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The first 30 fps Metroid [HELPFUL MOD EDIT] is not Samus Returns

60 fps is a big deal to me when it comes to the feel of the game, but it's sure as hell not going to stop me from buying the first 2D Metroid in 15 years.


Also, people are primed to be shook and give hot takes at the drop of a hat.

Framerate is just as much if not more about responsiveness than what looks better, 60fps literally reduces input latency.

It's a bit disappointing but not a big deal imo, and I doubt Prime 4 will be 30.

God forbid you miss an Energy tank because of that faction of a fraction of a second of delay because of that imput latency.

At least we agree on the bolded part.


Some of you people are weird. Just because Nintendo deigned to give us a Metroid game we can't make any negative comments about it? Lack of 60fps is a legitimate complaint for a series that has generally always had entries at 60fps.

No, it just comes off as petty and whiny. It's a sidescroller, and not really about twitch reactions. Even then, a steady 30 is good enough for anything that the game would throw at you. It would make sense if the game was fluctuating a lot, but if it's solid, I can't sympathize with this complaint.


I guess pointing out a legitimate flaw is considered whining according to the Nintendo defense force. Its not like the original game ran at 60 or anything.


I'm waiting for the switch port because I knew it's gonna be 30fps, plus all the amiibo bullshit


Being disappointed that the game doesn't live up to a series standard is being "impossible to please"? lol okay

No one is saying that.

It's just a dumb reason to not buy the game, especially a game we have been clamoring so long for.

I guess pointing out a legitimate flaw is considered whining according to the Nintendo defense force. Its not like the original game ran at 60 or anything.

ITT Nintendo Defense Force = Rational People


Some of you people are weird. Just because Nintendo deigned to give us a Metroid game we can't make any negative comments about it? Lack of 60fps is a legitimate complaint for a series that has generally always had entries at 60fps.

Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.
Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

Not sure I agree with that. I remember a lot of comments specifically about how smooth it ran alongside how great it looked.
I guess pointing out a legitimate flaw is considered whining according to the Nintendo defense force. Its not like the original game ran at 60 or anything.
Don't label people with a different opinion to yours as a defense force. Some of us just don't think being 30fps decreases the quality of the game.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Eh, if I can it doesn't adversely affect me. At least not the types of games I play. I've never made an input and not immediately gotten feedback on screen.

try the games you play at 144fps w/ vsync off and gsync and say again that is the same thing that 30fps w/ vsync
I'm a big 60fps fan and it didn't bother me that much in SR.

Now Mario&Rabbids is where it really bothers me. Seeing that beautiful world stuttering is heartbreaking.


Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

This is wrong on so many levels and the games would have been much worse if they ran at 30. Its part of the reason as to why Federation Force feels like ass to play.

Don't label people with a different opinion to yours as a defense force. Some of us just don't think being 30fps decreases the quality of the game.

Okay that's great for those who dont care but many do. There is simply no denying the fact that if the game ran at 60 it would increase the quality of the game.
This is the downside of going to a 3D engine. We'll see if the frame rate bothers me or not when I get to play the game. Thankfully my brain doesn't mind 30fps and thankfully I don't get overly emotional and deny myself of gaming experiences if I can't play on the highest settings possible. I'd definitely have missed tons of great games growing up if that were the case.


Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

Uhh I reviewed it when it came out and 60 FPS was certainly something I brought up considering Halo was big at the time and had massive frame rate issues. That being said, I don't give a shit for Samus Returns


Not sure I agree with that. I remember a lot of comments specifically about how smooth it ran alongside how great it looked.

It definitely was a graphics showcase for the Gamecube and was recognized for that fact.

But no one was talking how relieved they were it wasn't only 30 fps.

Uhh I reviewed it when it came out and 60 FPS was certainly something I brought up considering Halo was big at the time and had massive frame rate issues. That being said, I don't give a shit for Samus Returns

Is this review online? I have no doubt you praised the smoothness of the graphics, but I would be shocked if you expressed relief at Metroid being 60fps.
Some people just need to complain about something I suppose. I see this as a non issue. I am just glad another official 2D Metroid even exists.


Has anyone finished the game on an old 3DS? If it was consistently 30fps on that I wouldn't mind but even though I remember no drops in the beginning of the game, it's very noticeable and distracting in the second half.


Y'all will really find a way to bitch about everything. The game has outstanding reviews and this is stopping you from playing it? Bye.

Lmao @ people passing on a 3DS game because its 30fps
Y'all realize there's only like one post in this whole thread that mentions passing on the game because of the framerate, right?

There's more posts claiming people are whining or complaining too much than there are people actually whining and complaining.


Didn't cross my mind for even a second. Categorical non issue, feels just fine.

On New 3DS at least.

Sometimes I really feel like most people in here derive no joy from playing games

My biggest pet peeve is people who think 30fps is a problem.

Your eyes get used to it after like 10 seconds, just play the game instead of complaining.


People clamouring for another 2D Metroid, we finally get one after 13 long years and now so many not buying it (or claiming they're not, hmmm...) because of the amiibos and frame rate. If this is the last one for a while again then they can't complain.

So much all of this. OP, if you're not having FUN, maybe just sell the damn game while it's hot, recoup your costs and spend your money in something else. No point in forcing yourself to go through the damn thing if you're not pleased with how it feels.

Now, having said that, this would be extremely stupid, in my honest opinion.


Some of you people are weird. Just because Nintendo deigned to give us a Metroid game we can't make any negative comments about it? Lack of 60fps is a legitimate complaint for a series that has generally always had entries at 60fps.

When the game is still as responsive as ever, it's a silly nitpick that makes people run the other way for no other reason than seeing a number having been trained to panic.


When the game is still as responsive as ever, it's a silly nitpick that makes people run the other way for no other reason than seeing a number having been trained to panic.

Yep, people genuinely concerned upon learning that a game is 30 fps, regardless of genre, need to take a chill pill.


Unbelievable that some people really decide to "pass" on games for such details. Especially when we're talking about a single player-only side-scroller.

Sidescrollers benefit noticeably from a high frame rate, and performance is more deterministic and easier to control in a single player game lol.

When the game is still as responsive as ever, it's a silly nitpick that makes people run the other way for no other reason than seeing a number having been trained to panic.

Technically, that's not really possible. And why does it have to be a silly nitpick just because you don't feel the same way? I was disappointed by the ratchet and clank remake and I'm disappointed by this. I might still buy it, but I'm not happy about it.


Sidescrollers benefit noticeably from a high frame rate, and performance is more deterministic and easier to control in a single player game lol.

You can't just make that a "rule" and fit every.single.2D.sidescroller in existence inside it.
Oh wait, you can. Well, your loss.


Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

Ignoring this fabrication for a moment, my point was not to say that 60fps is absolutely necessary for a good Metroid experience, my point is that there is a Nintendo defense force that is compelled to shit on anyone criticizing Nintendo even when the criticism is legitimate. To the point that we've had folks talking about how Metroid fans are garbage, or don't deserve Nintendo's attention, because they criticized this game or Federation Force.

The fact that you decided to attempt this post with either a lack of knowledge on the commentary surrounding Metroid Prime at the time of release, or with the intent to just outright lie, is exactly the problem.


No, it just comes off as petty and whiny. It's a sidescroller, and not really about twitch reactions. Even then, a steady 30 is good enough for anything that the game would throw at you. It would make sense if the game was fluctuating a lot, but if it's solid, I can't sympathize with this complaint.
Side scroller as are the games which usually benefit most from 60fps.
People are capable of being both excited about SR, and bummed that it's not 60fps. Hell, if I had my way, every game would target 60fps, because it's a better experience. Just because it doesn't matter to you, or you're able to overlook it, doesn't mean you have to be a dick to everyone it does matter to.


You can't just make that a "rule" and fit every.single.2D.sidescroller in existence inside it.
Oh wait, you can. Well, your loss.

Make what a rule? I meant in general, not every single game. Sidescrollers benefit because the entirety of movement is visible going across the screen. In a 3D game the extent of movement is not necessarily as visible because it may be going towards or from the camera. Obviously, the impact of the frame rate still mostly depends on how fast things actually move across the screen, but most of the time it's pretty noticeable in a 2D game.

Imagine having this reaction to someone pointing out that they don't enjoy something about a game.

I really don't get why some people get so upset and defensive when someone points out that they're disappointed by a low framerate. OP is struggling with it, asked if others are too. That's it.
I'm finding the game super twitchy - I think that's due to the circle pad rather than using the dpad. I'm finding it a bit dull to be honest - played about 2 hours down to the third level. I'm sure it gets more interesting but I don't really have any interest in continuing at the moment.


When people bring up that NES games were 60fps, remember that "60fps" NES games became slideshows when any moderate amount of action was going on on the screen (and unlike modern games where it's just less frames, it actually slowed the whole game down).

No they ran around the limitations of the Pal50 standard

Pal was vastly superior to NTSC (better resolution and color rendering) but unfortunately NTSC won.

Pal is actually exactly the same "rate" as movies (well slightly fast as it's 25 instead of 24.xx) and doesn't duplicate frames.

Nintendo and Sega did what they could. Just look at computer ganes on the ST and Amiga to jnderstand than 50 fps was never an issue if you make the game with that reality in mind

25 vs 24 frames is definitely not "exactly" the same. NTSC conversions used 3:2 pulldown, but PAL conversions just sped the movie up (a 5% difference in speed). I'd take duplicate frames over a sped up movie.


Ignoring this fabrication for a moment, my point was not to say that 60fps is absolutely necessary for a good Metroid experience, my point is that there is a Nintendo defense force that is compelled to shit on anyone criticizing Nintendo even when the criticism is legitimate. To the point that we've had folks talking about how Metroid fans are garbage, or don't deserve Nintendo's attention, because they criticized this game or Federation Force.

The fact that you decided to attempt this post with either a lack of knowledge on the commentary surrounding Metroid Prime at the time of release, or with the intent to just outright lie, is exactly the problem.

You kind of lose points for saying 'Nintendo defense force' tbh. It's a stupid generalization. I don't care that much for Nintendo these days.

Side scroller as are the games which usually benefit most from 60fps.

That might be true, but I've never noticed, honestly. And as a kid, I would have played Super Metroid and loved it even if it was 20fps. Even with the floaty jump (lol).

I mean, the feel of a game is more than just framerate. Are the controls good? Is there a lot of input delay? Does the character control sluggishly? If the controls are designed well, and the fps is a solid 30, it presents no hindrance to gameplay (imo of course).


TBH I don't really care. I enjoy the games I play the way they are now. Fun counts a lot more to me than FPS count.
Yep, and some of the most beloved games on 3DS (and other systems) are 30fps... less in some cases. At the end of the day, people can and will complain about framerate. If everything was a locked 60fps on console, you'd have PCMRs saying that's crap and they should be playing everything at HFR or GTFO, and the cycle continues. Play what you want and focus on enjoyment. They're GAMES. I often see how 30fps actually equates to a "bad/literally unplayable game" to some folks... that's a bit sad to me, and I say this as someone who has a 144Hz G-Sync monitor for my PC games.


Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

When all of the games run at 60fps, it's not something you need to talk about.


Imagine having this reaction to someone pointing out that they don't enjoy something about a game.

I really don't get why some people get so upset and defensive when someone points out that they're disappointed by a low framerate. OP is struggling with it, asked if others are too. That's it.
I am not a metroid fan, i don't even have a 3ds. it is just that threads like this and the responses get on my last nerve
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