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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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Good thing they seem to be at peace with bawling like little bitches.

Don't use "bitch" like this.

The other instances on this page - what a third-party said, or the reputation someone has, or the phrase "basic bitch" as a part of the whole stanning thing, fine. Or another example, in relation to the word "fierce," yes. But not this.

And this does not mean any of you get to start prefacing every time you want to call someone a bitch with "I HEARD SOMEONE THINKS". Actual events as in The Wanted example only.


Not attempting to take a side here, but I notice Britney's "The Singles Collection" re-appeared on the Billboard Top 200 at Number 191 (2,700 copies sold) this week. Is there any particular reason why there would be a sales spike for that compilation right now?

I only happened to notice because because I was checking up on Far East Movement's "Dirty Bass", which DEBUTED at 190. How is it possible to have multiple songs in the Top 20, including a Number 1 smash, within the past 2 years and FLOP so thoroughly?


I've never felt so embarrassed for a musical act before, tbh. Probably would have saved face by not charting at all so their shame would not be recorded in Billboard's RECEIPT HISTORY.


Good thing they seem to be at peace with bawling like little bitches.

So Godney ClockedT without even TRYING? Sounds like her everyday life




Finally got around to hearing The Idler Wheel in full.

Brilliant, indudablemente


The Idler Wheel is absolutely brilliant.

If I had any criticism, it would be that there aren't any real standout moments on the album. All of the songs seem to really flow into each other and outside of "Every Single Night" I couldn't imagine listening to any of the songs on their own.

But I get the impression that that's what Apple intended. I've listened to the album - the entire album - at least a dozen times at this point.
I have "Hot Knife" stuck in my brain.

I love it.


The Idler Wheel is absolutely brilliant.

If I had any criticism, it would be that there aren't any real standout moments on the album. Although of the songs seem to really flow into each other and outside of "Every Single Night" I couldn't imagine listening to any of the songs on their own.

But I get the impression that that's what Apple intended. I've listened to the album - the entire album - at least a dozen times at this point.
Mhm, there definitely aren't any songs that'll cross over to Pop like on Tidal, but I don't mind. I agree that Fiona probably meant for the album to be listened to as an album rather than as a collection of potential singles, but I still have some favorites- Left Alone because it's totally manic and insane, Werewolf because it seems to be the 'catchiest' song on the album even though it doesn't sacrifice any lyrical cleverness, and Hot Knife because it's just CLIMACTIC. Love it ♥


Not disagreeing with the bolded at all, but don't you find it a a bit sad? That you and your followers put more energy into stanning for Britney and constantly trashing other artists in her name than Britney puts in her own career?
That's the stanning game, doll. Whatever she's doing really doesn't matter.

And if you think that's ridiculous, do I need to remind you what thread you're in?

The conservatorship is not the critical detail. It's the embarrassing detail. The critical detail is that these were all wealthy people in the public eye who were unwell and had people in their lives who were close to them but did not have their best interests in mind. And while that doesn't make it the definite case for Britney, it does establish a familiar pattern for celebrities who at one point were in a similar predicament.
It is embarrassing, but it remains critical; because what the conservatorship entails is that Britney has a gaggle of people external to her entourage also monitoring her well being. The conservatorship adds an entire new web of things to consider when trying to claim something is awry behind the scenes.

Cynicism in itself doesn't write off anything as being untrue.

Not that I'm even claiming it to be. My opinion of Britney's father is but one of the many things I consider when looking at the current profile of Britney. I don't take her father possibly being a leech as gospel. I just inisist that it's naive to write the possibility off entirely.
And I agree that it very well could be the case, but so very improbable. It honestly reads like a piece from The Sun.

What about the aspects of her life that don't require her to be in the public eye, if severe social anxiety is the name of the game here. Her music videos, that are filmed on closed sets, would still be good. Her music, which is recorded in a private studio, wouldn't be as impersonal as it has become.

Social anxiety only accounts for a small bit of Britney's lack of effort as an entertainment personality.
Social anxiety or another mental illness can be crippling, dear. In the same sentence, I stated how it could arise even outside the public eye. It could absolutely account for all her deficiencies.

To illustrate: it doesn't matter if she spends months practicing for a single performance if she gets on stage with a terrible bout of anxiety; and note that I'm not arguing any handicaps she might have excuse the very fact that she chooses to provide a shoddy performance, but she might actually be trying.

Preparation would be a better way to describe it. Then again, immediately throwing her back into the spotlight isn't exactly a good way to overcome mental episodes. I would never suggest Britney go away permanently. She has too much talent and a standing legacy for me to ever suggest that.
And we will keep disagreeing there. Honestly, to me it seems the only way to return to glory in the spotlight is to deal with her demons regarding the spotlight, and she kinda needs to be in the spotlight for that to even occur. As it stands, her environment seems to be controlled so as to not be detrimental to her health, so I really don't see any issue to begin with.

Making music was not the thing that sent her on the wrong path; factors peripheral to her career were, ultimately, her downfall. A recording career, from what I can deduce, remains her "safe heaven" and I would say she still wants to keep doing that.

However, there's just simply no excuse to make for her not utilizing all that talent. And she's not. She is just simply an embarrassing shadow of her former self. The type of fan I am wants her to go away so that she can rediscover that innate thing in her that made her want to be a star in the first place. But that's just me. If there are people out there who are A-OK with her being physically and emotionally not here for her career outside of applying her voice to ready-made production, then I guess that's ok too. Just realize that you don't have the wherewithal to come for anyone else's faves. Because the simple truth of the matter is that, as she is today, the only thing Britney and her stans have to cling to are her sales numbers, because in every other way she's an embarrassment to her former legacy. Personality, charm, performance ability, presence in her own damn music? Gone.
Yes, sales numbers, which are the FUNNEST to throw around. But my point way back in the very first post is that Britney stans also cling to her musical output, which continues to be solid and even influential (note how the structure in songs from Femme Fatale have already been pilfered by other lessers). I'm not contesting your opinion regarding her music as of late, but it is ultimately meaningless. So many people love her music, and radio-wise, she is actually at her PEAK.

So it becomes really freaking annoying that anytime someone in this thread wants to say anything nice about Christina we have to fend off 2 pages of bullshit tea from the Britney stans who seem to want everyone to forget that Britney's basically a lobotomized hag at this point.
Ignoring that every faction has the hots to drag Xtincta, not just the Britney stans.


Christina's Back To Basics album scored a 69. That's well in the green and a higher score than all of Britney's albums except for "Oops...I Did It Again" (which was flawless bubblegum pop, tbh). There, I've used your own source of "receipts" to prove you dead-ass-wrong.
How is that any proof when it's just ONE GREEN out of a GAGGLE of YELLOW? It's not even her most recent output.

Her tendency, no matter how much you want to deny this, is to release critically SUBPAR music; and that's why I tied it into her commercial success, or lack thereof. Xtincta's only noteworthy commercial achievements were her first two albums, and noteworthy is used LOOSELY considering many of her peers around the same time sold LEAGUES MORE.

There has been a DRASTIC decline in commercial sales in every album (much more than it can be explained by the general decline in the industry), and one can't help but point to her mixed-at-best critical reception as part of the reason why she has been SHEDDING FANS like a cat sheds its fur.

Last time I checked The Grammy Committee didn't give out their awards based on sales, but on critical merit as determined by their committee. And yet who got the Best New Artist Grammy? Britney? Of course not.
You know, it's funny that you keep bringing up this BNA Grammy. I just stumbled upon this in the award's Wikipedia page:

"It is sometimes asserted, with varying degrees of sincerity, that winning the award is a curse, as several award winners (particularly from the late 70s and early 80s) were never able to duplicate the success they experienced in their debut year."

Just a bunch of superstition, but I can't help but LOL at how FITTING it is with Xtincta!

The REAL point is the fact that, had they included what was, at the end of the day, one of Christina's BIGGEST albums that won her Grammys, her aggregate score would have likely been higher, rendering your point moot. In other words, attempting to make the claim that Christina has never known critical success, and using a chart that doesn't include all of her albums to prove this, is misleading at best and idiotic and worst.
It is not mooting any point because a Grammy award does not establish a particular critical reception. You can argue the album was not abhorrent, but there is simply no evidence to suggest the aggregate score would have increased. It is purely a GUESS on your part.

Want some evidence as to its reception? The album received MIXED REVIEWS. Likelihood of redeeming her SUBPAR AGGREGATE is almost NON-EXISTENT.

Regardless of whether or not YOU like it, that feature on "Moves Like Jagger" counted as a #1 for her catalog. It is YOU with the dissenting opinion.

And you know how it goes (at least, you should): if you're presenting an opinion that goes against the status quo the burden of PROOF is on YOU. What the means, and read this carefully, is that before I would have to prove that the song went #1 because of her, YOU would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the song would have gone #1 WITHOUT her. So until I see some "Moves Like Jagger (NOT Feat. Christina Aguilera)" going #1 on the charts this is yet another point of yours that is dead-ass-wrong and moot. #NEXT
And whose status quo might this be? Nevermind that you've deflected the original point. YES, that #1 counts as a hit in her catalogue like any other. NO, it is not representative of her power or relevance in the radio by any measure.

Xtincta has been unable to get a hit of her own for YEARS. That is fact, and that particular fact is all the more relevant as her upcoming output is a SOLO effort and not a FEATURING STINT.

Regardless of it being a finale or not, that episode saw this last season of The Voice ending, not just on a high note, but a HIGHER NOTE than the 1st season. So not only is using that finale as a claim of the show's relevance NOT ignorant, it's TRUE TEA. Ignorance would be claiming that a show that ended it's season with higher ratings than the season before, and that dominated its time-slot for the 18-49 demographic EVEN WHILE in its ratings slump is irrelevant just because your fave signed on for a competing show.
It's true tea only in YOUR MIND. Not sure how many times one must repeat that a one-off night is not indicative of a show's HEALTH. What IS indicative of health is TREND, and much like NBC agrees, the trend is WORRYINGLY DOWNWARD. What you are claiming right now goes against what the very people FINANCING the show BELIEVE.

Let me also educate you on the move to the Winter season. Viewership in those months (and the Fall) is about a THIRD higher than they are in the SUMMER. NBC did not move the show to a Winter (and now Fall) timeslot to suffer a DROP in ratings, or (since you keep INSISTING on the Finale's numbers) an increase in ratings that is BELOW the increase in TV VIEWERSHIP.

And no, this has nothing to do with Britney going on X Factor. Please, I've been going in on The Voice before Britney was even rumored for X Factor, ever since it became apparent the show treats its contestants as props for the promotional gain of its judges. Absolutely vile.

Ummm, Christina only did a handful of performance for her greatest hits album, at the MTV Movie Awards. I wouldn't exactly call that "extensive promotion." And despite that, AND only being initially available at Target it still debuted withing the Billboard Top 10 and WENT PLATINUM. Respectable for a greatest hits album.
The album didn't go Platinum in the United States. It doesn't seem to have even cleared a million worldwide.

By all accounts underwhelming, and what's interesting about this is that these types of compilations (at least the first major ones) are in a way indicative of how much a public values an artist's output. See Madonna, Whitney, Britney, et al any other artist whom is often considered a POWERHOUSE.

That Keeps Gettin' Better (lol) underperformed is quite FITTING.

But that's all beside the point. The point is that an artist with only one flop album under her belt and several lucrative projects to her name since then is not a "dead" artist. That claim is nothing more than desperate stan lingo.
Nearly 6 years of being nothing but an afterthought for the recording industry say otherwise. Would you say BRANDY'S CAREER is not DEAD? Xtincta is very much REMINISCENT of the felon.

So? Even at that number of ALBUMS sold is still more than most people's faves. And if we're only counting albums then EVERYONE'S faves takes a nosedive.
No. Absurd that you would even claim this. You have a point with the Sesame Street artists whom can't even claim to be a fad, but Xtincta's commercial achievements is nowhere near more than "most."

What makes this even more impressive for Christina is that she accomplished this off the back of only 4 MAIN ALBUMS (3 with Bionic being a non-factor). Each album spread over the course of about 4 years. If she had the output of your typical pop star then I'd agree that her albums sold aren't as impressive. But her output isn't that high. Yes, that is her choice to make, but it still must be taken into account, because it means that all of her album except the last one were HITS.
Not impressive when Britney's first two albums outsold her entire catalogue. Backstreet Boy's one album outsold her entire catalogue. The list goes on. And honestly, we're now delving into WHAT IF, COULD HAVE territory. Point is, her output is far from being commercially NOTEWORTHY.

While I'd like to think that Christina won he Grammys at a time when they were actually difficult to obtain and not just tossed out like Halloween candy (seriously, Mariah only has 5. MARIAH), I'm won't disagree with you here. I only point out her Grammys to point disprove your idea she isn't critically acclaimed or respected. And the sad truth is, until the Grammy committee gets aired out for the sham that it is, it still has some standing merit in the industry in regards to what is and isn't critically acclaimed. In other words, it's a notch on her bedpost. The number of Grammys won mean not a thing to me.
Absolutely. The committee is vile.

Hmmm...Not only is the idea of RCA kicking her so ridiculous it's not even worth discussing
It was actually a HOT TOPIC in the wake of Bionic. The possibility is certainly there, especially considering colossal artists have been dropped from their labels. Didn't Mariah meet that fate?

These are just artists/producers in the industry who have worked with her and would work with her AGAIN. So I don't know why you seem to think that an artist needs to have a gold statue erected in front of their label's headquarters to properly convey respect, but the proof is there in every other way.
Not exactly a receipt for respect when artists like Katy Perry or Rihanus have a gaggle of equally talented producers wanting to work with them again.

It's more of a sign that she's professional. Good for her.

So. What you're saying is, because the discussion in this particular thread is dominated by 4 artists, that is sure enough sign of Christina's irrelevance and proof that she's "never known success" and "only knows failure"? So I'm guessing you would say the same exact thing about the rest of the artists mentioned in this thread that are not those 4 women?

Hmmm, I wonder what that is more an indication of...Christina Aguilera's failure, or this thread's complete, utter, and embarrassing lack of diversity.
That was in reply to the claim that Xtincta's standards are somehow storied or impressive to many people in this thread. They are not.

And yes, there is a lack of diversity in this thread, though at the very least the community now seems to be sustainable (unlike just a few months earlier where the very existence of the thread was in question). This is all very peripheral to Xtincta's predicament, though.

Christina is a LEGEND. Her place in this industry is CEMENTED. DEAL.
I agree, she truly has CEMENTED herself at the bottom.


Another day, another dead Xtincta stan SQUASHED and DRAGGED on the side of the road by EVERY stan base you could think of. They really do carry after their Fave. How UNFORTUNATE


LOL you gurls.

Xtincta stans should quit being butt-sores about their fave getting dragged accross endless deserts of calamity and do like the Rihanna stans do. They also get dragged but they stan like champs. They keep it cute and funny and everyone is happy.

NOBODY HERE HATES ANYBODY'S FAVE. It's all in good fun. Don't take it personally. THE BITCHES YOU STAN FOR DON'T REALLY CARE FOR YOU. It's A GAME. Relax and have fun.

And quit attempting to get all serious about pop stars careers and such. It gives everyone a headache and quite frankly it's not much fun to read. If you get too caught up in stan wars to the point where it raises your blood pressure YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.




Oh Rocket sis ily<3 Only girl in the world (thread) #YOU ARE FLAWLESS. It's hilarious the Little PERIODS think they even have GROUNDS to talk SERIOUSLY about a fave who NO ONE TAKES SERIOUSLY. Funny you mention BLOOD PRESSURE tho, its a relevant term for them tbh.


Oh god, that walk, those hips. I'm in love

You should come in here more TBH you are always WELCOME



To illustrate: it doesn't matter if she spends months practicing for a single performance if she gets on stage with a terrible bout of anxiety; and note that I'm not arguing any handicaps she might have excuse the very fact that she chooses to provide a shoddy performance, but she might actually be trying.


Explain to me how social anxiety inhibits allegedly rehearsed choreography.

Explain to me how social anxiety explains having prolonged periods of sitting incorporated into the choreography.

And we will keep disagreeing there. Honestly, to me it seems the only way to return to glory in the spotlight is to deal with her demons regarding the spotlight, and she kinda needs to be in the spotlight for that to even occur. As it stands, her environment seems to be controlled so as to not be detrimental to her health, so I really don't see any issue to begin with.

And I'll keep believing that even temporary removal of detrimental influences will always be more beneficial than plunging someone directly back into what left them mentally shredded to begin with. It's like when you're writing a paper and your brain freezes. It often ends up working out that removing yourself from the task, however briefly, can be revitalizing and improve performance. It's also good for regaining perspective. Britney was't born a star. There was something about her life before she was famous that made her want to be one, fueled her drive, and made her so good at what she was doing. Taking time out could be just what she needs to reclaim that, and that's what I'll continue to think.

Ignoring that every faction has the hots to drag Xtincta, not just the Britney stans.


Every faction has the hots to drag every other faction. This thread is BUILT on stan wars. What I'm annoyed with, and has been pointed out by others, is the particular animosity directed at Xtina whenever anything positive about her mentioned, and it's usually triggered by Britney fans clinging to past and non-existent beef. Not that Xtina fans can't take it (we are Fighters, after all). I just think it would be healthy to point out all this one-sided animosity the next time this thread's resident wookiee wants to claim that it's the Xtina stans that are bitter.

Her tendency, no matter how much you want to deny this, is to release critically SUBPAR music; and that's why I tied it into her commercial success, or lack thereof. Xtincta's only noteworthy commercial achievements were her first two albums, and noteworthy is used LOOSELY considering many of her peers around the same time sold LEAGUES MORE.

And what is the problem here, exactly? At what point did the wires get crossed and you started to think that I, or any other Christina fan in this thread for that matter, were claiming that Christina was the commercial Queen of the World and had outsold everyone in this thread's faves combined? Because you seem to get especially pressed and bothered when anyone claims that Christina even sold so much as a single record.

Reminding the fans that there are artists out there who have sold more isn't clocking anyone. It's wasting time stating the obvious. Attempting to make the claim that selling upwards of 10 million of a single record isn't special is not enlightening or smart. It's delusional.

In fact, in this entire discussion and prior, you have not said a single thing that has detracted from what I have claimed several times throughout this thread to be my main point: That Christina Aguilera is a successful artist.

Not a single, solitary, iota of a thing.

And your attempts to gloss over that and bring in every stan talking point under the sun is not only a futile exercise (because you will always be wrong), it devalues the quality of your overall opinion.

We can talk about hair and paparazzi shots and individual songs/albums, but the whole "Christina has only ever known failure and will never know success" narrative? It's not smart to an almost embarrassing level, and is really the only time I stan for Christina to this degree.

And whose status quo might this be? Nevermind that you've deflected the original point. YES, that #1 counts as a hit in her catalogue like any other. NO, it is not representative of her power or relevance in the radio by any measure.

Xtincta has been unable to get a hit of her own for YEARS. That is fact, and that particular fact is all the more relevant as her upcoming output is a SOLO effort and not a FEATURING STINT.

I'm sorry, but I don't see any deflection here. Only your backtracking. Your original stance that made me bring up "Moves Like Jagger" for the umpteenth time was that "Xtina has only ever known failure." MLJ is undeniable proof that this incorrect. You can add whatever caveats you want to after the fact, but you're still wrong on your original assertion. And I think a lot of people who follow music and work in the industry at any level would agree that having a song that features your vocals and input go #1 on the Hot 100 is a success. Or, at the very least, definitely not a failure.

So lets cut through this bull and get right to the meat:

You stated a falsehood.

I corrected your falsehood.

Editing yourself with ("She hasn't had a single BY HERSELF reach #1!") does not change the fact that you were intially wrong and subsequently corrected. It just reeks of moving the goalposts in an attempt to maintain a point that was shoddy from the moment you hit "Submit Reply".

It's true tea only in YOUR MIND. Not sure how many times one must repeat that a one-off night is not indicative of a show's HEALTH. What IS indicative of health is TREND, and much like NBC agrees, the trend is WORRYINGLY DOWNWARD. What you are claiming right now goes against what the very people FINANCING the show BELIEVE.

Let me also educate you on the move to the Winter season. Viewership in those months (and the Fall) is about a THIRD higher than they are in the SUMMER. NBC did not move the show to a Winter (and now Fall) timeslot to suffer a DROP in ratings, or (since you keep INSISTING on the Finale's numbers) an increase in ratings that is BELOW the increase in TV VIEWERSHIP.

And no, this has nothing to do with Britney going on X Factor. Please, I've been going in on The Voice before Britney was even rumored for X Factor, ever since it became apparent the show treats its contestants as props for the promotional gain of its judges. Absolutely vile.

Honestly, none of this matters because it doesn't prove anything I said wrong. The Voice is still NBCs most successful shows. It still ended on a higher note than last season. And despite it's lowered rating in the middle of the season it still dominated its timeslot.

Any steps NBC takes at this point to improve the ratings of The Voice is not a sign that the show is a failure, because it's not. The steps are preemptive. Calling it a failure now would be akin to claiming that Idol doesn't deserve to celebrity being the most popular show of its kind because the ratings have lowered these last few seasons.

That was in reply to the claim that Xtincta's standards are somehow storied or impressive to many people in this thread. They are not.

I'd like to ask you where I ever made that claim, or how "posters in this thread" not being impressed translates to "objectively not impressive." Because we can go through receipts of the many people out there who are impressed by Christina and her accomplishments. But that would be a pointless exercise.
I don't really think anyone here is really taking anything personally, to be honest. We all know the game.

But I agree about Rih stans. They're pretty great.
You should come in here more TBH you are always WELCOME


Indeed, the thread needs more hot black dudes *daps*

I've been listening to the new Fiona Apple album, it's amazing. Very stripped down and raw compared to the more orchestrated stuff from previous albums



LOL you gurls.

Xtincta stans should quit being butt-sores about their fave getting dragged accross endless deserts of calamity and do like the Rihanna stans do. They also get dragged but they stan like champs. They keep it cute and funny and everyone is happy.

NOBODY HERE HATES ANYBODY'S FAVE. It's all in good fun. Don't take it personally. THE BITCHES YOU STAN FOR DON'T REALLY CARE FOR YOU. It's A GAME. Relax and have fun.

And quit attempting to get all serious about pop stars careers and such. It gives everyone a headache and quite frankly it's not much fun to read. If you get too caught up in stan wars to the point where it raises your blood pressure YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.



Can I just say, before I go to bed, that the post I wrote that started this entire #MESS (of which I will no longer be taking part because relevant points have long since stopped being made) was a post commenting on the mental state of Britney Spears, an artist that I have visibly stanned for in this thread and others so many times that I really shouldn't have to say it anymore. It was a post in response to a question, and a post that I would have liked to have led to more discussion on the topic. Because it is an interesting topic. And while I pretty much disagree with all of Koodo's posts in the last few pages, I nevertheless respect that he at least put forth the effort to argue what was my original point (Britney's mental state), before throwing shade at Xtina.

It was not my intention, nor my desire, for that discussion to parlay into a yet another unrelated 4 page stan war over Christina Aguilera's commercial appeal or relevancy as an artist.And even right now I'm scratching my head wondering how it happened...again.

I like stan wars, and gif slinging, and I've done my fair share of dragging in this thread. I've even argued for this "culture" (as I've described it) in other threads on occasion; and I defended Pop-GAF against GAF at large after that unfortunate Bieber thread incident.

But tonight? For the first time I have to honestly say that I agree with the rest of GAF (and the few Pop-Gaffers who have made this point in the past) in that it is completely fucking frustrating attempting to have anything that even vaguely resembles intelligent discussion when it comes to Pop-GAF.

Pop music and the appreciation of it does not have to be only bubblegum. At least, that's not how it should be. Think about that.

Goodnight girls.


Indeed, the thread needs more hot black dudes *daps*

I've been listening to the new Fiona Apple album, it's amazing. Very stripped down and raw compared to the more orchestrated stuff from previous albums

She is FREE OF FLAWS idk its been a while since her last material but I'm glad she's back.
Might as well SAMPLE Fiona since all you hookers are praising the album to high heaven. *.*
DEW IT. I wish I had heard it while it was streaming on NPR; hearing it with Gillette commercials interspersed throughout on Spotify was not a good look. I will purchase it soon enough though



Explain to me how social anxiety inhibits allegedly rehearsed choreography.

Explain to me how social anxiety explains having prolonged periods of sitting incorporated into the choreography.
Because nerves can be CRIPPLING. You never saw that one unfortunate soul who practiced their speech for a WEEK only to FREEZE and FORGET when the moment came?

That prolonged sitting was incorporated into the choreography is precisely evidence that the choreographer believes she won't be able to do it.

In fact, in this entire discussion and prior, you have not said a single thing that has detracted from what I have claimed several times throughout this thread to be my main point: That Christina Aguilera is a successful artist.
And this is where I bring to your attention how you worded this in the present tense and point out how all the receipts have been constructed to show how much your fave, presently and for half a decade now, has been a CANDLE IN THE WIND.


Perhaps, given your insistence on pretending MLJ is a receipt valid at the local thrift store, Xtincta should be considered a featuring guest on every occasion:

Max was battered in the park, ft. Xtincta
A producer worked on music, ft. Xtincta
Judging panel with Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green and Blake Shelton, ft. Xtincta
Tanning oil is seen to melt at extreme temperatures, ft. Xtincta

The narrative of ETERNAL FAILURE & STRUGGLES is hyperbolic yet tinged with a dab of truth. As has been demonstrated, Xtincta has ALWAYS been the LESSER, STRUGGLING against her PEERS. The constant themes of hardship, of being over-LOOKED and over-SHADOWED that permeate her LIFE bars her from being titled CULTURAL ICON, and LEGEND by any metric. Excluding LEGENDARY FAILURE.

But most importantly, let me bring to your attention that YOU started replying to ME concerning a commentary on why Xtincta stans AT LARGE shouldn't be surprised at her present state of NON-EXISTENCE and why their fave is the object of MASS DRAGGINGS by EVERYONE (as duly evidenced). Although I generally go about calling Xtincta an ETERNAL FAILURE, the narrative in this exchange between YOU & I (which you seem to be combining and confusing with the OTHER REPLIES) never stated THIS.



So, yes, doll, in this particular occasion YOU contributed to a page of vitriol towards your fave. It wasn't delivered, you SOUGHT IT.

And lastly, let me remind you that despite being aware of stan lingo and knowing you're in a stan thread, you are taking these claims AWFULLY SERIOUSLY. There are times when we discuss things seriously in this thread, yet this is clearly not that time; one side of the equation has been reacting with AMUSEMENT while the other has been graying their hair in SPECTACULAR fashion.

I just think it would be healthy to point out all this one-sided animosity the next time this thread's resident wookiee wants to claim that it's the Xtina stans that are bitter.
If you CTRL+F how much you've repeated the words bothered, bitter, pressed, and, especially, LOOK-AT-ME-WINNING, it's when you will start noticing that Xtincta stans are the ones with a heightened blood pressure right at this very moment (and, what seems like often).

I am ALMOST concerned about your computer MALFUNCTIONING at the hands of SWEAT DRIPPING on the KEYBOARD. Fortunately, it seems you went to BED and perhaps will MULL over how many paragraphs were WASTED.



Not here for the research paper posts.

We all know how short my attention span is in the dj room since I almost instantly dislike any song > 4 mins, so I can barely read a few dozen lines before I become bored. Let's try to NOT pull an Xtina with our posts, and have them stuffed to the brim with FILLER much like she has on her albums. ok?


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
This fucking thread. LOVE.

You guys <3

Just watched Devil. Shit movie, but sorry KOO. LMG is still topping the list.


And lastly, let me remind you that despite being aware of stan lingo and knowing you're in a stan thread, you are taking these claims AWFULLY SERIOUSLY. There are times when we discuss things seriously in this thread, yet this is clearly not that time; one side of the equation has been reacting with AMUSEMENT while the other has been graying their hair in SPECTACULAR fashion.

He was trying to open a serious discussion and assumed his interlocutors would be capable of engaging in it seriously, and you fault him for your own failure to live up to that?

His expectations were not unreasonable. I have had serious discussions with him about things in here and I know you, at least, are capable of doing it outside of here.
I take this thread for what it is, posters becoming caricatures of themselves to have fake arguments about pop 'artists'.

Occasionally there's some real news.

Mau ®

Let's stop talking about THE FLOP
Ya'll know who that is tbh
and discuss "Where Have The Flaws Been"

5. RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 114.228 (+ 2.890) &#9650;

Up one spot. Highest update of the day yet again...

I mean, what kind of NON-HIT this is?!?!?



Let's stop talking about THE FLOP
Ya'll know who that is tbh
and discuss "Where Have The Flaws Been"

5. RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 114.228 (+ 2.890) &#9650;

Up one spot. Highest update of the day yet again...

I mean, what kind of NON-HIT this is?!?!?


A Non-Number one hit!


Let's stop talking about THE FLOP
Ya'll know who that is tbh
and discuss "Where Have The Flaws Been"

5. RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 114.228 (+ 2.890) &#9650;

Up one spot. Highest update of the day yet again...

I mean, what kind of NON-HIT this is?!?!?


3 Days in a row having the highest update... But I thought it wasn't a hit?


Dr. Malik

Let's stop talking about THE FLOP
Ya'll know who that is tbh
and discuss "Where Have The Flaws Been"

5. RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 114.228 (+ 2.890) &#9650;

Up one spot. Highest update of the day yet again...

I mean, what kind of NON-HIT this is?!?!?

I am surprised you dont stan for LMFAO tbh, since your fave and them seem to output the same type of goat droppings now a days


Mau ®

I am surprised you dont stan for LMFAO tbh, since your fave and them seem to output the same type of goat droppings now a days



1) You stanned HARD for this song. The receipts are PLENTIFUL and EMBARRASING. Shut it.

2) You stan Nicki Garbaj. Don't accuse Rihanna of having a SHIT OUTPUT when Garbaj has the lowest standards in the POP INDUSTRY.


Dr. Malik

2) You stan Nicki Garbaj. Don't accuse Rihanna of having a SHIT OUTPUT when Garbaj has the lowest standards in the POP INDUSTRY.


Dont even come for Nicki since she at least is able to produce a song that contains more than 17 words looped over and over, talk about low standards

and at this point she probably already outsold Talk That Flop
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