KATY PERRY - Wide Awake: 11.547 (+ 2.767)
Perra is coming hoz!!!
Don't break my illusion that hot people only make good decisions, nemeSIS. I can't deal with my world being that significantly undermined.
that song sucks come on inthezone your suppose to know the hittttts
I approve. It's a much better single than Part of Me.
Real talk. Part of Me was awful and generic. Wide Awake is cute.
You gurls remember when Koodo stanned Part of Me?
Backstabbers tbh. Shading poor Koohoe when he ain't even here to defend his honour.
Disgusting and spineless.
Backstabbers tbh. Shading poor Koohoe when he ain't even here to defend his honour.
Disgusting and spineless.
If he stopped getting banned it wouldn't be an issue, tbh
It's time for the RIHANNA REIGN™ TEAS sistas
Not only is "Where Have The Flaws Been" #5 on itunes USA (it was momentarily surpassed by that Pitbull song) but it also happens to be #3 on itunes UK despite no promo... yet. It's overall #6 worldwide. Its radio performance is increasing in very good updates.
Speaking of European promo...THE HOLY GOAT is set to perform and interview at The Graham Norton show. She slayed so hard last time with her bikini wax story, you just know she has MORE stories this time.
Baboons, it's time to face the RIHality that Rihalla will own your summers. The generations ultimate hitmaker's reign continues.
Why are you stanning for the BAJAN GOAT and signing your posts with a gif of the FLAW FREE GODDESS of pop, Aphrodylie Minogue?
Appalling stan behaviour tbh[/QUOTE]
I like that gif. I also happen to stan Kylie. I made the Aphrodite OT as well as the All THe Lovers thread.
Have you guys seen the MDNA Tour photos? Looks amazing. Certainly 1000x better than GaGa's Lego Tour.
Queen of Tours tbh
If he was banned for a GOOD reason I would agree with you
I like that gif. I also happen to stan Kylie. I made the Aphrodite OT as well as the All THe Lovers thread.
Hoping Kylie's LACK OF FLAWS might rub off and make up for Rihanus's LACK OF TALENT?
Madonna tour looks like she's trying to out-Madonna Gaga. What happened to Madonna? 20 years ago she'd have responded by reinventing herself, not by revisiting past glories.
sis.... she DRAGGED ppl tonight I cant. Simon probably spiked her drink![]()
Madonna tour looks like she's trying to out-Madonna Gaga.
Cute edit.
Omg. Poor girl. My homegurl.
When she's been in the game for a quarter of the century, her heroic punching down of breast cancer has created a medical effect with her name on it, and she creates the most iconic songs of the decade maybe you should come back.
Until then I'm going to chalk Rihanalprolapse's talentless career up as a flash in the pan.
RIHALLA is soon to have A DECADE OF HITS. It's time you start dealing WITH HER UNCONTESTED REIGN OF POP.
Three years away is a LIFETIME in pop, especially when you squeeze out AUDIO DIARRHEA at the FRANKLY DISTRESSING RATE Rihanna manages.
Probably Xtincta's funeral.
Three years away is a LIFETIME in pop, especially when you squeeze out AUDIO DIARRHEA at the FRANKLY DISTRESSING RATE Rihanna manages.
Wasnt THE LESSER ROBYN aspiring to have such level of output? I guess she couldnt handle being that EFFICIENT AND PRODUCTIVE.
Probably Xtincta's funeral.
On the contrary, the FACT of the matter is that you CAN'T RUSH GENIUS.
When can we bury WHYB? After so many live performances, and promotion it still hasn't broken top 10.
I guess you're gonna be stuck waiting a long time.
My fave HIRES the genius. And delivers the FLAWLESS SINGLES everytime.
She continues to bless us with a constant stream of AMAZING POP MUSIC
Au contraire, my SOON TO BE BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED FRIEND, all the signs point to GODbyn saving 2012 from the ravages of POOR QUALITY POP and highlighting the LESSOR STATUS of INFERIOR ROBYN before the year is out.
When the ROBture comes, stans of the false prophet, the anti-Rob INFERIOR ROBYN will be cast in the pit of HELL.
I'll pray for your soul but I can't make any guarantees hun.
LOL dumb baboon.
Have you seen itunes of US or UK? Or WW?
It's slaying and well within the top 5. It will break top 10 next week. Something your fave has not managed for more than half a decade.
My goodness. This page.
Have you guys seen the MDNA Tour photos? Looks amazing. Certainly 1000x better than GaGa's Lego Tour.
Queen of Tours tbh