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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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I guess her MELTDOWN was this year according to the BABOONS. The utter STUPIDITY is DRIPPING from your SKIRTS




And that conservatorship has only been EXTENDED.

What kind of FLOP, UNINFORMED stanning...?


Im not a real fan of Britney. Roy was the one the WHOLE TIME apparently



I am a fan of Britney. A REAL fan of Britney.

Not a "I need a weapon for my arsenal in the stan wars" fan of Britney.

Now, Kyon, give it up sis. I'm dragging you for filth here, and I don't like it.



You aren't dragging ANYTHING hun. THE AMUSEMENT that I get from Xtincta stans thinking they could DRAG ANYTHING is EUPHORIC. Godney is UNBOTHERED as am I. I'm in HEAVEN with my FAVE being in the SPOTLIGHT something Xtincta hasn't KNOWN for quite some TIME


You seem to put more emphasis on her being in the spotlight and doing well commercially than on her being well personally.

And that's what he was questioning.


You aren't dragging ANYTHING hun. THE AMUSEMENT that I get from Xtincta stans thinking they could DRAG ANYTHING is EUPHORIC. Godney is UNBOTHERED as am I. I'm in HEAVEN with my FAVE being in the SPOTLIGHT something Xtincta hasn't KNOWN for quite some TIME

Being in the spotlight of a reality singing competition? Something Christina has been doing for two seasons already? Ch...


Mau ®

Yes, I'll explain it using a simple thing called reading comprehension.

Pollstar's tracks yearly tour grossings - from Jan 1st to Dec 31st. Christina's tour technically started in 2006. However, it was the end of 2006 and the vast majority of her shows took place in 2007, which is why most sources consider it a 2007 tour. However, that chunk that happened in 2006 was the entire European leg, which Pollstar doesn't count, so it appears the BTBT was't the top grossing, even though it ultimately grossed more than the female tours ranked above it.

Ok you said it was THE TOP GROSSING 2007 TOUR and it wasnt. Simple as that. Don't blame it on reading comprehension on MY PART. You should blame it on your FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE the real receipts.

And no hun, even if it counted the 2006 european grosses, it would still not surpass Celine Dion's tour grosses from 2006 AND 2007 combined. So no, it wasnt a top female tour anywhere.

Oh and for additional info, you SHOULDNT use wikipedia as a receipt. The Back to being a Basic Bitch Tour most certainly did not gross 90M when Billboard said the outing grossed $48 million from 63 shows. There is absolutely no way she made an additional 42 million from the 19 shows not polled. She'd have to make 2.3M per show to make that quota and her average ticket price of 70 would not allow this. Britney charged over 90 for average ticket prices of the Circus Tour and was able to gross that due to the in the round stage set up.



You seem to put more emphasis on her being in the spotlight and doing well commercially than on her being well personally.

from 2003






to 2010(long after her breakdown)

Shade aside, has there ever been a celebrity that has broken down publicly more times than her?

And this is someone they nickname "Godney".
It would be be cute if they weren't the stan base to throw the most shade. It seems like in ever pop community I go to, Britney stans are the most hostile bunch.


Ok you said it was THE TOP GROSSING 2007 TOUR and it wasnt. Simple as that. Don't blame it on reading comprehension on MY PART. You should blame it on your FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE the real receipts.

And no hun, even if it counted the 2006 european grosses, it would still not surpass Celine Dion's tour grosses from 2006 AND 2007 combined. So no, it wasnt a top female tour anywhere.

Oh and for additional info, you SHOULDNT use wikipedia as a receipt. The Back to being a Basic Bitch Tour most certainly did not gross 90M when Billboard said the outing grossed $48 million from 63 shows. There is absolutely no way she made an additional 42 million from the 19 shows not polled. She'd have to make 2.3M per show to make that quota and her average ticket price of 70 would not allow this. Britney charged over 90 for average ticket prices of the Circus Tour and was able to gross that due to the in the round stage set up.


Sis they cant PROCESS or READ the RECEIPTS. The FAILURE has gotten to their EYESIGHT


Mau ®

DMJ sis did you see today's "Where Have the Flaws Been" update?

It once again had the day's biggest update. I mean, its doing pretty good for a NON-HIT, wouldn't you agree?

Mau ®

it may not be a smash, but it's certainly a hit

I know sis ;)

But when there are certain BABOONS saying it's a not a GENUINE HIT (WTF does that even mean?!) and people are TIRED of her BAJAN ASS when it's clear as day the audiences are responding quite favorably to the track.

Don't be surprised when the #Navi retaliates against the BASELESS Baboons attacks.


And you would be guessing incorrectly. At least as far as what she probably should be doing.

Getting away from what she has done her entire life could absolutely be the best thing for her, seeing as that thing she's done her entire life (music, general celebrity) is exactly what made her go nuts in the first place. Plunging yourself into those same strenuousness circumstances can often make things worse.

To draw a quick parallel here: A similar argument is often made to explain drug addicts who relapse. They go to rehab, are "successfully" rehabilitated, leave rehab, and immediately return to the life they had before - including friends, family, and all the social pressures that caused them to lose control of their lives and use. Very few people have the will power and resolve to stand up to that sort of pressure, and why? Because for many former users, the lives they had when they were using were all they had ever known and so many ultimately relapse. The majority do at least once, in fact. That's why so many rehabilitation programs specifically stress cutting loose those pressures and influences that were a negative impact.

Separation is one of the first steps to recovery, and not just when it comes to drug addiction. What you're suggesting is that to heal Britney we plunge her back into what made her unwell in the first place. That's not the obvious solution for a lot of people.
Yet she hasn't been plunged back to the same environment, and all the vile from her darker period was cut out.

Her current environment is extremely constricted and controlled, a far cry from her stressful and schedule-packed environment circa 2007. Much like you noted, drugs addicts who relapse go back to the same noxious environment; this is not the same for Britney. She is simply recording an album, doing extremely limited promotion, and touring which is largely isolated from extreme public scrutiny.

Were it not for the fact that she is Britney and will remain in the minds of the press for eternity, she wouldn't even be considered a celebrity because she's not even trying to be a celebrity.

Michael Jackson

Anna Nicole Smith

Whitney Houston

Those three names mean you're wrong.
Not a valid comparison. Neither of those names, as far I know, were under a conservatorship, a critical detail.

I base my distrust on Britney's family on the fact that there were a period of time where she didn't trust them. Also on the fact that her conservatorship, the type of which is only meant to be temporary, has only been extended and had people added on to it. Add in rumors that Britney herself wants it to be over, and well...

And please, lets not try to paint the picture of Jamie Spears as this measly old man dutifully sitting by Britney's bedside as his life passes by. Britney's go a husband (co-conservator), family, nannies, maids, and a host of other people around her. He is her conservator, but he is not taking care of her.

Jamie is a wealthy man but he owes his wealth in large part to her so he gets no boo-hoo points for protecting his investment. Especially when he has total control of her empire and only seems interested in extending the conservatorship instead of taking the STEPS to make Britney a fully-functioning human being in her own right.
I will have to see the extent of this distrust. Otherwise, this is an extremely cynical view and no matter how many paragraphs you want to punch out, it will remain cynical.

Not that it COULDN'T be true, but taking it as GOSPEL is even more deluded.

She could focus more on her family. She could get more dedicated professional help. She could get some damn hobbies. She could climb Mount Everest - I dunno, she could do whatever she wants, I just don't believe that celebrity is one of those things when she seems SO DAMN NOT HERE FOR IT. As a fan I'm sick of godawful live performances where she puts in NO DAMN EFFORT WHATSOEVER. I'm sick of her music becoming more and more IMPERSONAL and phoned in. I'm sick of seeing pictures of BLEEDING FINGERNAILS.

Seriously, you sound like an addict arguing for why he can't give up the things that led him to use. "Well, what else am I suppose to do. These people/things have always been here for me."

Yet again making gross assumptions about what she wants to do and taking it as GOSPEL.

Honey, she looks TERRIFIED and PARANOID, but these traits are not necessarily indicative that a career in music is something she no longer wants. If she has some form of severe social anxiety, for example, the same traits will be present in everything she does outside her house; or even within her house in the proximity of strangers. By that logic, she should just quit LIFE.


And I just don't want to believe the latter.
Then just dispose of her, dear. Many of her fans continue content with her output and performing; others like myself are not expecting a return to her glory days and just keep using her music.

Perhaps she should just focus on recording music and kick performing to the side, but that's practically what is happening anyway. As it stands, no one seems to be getting harmed unless you have a penchant for reading The Sun or believing blind rumors.

Suppression. Yeah, because that's a totally healthy way to learn to deal.
Or getting over it, however you want to WRITE IT. Focusing on semantics won't make the point go away.

Not to bring in the Leona Lewis beef again (
besides, I'm looking forward to her new single[/b]), but I brought up Metacritic in that discussion because at the time Leona (the poster) was trying to act like Leona (the singer) was on some higher critical/commercial plane than Xtina, and it was easier than pulling up all these reviews separately.
And I addressed the same thing, dear. The claim was given that Xtincta's music is a critical success when that's far from the truth, and those are the receipts. Xtincta simply has not known critical success, and quoting random bloggers or what some industry source once said is not disproving this. Critical consensus is a very specific term based on critics, and that's the reality.

made worse by the fact that the score you linked to does not include one of her biggest albums.
Yet, AGAIN, I'm not seeing how the debut album would have changed anything. You are now conflating commercial success with critical success; her debut album was a commercial hit, but where are the receipts that it was critically well received?

And I'll keep using that receipt as long as you (and your pet wookiees) keep trying to FALSELY state that Xtina has been irrelevant to radio. The receipt, as stale as you think it to be, is FRESH ENOUGH to make you dead-ass-wrong. Par for the course these days, though.
Because she has and IS, dear. Pretending Xtincta's guest stint is indicative of HER relevance in radio is woefully deluded. Unless you find a way to prove the song climbed the charts because of HER, that receipt is not valid for a single transaction.

As it stands, she hasn't lodged a radio hit in nearly a decade by herself. Probably because she is INCAPABLE OF doing this, and requires being tagged onto other artists to even have her voice heard in the airwaves.

See? As I just said: WRONG AGAIN.
I could pay you to think and you would still be broke.

That receipt is not showing me anything when, AS STATED PREVIOUSLY, the prior weeks had both performance and result shows falling BELOW the ratings of Season 1. If I do recall, the performance final was also BELOW the Season 1 numbers.

That you're using the FINALE as a claim for the show's relevance is ignorant. Ignoring the fact that a one-off night is not indicative of anything, a finale tends to attract audiences that don't even care or watch the show. There were people who tuned in to see JUSTIN BIEBER, who have no interest in anything regarding the show. There are people who had ceased to watch the show and simply tuned in out of curiosity to see the festivities.

What is DAMAGING is the precipitous downward trend The Noise displayed in both ratings and viewership, and barring a miracle, that, my dear, is the clearest warning sign that the show is headed to a SHORT LIFE.

Hmmm, a stint on a successful show AND an album that is definitely coming. I don't see how the relevance is "pending". Then again, I generally like to side on being correct more often than PRESSEDT and WRONG. By your logic, every artist who isn't actively promoting an album has "pending" relevance.
In a way, that is true. Every artist who isn't actively promoting has pending relevance because, for all we know, their career could go awry in a short period of time.

But poor Xtincta's career has simply been irrelevant since 2007, and that's undeniable. Her Greatest Hits effort underperformed, despite extensive promotion. Bionic swept the bottom of the charts, despite even greater promotion. This isn't like Justin Timberlake, who is irrelevant to the current industry at hand because he hasn't done anything; Xtincta has TRIED to do PLENTY and every single attempt has been SOUNDLY IGNORED.

Her career, at the moment, is DEAD. This is a fact. Her relevance is pending, not currently present, another FACT.

Perhaps she could revive her career, or not, but DEATH is her career's latest STATUS UPDATE.

Over 50 million albums?
Around 30 MILLION albums, dear. The 45-50 million figure that has been bandied about is for RECORDS SOLD.

Absolutely LUKEWARM performance for someone that debuted in the late 90s.

An unimpressive four. Lady Gaga already has more.

And don't bother with the singular Latin Grammy, no one cares.

Not that Grammys matter in the greater scheme of things except for those reaching for a receipt. Beyoncé has 16. Chris Brown just took home a major one. It's odd, because I do recall yourself claiming the institution is broken, yet somehow Grammys are a receipt in regards to YOUR FAVE.

Enough industry respect that she'll be able to make albums whenever she wants to until the day she dies?
Yet again with the mythical industry respect. I don't know what crystal ball you bought off Dollarama, but Xtincta's future seems BLEAK should RCA kick her to the curve.

Hmmm...Not hard to understand, just hard to view as being an ACCURATE OBSERVATION.

Leona Lewis
Kelly Clarkson
Demi Lovato
Lana Del Rey
La Roux
Beyonce (depending on how you add the numbers)
Katy Perry
That Future Flop Who Won Eurovision

The list could continue.

There is a SMALL GROUP of elite women talked about in this thread that are more critically/commercial successful than Christina, but the LIST ABOVE is the majority. YET ANOTHER bullet point in an growing list of wrong.
YES, you can certainly find plenty of artists that have enjoyed less success than Xtincta, but the same can be done for every artist.

If you want to base it off discussion, as noted repeatedly by many members here, the discussion is dominated by Madonna, Britney, Gaga and Rihanna. The rest are mere PASSING THOUGHTS. Around 95% of the time, this thread is discussing a woman who simply SHITS on your fave.

If you want to base this off historic numbers, well, you might find Xtincta at the bottom of this list, behind COUNTLESS OTHER women.

Your fave is not even worthy of an ASTERISK.

See, the problem with you Britney stans is that you base so much on your love for Britney on bashing Christina at every possible (and not possible) opportunity that you've crossed over into the realm of PRESSED DELUSION. As Soulscribe accurately put it earlier: it's never been about sales. Duh, it couldn't be. But even beyond that there seems to be a desperate, grassroots movement on the part of Britney stans the world over to convince the world that Christina is as awful as you all, for some inexplicable reason, NEED her to be. And it just ISN'T the case. Sorry.
And this is the moment when you need to sit back, look at your trembling fingers as they press the keyboard, and realize how seriously bothered you seem, doll.

AND TO THINK, this is but the BEGINNING of the SHADE that will BEFALL the POOR ONE in the coming months. MONSOON SEASON is coming, and The Failure will find herself located in the MIDDLE of the ENSUING STORM.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
As an impartial observer, the amount of hate that Christina Aguilera gets is mind-boggling :p Hilarious to watch.


Despite not having nearly as many as she deserves, given how many nominations she's had, she has still won more than 1 Grammy. She has 5.
Could've SWORN she only had one. I remember looking up one of those legends from prior decades and being shocked at the singular Grammy. I wonder who it was.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
If you've ever seen a behind the music/documentary/etc on Xtina... you'd know she has had haters all her life.
Is it deserved? I saw Shirley Manson was getting the boot in earlier this month, and some nobody band was saying it too. I wonder what she did.
Could've SWORN she only had one. I remember looking up one of those legends from prior decades and being shocked at the singular Grammy. I wonder who it was.
Probably me.

Mau ®

Is it deserved? I saw Shirley Manson was getting the boot in earlier this month, and some nobody band was saying it too. I wonder what she did.

I seriously love how Xtina gets at least one celeb a week who completely blasts her on being a total bitch. Usually it would be unnamed sources but with her they go on record.

Even worse is that her fans blindly think she is NICE. At least Madonna stans know Madge is a complete bitch and makes no apologies for it.


I seriously love how Xtina gets at least one celeb a week who completely blasts her on being a total bitch. Usually it would be unnamed sources but with her they go on record.

Even worse is that her fans blindly think she is NICE. At least Madonna stans know Madge is a completely bitch and makes no apologies for it.



Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Somebody needs to release a good album RIGHT NOW so we can stop talking about these two boring, crazy women


Not attempting to take a side here, but I notice Britney's "The Singles Collection" re-appeared on the Billboard Top 200 at Number 191 (2,700 copies sold) this week. Is there any particular reason why there would be a sales spike for that compilation right now?

I only happened to notice because because I was checking up on Far East Movement's "Dirty Bass", which DEBUTED at 190. How is it possible to have multiple songs in the Top 20, including a Number 1 smash, within the past 2 years and FLOP so thoroughly?


I've never felt so embarrassed for a musical act before, tbh. Probably would have saved face by not charting at all so their shame would not be recorded in Billboard's RECEIPT HISTORY.


Good thing they seem to be at peace with bawling like little bitches.


Well its strange because they went on record about how LOVELY & CHARMING Britney is and proceeded to blast XTINCTA'S SHREW BEHAVIOR.

I mean, they're certainly not the first to say the same things.



Xtina has a large list of haters... LA Reid, Pink, Mary J Blige, MC (allegedly), Kelly Fatsborne, that living corpse Joan Rivers, etc...

But she also has some fans... Patti Labelle, the late Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, the late Etta James, Justin Timberlake, just to name a few.

When your lovers are legends, who cares about the haters?


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Xtina has a large list of haters... LA Reid, Pink, Mary J Blige, MC (allegedly), Kelly Fatsborne, that living corpse Joan Rivers, etc...
Joan Rivers is hilarious. I caught an epi of her show the other night. At least she tells it like it is - if she says Xtina is a bitch, she's probably right

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Joan Rivers is hilarious. I caught an epi of her show the other night. At least she tells it like it is - if she says Xtina is a bitch, she's probably right

We should hang out. Have you seen A Piece of Work? Some of the best 90 minutes Netflix ever brought me. Her guest episode of Louie was amazingly good, too.

EW calls it its party song of the summer

This is code for "only listenable when falling-down-drunk."


Yet she hasn't been plunged back to the same environment, and all the vile from her darker period was cut out.

Her current environment is extremely constricted and controlled, a far cry from her stressful and schedule-packed environment circa 2007. Much like you noted, drugs addicts who relapse go back to the same noxious environment; this is not the same for Britney. She is simply recording an album, doing extremely limited promotion, and touring which is largely isolated from extreme public scrutiny.

Were it not for the fact that she is Britney and will remain in the minds of the press for eternity, she wouldn't even be considered a celebrity because she's not even trying to be a celebrity.

Not disagreeing with the bolded at all, but don't you find it a a bit sad? That you and your followers put more energy into stanning for Britney and constantly trashing other artists in her name than Britney puts in her own career?

I am a fan of Britney, and since you seem to be so aware of my posting habits, you know that what I say is the truth. On principle Britney is one of my faves. But I can't stan for NotHereney. The music isn't the same (not bad, but not the same and I certainly can live without her new stuff), the personality isn't the same, the performances aren't the same. I can't stan for that. I have to draw a line, and that line would be drawn for any other artist who did the same. Even Christina (even though she's too much of a fierce bitch to ever compromise herself the way Britney has).

Not a valid comparison. Neither of those names, as far I know, were under a conservatorship, a critical detail.

The conservatorship is not the critical detail. It's the embarrassing detail. The critical detail is that these were all wealthy people in the public eye who were unwell and had people in their lives who were close to them but did not have their best interests in mind. And while that doesn't make it the definite case for Britney, it does establish a familiar pattern for celebrities who at one point were in a similar predicament.

I will have to see the extent of this distrust. Otherwise, this is an extremely cynical view and no matter how many paragraphs you want to punch out, it will remain cynical.

Not that it COULDN'T be true, but taking it as GOSPEL is even more deluded.

Cynicism in itself doesn't write off anything as being untrue.

Not that I'm even claiming it to be. My opinion of Britney's father is but one of the many things I consider when looking at the current profile of Britney. I don't take her father possibly being a leech as gospel. I just inisist that it's naive to write the possibility off entirely.

Honey, she looks TERRIFIED and PARANOID, but these traits are not necessarily indicative that a career in music is something she no longer wants. If she has some form of severe social anxiety, for example, the same traits will be present in everything she does outside her house; or even within her house in the proximity of strangers. By that logic, she should just quit LIFE.

What about the aspects of her life that don't require her to be in the public eye, if severe social anxiety is the name of the game here. Her music videos, that are filmed on closed sets, would still be good. Her music, which is recorded in a private studio, wouldn't be as impersonal as it has become.

Social anxiety only accounts for a small bit of Britney's lack of effort as an entertainment personality.

Or getting over it, however you want to WRITE IT. Focusing on semantics won't make the point go away

Preparation would be a better way to describe it. Then again, immediately throwing her back into the spotlight isn't exactly a good way to overcome mental episodes. I would never suggest Britney go away permanently. She has too much talent and a standing legacy for me to ever suggest that.

However, there's just simply no excuse to make for her not utilizing all that talent. And she's not. She is just simply an embarrassing shadow of her former self. The type of fan I am wants her to go away so that she can rediscover that innate thing in her that made her want to be a star in the first place. But that's just me. If there are people out there who are A-OK with her being physically and emotionally not here for her career outside of applying her voice to ready-made production, then I guess that's ok too. Just realize that you don't have the wherewithal to come for anyone else's faves. Because the simple truth of the matter is that, as she is today, the only thing Britney and her stans have to cling to are her sales numbers, because in every other way she's an embarrassment to her former legacy. Personality, charm, performance ability, presence in her own damn music? Gone.

And as a Christina stan, that's the only thing that bothers me. Christina may not be as commercially lucrative as Britney, but it takes a mighty impossible leap to make the claim that Christina is Not a successful artist. The fact of the matter is that she is. She's very successful. Hell many people in the industry consider her to be an Icon at this point. So it becomes really freaking annoying that anytime someone in this thread wants to say anything nice about Christina we have to fend off 2 pages of bullshit tea from the Britney stans who seem to want everyone to forget that Britney's basically a lobotomized hag at this point.

How's is it put in the bible? Oh, right...pointing out the speck in someone's eye while having a LOG in yours.


And speaking of bullshit, now that I've addressed the areas of your post that were actually useful for discussion, let's get to the parts that are absolute nonsense.

And I addressed the same thing, dear. The claim was given that Xtincta's music is a critical success when that's far from the truth, and those are the receipts. Xtincta simply has not known critical success, and quoting random bloggers or what some industry source once said is not disproving this. Critical consensus is a very specific term based on critics, and that's the reality.

Continuing this trend of using Metacritic...

Christina's Back To Basics album scored a 69. That's well in the green and a higher score than all of Britney's albums except for "Oops...I Did It Again" (which was flawless bubblegum pop, tbh). There, I've used your own source of "receipts" to prove you dead-ass-wrong.

But it doesn't stop there.

Last time I checked The Grammy Committee didn't give out their awards based on sales, but on critical merit as determined by their committee. And yet who got the Best New Artist Grammy? Britney? Of course not.

Yet, AGAIN, I'm not seeing how the debut album would have changed anything. You are now conflating commercial success with critical success; her debut album was a commercial hit, but where are the receipts that it was critically well received?

Again, in the eyes of some people, Grammy awards equate to critical success. But that's beside the point.

The REAL point is the fact that, had they included what was, at the end of the day, one of Christina's BIGGEST albums that won her Grammys, her aggregate score would have likely been higher, rendering your point moot. In other words, attempting to make the claim that Christina has never known critical success, and using a chart that doesn't include all of her albums to prove this, is misleading at best and idiotic and worst.

Because she has and IS, dear. Pretending Xtincta's guest stint is indicative of HER relevance in radio is woefully deluded. Unless you find a way to prove the song climbed the charts because of HER, that receipt is not valid for a single transaction.

But you're still WRONG, sis. And PAINFULLY so.

Regardless of whether or not YOU like it, that feature on "Moves Like Jagger" counted as a #1 for her catalog. It is YOU with the dissenting opinion.

And you know how it goes (at least, you should): if you're presenting an opinion that goes against the status quo the burden of PROOF is on YOU. What the means, and read this carefully, is that before I would have to prove that the song went #1 because of her, YOU would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the song would have gone #1 WITHOUT her. So until I see some "Moves Like Jagger (NOT Feat. Christina Aguilera)" going #1 on the charts this is yet another point of yours that is dead-ass-wrong and moot. #NEXT

I could pay you to think and you would still be broke.

That receipt is not showing me anything when, AS STATED PREVIOUSLY, the prior weeks had both performance and result shows falling BELOW the ratings of Season 1. If I do recall, the performance final was also BELOW the Season 1 numbers.

That you're using the FINALE as a claim for the show's relevance is ignorant. Ignoring the fact that a one-off night is not indicative of anything, a finale tends to attract audiences that don't even care or watch the show. There were people who tuned in to see JUSTIN BIEBER, who have no interest in anything regarding the show. There are people who had ceased to watch the show and simply tuned in out of curiosity to see the festivities.

What is DAMAGING is the precipitous downward trend The Noise displayed in both ratings and viewership, and barring a miracle, that, my dear, is the clearest warning sign that the show is headed to a SHORT LIFE.

Regardless of it being a finale or not, that episode saw this last season of The Voice ending, not just on a high note, but a HIGHER NOTE than the 1st season. So not only is using that finale as a claim of the show's relevance NOT ignorant, it's TRUE TEA. Ignorance would be claiming that a show that ended it's season with higher ratings than the season before, and that dominated its time-slot for the 18-49 demographic EVEN WHILE in its ratings slump is irrelevant just because your fave signed on for a competing show.

In a way, that is true. Every artist who isn't actively promoting has pending relevance because, for all we know, their career could go awry in a short period of time.

But poor Xtincta's career has simply been irrelevant since 2007, and that's undeniable. Her Greatest Hits effort underperformed, despite extensive promotion. Bionic swept the bottom of the charts, despite even greater promotion. This isn't like Justin Timberlake, who is irrelevant to the current industry at hand because he hasn't done anything; Xtincta has TRIED to do PLENTY and every single attempt has been SOUNDLY IGNORED.

Her career, at the moment, is DEAD. This is a fact. Her relevance is pending, not currently present, another FACT.

Perhaps she could revive her career, or not, but DEATH is her career's latest STATUS UPDATE.

Ummm, Christina only did a handful of performances for her greatest hits album, at the MTV Movie Awards. I wouldn't exactly call that "extensive promotion." And despite that, AND only being initially available at Target it still debuted within the Billboard Top 10 and WENT PLATINUM. Respectable for a greatest hits album. And while I won't make excuses for Bionic, I will say that Xtina had promotion cut off at the base when it was clear that the album wasn't going to be a hit, essentially cutting off any further success the album could have had.

But that's all beside the point. The point is that an artist with only one flop album under her belt and several lucrative projects to her name since then is not a "dead" artist. That claim is nothing more than desperate stan lingo.

"Dead" would be dropped from your label, releasing an album "independent" because you can't get major backing. THAT'S a proper definition for a dead project. When you're still an in-demand artist (and she definitely is. 10 million to do The Voice and being credited with making the judging panel interesting), and can still book studio time with pretty much ANY PRODUCER YOU WANT, you're not "Dead." At all. Not by any stretch. It's completely ignorant to believe otherwise.

Around 30 MILLION albums, dear. The 45-50 million figure that has been bandied about is for RECORDS SOLD.

Absolutely LUKEWARM performance for someone that debuted in the late 90s.

So? Even at that number of ALBUMS sold is still more than most people's faves. And if we're only counting albums then EVERYONE'S faves takes a nosedive.

What makes this even more impressive for Christina is that she accomplished this off the back of only 4 MAIN ALBUMS (3 with Bionic being a non-factor). Each album spread over the course of about 4 years. If she had the output of your typical pop star then I'd agree that her albums sold aren't as impressive. But her output isn't that high. Yes, that was her choice to make, but it still must be taken into account, because it means that all of her albums except the last one were HITS.

Not that Grammys matter in the greater scheme of things except for those reaching for a receipt. Beyoncé has 16. Chris Brown just took home a major one. It's odd, because I do recall yourself claiming the institution is broken, yet somehow Grammys are a receipt in regards to YOUR FAVE.

While I'd like to think that Christina won her Grammys at a time when they were actually difficult to obtain and not just tossed out like Halloween candy (seriously, Mariah only has 5. MARIAH), I'm won't disagree with you here. I only point out her Grammys to point disprove your idea she isn't critically acclaimed or respected. And the sad truth is, until the Grammy committee gets aired out for the sham that it is, it still has some standing merit in the industry in regards to what is and isn't critically acclaimed. In other words, it's a notch on her bedpost. The number of Grammys won means not a thing to me.

Yet again with the mythical industry respect. I don't know what crystal ball you bought off Dollarama, but Xtincta's future seems BLEAK should RCA kick her to the curve.

Hmmm...Not only is the idea of RCA kicking her so ridiculous it's not even worth discussing , let's continue:

Linda Perry
Max Martin
Le Tigre

And really, we don't have to play the SERIES OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS of legends complimenting Christina Aguilera.

These are just artists/producers in the industry who have worked with her and would work with her AGAIN. So I don't know why you seem to think that an artist needs to have a gold statue erected in front of their label's headquarters to properly convey respect, but the proof is there in every other way.

Christina is a LEGEND. Her place in this industry is CEMENTED. DEAL.

If you want to base it off discussion, as noted repeatedly by many members here, the discussion is dominated by Madonna, Britney, Gaga and Rihanna. The rest are mere PASSING THOUGHTS. Around 95% of the time, this thread is discussing a woman who simply SHITS on your fave.

What kind of reasoning...

So. What you're saying is, because the discussion in this particular thread is dominated by 4 artists, that is sure enough sign of Christina's irrelevance and proof that she's "never known success" and "only knows failure"? So I'm guessing you would say the same exact thing about the rest of the artists mentioned in this thread that are not those 4 women?

Hmmm, I wonder what that is more an indication of...Christina Aguilera's failure, or this thread's complete, utter, and embarrassing lack of diversity.

When your lovers are legends, who cares about the haters?
Sis, so eloquently put.


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
We should hang out. Have you seen A Piece of Work? Some of the best 90 minutes Netflix ever brought me. Her guest episode of Louie was amazingly good, too.
I haven't, but I keep meaning to watch it. My mate back home was gonna lend me the DVD then... didn't. OOh, it's $12, about to head to the shops so ill pick it up. The show i saw was Fashion Police - she was incredibly quick- and funny, but underneath all the acidic stuff came off as a really cool lady. I'm familiar with her but hadn't really seen much.

Taking digs at her age/appearance is lazy - for someone to still be working and popular at her age and able to laugh at herself is a big thing. I like her.
Is it that time of the DAY again? Gonna need more TAMPONS. Such a HEAVY FLOW TONIGHT
I thought that was Sinead O'Connor at first... O___o
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