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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


It's just how voting works I guess. She is gonna lose 1vs1 against everyone, but have Kirk, Picard and Sisko fight for votes and the few dedicated Janeway crazies can be enough to make her win.

I don't know. Startrek.com had a poll about best role model captain awhile back and Janeway won with like almost 60% of the vote with the next highest only having 25% and was Picard. I think something's infected the trek continuum
I don't know. Startrek.com had a poll about best role model captain awhile back and Janeway won with like almost 60% of the vote with the next highest only having 25% and was Picard. I think something's infected the trek continuum

Voyager was the last (relatively) popular Trek show, I think the show still has fans, who were too young for TNG when it aired. And yeah, Janeway was a bit mad, but she was better captain than Sisko and Archer.


Neo Member
But If I were to pick I would say
Captain: Picard
1st Officer: Chakotay
Engineer: B'Elanna Torres
Doctor: Dr. Phlox
Security: Worf
Communications: Hoshi Soto
Helmsman: Travis Mayweather
Wild Card: T' Pol

I grew up watching Voyager, TNG re-runs.
Never liked DS9
and I just finished watching Enterprise on netflix and liked it.


All other considerations aside, I think it'd be amazing to see a captain/first officer comprised of (in any arrangement) Picard and Kirk. To me they make perfect sense as counterbalancing approaches to diplomacy and exploration. Riker is basically a poor man's Kirk anyways.


All other considerations aside, I think it'd be amazing to see a captain/first officer comprised of (in any arrangement) Picard and Kirk. To me they make perfect sense as counterbalancing approaches to diplomacy and exploration. Riker is basically a poor man's Kirk anyways.

This, with Picard in charge in my case.
I think it might be getting time to turn in my trekkie card with the way trek and its fans are going. This was voted on at the las vegas trek convention as best crew for a starship.


Janeway seriously.. ugh trek fans are starting to suck
Such a horrible crew. Jadzia was a helmsman? She was clearly the science officer.

Mine would be:

Captain: Kirk
1st officer: Kira
Engineer: O'Brien
Doctor: Bones
Security: Odo
Communication: Uhura
Helmsman: Tom Paris
Wild Card: Garak
But If I were to pick I would say

1st Officer: Chakotay.

See, I would never make this kind of choice, Chakotay was a unique combination of being annoying and boring to me.

Ah hell, just for the fun of it:

Captain: Picard
1st Officer: Spock
Engineer: Charles Tucker (had to pick someone from ENT too)
Doctor: Holodoc
Security: Worf
Communications: Uhura
Helmsman: Paris (this guy was an incredible multi talented genius in Voyager)
Wild Card: Data


All other considerations aside, I think it'd be amazing to see a captain/first officer comprised of (in any arrangement) Picard and Kirk. To me they make perfect sense as counterbalancing approaches to diplomacy and exploration. Riker is basically a poor man's Kirk anyways.

Honestly I think that's why I liked Shatners ghost written books so much. Writers knew the characters so well and Kirk and Picard teamed up for most of the novels so it was a lot of fun having the two of them running around saving the galaxy


Remember the Voth? Probably one of the only entertaining episodes of Voyager for me was the one they were in. Or the Dyson Sphere from TNG; with more internal habitable area than probably all the Federation worlds combined but never mentioned again?

Well Star Trek Online is working them in. Should be interesting to see - they handled their "sequel" to Sacrifice of Angels (aka what happened to the 2800 Dominion ships lost in the wormhole) quite well.
Has anyone got hold of the Revell JJ Enterprise model? Looks like quite a nice size...

I dunno if I should be ashamed to admit it or not, but I've really fallen for the new Enterprise. I think it's probably up there with the E-D as my favourite of all of them.

That squat neck, and those huge engines... it's just so cool.



And dat engine drone.


Remember the Voth? Probably one of the only entertaining episodes of Voyager for me was the one they were in. Or the Dyson Sphere from TNG; with more internal habitable area than probably all the Federation worlds combined but never mentioned again?

Well Star Trek Online is working them in. Should be interesting to see - they handled their "sequel" to Sacrifice of Angels (aka what happened to the 2800 Dominion ships lost in the wormhole) quite well.

Yeah it was prolly good they didn't revisit "Dragons Teeth" in VOY.

How'd they explain the dominion ships?


Yeah it was prolly good they didn't revisit "Dragons Teeth" in VOY.

How'd they explain the dominion ships?
Had the Dominion fleet moved in *time* rather than space. So 2800 ships appear in 2409. Episode arc has you negotiating with the current Dominion to order the 2800 ships to stand down, after they capture DS9.


O'Brien is the Engineer of *my* choice. One tough git.

Yeah but if he's your engineer he's probably going to spend every other day being kidnapped, tortured, played, or emotionally toyed with. When that man inevitably murders a room full of sneering know-it-all cadets and then melts his head off over top of his Alamo model, it will be a wonder it didn't happen sooner.

Has anyone got hold of the Revell JJ Enterprise model? Looks like quite a nice size...

I dunno if I should be ashamed to admit it or not, but I've really fallen for the new Enterprise. I think it's probably up there with the E-D as my favourite of all of them.

That squat neck, and those huge engines... it's just so cool.


Fixed (ish).
Yeah but if he's your engineer he's probably going to spend every other day being kidnapped, tortured, played, or emotionally toyed with. When that man inevitably murders a room full of sneering know-it-all cadets and then melts his head off over top of his Alamo model, it will be a wonder it didn't happen sooner.

He should have kept his nice mostly stress free job as a transporter chief.


He should have kept his nice mostly stress free job as a transporter chief.

He was tempted by the lure of series regular. Nothing bad happens to series regulars, right?

What's this?

Just a quick-and-dirty 'shop I did. My main issues with the Abrams-E are that the secondary hull juts out too much, the nacelles are too close to each other and they attach too close to the front. They don't necessarily have to be swept back in my opinion (I think you could make a good argument that they should be angled *forward* so that they're parallel with the forward lines of the neck), but as it is it's a bizarre mishmash of the Refit and classic E without much in the way of improvements or innovations. It's the perfect example of people changing things because they could, but not stopping to think about whether they were really adding anything.


Kills Photobucket
Terry Farrell helped push the recent Vegas Trek convention into the record books by participating in a world record "most Trek Costumers in one place" go, and they beat the London Trek record set last year.

Have to say, of all the Trek actors I met at conventions over the years, her and Garett Wang were probably the nicest I had the chance to meet.
Terry Farrell helped push the recent Vegas Trek convention into the record books by participating in a world record "most Trek Costumers in one place" go, and they beat the London Trek record set last year.

Have to say, of all the Trek actors I met at conventions over the years, her and Garett Wang were probably the nicest I had the chance to meet.

I remember meeting her back in 1995 I believe, at a convention. She was awesome, but I guess not as awesome as she was in Vegas! (from what I read)


Kills Photobucket
I remember meeting her back in 1995 I believe, at a convention. She was awesome, but I guess not as awesome as she was in Vegas! (from what I read)

She was at a convention in Denver, and stayed for autographs long after she was required to and was just really nice to fans. I was even able to get a picture with her.

Garrett Wang showed up for the closing of the Star Trek Experience in Vegas, uninvited, and unlike a few other actors who showed up to sell autographs (like the actress who played Leeta), Garrett showed up just to talk with fans and hang out, and it was a bit of a letdown to learn he was there on his own, becasue the "big name" the hotel got to host the closing ceremonies was Suzie Plakson.
So I started watching TOS (remastered version on Amazon.)

I watched The Cage first though which wasn't in the remastered set. Anyway, the aired order on Amazon isn't the same as the production order? Is there a specific guide or something I should be following that's better? Only 4-5 episodes in at the moment.


She was at a convention in Denver, and stayed for autographs long after she was required to and was just really nice to fans. I was even able to get a picture with her.

Garrett Wang showed up for the closing of the Star Trek Experience in Vegas, uninvited, and unlike a few other actors who showed up to sell autographs (like the actress who played Leeta), Garrett showed up just to talk with fans and hang out, and it was a bit of a letdown to learn he was there on his own, becasue the "big name" the hotel got to host the closing ceremonies was Suzie Plakson.

Its a shame whats ended up happening with the Experience. It was gonna move and become even better then the economy just had to take the shit it did and that was the final nail.

Place was great. Always had fun at Quarks Bar. One time went with a buddy and his Mom who I admit was pretty hot and a Ferengi actor came over and started trying to barter for her etc. Was always fun with the cast being in character.

So I started watching TOS (remastered version on Amazon.)

I watched The Cage first though which wasn't in the remastered set. Anyway, the aired order on Amazon isn't the same as the production order? Is there a specific guide or something I should be following that's better? Only 4-5 episodes in at the moment.
Amazon has them in order of when they aired. You could do it the stardate way. every episode has a stardate that is later than the prior so you can see in a way how the episodes were meant to air stardate wise

Stardate ordering is here http://www.st-v-sw.net/STSWeplist-tos.html
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