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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

Skip the first two seasons.

Also wait for people to yell at me for saying this with lists of the actually worthwhile episodes in the first two seasons to watch.[notspoiler]
Fine, but don't skip The Jem'Hadar. It's an awesome episode and pretty much kicks the whole thing off.


No, you watch all of the first season and second. You can't appreciate later season Bashir without dealing with season 1 Bashir. And there are a few other characters that you really have to see from the start to appreciate how far they come in 7 years.

You'll miss the first two inches of a mile. It's not really worth it. It's also very episodic.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Saw "Into Darkness" earlier today. I liked it but I'm really feeling horrible today so it's hard to form an opinion about it. If I wasn't feeling so depressed, I think I'd enjoy it more. Can't wait for the next movie, assuming there will be one.
Im far more interested in a serialized series is all. I find them far, far more rewarding.

You should watch Enterprise season 3. Anyway, I've always felt that Star Trek was best with one off episodes. Kirk goes to a planet. There's a problem. Kirk fixes the problem. The end. The main plot in DS9 doesn't really work as well as it should.


You really can't appreciate large aspects of DS9 without the world building contained within the first 2 seasons. They're not bad at all, just not as good as the rest of the show. It's like how most of B5 season 1 feels totally pointless, but it's hard to appreciate the nuance if you don't really watch it.


You really can't appreciate large aspects of DS9 without the world building contained within the first 2 seasons. They're not bad at all, just not as good as the rest of the show. It's like how most of B5 season 1 feels totally pointless, but it's hard to appreciate the nuance if you don't really watch it.

There really isn't that much world building. And it's not like B5 S1, which doesn't feel 'totally pointless' but is mostly just not very well produced and features some of the worst acting of the show. The acting and production values in DS9's first couple of seasons are great. It just actually is pointless.
Emissary is pretty good for a pilot, even for the whole series. And you won't fully appreciate some of the later Sisko/prophet threads later on without it.

edit - woops, thought you were talking about DS9
I thought Emissary was pretty good. The best series premiere of all the Treks actually. You get a terrific sense of all the characters and theres quite a bit of mystery in regards to the wormhole. Also, you were really rooting for Kira and O'Brien back on the station as they are woefully underprepared to repel the Cardassians. Encounter at Farpoint is second but the second half drags it down.
I wish Kira and O'Brien had a different relationship than the one we got. They were the only two who had really seen the dirty side of war. They were fighters to the bitter end. I think they were better off finding commonality in their soldiering rather than being surrogate mom.


While I'm not a "you must watch every episode" kind of guy, I do think you need to watch some of the lows to enjoy the series that much more in perspective.

Also, plain Bad Trek can be hilarious. It's why I'd rather watch The Final Frontier over Insurrection; at least one has some charm to go with its cheese.


While I'm not a "you must watch every episode" kind of guy, I do think you need to watch some of the lows to enjoy the series that much more in perspective.

Also, plain Bad Trek can be hilarious. It's why I'd rather watch The Final Frontier over Insurrection; at least one has some charm to go with its cheese.

I don't actually think anything in DS9 is actually bad, including the first two seasons. It's just mostly boring. In your analogy (for which I feel the exact opposite, but the same sentiment) to me DS9 S1-2 are Insurrection. It's just very aimless and they really hadn't figured out a way to make being on a space station interesting.


I don't actually think anything in DS9 is actually bad, including the first two seasons. It's just mostly boring. In your analogy (for which I feel the exact opposite, but the same sentiment) to me DS9 S1-2 are Insurrection. It's just very aimless and they really hadn't figured out a way to make being on a space station interesting.

Oh, I definitely agree that DS9 and Voyager usually just suffered from being mediocre rather than outright bad, but I wouldn't say DS9 didn't have clunkers. "Move Along Home" is pretty much the sequel to "The Way to Eden" if the hippies had gotten burned out and old. "Meridian", "Valiant", the Quark cross-dressing one (hell, any of the later Ferengi and Klingon ones are usually pretty bad.)


Kills Photobucket
I liked the idea of "Move Along Home" even if the execution was weak.

I think the weakest early DS9 episodes by far are "Babel", and "If Wishes Were Horses"


Babel could have been pretty good - the idea of the universal translator fucking up was interesting and it's a shame that's not how it went down.
Can someone give me a essential list of season 2 episodes?

By essential you mean to understand the plot as quickly as possible or good? I'll go with good:

The Homecoming
The Circle
The Siege
Necessary Evil
Blood Oath
The Wire
The Jem'Hadar

I guess? Might be a few more, but those are the ones that leap out at me after reading synopsis.

I would recommend Emissary & Past Prologue from S1 just to get into the initial setup(they're good anyway), as well as Duet from S1 because it's brilliant.


Does anyone wonder what Q would look/be like in the Alternate Universe?
I always wanted them to do a final Q episode where the entire universe is threatened, even the Q. Would give a reason for Lancie aging, and a better send-off than Voyager ever gave.

As for recasting... I got nothing good.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I always wanted them to do a final Q episode where the entire universe is threatened, even the Q. Would give a reason for Lancie aging, and a better send-off than Voyager ever gave.

As for recasting... I got nothing good.
Believe it or not, there's a novel very similar to that. It deals with a race of beings more powerful than the Q called "M". The entire universe is threatened by some kind of enormous black hole. It involves Q and the even higher powers of M and somehow Picard ends up saving all of existence. Make of that what you will.
Believe it or not, there's a novel very similar to that. It deals with a race of beings more powerful than the Q called "M". The entire universe is threatened by some kind of enormous black hole. It involves Q and the even higher powers of M and somehow Picard ends up saving all of existence. Make of that what you will.

Sounds like Q-Squared, but that had Trelane, the Squire of Gothos.

Excellent Peter David novel, my copy is signed by the author. :D


Sounds like Q-Squared, but that had Trelane, the Squire of Gothos.

Excellent Peter David novel, my copy is signed by the author. :D

I'd love for Peter David to be involved in another Trek series. I find him to be a more evenly enjoyable Joss Whedon. Love me some snappy dialogue.


There really isn't that much world building. And it's not like B5 S1, which doesn't feel 'totally pointless' but is mostly just not very well produced and features some of the worst acting of the show. The acting and production values in DS9's first couple of seasons are great. It just actually is pointless.

Strongly disagree here. If you just jump in with season 3 or 4, I think it's almost impossible to actually appreciate any of the Bajor related storylines or characters, let alone the growth the characters have gone through (Bashir and O'brien? Kira?). It's not as simple as "you didn't watch Chrysalis or see Morden buy Mollari's soul" like B5, but the basic setting of the show is HIGHLY related to Bajor and the ensemble, both of which are touched upon much less in later seasons, while remaining highly relevent.
Skip the first two seasons.

Unfortunate this comment is at the top of the page. :p Season 2 was my favorite at the time. I always thought adding Worf and the Defiant was an unfortunate move away from what made DS9 distinct from the other series. Maybe my feelings would be different upon a re-watch.


Kills Photobucket
I still say you need to watch all of season 1 and 2 to appreciate the character development over the remainder of the series, Not just the regulars, but season 1 and 2 set up the majority of the shows supporting cast who end up playing larger roles as the series progresses.


Oh Move Along Home is really not all that bad. People just fixate on the song and forget everything else about it.

To me I can see where they thought the "hahaha it's just a game" thing at the end would come off well... it just didn't. It felt like I wasted 40 minutes watching characters who weren't in real jeopardy while stupid things were going on.


almost done with Season 2 this last half of the season has been great. only skipped a couple episodes near the beginning.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
DS9 has actually managed to avoid The Borg (except for the Sisko backstory) and Q (who only appeared in one episode).
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