I had already ordered this last week, so it's not like what I might end up seeing (*
trying to stay away from spoilerific stuff) is going to dissuade me from playing it, but I just went over to my best friend's house yesterday and he randomly had the Game Informer with the horror spread. The contents have already been discussed, but I honestly don't know what to believe. It's cool to read positive impressions, but that article seemed a bit too glowy, and we all know Game Informer is mostly there just to sell games for Gamestop.
Anyway, I told my friend last week that on October 14th I wouldn't be available and yesterday he told me while flipping through the magazine, if he had to guess which game it was that I was going to be getting, it would be The Evil Within. He said "It looks fucking awesome" and then compared it to The Last of Us...
Well, whatever comparison he needs to be interested I guess. He thoroughly enjoyed The Last of Us, yet could never get into any of the Resident Evil games. I guess I could just lie and tell him how very similar it is to TLOU after finishing it (although I doubt it's similar in any way aside from maybe the stealth element) and then have him play it.
It was compared to Resident Evil (REmake), Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill. With maybe a touch of F.E.A.R..