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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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Are you sure you are an Xtina fan?
B2TB was a 20's themes era. Hilarious a few performances automatically make it a THEME. And the Circus theme isn't original hun.

oh man keep it COMING. It won't make Xtincta and LESS of a FAILURE or NON FACTOR in LIFE.

The only CIRCUS act here is XTINCTA and her PERIODS.





Enter the Circus



Stripped World Tour grossed over $70 million on a 48 date schedule. BTBT grossed over 90$ million on a 89 date schedule. AVERAGE GROSS took a laughable 76% DROP.

Wouldn't really call 76% drop laughable when the drop still resulted in the highest grossing female tour of 2007.

But whatever, let's not let a silly little thing called context get in the way of throwing half-baked shade.


And this is really the sad thing about it. Of course, taste in music is subjective and everyone's entitled to like what they like, but the fact that so many of Britney's "fans" couldn't give a flying fuck about her as long as her barely-there vocals are added to some tracks is just saddening. Britney is a visible mess. But whatever, just keep pushing out them records.
This is an incredibly cynical, if not comically conspirative pretense. Yes, she looks a visible mess. WHERE is doing what she has done her entire life WRONG for her, however?

I would guess an apparently socially frightened individual such as Britney would flee to safe and routine activities, i.e. recording music and occasionally performing. Has she known any other life?

Pretending her handles are greedy and not in her best interests is especially cynical. This is twofold:

1. Britney is a PATIENT; you might also consider her a CHILD. A patient or a child under heavy medical and legal scrutiny seems UNLIKELY to be abused. Especially one as public as Britney.

2. Her handlers not only are her family (who SAVED her life), but also have (had) a life of their own. Her father is as much a SLAVE TO HER as Britney is a SLAVE TO HIM. An already wealthy man seeking even more wealth at the expense of her daughter's well being, while not unfeasible, is not the norm; adding that he has LOST his own life to care for his daughter's makes the proposition all the more cynical.

Wanting her to disappear and come back a restructured human also seems unfeasible. What else will she be doing with her time? Staying at home while vegetating, and letting her mind LOOSE (as one does in the absence of activities) is likely NOT the route to recovery.

CHALLENGING HERSELF to suppress her social fears (X-Factor), and keeping HERSELF OCCUPIED (her recording career), to me, seems like the only way to the recovery we all desire.

Strike 1: Using Metacritic
Much like you've done before.

Meanwhile, what's your chick done since the critically under-performing Echo?

Strike 2: Using a Metacritic aggregate score that doesn't even include her debut album.
As if that would change matters?

Foul Ball: Claiming "non-existent commercial success" when she's recently gotten a #1 single to her credit, a successful television show, and a pending album due to be released this year.
YET AGAIN with the 10-second guest feature receipt. By that logic, Lauren Bennet is more relevant than Xtincta by featuring on the more successful Party Rock Anthem.

The Noise is tumbling down an abyss towards irrelevance (as thoroughly noted). Not sure why you insist on that expired receipt.

Using the adjective "pending" is comically ironic; Xtincta seems to have many "pending" things, like relevance.

Strike 3: Citing album "reviews" as the barometer for whether or not someone's music is wanted.
Both critical AND commercial success were cited, the latter of which you seem to have conveniently glossed over.

If an artist has neither commercial nor critical success, what does IT have?

As if all of Britney's flaws are just magically erased by the existence of another artist. Talk about desperation. Talk about existential crises.
Not sure where I claimed Britney remains without flaws when I've dedicated paragraphs upon paragraphs concerning her MISERY.

I can't speak for OTHERS.

Yeah...Grammys, tens of millions of records sold, "Icon" status and respect amongst the industry. CHOIRS SINGING HER MUSIC. Those are some damn low standards.
Standards lower than the majority of faves discussed in this thread. Is that HARD to understand?


Stripped World Tour grossed over $70 million on a 48 date schedule. BTBT grossed over 90$ million on a 89 date schedule. AVERAGE GROSS took a laughable 76% DROP.

This is CONVENIENTLY IGNORING that the entire Stripped Tour (including the Justified leg) grossed more than Back To Basics (how prophetic).

The justified/stripped leg should not really be factored in because many people that bought tickets did it exclusively for Justin.

So it's not a 76% drop.

A genuine significant drop is the Flop Fatale Tour, dropping 65%.
And that's even with it using groupon, slashing prices when they realised people couldn't be fooled twice into seeing that tragic mess perform.


Just when the trash couldn't get any stinkier:

“Chris snuck in through the side door at the Gansevoort Hotel super late at night and went to Rihanna’s room. They’re seeing each other. She’s obsessed with him. They’re texting all the time.”



Holy SHIT I never even saw them till now. Cyno sis TEACH ME *.* I have never even made a single gif my whole internet life lmao

I mostly just reuse already existing gifs. If there's a part in a video I like then I cut it using photoshop.
Get a video in mp4 format, import video frames to layers, and then you can edit it from there on.



Not here for the slander and lies on Rih. For all that these two are apparently seeing each other, WHERE IS ONE PIC that confirms this? When they say she's with Drake, there's a pic, when she's allegedly with Bruises, there is none.



This Britney vs. Christina WAR is the most INTENSE back and forth we've had in here since Janet vs. Madonna.

Mayjah props to both of my sisses! I will keep both of your wigs in my thoughts.



Then your math doesn't make sense.

$70mil/48shows = 1458333

$90mil/86shows = 10465111

that's about a 29% drop. Where did you get the 76% from?

I'll CONCEDE this number, not that it changes Xtincta's touring PREDICAMENT.

For as shameful as the Rihonda groupon tactics were for the FFT, it doesn't quite reach the DIZZYING HEIGHTS of an entire CANCELLATION.


Not here for the slander and lies on Rih. For all that these two are apparently seeing each other, WHERE IS ONE PIC that confirms this? When they say she's with Drake, there's a pic, when she's allegedly with Bruises, there is none.

Perhaps they don't want to aim the camera at the EPICENTRE OF FOUL that is Brown's FACE.



I'll CONCEDE this number

oh so you were just pulling shit from your ass again
stale tactic.

For as shameful as the Rihonda groupon tactics were for the FFT, it doesn't quite reach the DIZZYING HEIGHTS of an entire CANCELLATION.

Considering how awful the FF tour was, a cancellation would have worked out better for her integrity than slashing prices to get more people to witness such travesty.

Cyno sis what program do you use?

Photoshop mostly, but I don't know how to add in or edit single frames so I sometimes use ULead Gif Animator 5 for that.

The Goat is working with RedONE and Guetta

if this shit floods the sound-waves this fall.....

Im not familiar with Guetta but I'm all here for that RedOne collab. Gaga would not be where she is today if it weren't for redone. RedOne has a knack for fun obeat pop and Rihanna has the voice perfectly suited for it. She should avoid ballads, it's what killed TTT.


Not according to Pollstar's TOP GROSSING TOURS OF 2007

Care to explain my OFFICIAL RECEIPT?

Yes, I'll explain it using a simple thing called reading comprehension.

Pollstar's tracks yearly tour grossings - from Jan 1st to Dec 31st. Christina's tour technically started in 2006. However, it was the end of 2006 and the vast majority of her shows took place in 2007, which is why most sources consider it a 2007 tour. However, that chunk that happened in 2006 was the entire European leg, which Pollstar doesn't count, so it appears the BTBT was't the top grossing, even though it ultimately grossed more than the female tours ranked above it.

This is an incredibly cynical, if not comically conspirative pretense. Yes, she looks a visible mess. WHERE is doing what she has done her entire life WRONG for her, however?

I would guess an apparently socially frightened individual such as Britney would flee to safe and routine activities, i.e. recording music and occasionally performing. Has she known any other life?

And you would be guessing incorrectly. At least as far as what she probably should be doing.

Getting away from what she has done her entire life could absolutely be the best thing for her, seeing as that thing she's done her entire life (music, general celebrity) is exactly what made her go nuts in the first place. Plunging yourself into those same strenuousness circumstances can often make things worse.

To draw a quick parallel here: A similar argument is often made to explain drug addicts who relapse. They go to rehab, are "successfully" rehabilitated, leave rehab, and immediately return to the life they had before - including friends, family, and all the social pressures that caused them to lose control of their lives and use. Very few people have the will power and resolve to stand up to that sort of pressure, and why? Because for many former users, the lives they had when they were using were all they had ever known and so many ultimately relapse. The majority do at least once, in fact. That's why so many rehabilitation programs specifically stress cutting loose those pressures and influences that were a negative impact.

Separation is one of the first steps to recovery, and not just when it comes to drug addiction. What you're suggesting is that to heal Britney we plunge her back into what made her unwell in the first place. That's not the obvious solution for a lot of people.

Pretending her handles are greedy and not in her best interests is especially cynical. This is twofold:

1. Britney is a PATIENT; you might also consider her a CHILD. A patient or a child under heavy medical and legal scrutiny seems UNLIKELY to be abused. Especially one as public as Britney.

Michael Jackson

Anna Nicole Smith

Whitney Houston

Those three names mean you're wrong.

2. Her handlers not only are her family (who SAVED her life), but also have (had) a life of their own. Her father is as much a SLAVE TO HER as Britney is a SLAVE TO HIM. An already wealthy man seeking even more wealth at the expense of her daughter's well being, while not unfeasible, is not the norm; adding that he has LOST his own life to care for his daughter's makes the proposition all the more cynical.

I base my distrust on Britney's family on the fact that there were a period of time where she didn't trust them. Also on the fact that her conservatorship, the type of which is only meant to be temporary, has only been extended and had people added on to it. Add in rumors that Britney herself wants it to be over, and well...

And please, lets not try to paint the picture of Jamie Spears as this measly old man dutifully sitting by Britney's bedside as his life passes by. Britney's go a husband (co-conservator), family, nannies, maids, and a host of other people around her. He is her conservator, but he is not taking care of her.

Jamie is a wealthy man but he owes his wealth in large part to her so he gets no boo-hoo points for protecting his investment. Especially when he has total control of her empire and only seems interested in extending the conservatorship instead of taking the STEPS to make Britney a fully-functioning human being in her own right.

Wanting her to disappear and come back a restructured human also seems unfeasible. What else will she be doing with her time? Staying at home while vegetating, and letting her mind LOOSE (as one does in the absence of activities) is likely NOT the route to recovery.

She could focus more on her family. She could get more dedicated professional help. She could get some damn hobbies. She could climb Mount Everest - I dunno, she could do whatever she wants, I just don't believe that celebrity is one of those things when she seems SO DAMN NOT HERE FOR IT. As a fan I'm sick of godawful live performances where she puts in NO DAMN EFFORT WHATSOEVER. I'm sick of her music becoming more and more IMPERSONAL and phoned in. I'm sick of seeing pictures of BLEEDING FINGERNAILS.

Seriously, you sound like an addict arguing for why he can't give up the things that led him to use. "Well, what else am I suppose to do? These people/things have always been here for me."



And I just don't want to believe the latter.

CHALLENGING HERSELF to suppress her social fears (X-Factor), and keeping HERSELF OCCUPIED (her recording career), to me, seems like the only way to the recovery we all desire.

Suppression. Yeah, because that's a totally healthy way to learn to deal.


Not to bring in the Leona Lewis beef again (
besides, I'm looking forward to her new single
), but I brought up Metacritic in that discussion because at the time Leona (the poster) was trying to act like Leona (the singer) was on some higher critical/commercial plane than Xtina, and it was easier than pulling up all these reviews separately.

That's entirely different than your self-made point about Xtina not being highly rated or respected in the industry period; an already-delusional point (seriously, how many compliments does she have to get from the industry before people get this?) made worse by the fact that the score you linked to does not include one of her biggest albums.

So not only did you get POINTS DEDUCTED for using Metacritic, you had POINTS DEDUCTED for using Metacritic INCORRECTLY.

As if that would change matters?

Ummm, Grammys, acclaim, and a singles record that held up until Gaga would say that it does.

YET AGAIN with the 10-second guest feature receipt. By that logic, Lauren Bennet is more relevant than Xtincta by featuring on the more successful Party Rock Anthem.

And I'll keep using that receipt as long as you (and your pet wookiees) keep trying to FALSELY state that Xtina has been irrelevant to radio. The receipt, as stale as you think it to be, is FRESH ENOUGH to make you dead-ass-wrong. Par for the course these days, though.

The Noise is tumbling down an abyss towards irrelevance (as thoroughly noted). Not sure why you insist on that expired receipt.

See? As I just said: WRONG AGAIN.

Using the adjective "pending" is comically ironic; Xtincta seems to have many "pending" things, like relevance.

Hmmm, a stint on a successful show AND an album that is definitely coming. I don't see how the relevance is "pending". Then again, I generally like to side on being correct more often than PRESSEDT and WRONG. By your logic, every artist who isn't actively promoting an album has "pending" relevance.

Both critical AND commercial success were cited, the latter of which you seem to have conveniently glossed over.

If an artist has neither commercial nor critical success, what does IT have?

Over 50 million albums sold?


Artist integrity?

Enough industry respect that she'll be able to make albums whenever she wants to until the day she dies?

Standards lower than the majority of faves discussed in this thread. Is that HARD to understand?

Hmmm...Not hard to understand, just hard to view as being an ACCURATE OBSERVATION.

Leona Lewis
Kelly Clarkson
Demi Lovato
Lana Del Rey
La Roux
Beyonce (depending on how you add the numbers)
Katy Perry
That Future Flop Who Won Eurovision

The list could continue.

There is a SMALL GROUP of elite women talked about in this thread that are more critically/commercial successful than Christina, but the LIST ABOVE is the majority. YET ANOTHER bullet point in an growing list of wrong.

See, the problem with you Britney stans is that you base so much on your love for Britney on bashing Christina at every possible (and not possible) opportunity that you've crossed over into the realm of PRESSED DELUSION. As Soulscribe accurately put it earlier: it's never been about sales. Duh, it couldn't be. But even beyond that there seems to be a desperate, grassroots movement on the part of Britney stans the world over to convince the world that Christina is as awful as you all, for some inexplicable reason, NEED her to be. And it just ISN'T the case. Sorry.


So can anyone explain why METHNEY is engaged and RULED CAPABLE by a judge to do a show like Xfactor all while enjoying her ENGAGEMENT and BANKING 16mill? Guess the BI POLAR POST PARTEM SHITNEY is just a robotic trainwreck who was FORCED to do these things. Little Periods really can't GRASP the meaning of SUCCESS. FAILURES AND STRUGGLES will forever be your faves LEGACY. How utterly VILE and DEPRESSING. Poor SHITNEY still PUNCHING your fave while she sits on her MEDICATED ass eating those CHEETOS and drinking all that CHAI.


EDIT: Let's take sales out of the EQUATION and SEE. Xfactor has given more PRESS and CONTROVERSY than Xtincta ever had for the NOISE her alleged COMEBACK. That was only the RUMORS of her being a judge. Xtincta? her only THING OF NOTE was when she hugged JB and gave that DISGUSTING look afterwards. And when The UNWANTED called her a BITCH. Then right after they PRAISED GODNEY. What does that tell you PERIODS? The world HATES your fave and you just have to REALIZE they TEAR BRITNEY down but ain't nobody called Britney a DIVA or a BITCH. A Bi Polar woman at THAT. Your fave has no medical issues to use as an excuse. How TELLING. Your fave is HATED by everyone and you wanna come for everyone. The NERVE of these idiot baboons



So can anyone explain why METHNEY is engaged and RULED CAPABLE by a judge to do a show like Xfactor all while enjoying her ENGAGEMENT and BANKING 16mill? Guess the BI POLAR POST PARTEM SHITNEY is just a robotic trainwreck who was FORCED to do these things. Little Periods really can't GRASP the meaning of SUCCESS. FAILURES AND STRUGGLES will forever be your faves LEGACY. How utterly VILE and DEPRESSING. Poor SHITNEY still PUNCHING your fave while she sits on her MEDICATED ass eating those CHEETOS and drinking all that CHAI.


Want to explain to me the pathetic state Britney must be in if she had to be RULED CAPABLE BY A JUDGE to do a show like X Factor in the first place?







Pathetic State? GWORL yall are REACHING for something and it isn't SUCCESS. She is in a Conservatorship for the little ILLITERATES


EDIT: Let's take sales out of the EQUATION and SEE. Xfactor has given more PRESS and CONTROVERSY than Xtincta ever had for the NOISE her alleged COMEBACK. That was only the RUMORS of her being a judge. Xtincta? her only THING OF NOTE was when she hugged JB and gave that DISGUSTING look afterwards. And when The UNWANTED called her a BITCH. Then right after they PRAISED GODNEY. What does that tell you PERIODS? The world HATES your fave and you just have to REALIZE they TEAR BRITNEY down but ain't nobody called Britney a DIVA or a BITCH. A Bi Polar woman at THAT. Your fave has no medical issues to use as an excuse. How TELLING. Your fave is HATED by everyone and you wanna come for everyone. The NERVE of these idiot baboons

Funny, because from my end on the only people trying to tear folks down are the Britney stans.

As has been noted by others, I wasn't even attacking Britney in the post that started this mess. I said MULTIPLE TIMES that I was speaking as someone that was a fan of her. But that was all that was needed for you to start your hateful and borderline unintelligible rant against Xtina.

Funny that The Wanted have also been highly criticised for their beef with Christina (who has yet to even COMMENT). Even worms like PEREZ HILTON, who HATES Christina, called them out on their childishness.

So lets keep the tea nice and true. The bitter queens in here aren't the Xtina stans.

Pathetic State? GWORL yall are REACHING for something and it isn't SUCCESS. She is in a Conservatorship for the little ILLITERATES

You don't think it pathetic that a grown woman in her 30s has to ask her damn daddy to spend her own money? That she can't make decisions regarding her own life? That she has to ASK FOR PERMISSION FROM HER FATHER OR A JUDGE to do things my TEENAGE SISTER could do on her own?

...wait a minute. Do you even know what a conservatorship is?

Get back to me after a trip to Wikipedia.


A conservatorship, at 30?

"In other legal terms, a conservatorship may refer to the legal responsibilities over a person who is mentally ill, including those who are psychotic, suicidal, incapacitated or is in some other way unable to make legal, medical or financial decisions on behalf of themselves."

... Sounds pretty bad to me.
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