Tobias Grüner ‏@tgruener 19 minutes ago
New #F1 quali mode in discussion for 2016. All cars running on the track together - after every few minutes the slowest drops out. #AMuS
Oh, I know that from video games! What's that mode called again?
And Gene Haas gave a full explanation why the front wing failed yesterday.
"The problem from yesterday was the wing has a fair amount of downforce on it, so it pulled out the attachment structure on the nose," Haas told reporters.
"The nose isaluminium that the carbon fibre is integrated with, so when they [chassis manufacturer Dallara] do the process of putting the parts in the auto clave, the theory is that when the aluminium heats up and then cools down again it pulls away a bit from the carbon fibre. On track, with downforce and vibrations, that bond wasn't proper, so it separated and that aluminium pulled out from the nose and it broke into many pieces.
"The solution [for Tuesday's testing] was to take the two little down struts where the aluminium is and put straps around them and put screws perpendicular to the axis, so instead of having screws that go straight down, we have screws that are perpendicular. Eventually they'll find some other way of bonding the aluminium to the carbon fibre."