Ollie Pooch
In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I'll ask her when I see her at the Sydney Opera House in two weeks. OOOOOOOAnd where the FUCK are Janelle's two promised albums for this year? :|
I'll ask her when I see her at the Sydney Opera House in two weeks. OOOOOOOAnd where the FUCK are Janelle's two promised albums for this year? :|
so call me maybeI'll ask her when I see her at the Sydney Opera House in two weeks. OOOOOOO
I'll ask her when I see her at the Sydney Opera House in two weeks. OOOOOOO
Marius is probably still mad about the Forbes list.
The one Kim Kardashian beat Beyonce on?
Only took 12 more hoursso call me maybe
Why does Chris Brown keep getting work? He's terrible.
Don't even care for your shade tbh. Like water off a blessdt duck's back.
Robyn love=SO PROUD OF YOU GORLS. Robyn is the AXIS around which THE GAF POP WORLD ROTATES.
How many times has Xtincta been punched out the game by betters? Three? Four?What is with all this sloppy second stanning? Hmm... I thought Pop was short for Popular.
Don't even care for your shade tbh.
Couple proposed on stage..
Invisible Light. Comfortably Numb. Shady Love. Only The Horses. .
Your fave would never, could never, and should never TRY cause it will only end in embarrassment.
How many times has Xtincta been punched out the game by betters? Three? Four?
Take your sloppy fourths stanning back to the bargain bin where it belongs, please. You'll recognise it by the heap of Bionic copies.
Oh, I thought that was a picture of their stage.
Propose what? to never attend such pitiable show? Good for them.
Those are pretty sordidly descriptive adjectives for their show actually. Thanks I'll stir clear.
Again, thanks for the heads up. I knew they were bad but not this bad.
It is as futile as your fave's pathetic struggle to squeeze out a song that doesn't sound like a Lady Gaga b-side.
You're an ADELEPHANT too? Didn't think there'd be room with just the one fat chick in your life.
Don't even TRY to GO THERE.
I make room for talent.
Hun, TALENT is the only THING about XTINCTA that's THIN.
Hun, TALENT is the only THING about XTINCTA that's THIN.
Xtina wishes she was this talented.
...I can't.
I'll just leave this here...
Lets see Xtincta at 53...
Did you go looking, or did you just happen to have this on hand?
Private collection.
It is as futile as your fave's pathetic struggle to squeeze out a song that doesn't sound like a Lady Gaga b-side.
Private collection.
A C-tier reality show that spawned bigger hits on iTunes than all of MDNA.
... I see.
And in all seriousness, I think you should avoid using words like that. If you can get banned for it in OT - and people have - you could get banned for it here if a mod ever chanced to enter or if someone reported it.
Yes, because we all know how Lady Caca conceives every single one of her albums.
Yes, because we all know how Lady Caca conceives every single one of her albums.
There she is giving birth to her next "album of our generation" for newly enrolled elementary children everywhere.
That is when she's not blatantly ripping off other artists of their hard work.
Glad you liked the show BEyotch