I never finished FFXIII. Can't believe I waited 5 years for it.
In a way, I can understand Xtincta stans. They waited 4 years for a new album and they got Bionic.
... You know the worst part about this is going to be having to actually read you peoples' names instead of just looking at the picture.
Much like noted series-in-decline Call of Duty, RIHSTITUTE keeps pumping out the shit YEAR after YEAR, with the only exception being her LACK OF SALES.
Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt?
Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt
This is probably the last thing you want to see but OMGGGGG
I never finished FFXIII. Can't believe I waited 5 years for it.
In a way, I can understand Xtincta stans. They waited 4 years for a new album and they got Bionic.
P.S. I've posted that video 3 times now. Zero replies to it. SHAME ON THE BRITNEY STANS.
I don't know what you're talking aboutI was hoping you got the hint by the third time...
How is it like waiting 8 years now for Britney to come back?
Or have you finally come to terms that she's forever gone.
We waited 4 years and got [B]BLACKOUT[/B]
Your fave really could never.
They reject Confessions, the poor kittens have been in AGONY since 2000.Except THE HOLY GOAT gets massive music hits while your fave only hits #1 on gay clubs.
And please, Madonna has you on a strict diet of LACKLUSTER for 7 years now.
This is probably the last thing you want to see but OMGGGGG
P.S. I've posted that video 3 times now. Zero replies to it. SHAME ON THE BRITNEY STANS.
You would know what it's like to feel USED, ABUSED and FORGOTTEN.[/QUOTE]
I was just saying that either option presented were both terrible scenarios... No need to shade FFXIII. I'm sorry some of you basic people couldn't get how amazing it is. Oh well.
They reject Confessions, the poor kittens have been in AGONY since 2000.![]()
Except THE HOLY GOAT gets massive music hits while your fave only hits #1 on gay clubs.
And please, Madonna has you on a strict diet of LACKLUSTER for 7 years now.
We waited 4 years and got BLACKOUT
Your fave really could never.
Bowing @ this holiness.Can't speak for all the stans, but that mix gets no replies because that mix is wack.
Sorry, but this is still the DEFINITIVE BRITNEY MEGAMIX. After all these years it has yet to be topped. I don't know if that's a bad or good thing...
I wish Britney would have another meltdown so we could get an album like Blackout.
The Unfortunate One has been wishing all her life to not be CRITICALLY, COMMERCIALLY and CULTURALLY SAVAGED.I wish Britney would have another meltdown so we could get an album like Blackout. Even through insanity Britney comes out triumphant.
Xtincta only wishes she could.
People will still be dancing to VOGUE in twenty years, meanwhile, there will be a SYMPHONY of PHONE MASHING as people Google "Riyana" in the off chance some 50 year old's REQUEST for We Found Love is played, because NOBODY will remember WHO the FUCK she IS.
All for some NAVY COCK.I, for one, haven't forgotten those Rihanna stanning posts of yours.
Phö was an exemplary Rihanna stan. He should consider the full-time job.
The other day I saw a picture of RihSUS and I just...You have no room to talk.
I, for one, haven't forgotten those Rihanna stanning posts of yours.
The other day I saw a picture of RihSUS and I just...
Shame about that font.Aubrey O'Day - AKA The Only Bitch from Danity Kane Worth Paying More Than 5 Seconds of Your Attention To - has unleashed her official debut single, and it's...kinda good.
Who the fuck was Danity Kane.
Aubrey O'Day is the only worthwhile member of Danity Kane? Really? Shading Dawn, who is the only member of DK who had any talent, and a humble personality to match. And Dawn wasn't the one who broke the group up because of jealousy and envy over others.
Aubrey O'Day is the definition of basic, and that's all she'll ever be.
DK is the best female group of all time though.
Who the fuck was Danity Kane.
Aubrey O'Day is a bad bitch, who was the first to realize that being a Bad Boy act meant Danity Kane was doomed to fail despite being the first girl group in history to debut their first two albums at the top of the Billboard charts, and thus started stacking her chips outside the group early. She bravely fended off jealousy from the lessors in the group who naturally, as all lessors do, hated the fact that the camera so loved to follow Godbrey wherever she went.
Dawn is a back-stabbing, man-lookin' ho who played at being humble while behind the scenes only too happily threw the other girls under the bus...that is, when she didn't have her lips planted between the hairy crevice of Diddy's ass.
There's a reason Aubrey and D.Woods are still good friends, meanwhile not a girl has shit nice to say about Dawn.
Omg this is almost thread worthy
Aubrey and D.Woods are friends because she needs someone basic around her to boost herself up. You see she isn't friends with Aundrea because she doesn't want someone who is better than her around her.
No you did NOT just shade D.Woods...
I didn't see any lies in my post.
[quote="Crumpet Trumpet, post: 37194238"][IMG]http://i.minus.com/ivBXHVdNyIKxD.gif[IMG]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlZydtG3xqI&ob=av2e"]Let me just cleanse this place from the "girl group" invasion [/URL][/QUOTE]
I wanted to say that TLC was the best, but the fact that they went on without Left-Eye had to knock them down a few notches. That music was straight up garbage. But,
Creep >>>>