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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Okay guys what do you think about this list?

I tried to get a pilot and ten "essential" episodes for each series. Thoughts?

Star Trek: The Original Series
Pilot - Where No Man Has Gone Before
  • The Menagerie
  • Balance of Terror
  • The Galileo Seven
  • Space Seed
  • The City on the Edge of Forever
  • Amok Time
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • The Doomsday Machine
  • The Trouble With Tribbles
  • The Enterprise Incident

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Pilot - Encounter at Farpoint
  • Measure of a Man
  • Q Who?
  • Yesterday's Enterprise
  • The Best of Both Worlds Part 1 and Part 2
  • Darmok
  • Cause and Effect
  • The Inner Light
  • Chain of Command - Part 1 and Part 2
  • Tapestry
  • All Good Things
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Pilot - Emissary
  • Duet
  • The Maquis
  • The Jem'Hadar
  • Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast
  • The Way of the Warrior
  • The Visitor
  • Trials and Tribble-ations
  • In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light
  • Far Beyond the Stars
  • In the Pale Moonlight
Note: there are many more fantastic DS9 episodes, but the series gets extremely arc-heavy in the last few seasons, and I'd rather not recommend entire 5-episode stretches.

Star Trek: Voyager
Pilot - The Caretaker
  • Prime Factors
  • State of Flux
  • Projections
  • Death Wish
  • The Thaw
  • Scorpion Part 1 and 2
  • Year of Hell Part 1 and 2
  • Living Witness
  • Timeless
  • Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy

Star Trek: Enterprise

Pilot - Broken Bow
  • The Andorian Incident
  • Shockwave Part 1 and 2
  • Cogenitor
  • Regeneration
  • Twilight
  • Azati Prime/Damage/The Forgotten
  • The Council/Countdown/Zero Hour
  • The Forge/Awakening/Kir'Shara
  • In a Mirror Darkly Part 1 and 2
  • Demons/Terra Prime
The best one-off, DS9 episodes? God...

Duet, Necessary Evil, The Wire, Far Beyond the Stars, The Visitor, Civil Defense The Way of the Warrior...those are the only stand-alone episodes I can think of without going into two parters. Otherwise I'd include Ties of Blood and Water and For the Uniform. Hm...


Kills Photobucket
Star Trek: Voyager
Pilot - The Caretaker
  • Prime Factors
  • State of Flux
  • Projections
  • Death Wish
  • Scorpion Part 1 and 2
  • Year of Hell Part 1 and 2
  • Prey
  • Living Witness
  • Timeless
  • Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy

Ditch "Prey". The Hirogen were always bad. Add "Thaw"



Subete no aware

This thing is supposed to be so big it has transporters instead of turbolifts to get around.

Yeah, this design is just so lazy. If they wanted to do some future-tech that extrapolated a few centuries past TNG, they should have just done a hybrid Federation/Klingon/Romulan design and imply that all the Alpha Quadrant powers got together and stopped fucking around with wars and whatnot.


Ditch "Prey". The Hirogen were always bad. Add "Thaw"


I was kind of picking Prey based on the fact that it had some of that oh so sweet Seven vs Janeway goodness, where Janeway gets totally called on her fucking bullshit for once.


Kills Photobucket
I was kind of picking Prey based on the fact that it had some of that oh so sweet Seven vs Janeway goodness, where Janeway gets totally called on her fucking bullshit for once.

While Janeway is full of shit, "The Thaw" is her being an unabashed, and total badass at the end.




Any alterations to the other lists? I'm probably going to post a "hurry up and watch some trek cuz it's free" thread up


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I think the Past Tense two parter is one of the standout episodes of early DS9 and is worth a watch.
Though it may be just me who likes it lol


goddammit people

I could easily list 35 DS9 episodes if I wanted to, but I'm trying to keep it down to 10 "stories" each series since the eps are only free on Hulu until the 31st anyway.


But I replied with one that was already on there, confirming your excellent choice. Though, you should bold it or something.


Gold Member
thanks to netflix, i binged series 5 onwards of DS9.

Thanks to that binge, i'm binging series 1 through 4.

Something that bothered me, likely due to missing out some information of willful ignorance; How did we go from ships having shields to protect them from hits to taking direct, damage-dealing hits in the last few series of DS9?
I'd take out The Maquis, The Jem 'Hadar, and add Civil Defense, The Wire, and Necessary Evil.
thanks to netflix, i binged series 5 onwards of DS9.

Thanks to that binge, i'm binging series 1 through 4.

Something that bothered me, likely due to missing out some information of willful ignorance; How did we go from ships having shields to protect them from hits to taking direct, damage-dealing hits in the last few series of DS9?

Budget constraints on shields for CGI. You just gotta pretend that every shot you see, their shields have already collapsed off screen. ;)

Edit: Also, it's "season." Not series!
Something that bothered me, likely due to missing out some information of willful ignorance; How did we go from ships having shields to protect them from hits to taking direct, damage-dealing hits in the last few series of DS9?

If I remember rightly, it's something to do with the Breen weaponry draining power from the shields.

*edit, or maybe not, lol.


thanks to netflix, i binged series 5 onwards of DS9.

Thanks to that binge, i'm binging series 1 through 4.

Something that bothered me, likely due to missing out some information of willful ignorance; How did we go from ships having shields to protect them from hits to taking direct, damage-dealing hits in the last few series of DS9?

Apparently in an interview about the DS9 battles the producers stated that the reason they cut the shield CGI from the ships was to let them get more action in - I guess it comes down issues with rendering the extra effects or a lack of time.


Ah jeez, look what they put for the description of Q Who:

The crew is hurled into the future by the malevolent Q, who sets them up for destruction by a race of half-human, half-robot aliens known as the Borgs.
Tuvix should be included in the best Voyager episodes because it proves Janeway is a fucking murderer.

thanks to netflix, i binged series 5 onwards of DS9.

Thanks to that binge, i'm binging series 1 through 4.

Something that bothered me, likely due to missing out some information of willful ignorance; How did we go from ships having shields to protect them from hits to taking direct, damage-dealing hits in the last few series of DS9?

At a certain point, shields changed in Star Trek from being represented as a bubble around the ship to being a skin that covers the ship. Happens at some point around the transition to DS9.

edit: I am referring to the Next Gen era, TOS movies tended to have them like a skin.


Any alterations to the other lists? I'm probably going to post a "hurry up and watch some trek cuz it's free" thread up

Remind non-Americans that they can watch Hulu if they install a browser extension called "Media Hint", available for Firefox and Chrome.


I think it's really only in TNG that the shields were consistently portrayed as a bubble. And that's just because with practical effects it was easier to do it that way. They just composited water spraying over a balloon or something like that onto the ship film.

In TOS and its movies the shields didn't tend to show up either, and when they were diagrammed on a console it was as a skin, not a bubble.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Pilot - Encounter at Farpoint
  • Measure of a Man
  • Q Who?
  • Yesterday's Enterprise
  • The Best of Both Worlds Part 1 and Part 2
  • Darmok
  • Cause and Effect
  • The Inner Light
  • Chain of Command - Part 1 and Part 2
  • Tapestry
  • All Good Things

Unification Part 1 and Part 2


you can't put a price on sparks
You're probably thinking of Conspiracy, which is in the first season of ST TNG and not on that list. It is one of the highlights of the season and one of the stranger episodes of TNG, though.

yeah it was pretty strange considering its the only time they show some dude's head being blown off.

if they had a little more of that kind of stuff throughout TNG, i wouldnt have objected.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hey so does Netflix offer the blurays of next gen? I can't search on their site.


yeah it was pretty strange considering its the only time they show some dude's head being blown off.

if they had a little more of that kind of stuff throughout TNG, i wouldnt have objected.

They never showed that bit on English TV, so it was pretty surprising the first time I saw it. I don't think it added much, but then I generally hate gore.


Hey so does Netflix offer the blurays of next gen? I can't search on their site.

Looks like they've got TOS, movies 1-6, First Contact, and 2009 on Blu Ray. Kinda surprised they dont offer TNG s1 and s2, but maybe they're waiting for the entire series to release to add those. I couldn't search either, I could only view the disc options in a godawful 138-page sortable list of BR options. What the fuck Netflix.


You're probably thinking of Conspiracy, which is in the first season of ST TNG and not on that list. It is one of the highlights of the season and one of the stranger episodes of TNG, though.

They were basically the Goa'uld from Stargate but Star Trek abandoned the idea immediately after the end of that episode.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3


Any alterations to the other lists? I'm probably going to post a "hurry up and watch some trek cuz it's free" thread up

Sub Rosa
So the first 8 episodes of Enterprise weren't that terrible, certainly not as bad as I was expecting based on general feeling towards Enterprise. I few too many 'secret door' endings, but everything else has been decent.


So the first 8 episodes of Enterprise weren't that terrible, certainly not as bad as I was expecting based on general feeling towards Enterprise. I few too many 'secret door' endings, but everything else has been decent.

first season is arguably the best of all the first series' outside TOS.
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