it's fine if you think she has a shit voice because she does
it's fine if you think the vast majority of her catalogue is shit because it is
it's fine if you think her stuff is musically uninteresting because it is
it's fine if you think she's a gross, terrible person because she is
But the girl has some really fun, dance-y, inoffensive pop hits. I don't understand the rage over it. Like I said, most of us here have admitted to liking a few tracks here and there. Why should we feel ashamed? Because she's hugely popular despite a lack of talent? Just relax and enjoy her stuff for what it is.
If people can't handle that, then deal or leave, because it's not like your whining is going to stop her.
And don't even start with me botty. Loreen's time has arrived.
it's fine if you think the vast majority of her catalogue is shit because it is
it's fine if you think her stuff is musically uninteresting because it is
it's fine if you think she's a gross, terrible person because she is
But the girl has some really fun, dance-y, inoffensive pop hits. I don't understand the rage over it. Like I said, most of us here have admitted to liking a few tracks here and there. Why should we feel ashamed? Because she's hugely popular despite a lack of talent? Just relax and enjoy her stuff for what it is.
If people can't handle that, then deal or leave, because it's not like your whining is going to stop her.

And don't even start with me botty. Loreen's time has arrived.