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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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yes, but you know how much I love you


And he probably thinks I was going to forget to respond to this!

Well that's the whole kit and caboodle right there. Can't really brush that aside. Mariah's runs typically require more skill and fit into more complex melodies. There's also a more improvisational aspect to them, and on that level I'd say that Mariah has much more in common with how Christina does runs than Beyonce. Mariah's cleaner and more refined, yes, but both she and Christina have a soulful, gospel quality to the way they approach runs - extreme dynamics and shift in volume and note duration (I'm pretty sure there's a more proper, one-word term in italian for what I just described, but whatever). As opposed to Beyonce, whose runs tend to be a bit more basic
(which makes it all the more annoying when she overdoes them, but that's just me.)

Mariah's riffs and runs are the best, yes

I agree with the stylistic analysis - Beyonce's are often very same-same when she's singing it live, which is something I noticed when I was listening to a video comparing her and Christina's live runs. And I'd agree that both Christina and Mariah are more adventurous. I mean, Beyonce does those things - the dynamics and notes being sustained for more variable times - but she seems to have her "stock" runs.

But as I said in our PM earlier, I think that technically, Mariah and Beyonce are much closer and that was the perspective I was making that comment from. Beyonce hits her notes and her runs are very clean. Mariah hits her notes dead on and they are very clean. Christina's runs sound, well, messy. And I think you can hear the difference between Christina's runs and Mariah's runs in those two video you posted - Christina doesn't sound nearly as clean or crisp.

For example, Mariah here (My favorite Mimi run, btw) and Christina here have more in common than the type of run Beyonce tends to stick to - which is really going up and down a scale with some flourish, and not full-on interpretive moments that Mimi and Christina go for.

I disagree about it sounding out of place. To me, the way Christina does runs is very "churchy" and soulful, which is a tradition in the genres she's always dabbled in (Pop/R&B). Same goes for Mariah. The runs and the music have a similar context, and so they fit for me. In fact, Back To Basics is an entire album based on the type of music that inspired the way that she sings, and it works. That "Ain't No Other Man" video I linked above is a great example. Those are some of her most superfluous runs, but you can't say they don't fit that jazzy arrangement and those live horns. The run she starts that song off with is also an example her belting into an impressive run without a hint of strain. Here's her doing it again (and even going a bit higher).

The second Christina link was better than the first.

When I say that they don't fit, I don't mean in terms of the genre. I can't really explain it, but I think that the vocal quality of them sounds appropriate to the instrumentation or something. But I mean they don't sound like they fit with the song itself... the structure or melody, maybe? And I'm not talking about the runs that she sings that were written into the song (or the modified versions of those runs). I'm talking about when she has one of those 'The spirit moved me!' moments. She sounds completely random and it just grates me. It is one of the reasons, aside from her strain (kudos on finding a video where her strain was minimal!), that I don't like listening to her live. She has Adam Lambert Syndrome when it comes to runs, except Adam is more accurate.

And I know you know what I'm talking about. When she sticks more closely to the song it doesn't happen as much. When she has a Climb Every Mountain-esque performance - which is her worst performance when it comes to this sort of stuff, though obviously not a representative one.

And those types of runs require way more improvisational skill to pull off than what Beyonce does, because it is so much easier to spiral off melody or sound bad. Of course, in the case of all these singers these performances have been rehearsed to hell and back, so nobody's actually improvising here.

Well, this is just what I mean: She does sound like she's spiraling off to me. Not in those examples, mind you, but I don't think she does it all the time either. I don't think her runs are as clean, and I think that she goes off into her own little world when she's doing a run and completely forgets about the song.

Beyonce's style of runs I would describe as...I dunno, classical? To me it sounds weird to hear her randomly run up the chromatic scale while singing an R&B song.

Yeah, I've been realizing more and more in these arguments that we're talking completely at cross-purposes with what we're looking for. :x

Mau ®

It's hilarious how his retorts went beyond being just painfully stale to inapplicable random rubbish

This is hilarious coming from the guy who only replied with random ass gifs of the former pop-star. I mean, you're the reason 56K WARNINGS still exist on this SITE.

You were even BANNED for your DUMB ASS responses, so might as well sit down and listen to "Im Ok" before coming for somebody else. K?



RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 108.680 (+ 2.782)

What kind of highest radio update of the day for a song that apparently isn't a hit?


The hater's faces right now:


The #Navi right now:



Not really POP. But I'm trying to get through Justice's audio video disco record right now.

DAFAQ, what did they do to their sound???? This shit is vile. † was amazing. Such a shame.





Because RYE RYE is here!


The Baltimore-based club queen and protege of Sri Lankan Hip-Hop Goddess M.I.A. has been bubbling under the radar in the indie scene for a while now, and has been given the stamp of approval by some of Pop-GAFs faves:



And now she's finally attempting to strike out on her own in a big way with the release of her SUMMER TWERK ANTHEM: Dance


The infectious Baltimore Club beat knocks hard and is GUARANTEED to pack the dance floor on every rotation. Gurls, I can't stop twerking. This song is everything CIARA'S comeback single SHOULD HAVE BEEN. This is club music at it's purest - which is really the promise of her entire album "GO! POP! BANG!" So get into it Y'all.


Between Rye Rye, Azaelia Banks and Iggy Azalea (PLUS Lil Kim touring again AND Missy Elliot in the studio again), I can't BELIEVE the big way Femcees are breaking through this year.

Thanks for opening the door for a new era of femcees, Nicki...but now can you see your way out the door because there's NO WAY I can listen to these girls and still think YOU'RE fresh.
I stand by what I said about the Rye Rye/Robyn collab a few months ago:

And speaking of Robyn, who is this godawful Rye Rye mess and why did Robyn allow her to fuck up Be Mine! with such terrible production and lyrics? AND WHY DID SHE APPEAR IN THE VIDEO? She's so obviously better than that nasty hoe. At least she looks good.

I don't like the song, and I think it sort of ruins the point of "Be Mine!", which is excellent. But other Robyn fans (including Robyn herself) seem to love it, so whatever.

Here's one of the many great versions of "Be Mine!" to compare/contrast.


Hang on...THIS album is real!?

Don't get me wrong, other than track 14 (who wants that?) it's pretty good.

It's just so random though. X factor is still 3 months away.

Is it something to do with her contract?

Mau ®

I had a dream Britney started recording again.

Needless to say my Brit-dreams are usually prophetic so ya'll better hold on to your wigs gurls!!

LOREEN COVERED BJÖRK'S JÓGA and it's all kinds of mess but knowing she respects the QUEEN I've been canting for the last 20 minutes I can't DEAL with this etc

here's a better version of the her cover without the theatrics on Nyhetsmorgon

interestingly, like the bad Robyn cover of Hyperballad, the orchestra is beautiful (PIANO IN THIS ONE~~) but the vocals and percussion sort of destroy it.

Nothing, of course, can top Björk doing her thing. This is still the best version of the song that exists.

edited: with links

Also, Euphoria photoshoot wrapped:

Is this about a real relationship she had (or rather didn't have)?
I don't know, but my guess is that it wasn't about any specific relationship.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Is this about a real relationship she had (or rather didn't have)?

It isn't about anyone in particular.

Robyn described how the song came about: "Throughout making this album, one of the big inspirations for making it was to go back to being a teenager and how dramatic life was at some points. The first time you get heartbroken, it's really something most people remember for the rest of their lives. When we wrote the song we started to write this sad love song, to make it really obvious what the emotion we were talking about was we both thought going back to the teenagers state of mind would be a really good way of communicating this feeling."


Not here for the Loreena Bobbitt stanning.


Just as bad as the Miley tatt guy. But at least Miley has had some hits over here.


Why? I thought you like Brit-Brit?

Don't get me wrong: I'm a HUGE fan of Britney.

But that's just it: I'm a fan of Britney. Not Shellney.

What we have now is an empty shell that people desperately want to believe is Britney Spears. Her personality is gone (and no, making "cute faces" at Simon and telling an old duet partner it's "Ok to be gay" is not personality. At this rate she'll be a more vapid judge than JLo was on Idol.) Her music becomes more and more impersonal with each album and - if I'm being honest with myself - I did not enjoy Femme Fatale as much as I wanted to, and I don't see her albums getting better if she continues recording in this state. Her performance ability, once her BIGGEST strength next to her endearing personality, has LONG been a thing of the past. Hell, she can't even muster up the strength to record a damn Vimeo ad spot with an ounce of professionalism.

The thing I've had to come to grips with during the Femme Fatale era and after was that no matter how much her people try to disguise it, and no matter how much her stans want to pretend she's A-OK. She's not.

This is a woman who can't do an interview without having questions pre-screened and have had people refuse to interview her because of it.

This is a woman who LITERALLY has had her LIFE signed over to TWO MEN.

That is NOT normal.

That is NOT a sign of a woman who is OK.

This couldn't be even further from the strong, independent performer I fell in love with in high school. And I'm getting sick of the people around her constantly thrusting her out in front of the spotlight.

I love and respect Britney and everything she's accomplished, but these days she become the POSTER CHILD of everything this industry can take away from you if you let it. She's literally been chewed up and spit out by the Fame Monster.

I want Britney to go the fuck away for a while. Be with her family. Relax so her face isn't settled into that perma-frown she's ALWAYS sporting these days. REGAIN CONTROL OF HER OWN DAMN LIFE. And maybe then she'll regain some of the genuine passion she had for her career (because she certainly doesn't have a shred left now), and then she can come back and slay like she used to.

That way I can stan for her not out of pity, but because she's being genuinely fierce again.

Eric C

Here's one of the many great versions of "Be Mine!" to compare/contrast.

I imported the UK CD single of "Be Mine" to get the ballad version of "Be Mine"... at the time I couldn't even find that version on iTunes... or even illegally online... only on 1 single youtube video, so I imported it.

*sigh* I later found out she released a ballad version on the Rakamonie EP... but I'm not sure if it's the same mix that was on the UK single... I know CherryTree Sessions version is different.

Be Mine UK CD single - 2008
"Be Mine!" (Ballad Version) – 4:10

The Rakamonie EP - 2008 in US
"Be Mine!" (ballad version) – 4:08

The Cherrytree Sessions - 2009
"Be Mine! (LIVE Acoustic Version)" 4:32

I do know the UK CD single is an HDCD encode, so I guess thats something
Don't get me wrong: I'm a HUGE fan of Britney.

But that's just it: I'm a fan of Britney. Not Shellney.

What we have now is an empty shell that people desperately want to believe is Britney Spears. Her personality is gone (and no, making "cute faces" at Simon and telling an old duet partner it's "Ok to be gay" is not personality. At this rate she'll be a more vapid judge than JLo was on Idol.) Her music becomes more and more impersonal with each album and - if I'm being honest with myself - I did not enjoy Femme Fatale as much as I wanted to, and I don't see her albums getting better if she continues recording in this state. Her performance ability, once her BIGGEST strength next to her endearing personality, has LONG been a thing of the past. Hell, she can't even muster up the strength to record a damn Vimeo ad spot with an ounce of professionalism.

The thing I've had to come to grips with during the Femme Fatale era and after was that no matter how much her people try to disguise it, and no matter how much her stans want to pretend she's A-OK. She's not.

This is a woman who can't do an interview without having questions pre-screened and have had people refuse to interview her because of it.

This is a woman who LITERALLY has had her LIFE signed over to TWO MEN.

That is NOT normal.

That is NOT a sign of a woman who is OK.

This couldn't be even further from the strong, independent performer I fell in love with in high school. And I'm getting sick of the people around her constantly thrusting her out in front of the spotlight.

I love and respect Britney and everything she's accomplished, but these days she become the POSTER CHILD of everything this industry can take away from you if you let it. She's literally been chewed up and spit out by the Fame Monster.

I want Britney to go the fuck away for a while. Be with her family. Relax so her face isn't settled into that perma-frown she's ALWAYS sporting these days. REGAIN CONTROL OF HER OWN DAMN LIFE. And maybe then she'll regain some of the genuine passion she had for her career (because she certainly doesn't have a shred left now), and then she can come back and slay like she used to.

That way I can stan for her not out of pity, but because she's being genuinely fierce again.
There was this rumor/blind item
not that I actively search out those/believe them
that stated that she wants to take a break from her music career to raise her kids and work for XFactor but her handlers won't let her because they believe she won't have any appeal left in 5 years. Which I say is bullshit, because she's Britney Spears, and some of her stans are diehard enough to wait a long time for a "proper" comeback.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Not here for the Loreena Bobbitt stanning. ... at least Miley has had some hits over here.

Because if someone hasn't had a US hit (or hits) at the very beginning of their career, they should probably be completely written off, right?

She's got a #1 in nine countries, and a top 3 in three others. It's okay to enjoy this.

The Cherrytree Sessions - 2009
"Be Mine! (LIVE Acoustic Version)" 4:32

Guh, I love these Cherrytree tracks.
Cosmic :*)

Also, unless I'm recalling things incorrectly (which is entirely possible!) B-Dex, you're Australian; she certainly charted over there and made a splash on the digital charts—despite Eurovision not being an Aussie thing.

And Robyn's Cherrytree stuff is amazing. Her acoustic version of "Bum Like You" is simply incredible. The YouTube video keeps being taken down, but here she is doing the stripped-down version to promote the Cherrytree Sessions EP.

I imported the UK CD single of "Be Mine" to get the ballad version of "Be Mine"... at the time I couldn't even find that version on iTunes... or even illegally online... only on 1 single youtube video, so I imported it.

*sigh* I later found out she released a ballad version on the Rakamonie EP... but I'm not sure if it's the same mix that was on the UK single... I know CherryTree Sessions version is different.

Be Mine UK CD single - 2008
"Be Mine!" (Ballad Version) – 4:10

The Rakamonie EP - 2008 in US
"Be Mine!" (ballad version) – 4:08

The Cherrytree Sessions - 2009
"Be Mine! (LIVE Acoustic Version)" 4:32
You're in luck; the Rakamonie and Be Mine! UK single versions are the exact same!


Not really POP. But I'm trying to get through Justice's audio video disco record right now.

DAFAQ, what did they do to their sound???? This shit is vile. † was amazing. Such a shame.

As much shit as I give them for AVD (where out of 11 tracks, only 4 are amazing, as compared to Cross, where only 2 songs were less than amazing), they do an INCREDIBLE job of making the songs work live, just like Daft Punk did with Human After All.

Seriously, Justice puts on a fucking AMAZING live show. It was mind expanding.

Edit: Also, Rye Rye is the shit. Fucking love her.


no she didn't go in. No she didn't try this wig tonight. Let me take a BREATHER. I need to RECOVER from this. Because God FORBID if I have to go in on Xtina stans I will if it gets THERE. Keep it ALL THE WAY CUTE and STAY SEATED or you will be DRAGGED down this Bitch harder than YOUR FAVES place or LACK THERE OF on the CHARTS.

Dr. Malik

no she didn't go in. No she didn't try this wig tonight. Let me take a BREATHER. I need to RECOVER from this

I agree


God FORBID if I have to go in on Xtina stans I will if it gets THERE. Keep it ALL THE WAY CUTE and STAY SEATED or you will be DRAGGED down this Bitch harder than YOUR FAVES place or LACK THERE OF on the CHARTS.


Edit: wait you are talking about Roy, right?


Lessors who come for Godney again your struggling attempts will only be in VAIN. If your fave doesn't EXIST don't even TRY coming for her (Xtina stans ESPECIALLY as of LATE) when it was GODNEY herself who KILLED Ur fave oh so many years ago. And is currently doing it AGAIN. A warning to peasants who's fave will always come LAST especially when Britney is AROUND. Which will be ALWAYS. When the NOISE comes back it will only be but a damn WHISPER in views and ratings. Xfactor will DESTROY your faves only CHANCE that she had to BE RELEVANT. So don't throw your ANGER at any one else's faves because even CARLY RAE had a number one by HERSELF and she didn't need a REALITY SHOW to do it. Don't get dragged tonight. You won't RECOVER. Stay in the SIDLEINES where your fave has always BEEN and watch GODNEY once again do to your fave what she never thought would happen again. You all will DEAL. Xtina is but an INSECT. She will ALWAYS be in Godneys SHADOW. SALIVATE the last few moments that your fave has left. Because in a few months she will be DUST.

Edit: This is to Roy or any other 3 Xtina stan who steps out of line.


Lessors who come for Godney again your struggling attempts will only be in VAIN. If your fave doesn't EXIST don't even TRY coming for her (Xtina stans ESPECIALLY as of LATE) when it was GODNEY herself who KILLED Ur fave oh so many years ago. And is currently doing it AGAIN. A warning to peasants who's fave will always come LAST especially when Britney is AROUND. Which will be ALWAYS. When the NOISE comes back it will only be but a damn WHISPER in views and ratings. Xfactor will DESTROY your faves only CHANCE that she had to BE RELEVANT. So don't throw your ANGER at any one else's faves because even CARLY RAE had a number one by HERSELF and she didn't need a REALITY SHOW to do it. Don't get dragged tonight. You won't RECOVER. Stay in the SIDLEINES where your fave has always BEEN and watch GODNEY once again do to your fave what she never thought would happen again. You all will DEAL. Xtina is but an INSECT. She will ALWAYS be in Godneys SHADOW. SALIVATE the last few moments that your fave has left. Because in a few months she will be DUST.

Edit: This is to Roy or any other 3 Xtina stan who steps out of line.

What type of #mess meltdown...

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