Dusk Golem
A 21st Century Rockefeller
There was a video for a new bit of footage, but it was a bit preemptive as there was just a media blowout and I think the previews deserve their own thread.
The area the press got to play was a brand new location not playable previously, it was about a 40-60 minute slice of the game in the Town Hall which featured puzzle elements, two boss battles, and takes place in around Chapter 4 of the main game.
There's a BUNCH of new footage in almost all of these articles, but won't link to them, focusing on the previews and impressions as the game releases now in 22 days from now.
Venturebeat: Horror so well done that you can't look away
Games Radar - An intriguing blend of The Last of Us and Silent Hill
Game Revolution - Weaving a Tapestry of Horror
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - How The Evil Within 2 tries to be an open world b-movie
Stevivor - The Evil Within 2 Laughing in the face of Resident Evil 7
Daily Start - The Evil Within 2 could be the survival-horror game to usurp Resident Evil and Silent Hill
PC World - The Evil Within 2 is an artistic approach to horror
Rolling Stone
Shack News
Adding this one too, though it's not from the same preview the rest of them played (it's impressions from the demo build which was playable at Gamescom, PAX, QuakeCon, etc., aka older build of Chapters 2 & 3, while the rest of the previews here are from Chapter 4):
The Evil Within 2 loses its fear factor when it goes open world
Lot of videos too with a LOT of gameplay.
Polygon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtSLhJ6ZFdc
Rely on Horror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7LV43OdUKI
Shack News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=008Ji8ffIKs
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlMD2BMv4Sk
IGN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLgU32Pxbtw
IGN (Boss 1 Gameplay): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJO53cvtJ5o
IGN (Boss 2 Gameplay): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsW538f5ql4
GameSpot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1LT1vp6CZk
And there's a LOT more gameplay from the various sources as well.
The area the press got to play was a brand new location not playable previously, it was about a 40-60 minute slice of the game in the Town Hall which featured puzzle elements, two boss battles, and takes place in around Chapter 4 of the main game.
There's a BUNCH of new footage in almost all of these articles, but won't link to them, focusing on the previews and impressions as the game releases now in 22 days from now.
Venturebeat: Horror so well done that you can't look away
(...)It was one of the weirdest boss fights I've ever encountered in a game. But it doesn't surprise me. Whoever comes up with stuff is deranged. And I'm sure that they are very proud of themselves that they can scare me so bad by using all the old tricks in the book.
If you're squeamish, you better watch out for this one. But if you think you can stomach the gore, The Evil Within 2 will show you just what it takes to do survival horror the right way.
Games Radar - An intriguing blend of The Last of Us and Silent Hill
Fewer boo scares, more insanity - this is a refined, smart evolution of The Evil Within. And even though it still scares the hell out of me, it's something I'm incredibly excited to play.
Game Revolution - Weaving a Tapestry of Horror
It had me on edge the entire time, representative of the level as a whole. It got me in the spooky fall mood, and has me actually interested in The Evil Within 2 when I wasn't before.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - How The Evil Within 2 tries to be an open world b-movie
I will accept the game as whole's apparent absence of wit and over-reliance on Oh No Yet Another Horrible Thing if it really is the case that I can burn through my own private hell for kicks over a lunchtime. I'm not interested in repeatedly screaming at things made of bones and sundered flesh and teeth and spikes all put together in the wrong order, but I am interested in trotting off to a random compass point and surviving whatever horrors lurk behind the next door I choose to open.
Stevivor - The Evil Within 2 Laughing in the face of Resident Evil 7
The original Evil Within was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale genre, and The Evil Within 2 looks to be polished beyond that. It's a must-play for fans of survival horror and another injection of pure Mikami straight into our veins. It can't come fast enough.
The Evil Within 2 shares a lot in common with the first game, from how it moves, sounds and plays, but a sense of change also permeates the game, and I'm curious to see whether that's ultimately for the best. In my time with the demo, there wasn't much for me to complain about. Aside from some occasional performance hitches and my still on-the-fence stance regarding the game's less-gritty art direction, The Evil Within 2 appeals to my enjoyment of excess gross-out horror similarly to the first game. There's no denying that The Evil Within 2 feels bigger and more adventurous — is that a good thing for a survival horror game, though? We'll see.
At this point it all feels familiar, even old fashioned. The voice acting is is trifle forced, the characters are a bit silly. And yet The Evil Within 2 manages to create a sense of fear and tension, even when it's raiding the hoary old chest of fright-moments. Mikami understands light, sound and fear.
Daily Start - The Evil Within 2 could be the survival-horror game to usurp Resident Evil and Silent Hill
It's more like a psychological thriller than an outright horror game, but you know what? That's OK. Because the game manages to ramp up the tension when it needs to, it manages to dish out just enough resources to make it challenging, without making it easy. It manages to convincingly trick you with camera mechanics and sound design fake-outs enough that you're always on your toes. It manages to deliver an authentically creepy story with enough intriguing mysteries to keep you invested.
So it's not an all-out horror game. But it retains all the gameplay tenets that'll keep players in the genre interested whilst allowing itself the flexibility to experiment.
And that's why we've come away from The Evil Within 2 cautiously optimistic about the final release.
PC World - The Evil Within 2 is an artistic approach to horror
Do I think The Evil Within 2 is going to be a must-play experience? Eh, probably not. In a lot of ways it still feels like a B-game, same as the original. Even with a more polished presentation it's comfortably niche.
But for those who felt like the first had some good ideas buried under terrible decisions—people like me, in other words—I think The Evil Within 2 is going to be an interesting proposition. A lot of elements have been reworked, and a lot of the clunkiness hammered out in the process. What's left, at least from my limited hands-on time, is a wonderfully artistic take on horror, and one that can focus on those elements because it's better at switching off between action and survival as needed. I'm intrigued enough that, as I said, I even reinstalled the original and have been trying to force myself through it before the sequel releases October 13.
Now cross your fingers that the checkpoint system this time around isn't an utter disaster.
By all accounts, Tango Gameworks have learnt from the first game's glaring mechanical issues. But they're also doubling down on the franchise's unique identity, with horrifying monsters and oppressive environments. We'll know come October 13 if The Evil Within 2 has pulled it off.
Rolling Stone
Even with the small amount of time I spent inside The Evil Within 2, it's obvious that this is going to be a disturbing, perhaps frightening creation.
Shack News
There seems to be a lot to be scared of with The Evil Within 2. It looks to be hitting all the survival horror notes right, offering up improved combat while also downplaying that element of the game in favor of creating a generally more frightful atmosphere. Whether Sebastian's journey will remain this enjoyable the whole way remains to be seen, but players will soon be able to pick up his investigation for themselves when The Evil Within 2 arrives on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation on Friday, October 13.
It was only a short, sweet burst of The Evil Within 2, but it already seems a much better game (than the original). No idea if it'll be just as hard to follow, storyline-wise, but in terms of gameplay it's both creepy and entertaining. Pure action fans expecting Resident Evil 4 or Dead Space might be a little put-off by the stealth and lack of ammo (at least in the part I played), but survival horror fans looking for actual big budget horror? They should be delighted.
Adding this one too, though it's not from the same preview the rest of them played (it's impressions from the demo build which was playable at Gamescom, PAX, QuakeCon, etc., aka older build of Chapters 2 & 3, while the rest of the previews here are from Chapter 4):
The Evil Within 2 loses its fear factor when it goes open world
It is early doors yet, and, given how effectively the image of a rigid mouth stuffed with skin and bones has burrowed its way into my subconscious, I have no doubt that Mikami's latest will have some considerable staying power when it releases on October 13. But whether any of that horror muscle will be exhibited in The Evil Within 2's open-world areas remains to be seen.
Lot of videos too with a LOT of gameplay.
Polygon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtSLhJ6ZFdc
Rely on Horror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7LV43OdUKI
Shack News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=008Ji8ffIKs
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlMD2BMv4Sk
IGN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLgU32Pxbtw
IGN (Boss 1 Gameplay): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJO53cvtJ5o
IGN (Boss 2 Gameplay): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsW538f5ql4
GameSpot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1LT1vp6CZk
And there's a LOT more gameplay from the various sources as well.