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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

Next up is The Gamesters of Triskelion...

I wager three hundred quatloos that he won't like this one!

Yeah, so... yes and no.

A few more episodes in, and I'm well into the part of S2 where TOS becomes a hammy campy show from the 60's.

Gamesters of Triskelon - Hahaha. Yes, it's a pretty crappy episode, and not an intentionally funny one either, for the most part. But when it comes to "so bad it's good", it kind of works. The fight sequences have just gotten slower and slower. The good old days of Kirk fighting the Gorn seem like MMA by comparison. Shatner's acting has gotten hammier than ever-ever. My god. BUT there's something about the way that the episode utilizes literally every Star Trek cliche ever that makes it kind of endearing. Doughy ass Kirk with his shirt off is fighting everybody and making out with a alien chick with green hair who "doesn't know what love is" and once again ignores the (evidently still non-existent) Prime Directive by teaching the planet a better way before he leaves. It's almost the perfect epitome of TOS and therefore pretty satisfying despite itself. And I thought it was the campiest, 60s-Batman-esque episode yet, but it couldn't possibly prepare me for...

A Piece of the Action - HAHAHAHAHA, wow. This is the episode that I can tell people around me "yeah, I'm watching all of the old 60's Star Trek episodes and they're awesome; I just saw the one where they go to a planet that found an old earth book about the 20's Chicago gangster era and based their whole society on it, I shit you not". Seriously, I realize this is supposed to be a comedy episode, but wow. Again, I really am kind of enjoying this string of campiness. So ridiculous, but definitely entertaining. Everybody just walks around waving a tommy gun! Good grief. I read that this episode was almost the one they revisited in DS9 instead of Tribbles. The premise would've been that after Kirk and co left, the people became obsessed with them instead and everyone would have been walking around in TOS uniforms and using the lingo. That would've been cool.

The Immunity Syndrome - And rounding out the over the top campy trifecta is The Immunity Syndrome. It too makes for a pretty good anecdotal "hey dudes, get this, now I just saw the one where they fight a giant amoeba floating around in space". But overall, beyond that premise, it's nowhere near as good as the similar and far superior Doomsday Machine. I did dig the character interaction between Bones and Spock in this one.

Next up is A Private Little War, which appears to be another Klingon episode, so I'm looking forward to that.

"(Abrams’ Star Trek) was a great movie, and he brought a whole new generation to Trek. But I’m a little disquieted by things I hear coming out of his camp, things like he would like to be remembered as the only Trek—which would discount everything before he got there.

There’s ‘breaking the canon,’ which he did (by re-inventing Star Trek‘s timeline). But there’s also honouring the canon. And to pretend to be the only one is really egocentric and immature.

I just came from a conference in San Francisco with Advanced Micro Devices, and they’re working on technology towards building a holodeck. That was Next Generation. And that’s part of what Star Trek has brought to the culture. So when JJ Abrams says, ‘There should be no Star Trek except the one I make,’ I call bulls—, J.J."


I know JJ has said as long as he is making star trek there is to be no other but don't know about the rest.

Levar may have heard wrong or something but the times I have met Levar he has always been an amazingly nice guy
So I just watched "Twilight"


Memory loss stories always get me.
Even if this one is reset by the end of the episode, though it was obvious they weren't going to keep that timeline, and the explanation is sound enough.

Didn't actually cry, but it definitely tugged some heartstrings. I think the only TV episode that has made me cry (or movie for that matter) was a certain episode of Angel (you can probably guess if you've seen the series.)


So I just watched "Twilight"


Memory loss stories always get me.
Even if this one is reset by the end of the episode, though it was obvious they weren't going to keep that timeline, and the explanation is sound enough.

Didn't actually cry, but it definitely tugged some heartstrings. I think the only TV episode that has made me cry (or movie for that matter) was a certain episode of Angel (you can probably guess if you've seen the series.)

Twilight is definitely widely considered one of the better Enterprise episodes.

It's the only ENT episode my mostly non-Trek-watching family likes.

"I suppose there's not much point in thanking me. A few hours from now, I won't remember."

The Visitor from DS9 is still the all-time Trek feels champ tho


Just watched Tuvix. Fuck off Janeway, forgot how much I despise her at the end of this one and, by extension, the whole bridge crew that just stands there and lets march a unique lifeform that posed no threat to his death.

Fuck all of Voyager really, fuck Janeway, but especially fuck Tuvix and Threshold
its nice watching TNG again after watching DS9. Small details crossing all over the place, and TNG's development of alien races.

For example TNG's episode The Host, is clearly the first ideas of the Trill race. Supposedly, they had to scan their hosts to calm them, humans could be host
. Its all very quality. I like the advancements DS9 brought to the ideas of the race. But they had nothing about joining personalities. The host became the sentience. No dot patterns on the original trill. And in TNG, hosts didn't die after removing the symbiote.

I guess you could argue, the symbiote didn't want to kill the host. And since the temporary host had no training, ODAN easily took full control.
Twilight is definitely widely considered one of the better Enterprise episodes.

It's the only ENT episode my mostly non-Trek-watching family likes.

"I suppose there's not much point in thanking me. A few hours from now, I won't remember."

The Visitor from DS9 is still the all-time Trek feels champ tho

Visitor def was good.
No, it really is not even remotely in that principle. There was no hero's dilemma. Janeway murdered a person in cold blood, while he begged and pleaded for his life, in order to perform necromancy. You put it in scare quotes as if she just let him fall off a bridge while saving some children or something, but that's not what she did. If you're going to defend it, at least own up to what it was.

Not only that but Tuvix was an new, unique lifeform. The only one of his kind in the universe and Janeway murdered him for her own selfish emotional needs.

She wanted her friends back.

Fuck Janeway. Worst captain ever.


"from his camp" probably means internal conversations between JJ and his people. That's not the kind if thing you say to an interviewer. Even he has to know that would only fan the falmes.
Want to note that I would believe it even if there isn't a real quote.

Fuck Janeway. Worst captain ever.
And best series long villain. Voyager was really about boldly going where nobody had gone before, they made the villain the main character.


What you didn't know was that Tuvix was on his way to becoming history's greatest monster. The niceness was just a facade until they got back to the Alpha quadrant.

Did you mean to post that in response to the post you quoted of mine?

I was telling you that I'm not insane. Just protective of Star Trek. They go so long without making really horrible franchise choices, like letting Bill make a movie, so you get to rooting for them. You know? Then they do something so bad that it alters the past and the future, forever. Pretty sure that's a bad thing.


They should have done an episode where Seven or the Doctor because of Borg Holographic Transphasic Shut Up Technology jumps into another reality where Tuvix has become a warlord who flies around the Delta Quadrant in Voyager exploiting its resources for his personal gain.

The one thing I liked about that dumb plasma or whatever the fuck it was version of the ship from Demon was the stupid follow up episode.


I was telling you that I'm not insane. Just protective of Star Trek. They go so long without making really horrible franchise choices, like letting Bill make a movie, so you get to rooting for them. You know? Then they do something so bad that it alters the past and the future, forever. Pretty sure that's a bad thing.

But what you wrote didn't make any sense.

You: "I'm willing to go back in time and unmake Enterprise, just so we can avoid the Klingon mutation retcon. I know I might not make it back...but it seems like a worthwhile sacrifice."
Me: "You're mad, that was one of the best Trek stories aired."
You: "I just like it when he calls JJ Abrams a bastard."



But what you wrote didn't make any sense.

You: "I'm willing to go back in time and unmake Enterprise, just so we can avoid the Klingon mutation retcon. I know I might not make it back...but it seems like a worthwhile sacrifice."
Me: "You're mad, that was one of the best Trek stories aired."
You: "I just like it when he calls JJ Abrams a bastard."


no. I was refuting your accusations of madness, while establishing my hatred of all things that would damage the integrity of Trek. Things such as, JJ Abrams, Action Kirk, Mutant Klingons Retcon, Giant Floating Godhead. These things are bad, and I also like it when people insult them.

Fuck Janeway. Sexiest captain on TV.

Considering they're making a big deal out of the combined Best of Both Worlds, will both parts be handled by the same group, rather than sticking to the even/odd season split thing? For that matter I guess it would make the most sense for that to be the case with any season-ending cliffhangers.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Riker would find a way to survive. Like in Parallels when he looked like a hobo and was flying the ship essentially solo after the Borg took out the federation, but he was still kickin' it. Riker, Riker always finds a way.
Picard, Riker, and Worf are better characters than anything Abrams and crew can come up with. Makes sense they'd want to kill 'em off. Pure, distilled jealousy. :(





This is what happen when a non fan gets control. I bet when he makes his Star Wars movie he will restore everything the prequels messed up. Just because he is just a fan of that series.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I want a sitcom where Beardless Riker, Bearded Riker, Hobo Riker and Riker that never made it back onto the Potemkin all live together. They can form a Jazz band called Will and the Rikers and argue over who is going to bang Troi.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
He can join the cast during the last episode of season 1. Troi can form a crush on transporter Riker which causes Hobo Riker to fall back into his Felicium addiction. Meanwhile, Beardless Riker starts to grow a beard as he feels left out when the other Rikers do their Sunday grooming ritual. Meanwhile, Potemkin Riker and regular Riker are stuck between two replicator lines that only seem to move when they are in the other line.
A Private Little War was pretty interesting. Clearly an over the top cold war/Vietnam allegory. A primitive planet where the Hill People are fighting the Villagers has one side being supplied rudimentary, flintlock style firearms by the Klingons, so Kirk decides he needs to flood the other side with them, too. Which is insane by later Trek standards, but that's Kirk for you, I guess. Also, he makes out with the chief's wife before it's over, just for good measure. He really is getting closer and closer to becoming Zap Brannigan with each new episode.

But it was a pretty good episode really. I could tell what real life events it was referencing immediately, and when I read up on it afterwards, it was confirmed. Evidently, after the writer turned it in, Roddenberry made some pretty major changes to back off on the allegory, but it was still really thick so I imagine it was crazy hamfisted before that. Even though I liked the recent string of silly episodes, it was nice to have a slightly more serious one.

Also, when an episode begins with Spock getting shot in the back with a bullet, you know it isn't screwing around. Oh, and the Mugato: half ape, half dinosaur was the craziest monster yet. I bet it could take the Gorn.

Next up is Return to Tomorrow, which I understand is pretty well acclaimed, so I'm looking forward to that.
Season 3 Enterprise so good. Not that the first two seasons were bad, but it definitely ramps up. As I said before though, hilariously mis-matched theme remix for the content.

I'll post more detailed thoughts/mini-reviews of episodes that you guys can bounce off of once I finish the season. Just a few more episodes left at this point.


Season 3 Enterprise so good. Not that the first two seasons were bad, but it definitely ramps up. As I said before though, hilariously mis-matched theme remix for the content.

I'll post more detailed thoughts/mini-reviews of episodes that you guys can bounce off of once I finish the season. Just a few more episodes left at this point.

Enterprise S3 and S4 (minus last episode) are really good. The new theme really is so very terrible and mismatched.


Is there a consensus on the best Voyager episodes? I'm going to try to watch it again so I can move on to Enterprise and finally be done with Star Trek. On my first watch of Voyager, I stopped paying attention and it ended up as background noise. The only one I remember liking was Tuvix. I'm going to start over and I want to know if I missed any great episodes in the first two seasons so I can look out for those.


Kills Photobucket
Is there a consensus on the best Voyager episodes? I'm going to try to watch it again so I can move on to Enterprise and finally be done with Star Trek. On my first watch of Voyager, I stopped paying attention and it ended up as background noise. The only one I remember liking was Tuvix. I'm going to start over and I want to know if I missed any great episodes in the first two seasons so I can look out for those.
Timeless, Living Witness, and Thaw usually top lists. Thaw is a season 2 episode. Keep with it, the series certainly improves after season 2.

Blink of and Eye is highly rated or highly hated depending on your opinion on it's blatant plagiarism.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Season 6 of TNG, the episode with Picard's heart such a great episode. I kept thinking about it long after I moved on to the next episode about how such small decisions can make such drastic changes in people's lives.

Q's talk with Picard see's his miserable life was some hard hitting stuff and hit close to home.

I started applying for new job openings after I got done watching it.
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