Woow! seems like I pissed off a lot of people! lol
First of all, I think we all agree that dynamics of sports, like everything else, do change from time to time. I don't see F1 being different.
If small teams made sense, in my opinion, they don't anymore. F1 has lost its focus and lacking direction for almost a decade now. All these artificially imposed changes to boost up "excitement" tells you a lot. Is it a sport? Is it a marketing and business hub? Is it a huge R&D lab? Is it all of that at once? No one really knows, that's why each team goes into a slightly different direction and then a war breaks and the team with more muscle pulls the sport into its direction.
One of the examples showing how adhoc the decision making in F1 is was the engines. The push was behind "going green", and "road cars relevance". So i'm subscribing to that, and assuming that this is the direction of the new F1. I stand by my point. Small teams are actually useless in this new approach, they'll contribute nearly nothing, and they will force big teams to cut their spendings, thus, hindering "innovation" so that they can survive.
Now, if it's only a sport. Then it's completely different story. A lot of things could've been done differently that small teams would've been able to thrive.
Let's be honest. Under the current situation, and for almost 2 decades, smaller teams got no shot at winning a race let alone a title! So why even bother if you can't even aim to be anywhere near the podium? In the 70's and 80's and the decades before, it was completely different. But do we want to look that far back? Which only proves my point even more, that sports do change with time, and what made since 10, 20, or 30 years ago, might not make sense now.
And now to answer some of your replies
Minardi, Jordan and Super Aguri were some of the most popular teams in their eras because of the fact that they were plucky underdogs.
Formula 1 has never been just about the race at the front. The battles that go on all year throughout the field are what make this sport so interesting. That's why Bianchi's points finish at Monaco was one of the most memorable results of the last few years.
First of all, I think you're exaggerating with the importance of Bianchi's point. It was good for him and his team of course. but for the sport? I don't think anyone has noticed it or still remembers it if they did.
And where did those teams you're talking about go? They couldn't survive staying in the sport financially although they had a huge potential. So it goes hand-in-hand. It's not enough to be smart. you need financial strength to back it up. I agree that money doesn't immediately mean innovation. But if you have strong financial backing the potential is definitely much bigger to actually invent something. R&D needs money. I don't think anyone can argue that!
Please correct me if I'm wrong
Atleast I'm trying. Unlike the FiA
They don't want to. Now what?
your awesome insight is based on what? Some teams want to lift the ban on testing and even stop talking about budget caps like Ferrari and Redbull, and some teams are indifferent, and others are dying or died begging for cost caps.
So "now what?"? you tell me
Everything about this post is the exact opposite in reality.
True, if the focus was actually on cutting cost and take measures instead of saying something and acting in the opposite direction. Like the poorly-planned introduction of the V6's.. The introduction of these engines has changed the dynamics of the sports. Inevitably it will go again to a spending war now. If Mercedes doesn't agree on relaxing the restrictions, the teams will vote for a complete flexibility for 2016 onwards. Now if we lost 2 small teams, you're risking middle-sized teams biting the dust if that actually happens
I didn't know Bernie had a gaf account.
I'll take that as a compliment. I wish I had a fraction of his wealth though
You just destroyed F1 with your plan. Congrats!
F1 IS destroyed now. They're already on survival mode. Contractually there has to be 20 cars on the grid. That's what all the circuits have signed for. If they don't get it, you're gonna face contracts negotiations which will lead to shrinking the income of the sport.
Given the state the sport is in now, I think even FIFA can do a better job running F1
Apologies if I offended anyone with my opinions