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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Kills Photobucket
The sad thing is, the final episode of Enterprise is a great concept for an episode of Enterprise, but it shouldn't have been the series finale.

It never should have been made. The concept had merit, but should have been abandoned the minute any of them looked at Sirtis and Frakes and realized these two are unable to play their characters from 15 years ago.
It never should have been made. The concept had merit, but should have been abandoned the minute any of them looked at Sirtis and Frakes and realized these two are unable to play their characters from 15 years ago.

Could've worked with members from Voyager. They would've been young enough.


As much as I dread it, I need to watch all of Voyager and Enterprise one day. My local Fox station aired Voyager during its run, but then they dropped it for some reason in the middle of the third season. They finally got it back around the fifth or sixth season, but by then I had missed so much that I never watched much of it. Then, my cable provider dropped UPN during the second season and Enterprise and I didn't get it back until the fourth season.


Kills Photobucket
Voyager got much more watchable in season 3 and on. Still a ton of crap to sift through, but at least the show found it's footing a bit better.
Season 7 of TNG has some Good episode outside of the final

Descent pt II
The Pegasus

No doubt its got some stinkers like "Masks"

I like much of voyager. The crew felt much more like a family than the other shows crews.


I find most of the plots, acting, and social interactions on Voyager totally cringe worthy. I literally cringe, which is a habit I have with awkward social situations. Prevents me from watching it.

There might be good stuff in there, but I can't bring myself to find it.


One day I will watch Enterprise. Every once in a while I try and watch it, but I just can't force myself to like it. I don't like any of the characters on the show.

sfdebris sums up the show nicely in his review if you watch them, enterprise is a story of archers descent into paranoid delusions where there is only one competent crewman on board but he is slightly distracted by his fetish for blowing things up.


The farscape vids are pretty good too.
Enterprise - S4/12 - Babel One (Part 1):

This episode was fairly entertaining. First part of a three-parter so not all that much happened besides plot setup, but (without spoiling it) the alien ship design was pretty awesome, and the twist at the end was decent as well.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
There are sooooo many hotties in TNG. my goodness.


Kills Photobucket
I don't think I would have had any interest in Archer if it weren't for Quantum Leap nostalgia.

Idiot even got a name drop in Star Trek: Nemesis, so did Kirk.

No love for The Sisko....


got a mention in the new reboot too

Enterprise - the only Trek series canon in both timelines


Hey guys, if you want a good read I recommend Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness. It's a miniseries, up to issue 3 now, and it's a lot of fun.

I generally don't go in for movie prequel comics, but this one's a good one.
Really? It's not the greatest of season 3 but it's hardly bad.

1. The aliens they are dealing with seem to have a judicial system based entirely around dramatic re-enactments.
2. Riker thinks the lady seduced him. The lady believes it was rape. Troi says "you're both telling the truth, from your own perspectives"

so uh

3. The guest star playing the doctor is Tommy Wiseau levels of hilarious. "FINE, WHADEVER"


I don't think I would have had any interest in Archer if it weren't for Quantum Leap nostalgia.

Idiot even got a name drop in Star Trek: Nemesis, so did Kirk.

No love for The Sisko....

I'm still pissed that when they had Dean Stockwell guest he never once smacked a PADD and called it Ziggy.
It's interesting and rather timely here that Omega Glory is next up on your list. E Plebneesta!
(I don't think it was particularly good, but there are some amusing bits scattered in there)

Okay, so...

The Omega Glory - Well. Huh. This started out as a pretty good episode. The fellas find themselves involved in a typical scenario... a planet of primitives are fighting a war, this time the villagers are called the Khoms and the savages are the Yangs. A fellow Captain has gone rogue and he's in the middle of it, blah blah etc. The guys get thrown in a jail and have to escape and save the day.

It's all rolling along pretty well, and actually kind of shocking that the Asian dudes dressed like Genghis Khan are actually the good guys and the waspy white people are the savage, bad guys.

BUT then with ten minutes left, the episode goes flying head first off the deep end. Turns out, the Asians ARE the bad guys. And in fact, Kirk realizes that the Koms=Communists and Yangs=Yankees! In fact, the Yangs are fighting on behalf of their most sacred texts: the US Constitution and the Holy Bible! Their most treasured artifact is the American Flag! When this reveal happens, the score changes to a patriotic rendition of the Star Spangled Banner!

And unlike prior episodes with a similar premise (the people in Piece of the Action who were left with an old book about mobsters or the planet that was taught Nazism by the Federation historian in Patterns of Force), there's no explanation as to why this planet would possibly have a history that includes Earth history.

What we DO get is the mother of all hammy Shatner monologues, though! "We... the People... of the United States... of America..." Also, Spock becomes Professor X for one scene and is totally able to telepathically control a woman from across the room. Shrug.

And finally, the Prime Directive makes it's debut in what feels like a huge retcon. The renegade captain, Captain Tracy, is in hot water for violating it by giving phasers to the Khoms. However this, is just a couple of episodes after Kirk just gave several cases of flintlock rifles to one side of a pair of warring tribes on a similar planet! Not to mention a few episodes before that in The Apple where Kirk and Bones completely destroyed a peoples' way of life despite Spock's protests that even if they didn't agree with the culture, it was philosophically wrong to intervene. Which makes me realize that Roddenberry and crew were starting to form the idea of the Prime Directive at that point, but in this episode, they finally decided to just abruptly insert it as Federation protocol, and present it as though it had always been there.

Anyway, in conclusion, pretty good episode most of the way through, but then a crazy wtf ending.

Next up: The Ultimate Computer

EDIT: And kind of odd that it was Sulu left in charge of the ship when it's usually Scotty. Did they just flip a coin or something?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Enjoying s3 of DS9 a lot, so far the only stinker has been the Dax centric episode, I think it was episode 4?


Enjoying s3 of DS9 a lot, so far the only stinker has been the Dax centric episode, I think it was episode 4?

I like "Equilibrium." I'd say "The Search, Part II" is a much bigger clunker, with that shitty "it was all a simulation" ending.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member


Oh Christ, I'm super into Star Trek now.


I don't think I would have had any interest in Archer if it weren't for Quantum Leap nostalgia.

Idiot even got a name drop in Star Trek: Nemesis, so did Kirk.

No love for The Sisko....

Archer got a name drop (as well as his love for beagles) in Trek '09 as well! Kind of funny for the least popular of all the Trek series to get that sort of longevity.

Hell, there was even a end of movie scene written that was cut (it made it into the novelization) where Archer's beagle's lost transporter signal was found and it beamed aboard the Enterprise.


As much as ENT gets hate, I really like the theme and social issues explored in the first few seasons.

Seeing humanity transform to the society that we see in TNG was really cool. There's a lot of that great Sci Fi trick of examining modern sociological issues and problems by lifting the viewer out of the world and into a different one, which helps eliminates biases to better comprehend the discussion.

I felt at least on that level it delivered far more than either TOS or VOY did.
For someone who had so many experiences and lifetimes, Dax was probably the most boring main character on the show. I'd rather watch a Jake episode than a Dax.
There's a lot of that great Sci Fi trick of examining modern sociological issues and problems by lifting the viewer out of the world and into a different one, which helps eliminates biases to better comprehend the discussion.

I felt at least on that level it delivered far more than either TOS or VOY did.

I give you Voyager (please take it), but I'll have to defent TOS again... This was exactly what TOS did most of the time, being Wagon Train in Space and all that. They even had the most heavy handed racism episode ever with the two guys who had half of their faces white and half black.

Voyager was too much action and stupidity, and DS9 soap opera and religion, without balls or wit to say anything important...
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