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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I just think it's completely ridiculous for anyone to argue that point. It has almost no redeeming qualities as a season. Basically just Q episodes.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
So far I have found season 2 far more boring than season 1 of DS9, though I'm episode 20 of season 2.

MC Safety

I'm revisiting Enterprise's fourth season and, aside from the Space Nazis and Next Generation junk, I'm really surprised at how good the stories are. There's a lot of neat stuff going on with the crew as well as the Andorians, Tellarites, Romulans, Klingons, and Vulcans.
If by best you mean most deathly boring.

No, best as in quality. It has the best pilot, best final two episodes of any first season (with one being one of Star Trek's best), and doesn't have any that ranks as Star Trek's worst unlike Mudd's Women. It also has "Progress."


you can't put a price on sparks
I'm revisiting Enterprise's fourth season and, aside from the Space Nazis and Next Generation junk, I'm really surprised at how good the stories are. There's a lot of neat stuff going on with the crew as well as the Andorians, Tellarites, Romulans, Klingons, and Vulcans.

the fourth season is how i envisioned the whole series to be before I watched it, more or less. Season 1 was probably fine as it was, but after that I wanted it to be more about the original Federation groups and how they came together. Its too bad it was all rushed and jammed into the last season only.


I had been warned how Enterprise 'ends' :\

Just don't watch the very last episode, and you'll leave the series happy. The episode before is actually a damn good sendoff for the show, and you can tell that story was going to be the finale before Berman and Braga decided to drop trou and shit all over the show's fanbase.
No, best as in quality. It has the best pilot, best final two episodes of any first season (with one being one of Star Trek's best), and doesn't have any that ranks as Star Trek's worst unlike Mudd's Women. It also has "Progress."

The City on the Edge of Forever alone is better than the whole first season of ds9. And hell, the second half of season 1 has Errand of Mercy and Space Seed, amongst others, I really can't see how any other series can even compete...


Just don't watch the very last episode, and you'll leave the series happy. The episode before is actually a damn good sendoff for the show, and you can tell that story was going to be the finale before Berman and Braga decided to drop trou and shit all over the show's fanbase.

Alternatively, download the version which splices out the TNG stuff and recombines it with the original TNG episode. So you get one short ENT episode and one long TNG.


^ Saw that edit ;)

You're gonna need to change your name to Duet01 at this rate, Dax.

It's one of my all time faves as well.
It just looked like you were backing down from a direct challenge to TCotEoF. I didn't mean to imply you said anything wrong!

Duet is a better episode than Edge of Forever. I realize it's a classic Trek episode, and I appreciate it for what it is, but the writing doesn't hold up.


Why? Because it's your favorite season?

DS9 S1 was the best.

It has nothing to do with it being mine. But there is no question the most common answer for best trek first season from trek fans is TOS. You can like DS9's season 1 better but that isn't the norm on these sort of things.


None of the Trek first seasons were good. DS9 was the least deathly boringest.

I never heard season one of TOS described as boring, let alone not good before. It is easily the best of its 3 seasons and one of the greatest ever seasons in trek. The City on The Edge of Forever, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Balance of Terror, The Devil in the Dark....all time Trek classic episodes one after another.


Kills Photobucket
Some of you apparently forget the original series when talking best first season.

Space Seed
Balance of Terror
City on the Edge of Forever
If Riker doesn't have a beard, you're not gonna have a good time.

Some of you apparently forget the original series when talking best first season.

Space Seed
Balance of Terror
City on the Edge of Forever

Matched by some very low episodes like Mudd's Women, Miri, and What are Little Girls Made of?.

The Squire of Gothos is a lot of fun though.


Matched by some very low episodes like Mudd's Women, Miri, and What are Little Girls Made of?.

The Squire of Gothos is a lot of fun though.

I love how the Star Trek EU established that Trelane from the Squire of Gothos is a member of the Q Continuum.
Duet is a better episode than Edge of Forever. I realize it's a classic Trek episode, and I appreciate it for what it is, but the writing doesn't hold up.

Come on, there is reasons why one of those is considered an all time classic and one is just a fan favourite. Saying that the writing doesn't hold up is a cop-out. TV writing in the early 90's was not really that impressive either, and suspension of disbelief is always needed with these shows.
Also, I just laugh at the ending to "Where No Man has Gone before." Mitchell becomes very powerful, yet he's defeated when a giant rock falls on him.
Come on, there is reasons why one of those is considered an all time classic and one is just a fan favourite. Saying that the writing doesn't hold up is a cop-out. TV writing in the early 90's was not really that impressive either, and suspension of disbelief is always needed with these shows.

The only reason anything happens in that episode is because Bones is the clumsiest doctor in the universe.

MC Safety

Also, I just laugh at the ending to "Where No Man has Gone before." Mitchell becomes very powerful, yet he's defeated when a giant rock falls on him.

The only reason anything happens in that episode is because Bones is the clumsiest doctor in the universe.

It's a great episode because it deals with Kirk's friendship and the question of whether absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I'm not even sure what you're talking about with Bones. It's possible I forgot that part. I do recall Sally Kellerman's character weakening Mitchell to the point where a rockslide would kill him.


I never heard season one of TOS described as boring, let alone not good before. It is easily the best of its 3 seasons and one of the greatest ever seasons in trek. The City on The Edge of Forever, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Balance of Terror, The Devil in the Dark....all time Trek classic episodes one after another.

Seriously. Absolutely absurd to even consider TOS' S1 as boring. DS9 spends about as many episodes having absolutely nothing happen as there were episodes of TOS.
one of their greatest war criminals dying and getting a celebrated state funeral apparently flew past their intelligence network.
It's hard to have a comprehensive intelligence network that stretches lightyears when you're just a bunch of terrorist cells. If not that, it works even if they knew. They didn't have Dar'heel's DNA on file, and he looked exactly like the general.
TNG S7 was nothing special outside the finale.
Hm. True, but Preemptive Strike was godly.


I can see that point being made. TNG S1 was pretty rough. DS9 was only okay S1. Voyager didn't have the best S1.

I was worried about being laughed out of the thread for suggesting it :p

Like I'm not saying it's a good season but it's just less bad than the others.

Hm. True, but Preemptive Strike was godly.

And Lower Decks, awesome episode. Really, really good.

Gambit was good too, as was Parallels, The Pegasus and Thine Own Self.


Just don't watch the very last episode, and you'll leave the series happy. The episode before is actually a damn good sendoff for the show, and you can tell that story was going to be the finale before Berman and Braga decided to drop trou and shit all over the show's fanbase.

The sad thing is, the final episode of Enterprise is a great concept for an episode of Enterprise, but it shouldn't have been the series finale.


One day I will watch Enterprise. Every once in a while I try and watch it, but I just can't force myself to like it. I don't like any of the characters on the show.
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