This Geoff guy is a professional time waster man. It’s crazy how shit this show is…..

This Geoff guy is a professional time waster man. It’s crazy how shit this show is…..
If Witcher 4, new Ueda and Onimusha aren't the final announcement... know what's coming...
We will be waiting for a lot longer I fearI'm waiting for that Naughty Dog logo..
Not if there’s HL3.If it's coming it'll be the last thing.
This Geoff guy is a professional time waster man. It’s crazy how shit this show is…..
Anime is such creatively bankrupt trash now. 2 million dollar double Nexon ad.
Samurai Resident Evil
I will never understand how people fap to these cartoons.
Not at all. This show, after watching for almost 3 hours, I may buy 2 of the games shown. Trash show.Huh? Please be joking. At least this year
Guy is making a killing working 2 days a year.This Geoff guy is a professional time waster man. It’s crazy how shit this show is…..
im praying. but seems too good to be true.If Naughty Dog closes the show I will literally explode
Consoles. The shit they’re doing now already can’t hold 60fps. Thank dogshit RDNA2 hardwareI miss when games pushed graphics.
Use your imaginationAs a Sony Pony kind of sad we get zilch from the big 5 studios