It's a shame Godney, Messiah and GodGa had to be dragged into that list of awful predictions.
- Lady GaGa, despite her protestations to the contrary, will continue to dig herself into a hole of cultish self-importance and delusion. Like with BTW, her next album will be noted for its lack of thematic focus, cohesion, and coherence.
- Live X-Factor will break Britney into a million little pieces, and ultimately do more harm than good for her career. As for the show...let's just say I don't think it'll be getting any OT's after next year.
Would you prefer that I focus my mental energy on Rihanus and Madonga?It's a shame Mariah had to be dragged into that list of awful predictions.
Would you prefer that I focus my mental energy on Rihanus and Madonga?
That would be TOO MUCH, gerl
Is Tina Knowles still dressing Beyonce?
No crystal balls necessary to predict their future.Would you prefer that I focus my mental energy on Rihanus and Madonga?
No crystal balls necessary to predict their future.
No crystal balls necessary to predict their future.
People still believe that Brandy isn't flawless?
I haven't seen any flaws from her in ages, except for that one incident where she got punk'd.
I think you missed something sis.I haven't seen any flaws from her in ages, except for that one incident where she got punk'd.
I think you missed something sis
Gaga stans, I found your stray.
Probably the first time she had ever stepped on a public street.Can't really sing, doesn't write her songs, hasn't lived a day of her life in the real world...yet feels the need to constantly tell us how wise and streets ahead she is. Please, please go away
Gaga stans, I found your stray.
Probably the first time she had ever stepped on a public street.
Which one of you wrote this?
Gaga shifted in her seat. There was one thing. There had always been one thing that she wanted to change. Well she trailed off and picked up her glass and took a big sip of her drink. It burned going down, but she kept talking. There is one thing I wish I could change. She looked into Starlights eyes, all of the feelings from years ago rushing back to her in that instant.
Before Starlight knew it, Gaga was across the table, her lips pressed up to Starlights in a deep, passionate kiss. Starlight was shocked, but she knew that she had always wanted this too. She kissed Gaga back for a few seconds before pulling away. I know theres not exactly a crowd here, but there are a couple of people. We probably should stop this for now. What if someone sees us and this gets back to Lüc? You know how angry he gets.
Starlight is hideous and an EMBARRASMENT
She helped your fave get where she's at. Do you even know who she is? There's a reason Gaga keeps her around. Unless you aren't a Little Monster. Your UNGRATFUL HATRED is an EMBARASSMENT to Godga.
Hun have you SEEN her perform LIVE?
Thrice, Fame Ball, and 2 Monster Ball dates. A damn drunken hooligan bafoonery MESS. U SIS?
Yes, at the CULTURAL BAPTISM and I was NOT A FAN and I really don't think ANYBODY WAS
I don't understand what you're even trying to ARGUE now SIS[IMG]
I feel like you're about SEVEN MONTHS and 9 MILLION AIRPLAYS late to TITANIUM.