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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


so I just started a rewatch of Voyager (havent watched since org airing) and damn..... Janeways voice is annoying. Its like shhe sucks helium between takes. Its getting better the further along I go, but its still distracting at times...

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, Tapestry was just one of those perfectly executed episodes.

Tapestry was one of those episodes where, if it came on TV, I got excited because I knew I was going to be watching a great episode of TNG.


GAF, convince me to immerse myself in the world of Trek. I've been meaning to do it for the longest time, but I just haven't done it yet. I think I watched one of the TNG movies when I was a kid and that's about it.

I gave a try to the first episode of TOS on Netflix and I just couldn't force myself to finish it. There's this little OCD thing with me that makes me want to see things from start to finish, so I think that commencing from a different series would be kind of a turn off, but who knows...
GAF, convince me to immerse myself in the world of Trek. I've been meaning to do it for the longest time, but I just haven't done it yet. I think I watched one of the TNG movies when I was a kid and that's about it.

I gave a try to the first episode of TOS on Netflix and I just couldn't force myself to finish it. There's this little OCD thing with me that makes me want to see things from start to finish, so I think that commencing from a different series would be kind of a turn off, but who knows...

Not sure if it means anything, but my wife is a little like that. However, she watched Star Trek Voyager start to finish first, then moved onto DS9, and really enjoyed. She preferred Voyager overall.


Is there a consensus on the best Voyager episodes? I'm going to try to watch it again so I can move on to Enterprise and finally be done with Star Trek. On my first watch of Voyager, I stopped paying attention and it ended up as background noise. The only one I remember liking was Tuvix. I'm going to start over and I want to know if I missed any great episodes in the first two seasons so I can look out for those.

Aside from the ones already mentioned, other critically acclaimed eps:

Scorpion, Year of Hell, Prey, Drone, Someone to Watch Over Me, Relativity, Equinox, Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy, Pathfinder, Life Line, Flesh and Blood, Workforce.

Aside from the first part of Scorpion, all of these are Season 4 and later. While the first few seasons have some good moments, Seven of Nine really invigorated the show for me.


GAF, convince me to immerse myself in the world of Trek. I've been meaning to do it for the longest time, but I just haven't done it yet. I think I watched one of the TNG movies when I was a kid and that's about it.

I gave a try to the first episode of TOS on Netflix and I just couldn't force myself to finish it. There's this little OCD thing with me that makes me want to see things from start to finish, so I think that commencing from a different series would be kind of a turn off, but who knows...

TOS is rough to get through for a new viewer these days. I've watched Trek all my life and it was difficult for me to get through (for reference, I was doing about a season a week for TNG, VOY, and DS9, then TOS took me 3 months to slog through). I would definitely recommend starting with any of those three (they're all good choices) to get you warmed up.
TOS is rough to get through for a new viewer these days. I've watched Trek all my life and it was difficult for me to get through (for reference, I was doing about a season a week for TNG, VOY, and DS9, then TOS took me 3 months to slog through). I would definitely recommend starting with any of those three (they're all good choices) to get you warmed up.

I don't know. I'm basically in the same boat as him (the only Star Trek I've ever really seen is a little TNG in the 90's) and I decided to just start at the beginning and go TOS > TAS > TOS movies > TNG and so on. I'm about 2/3 of the way through TOS so far, and I'm really enjoying it. It's definitely a product of its time, but that's a big part of the charm.


I don't know. I'm basically in the same boat as him (the only Star Trek I've ever really seen is a little TNG in the 90's) and I decided to just start at the beginning and go TOS > TAS > TOS movies > TNG and so on. I'm about 2/3 of the way through TOS so far, and I'm really enjoying it. It's definitely a product of its time, but that's a big part of the charm.

The biggest problem I had rewatching TOS recently is how slowly-paced it feels. The episodes are fifty minutes long and often, feel twice that length because of the direction and editing.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The biggest problem I had rewatching TOS recently is how slowly-paced it feels. The episodes are fifty minutes long and often, feel twice that length because of the direction and editing.

That's why I stopped watching TOS after the first season. Everything just moved so slowly and the effects of the time just really take you out of the experience.


You know, this whole Veronica Mars thing reminds me of the whole Trek United campaign. Remember when Enterprise went off the air, and a bunch of fans tried to get together money to fund another season?

Kickstarter didn't exist back then, so it was a really primitive and clunky way of doing things, but part of me wonders if it was just too early for something like that to work.

That's why I stopped watching TOS after the first season. Everything just moved so slowly and the effects of the time just really take you out of the experience.

This is something you just kind of have to get past if you watch any older TV show or movie.

Pacing was just different back then.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Better Voyager than nothing, especially since the show was starting to pick up steam before being dropped. I would kickstart the hell out of a new Star Trek :(


GAF, convince me to immerse myself in the world of Trek. I've been meaning to do it for the longest time, but I just haven't done it yet. I think I watched one of the TNG movies when I was a kid and that's about it.

I gave a try to the first episode of TOS on Netflix and I just couldn't force myself to finish it. There's this little OCD thing with me that makes me want to see things from start to finish, so I think that commencing from a different series would be kind of a turn off, but who knows...

TOS is not linear, so you can watch some episodes out of sequence.

If you find yourself losing the will to continue, then it should be fine for you to skip ahead and watch one or two of the most-iconic episodes, just to reaffirm with yourself whether or not it's worth sticking with the series.

If you really can't watch TOS, then skip ahead and watch the movie "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan". It's legendary.

Edit: Oh wait, you're stuck in your first episode? Yeah, just skip ahead and watch Balance of Terror.


at last, for christ's sake
That's every thread.

This is something you just kind of have to get past if you watch any older TV show or movie.

Pacing was just different back then.

If anything the paging was much better back then. The lack of B plots in most episodes and the episodes being 8-9 minutes longer than later series made them much stronger in a sense. It's like one TOS episode has more A plot than 3 DS9 episodes...
Did they know S4 would be the last season of Enterprise before it started? Nearly every episode is part of a 2 or 3-parter. Like they threw all the best ideas they had into it. It's a different format, to be sure.

And I've still got some season 3 reviewing to do, but it's something that'll take some time to sit down and type out.


Did they know S4 would be the last season of Enterprise before it started? Nearly every episode is part of a 2 or 3-parter. Like they threw all the best ideas they into it. It's a different format, to be sure.

And I've still got some season 3 reviewing to do, but it's something that'll take some time to sit down and type out.

I think the writing was on the wall, but bringing a new showrunner on was probably at least an *attempt* to make season 5 possible.
So as long as we're on the subject, allow me to talk about:

Return to Tomorrow. I liked it. It was just a good, old school sci-fi story. The fellas come across a planet that appears to be empty, but then it turns out the people there evolved so far they can jump bodies and possess people (with the host's permission), which is good because their own bodies died thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, there was nowhere left to go, so it's really just one guy's spirit in a giant ping pong ball. His wife and his friend are still alive too, but they're frozen in some machine. The guy who is still awake has just been chilling for ten thousand years, waiting for someone to come along and help them out.

So when Kirk and his buddies show up, Ghosty makes a deal with him: let us inhabit your bodies long enough to build some cool robots we can then move into, and in exchange we'll give you some insane future technology. Kirk and Spock will be the hosts. Oddly enough, Kirk and Spock are also wildly enthusiastic to accept, but Bones thinks it sounds stupid. Kirk shuts him down with the mother of all hammy speeches about risk and reward with swelling orchestral music and Kirk shouting at the camera like he's on a Broadway stage.

The plan proceeds, and of course things go wrong, etc etc.

All in all, it was a pretty solid episode. I dug it. Some pretty good characterization out of the main trio as well as Scotty and Chapel. A bit of silly logic throughout, but hey, I'm used to it.

Next up: Patterns of Force. AKA the Nazi episode. lol.
I've always liked the original series, but I've never really dug into Star Trek. Just had a week long marathon alternating between The Next Generation and DS9 while housesitting with a friend.

I'm hooked. I'm in. Engage.
So Enterprise would be a lot easier to like if the opening titles weren't so... wet. Actually, it's just the song - it's not 'Star Trek'. The montage of exploration and discovery is nice. I also apologise as I'm sure this is a topic that is mentioned every month within this thread.
So Enterprise would be a lot easier to like if the opening titles weren't so... wet. Actually, it's just the song - it's not 'Star Trek'. The montage of exploration and discovery is nice. I also apologise as I'm sure this is a topic that is mentioned every month within this thread.

Mentioned it twice myself in the past couple pages. The real jarring thing is season 3, more so than 4 (at least so far), where the series takes a darker turn and we end up with an even more upbeat remix of the title song that is absurdly mismatched.
So Enterprise would be a lot easier to like if the opening titles weren't so... wet. Actually, it's just the song - it's not 'Star Trek'. The montage of exploration and discovery is nice. I also apologise as I'm sure this is a topic that is mentioned every month within this thread.

I love that song :3

When the astronaut tilts his head and smiles I get infinite goosebumps and feels.


So Enterprise would be a lot easier to like if the opening titles weren't so... wet. Actually, it's just the song - it's not 'Star Trek'. The montage of exploration and discovery is nice. I also apologise as I'm sure this is a topic that is mentioned every month within this thread.

Task for the community: re-do the intro.
Slowly been watching through the original series over the last few weeks on Netflix.
Just watched the Gangster planet episode. Man, that was a cringeworthy comedy episode.

Having seen so much of the other series, it never gets old to me seeing how horrifically Kirk violates the Prime Directive, haha.
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