Vignar made you a companion" (sneering). I must've heard that 20 times. "What could you possibly have to teach me?" (sarcastic). Even after I'm Harbinger, still she makes the snide comments. No respect...
So I asked her to follow me, and I took her up to Boethia's altar, and I sacrificed her.
I felt slightly more evil afterwards, but not too bad. Look, I'm a forgiving guy, but you can't keep making cracks about the Dragonborn/Harbinger and expect me to let it go.
Now where's that guy who made the crack about my sweet roll... Maybe I'll adopt a new persona. He is a Dragonborn with a fragile ego, driven to kill anyone who makes a negative remark about him.
Rule of Thumb for Skyrim: Quicksave as much as you need to, Hard Save to a new slot every time you level up.
The Trumpborn?
New patch is out for consoles:
I'm on PS4 and I haven't received this update. I'm showing that I have version 1.04 and the game last updated 11/24. Anyone else?
I keep finding new things in this game.
I've been doing a thief/archery build as when I played back on the 360 I was a warrior. Been leveling up the sneak tree, is silent roll like the most useless perk in the game? I really don't see the point of it for Skyrim's combat.
I've been doing a thief/archery build as when I played back on the 360 I was a warrior. Been leveling up the sneak tree, is silent roll like the most useless perk in the game? I really don't see the point of it for Skyrim's combat.
Certainty seems useless.
I've been doing a thief/archery build as when I played back on the 360 I was a warrior. Been leveling up the sneak tree, is silent roll like the most useless perk in the game? I really don't see the point of it for Skyrim's combat.
Okay so I've never played the DLC's for Skyrim should I wait for post game to touch them?