What is with this wig mess. Also really Adam in this thread? And people slam me for One Direction.
You're seriously going to put 1D against Adam Lambert? Really?
They aren't fit to sniff his jocks. The talent level gap is lightyears wide.
Carrie please, I was so dedicated I didn't even break character in Tinychat.Weren't you banned like 60% of that week? Maku Wuhu could never cheat so hard. You should be forced to resume stanning for 4 additional days.![]()
Too bad he's not anywhere near them on the charts. But you are free to bet on the wrong horse. You did It last Idol season![]()
What is with this wig mess. Also really Adam in this thread? And people slam me for One Direction.
Hey! No fair! He's totally in mixed for those two notes (well, maybe now the second, but definitely the first).
Again, I don't care about charts. I bet on talent. And they aren't in the same galaxy.
Now you bring shitty Scotty in this? Wow, wow...
I guess you like singers with zero range or actual singing ability. I'm not sure how to respond.
Again, I don't care about charts. I bet on talent. And they aren't in the same galaxy.
Now you bring shitty Scotty in this? Wow, wow...
I guess you like singers with zero range or actual singing ability. I'm not sure how to respond.
Shame you don't care how well your man Is doing. What kind of stan are you. And seeing as you stan for Adam I doubt you know singing ability.
I don't like Adam because I want to fuck him
Ok what the fuck are you talking about? Seriously calling your ass out now.
That's the most fucktarded statement I've seen on GAF in years.
Ok what the fuck are you talking about? Seriously calling your ass out now.
That's the most fucktarded statement I've seen on GAF in years.
lets get one thing straight, Adam is not hot
Well, yeah. Guys can't get that high without a pretty obvious mix, falsetto, or screaming.
Calm down dear. Don't strain yourself.
Roy, when are you joining the bitch league.
The levels you go to alter reality have to be far more stressful.
Yes!haha! Is the fro still available?
I'm perfectly fine dear. Nothing stressful about watching my boys step all over the lessors.
I'm perfectly fine dear. Nothing stressful about watching my boys step all over the lessors.
They all look like they smell of gym socks, farts, and random shit they caught in the woods and put in their back pocket. Especially that blond one.
Except for the talent part, huh? I watched their whole XFactor season. My ears already heard them live.
Their best ability was picking management who knew how to manipulate little girls on social media.
Though you know, it was never really Glambert's range that impressed - though it definitely is impressive. It's how fucking seamlessly he can transition from chest to mix to head. Because I can hit an E5 mixed - most baritones can. But can I transition mid-phrase into that shit??? Ch...
Yes, that's his mother....isn't this the same woman who tweeted something along the lines of "Michael Jackson died so that Chris Brown could live"?
I want a puppy :/
I'd be willing to believe Delio's claims that 1D are actually musically or artistically compelling in any way (as opposed to being a cynically marketed male equivalent of the Spice Girls) if he hadn't made clear his attraction to twinky guys in the gay thread. Can't wait for their Pepsi concert and inevitable fade into obscurity and reality show judging.
Yes, that's his mother.
Seems like certain REPULSIVE traits are hereditary.
U want a battered and bruised puppy?
"Skream also revealed that he is working with Kelis on a new song too, saying: "I just had a record for Kelis, a UK garage record. Its getting a UK release so I guess itll get an American release. Its called Distance."
OH MY GOD!!!! YES!!! YES!!!
"Skream also revealed that he is working with Kelis on a new song too, saying: "I just had a record for Kelis, a UK garage record. Its getting a UK release so I guess itll get an American release. Its called Distance."
Skream...a UK garage record
So because I like twinks my claims are fake. mm k Interesting shade.
I'm perfectly fine dear. Nothing stressful about watching my boys step all over the lessors.
... You mean that isn't the only reason you like them?
Of course it's not the only reason. Im side eyeing a few people now.
What's the other one?
From my perspective, 1D seems to have better marketing. I keep hearing about them everywhere.
The Wanted just has a the hotter single out there but that seems to be it. I dont hear any buzz about them.
Since the wanted has Jay, that makes them superior in my eyes.
How nice they are in interviews,general fun factor,and of course their music.
Nice? I saw a whole tumblr page dedicated to showing how that bleach blond one doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone.
So you judge them by then and instead of now. Mmk
Also I bet Adam wished he had management that could pimp him.
I judge them against Adam's obviously greater musical/vocal ability. Then and now. Nothing has changed.
I don't care who pimps Adam. When sales is all you have, I can see why you would.
Based on talent, I can't see how you can have this conversation. Stanning is one thing, but there is no debate here. Those boys sing about as well as Beiber, which is to say not very well.
They coast on being a boy band, which 9 times out of ten is never based on talent. JT is the One Exception.
LIke them because you think they're cute, but never take it further.
I judge them against Adam's obviously greater musical/vocal ability. Then and now. Nothing has changed.
I don't care who pimps Adam. When sales is all you have, I can see why you would.
Based on talent, I can't see how you can have this conversation. Stanning is one thing, but there is no debate here. Those boys sing about as well as Beiber, which is to say not very well.
They coast on being a boy band, which 9 times out of ten is never based on talent. JT is the One Exception.
LIke them because you think they're cute, but never take it further.