I am not so sober right now but this Demi song is giving me life
let me stan
let me stan

Leona's been gone for a while, but she's been crafting her next MASTERWORK while Xtincta struggles to retain any semblance of relevance (despite judging on NBC's only saving grace) and scrambles to put together yet another unfocused turd of an album with a comically desperate, dartboard-esque selection of the industry's current producer elite.You know, I find it so funny that you seem to be near-exclusively coming after Xtina these days (her chart performance in particular) when your fave, avatar and namesake is a person who is part of a prestigious group of CHICKS WHO HAVE FLOPPED HARDER.
Yes. She released an EP that includes Call Me Maybe.
The standout tracks are
CURIOSITY (2nd Single)
I stan so hard for Talk To Me. Actually the whole EP is very good IMO. But I dont think its up your alley tho, soul.
Leona's been gone for a while, but she's been crafting her next MASTERWORK while Xtincta struggles to retain any semblance of relevance (despite judging on NBC's only saving grace) and scrambles to put together yet another unfocused turd of an album with a comically desperate, dartboard-esque selection of the industry's current producer elite.
1. Show me the Leona album that has sold less than 2 million copies worldwide.
2. Show me the Leona album whose second single wasn't even able to chart on the Top 100 of her home country.
3. Show me the Leona album that even the MTV Movie Awards, Today Show, American Idol, and Oprah couldn't provide with the breath of life.
4. Show me the Leona album that singlehandedly canned its entire accompanying tour.
And then we can talk m'kay?
Leona looks so flawless. I honestly don't think there's a pop-star as beautiful as her right now.
There are maybe two lessors. But she is definitely one of the most beautiful girls in the industry... and it's a natural beauty too.
Why is M.I.A. jackin' Janet's ICONIC Velvet Rope look? Is she hoping to achieve similar success?
Why is M.I.A. jackin' Rihanna's ICONIC Loud look? Is she hoping to achieve similar success?
Why is M.I.A. jackin' Rihanna's ICONIC Loud look? Is she hoping to achieve similar success?
Trying to clock while spreading LIES?
*emphasis on trying
THE NOISE was punched out of the #1 ratings spot by AMERICAN IDOL, dear. This despite THE NOISE'S enormous, Superbowl-fueled premiere ratings.
THE NOISE was actually nearly PUNCHED OUT of the TOP 10 rated shows during its last few weeks (its result show actually FELL OUTSIDE). Who knows how low it would have further dipped had it not ENDED?
Actually, I guess we'll know the answer this FALL, as NBC (the worst network) makes yet another COMPROMISINGLY STUPID decision in over-saturating its only saving grace. PERHAPS a miracle will happen and both SHOW and NETWORK will fall into the abyss of bankruptcy and DISAPPEAR. Jay Leno and Xtincta on the same payroll; not sure how the foundations at the headquarters haven't eroded after being exposed to so much VILE.
What a traitorous [obscene word].
Execs at NBC think OTHERWISE, considering they've already GREENLIT a new singing show in hopes of re-claiming a sliver of SUCCESS.Fortunate that it doesn't matter.
Blissfully ignoring the fact that TOP 10s are a COMMON METRIC across all mediums. Here's NIELSEN stating a TOP 10.First off, you create the illusion of a "Top 10" existing in TV ratings, when in fact YOUR OWN RECEIPTS acknowledge a TOP 25.
As I noted and addressed. Next.Hell, even if your receipts only cared about the Top 10 it wouldn't matter, because THE VOICE still comes in at #7 for its Performance Show.
The sting wore off as soon as the RECORD-BREAKING paycheque was announced. One can only wonder how many doses of XANAX The Failure had to take that night to fall asleep.Or are you just struggling to create a foundation of deceit since, you know, after all this time of shading Christina for doing Reality TV your fave went and did a show herself?
A bout of delusion, considering ADAM LEVINE was the one getting the GIRLS' PANTIES in a BUNCH. I know you're QUITE AWARE of WHO watches these shows.The Voice is a rare success for NBC, and it's in large part thanks to Christina.
Yet another misinformed RECEIPT. The ratings were a sign of DISTRESS, considering viewership in the SUMMER is around 32% SMALLER. The Noise's partly rise was BELOW the expected RISE in viewership.Meanwhile, here's some TRUE TEA for you:
The VOICE Finale Ratings Up 16% From Last Year's Finale (which also makes it the leader in the 18-49 demographic for its timeblock)
Yes. My actual points.Anything else I should address?
Why is M.I.A. jackin' Rihanna's ICONIC Loud look? Is she hoping to achieve similar success?
But go ahead, keep going with your spin. It just makes you seem all the more pressed, Dear. Spewing nothing but, ironically, NOISE.
Is having a number one show on a failure of a network a 'success'? I liken The Noise to an Olympic athletes competing in a high school track meet.
That's counts for every stan. Let's be serious here.
As much as I like Leona, her last album was definitely a flop. Even singles from FFXIII and Avatar couldn't help Leona crawl out of the flop territory. Even the awesome Collide was a flop.
Very looking forward to her next album, though.
That's counts for every stan. Let's be serious here.
I'm starting to think ITZ abandoned the light of Godney in favor of the Caribbean yeast infection.
What a traitorous [obscene word].
Not really tbh
PREACH SIS. Has Britney even had a flop? My standom is not as INTENSE but I can't remember there being one >_>
That reminds me your DD PAWN is GOD-LIKE and pretty much CARRYING ME THROUGH THE WHOLE GAME.
Rated R and Blackout, both floppish albums that are incidentally also the best, both followed by safer, more boring campaigns that made the artists chart toppers again. Sad truth.
Bionic is the flop of the decade. It's a warning sign to all the other pop stars that it's quite easy to become more basic than you already are.Bionic (and all shady variations) is probably the most used word in this thread. How curiously repetitive. Not surprising since most of you stan for repetitive copy-cat trash.
Bionic (and all shady variations) is probably the most used word in this thread. How curiously repetitive. Not surprising since most of you stan for repetitive copy-cat trash.
Well Blackout almost debuted at #1 before BB changed their rules so it was #2 #pressed and hun Gimme More was an instant number 1. Godney is ONLY familiar with the top of the CHARTS. Even RihSUS only knows the top of the singles charts. Did Rated R not produce number 1 songs?
Even then Godney REMAINS at the TOP of the FOOD CHAIN and your FAVES as she IS the highest selling female artist of the DECADE![]()
EDIT: I'm not trying to drag you btw just INFORMING you lol
I actually wasn't trying to drag Xtina as I like her. Someone TRIED dragging my faves into that BUBBLE and I corrected the ERROR.
They were successes by most standards of course, but definitely sold less than their other albums and the disappointing part is the two didn't stay with that sound or style but reverted back to something less unique (not that both haven't had great tunes since that ofc).