There's a plug room that keeps playing Kelly Clarkson and Cher songs.
However, she overdoes it a lot on the album. In fact, whenever I say in this thread (and the DJ room) that Beyonce oversings way more than people bash Christina for, I'm specifically thinking about "4".
When I think oversinging, I think of runs that make no sense with the song (mind you, this is from a lay perspective) appear to just be thrown in haphazardly.
The MuchMusic Video Awards are tonight.
Performers: Kelly Clarkson, Carly Rae Jepsen, LMFAO, Flo Rida, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry, Nelly Furtardo, Mariana's Trench (Marius_, you got some explaining to do), Hedley
I do agree that some level of indulgence is expected (I mean, look at who my fave is). But there's a line between indulgence and "Hey! LISTEN! LISTEN TO WHAT I CAN DO!" And I think Beyonce crosses that line on 4 more than any other album.
I like "Hey! LISTEN! LISTEN TO WHAT I CAN DO!" - if they back it up. And Beyonce usually does. Yeah, what you linked to was indulgent. But it was good. There isn't really anything in there that compares to Christina's straining or hoo-hahing or general randomness. I mean, these things you criticize Beyonce for, Christina does them far more often and far more egregiously. She does "Hey! LISTEN! LISTEN TO WHAT I CAN DO!", but doesn't really back it up as well.
I won't deny my fave's tendency to indulge and occasionally oversing. But rarely does she do the Beyonce thing: i.e. fill her songs to the brim with vocal exercises you learn in your first year of lessons.
Christina tends to prefer grittier runs, yes, but that's because she's a more "Soulful" singer than Beyonce is - and ultimately I prefer her style since her runs fit the tone and theme of her music more often than not. Whereas with Beyonce, I'm often left wondering exactly why she's running up and down the chromatic scale at any given time.
I spit out my drank when I saw there was a band called Mariana's Trenchnoooo, not me thinking you where referring to Demi like that![]()
Exactly what is different between what Beyonce does and what Mariah does, beyond the fact that Mariah is even better at incorporating her melisma and runs into more complex melodies?
I'm asking honestly; I don't know.
I don't see how Christina's runs fit her music at all. They sound out of place in the song. They sound as if she has suddenly decided that she wants to do "something" and hasn't planned it out or doesn't have the musicality to improvise and have it make sense. And it isn't that they sound gritty; they sound strained. To me, Haley sounds gritty. She doesn't sound strained. Mariah on AYNAF:C&C sounds gritty. She doesn't sound strained. But Christina often sounds strained.
Carly Rae Jepsen is an angel. She, with one song, has had more cultural impact and positive influence on humanity itself than most other basic bitches. Here are some reasons why.
1. Carly has, in the cynical age we live in today, done the hardest thing a pop star could ever do: craft a charmingly inoffensive tune that captures the loving spirit of adolescent love without any ounce of pandering or, on the other end of the scale, irony. It takes cojones to sing a song that is so inoffensive that it actually becomes offensive to those who seek meaningless things like "a message" or "vocal skill" or "above average production work."
2. Carly has done more for the marginalized demographic of young gay men than your fave could ever dream of doing. At the end of the Call Me Maybe video, we find that the object of her desire is actually gay, (or at the very least bi). So what? EXACTLY. While your pandering faves are quick to group in gays and bisexuals with people with disabilities or even use the word "gay" as a pejorative slur in order to emasculate fashion-conscious men, Carly has done what few popstars have done before her- present a portrait of a gay man with the normalcy of any old man who has a schoolboy crush, nothing more, nothing less. Unlike certain other Dollar Tree-Deschanels, Carly will never have to manufacture an "empowerment" tune that would make up for the psychological scarring that comes with making somebody feel as worthless as a plastic bag drifting through the wind.
Bless her. We criticize her because we do not realize that we don't deserve her.
This remix of BORN TO DIE by Aluna George is positively LIFE GIVING.
I use PS all day for my job but animated gifs still elude me. lol.
ONE DAY! Got some nice new surprises coming your way soon! Shhhhhhh for now: ) "excitement!" #MCSummer2012
I've been listening to E=MC² a lot lately.
For The Record is flawless, quintessentially Mimi ballad perfecton. I've been jamming to O.O.C all last weak.
This pic is so creepy. Looks like a 5-year old with axillary hair
He looks more manly than the dude from Wrong Direction tbh