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The first 30 fps Metroid [HELPFUL MOD EDIT] is not Samus Returns


You kind of lose points for saying 'Nintendo defense force' tbh. It's a stupid generalization. I don't care that much for Nintendo these days.

It is but it is really hard not to use because every thread boils down to some acting like its whining if you complain about a product you paid money for. It happens all the time.


The fact that you decided to attempt this post with either a lack of knowledge on the commentary surrounding Metroid Prime at the time of release, or with the intent to just outright lie, is exactly the problem.

I was a die hard Nintendo fanboy when Prime came out, the frame rate was the last thing people were gushing about.

Also, the framerate was discussed in terms if "smoothness", not counting the number of frames oer second.
Is 60fps possible on GBA? or NES? Genuinely asking

A lot of people told you that yes, but I'd like to elaborate why.

The way that TVs work, to my knowledge even today, is that colors of pixels on each frame are being sent after each other - actually the signal for lines in analog systems is continuous but I disgress. Machines such as NES work by generating this signal, basically, at the last moment possible, when it's supposed to be sent, so the chip itself HAS TO generate frames 60 frames per second to display 60 of them per second. Now selected games which were very complicated generated the specifications of these frames at a lower frame rate, but generally speaking it didn't grant you additional graphical power, you just could work more on specifications of a single frame, and options for such specification were so basic that it was rarely deemed worth it.

In general purpose computers, a different hardware setup became popular fast: you dedicated a whole bank of memory to drawing the scene pixel by pixel and then that was emitted onto monitor or TV. This used comparatively much memory and power but was easier to modify for more... non-templated results. It started with CPU manipulating that memory bank, eventually dedicated circuits started speeding it up, also eventually memory banks multiplied for double buffering. The important difference between double frame buffer and retro sprite and tile processor is that you can literally draw twice as much stuff with a double frame buffer by skipping frames in the output, regardless whether a CPU, blitter, or a GPU draws it, while sprite and tile unit doesn't remember what it did each frame, it restarts its work again and again (actually most of it restarts its work each line, even). So going 30 fps on a sprite and tile unit usually means you're CPU bound, which with game design and programming rhetoric at the time was very unusual.


Before we get into some ridiculous revisionist history, 60 fps has never been a core element of the Metroid franchise.

No one was talking about the fact Metroid Prime ran at 60 fps when it came out, and no one would have batted an eye if it was 30.

do you really want to do this

Naturally, that accomplishment is only possible with the backing of equally ambitious technology. The programming team at Retro Studios has constructed a flexible engine that is capable of drawing these detailed and sometimes massive environments at 60 frames per second with no slowdown.

Game runs smooth, though and looks great.

When the game is still as responsive as ever, it's a silly nitpick that makes people run the other way for no other reason than seeing a number having been trained to panic.

What else are we going to do? Actually play games?



Y'all realize there's only like one post in this whole thread that mentions passing on the game because of the framerate, right?

There's more posts claiming people are whining or complaining too much than there are people actually whining and complaining.

Ok? What does it matter? Is this a contest of whiners v whiners? You dont need to defend them nor draw lines in the sand, its still valid to point out that its fucking hilarious that someone would do that. Also, breh:

What a
disappointment. The Amiibo stuff is BS too.

Passing on it.

I think I'll wait a couple months just to see if they announced a Switch port.

Good call.


I'm waiting for the switch port because I knew it's gonna be 30fps, plus all the amiibo bullshit

You can wish it was higher performance or complain or whatever you want. Just know. That if you state you are passing on this game because its 30fps (which is actually the common standard in most games), im going to say "Lmao". And there could be a million posts from people like me saying "Lmao" and only one actually passing on the game and it still doesnt change anything
I am not a metroid fan, i don't even have a 3ds. it is just that threads like this and the responses get on my last nerve

Why? What nerve is there to pull? The framerate is factually halved from the usual framerate in this series - OP finds it jarring and asked if others are struggling with it too.

What is there to get mad about here?


Really? I thought it had PS2-level graphics so it could run at 60fps. I still would love to play it but don't have a 3DS and this has soured my interest in it a little bit.


My guess is they'll release it next spring for switch

I'm not so sure. Nintendo has only ever done that with Wii U to 3DS because the Wii U sold like shit and they wanted games like Mario Maker and Yoshi Woolly to get as much money as they should've made.

Samus Returns will sell just fine, and Nintendo will keep Switch owners happy knowing that Prime 4 is coming out. I don't see them doing it for the sake of doing it, they'll say something like "We felt that this 2d game was great for the 3DS, and the Prime games are more at home on console".

I'd rather see the Prime trilogy appear on Switch with dualstick support.


Every Metroid game worth a damn is 60 fps. I'm not going to play Samus Returns unless they port it to the Switch at 60 fps. I also won't play Prime 4 if it doesn't release at 60 fps. 30 fps just doesn't cut it for action-based games (especially sidescrollers).


A lot of people told you that yes, but I'd like to elaborate why.

The way that TVs work, to my knowledge even today, is that colors of pixels on each frame are being sent after each other - actually the signal for lines in analog systems is continuous but I disgress. Machines such as NES work by generating this signal, basically, at the last moment possible, when it's supposed to be sent, so the chip itself HAS TO generate frames 60 frames per second to display 60 of them per second. Now selected games which were very complicated generated the specifications of these frames at a lower frame rate, but generally speaking it didn't grant you additional graphical power, you just could work more on specifications of a single frame, and options for such specification were so basic that it was rarely deemed worth it.

In general purpose computers, a different hardware setup became popular fast: you dedicated a whole bank of memory to drawing the scene pixel by pixel and then that was emitted onto monitor or TV. This used comparatively much memory and power but was easier to modify for more... non-templated results. It started with CPU manipulating that memory bank, eventually dedicated circuits started speeding it up, also eventually memory banks multiplied for double buffering. The important difference between double frame buffer and retro sprite and tile processor is that you can literally draw twice as much stuff with a double frame buffer by skipping frames in the output, regardless whether a CPU, blitter, or a GPU draws it, while sprite and tile unit doesn't remember what it did each frame, it restarts its work again and again (actually most of it restarts its work each line, even). So going 30 fps on a sprite and tile unit usually means you're CPU bound, which with game design and programming rhetoric at the time was very unusual.

I appreciate that write up. Very insightful.

I'd imagine Mercury Steam's engine wasn't going to let a 60FPS game happen but this game seems very polished. Unlike Mirror of Fate


Every Metroid game worth a damn is 60 fps. I'm not going to play Samus Returns unless they port it to the Switch at 60 fps. I also won't play Prime 4 if it doesn't release at 60 fps. 30 fps just doesn't cut it for action-based games (especially sidescrollers).

What a bummer it must be to miss out on great games for such a silly reason.


seriously? That's really bad... thanks a lot mercury steam... why would you choose 2.5D on 3ds if you can't run it at 60 fps really?

i'll still play it and i'm sure it's great! But man, what a disappointement

Yeah thanks alot for one of the best 2D Metroid games Mercury Steam. I don't mind it at all already played 5 hours and it plays damn fine.


Ok? What does it matter? Is this a contest of whiners v whiners? You dont need to defend them nor draw lines in the sand, its still valid to point out that its fucking hilarious that someone would do that. Also, breh:

Was already planning on waiting to see if it hits the Switch, this just pushes me a little further in that direction. I don't see why that is such a big issue for some of you. I didn't even say I wouldn't buy it, yeesh.

In a series where sequence breaks, speed running, and various advanced moves are big part of the franchise appeal, and are dependant on responsiveness in small windows, I don't think it's outlandish to be a little put off by a lack of 60 fps.


Is this review online? I have no doubt you praised the smoothness of the graphics, but I would be shocked if you expressed relief at Metroid being 60fps.

Uh probably not, might be able to find an archive somewhere, but it wasn't "relief," it was praise for being a rock solid 60FPS in contrast to the other huge console flagship game having a janky frame rate, and even that the compromise in texture fidelity and polygon counts to achieve it was worthwhile


It is but it is really hard not to use because every thread boils down to some acting like its whining if you complain about a product you paid money for. It happens all the time.

If it's so hard not use that generalization, perhaps just maybe the other people you are labeling aren't the ones with problem here.


Every Metroid game worth a damn is 60 fps. I'm not going to play Samus Returns unless they port it to the Switch at 60 fps. I also won't play Prime 4 if it doesn't release at 60 fps. 30 fps just doesn't cut it for action-based games (especially sidescrollers).

Nah. Bullshit.


Also, breh:
So one person who is passing because of it and Amiibos, one person being sarcastic, and 2 waiting to see if there's a Switch port. Nice.
You can wish it was higher performance or complain or whatever you want. Just know. That if you state you are passing on this game because its 30fps (which is actually the common standard in most games), im going to say "Lmao". And there could be a million posts from people like me saying "Lmao" and only one actually passing on the game and it still doesnt change anything
Great to know you'll always be there with the quality contribution of "lmao" when people are voicing their criticisms or gripes with a game.


Was already planning on waiting to see if it hits the Switch, this just pushes me a little further in that direction. I don't see why that is such a big issue for some of you. I didn't even say I wouldn't buy it, yeesh.

In a series where sequence breaks, speed running, and various advanced moves are big part of the franchise appeal, and are dependant on responsiveness in small windows, I don't think it's outlandish to be a little put off by a lack of 60 fps.

Aight then my b, just having fun. Well yeah, every video game would benefit from 60fps, its not always necessary. 60fps is not even standard for most games and probably wont be for a very long time, it would be nice but...a 2D metroid is certainly not something that necessitates it

So one person who is passing because of it and Amiibos, one person being sarcastic, and 2 waiting to see if there's a Switch port. Nice.

Great to know you'll always be there with the quality contribution of "lmao" when people are voicing their criticisms of a game.

Its obvious that youre interested in putting a cape on for these people against me, because youre annoyed somehow that im having a laugh at people during an argument about video games on neogaf, but theres really no point in quoting me just to let me know that you dont think my post is even worth anything. You responded to me trying to invalidate my post by stating that there was only one person who even said what i was laughing at, and that also i was part of a camp of people who were somehow in the wrong because we were more vocal than the people we were laughing at or whatever, I repudiated your entire point because it wasnt just one person and also the whole premise of me not being able to have this opinion because of arbitrary headcounts of whos in what camp. If all you have to say is that "ok well 2-4 people is that many either still and also lmao is not an intellectual criticism so good job" I can save you the next few hours of your day by letting you know now how little impact youre having and are going to have on my belief that I can lmao @ these posts. What are you even arguing with me for? Do you want to convince me that 30fps is not okay or what? It seems like you just dont like that im caricaturizing certain peoples criticism of the framerate because you are associating these people who have the most laughably extreme version of your own opinion with yours as well. If you have an issue with the framerate but also arent one of the ones who in laughing at saying theyd pass on the game, whats your beef? Just because im laughing at their opinion doesnt mean im laughing at yours. Like whats even the point of arguing with me just to tell me thats not what everyones saying? I very specifically Lmao'd at a specific idea that specific people expressed.


I'm 99% sure that the underlying controls and movement are running at 60fps. Everything feels so smooth, way too smooth and responsive for what 30fps normally gives. I am a framerate whore usually because of this reason, and for once it feels good.

It's likely doing what Forza Horizon did.

It is possible yes. It does not feel TERRIBLE but since every mainline metroid has been 60fps it is really annoying and feels sluggish "for a metroid" (even nes metroid was 60, but with slowdown)

At least it is 100% consistent 30fps without drops ( on N3DS at least)


No, the GBA (just like the gb and gbc) screen had a 59.7 mhz refresh rate, it wasn't capable of displaying 60 frames per second. It was close enough but no different than say, MK8 wiiU where some seconds had 59 fps and others felt 60

That's not correct. A game running at 59,7 fps in a 59,7 hz screen is perfectly smooth. The problem is MK8 was that runs under 60 fps in 60hz panels.


My biggest pet peeve is people who think 30fps is a problem.

Your eyes get used to it after like 10 seconds, just play the game instead of complaining.


Add another old man pissed at that cloud.

I've seriously never not acclimated to 30fps, in my years and years of gaming. Destiny 2 is a recent good example. Does 60fps on PC look better? Yes. However it only took a minute of playing the PS4 version to totally acclimate / forget.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Obviously the hardware is/wasn't capable. And besides, I DON'T FUCKING CARE.

Why do you care so much? JFC do you even enjoy video games?

framerate is a design choice on games. the hardware can and could if they wanted. if you don't care, what are you doing in the thread? and i enjoy better video games more than worse video games. and more frames = better game...
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