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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Purple Drazi
Sounds like it's time for you to stop showing other people things and go watch Babylon 5. ;)

I've seen Babylon 5 a few times! I grew up on that one, too.

I'm... not sure there's a television space opera I haven't seen, come to think of it. Which is kinda sad in that I want more! I still wish Space: Above and Beyond went past a single season. :/


I've tried in the past to think of the basis for a series about Earth life in the TNG world and I can't come up with anything. The world is supposed to be post-conflict, so you just have a bunch of people enjoying sports and the arts.

I hope that doesn't mean that life becomes boring... because I'm really rooting for an end to scarcity.

Like Picard says—people focus on bettering themselves. Even Trek fans I think would have a hard time adjusting to that—I know that at least for me, the structure of a workweek helps me focus and makes me more productive with my limited time. If you took all that away I'd probably be screwed.


Well, the technical manuals also talk about dolphin navigators being on Enterprise D... I don't consider them being canon the same way TV episodes are.

Pretty much. The technical manuals are thrown out there so the extreme nerds have something to chew on, but ultimately they're going to be ignored or overwritten whenever it's necessary or convenient.

"The published Technical Manual was partly based on an internal document, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual. The information was authored by the technical staff of the television series, and as such most of it is directly derived from filmed references. However, some data is contradicted by events in later episodes and series, due to the nature of a continuing series - new plot points may contradict previously assumed or un-filmed data. Numerous pieces of art and behind the scenes graphics information used in the series are presented clearly here."

*shrugs* It's a shame that fixation on a few in-jokes ruins so much info for you.


The common person straps on BMX pads and steps into the ring


the dumbest thing about tng is their stupid future sports

then DS9 comes around and they're just like, "nah, we're good with regular-ass baseball"
"The published Technical Manual was partly based on an internal document, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual. The information was authored by the technical staff of the television series, and as such most of it is directly derived from filmed references. However, some data is contradicted by events in later episodes and series, due to the nature of a continuing series - new plot points may contradict previously assumed or un-filmed data. Numerous pieces of art and behind the scenes graphics information used in the series are presented clearly here."

*shrugs* It's a shame that fixation on a few in-jokes ruins so much info for you.

Thanks for this, as you cite, the Technical Manual was based on the writers' technical manual and tech bible.

One of the best TNG novels features a Delphine (dolphin) stellar cartographer.



I much prefer this version of the mirror universe to that portrayed in DS9. To me, the DS9 mirror universe is just another alt-verse.
the dumbest thing about tng is their stupid future sports

then DS9 comes around and they're just like, "nah, we're good with regular-ass baseball"

They didn't even explain what Pareeses Squares is, yet they mention it several times, and you can even buy a Pareeses Squares Athletics shirt from Startrek.com.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
the dumbest thing about tng is their stupid future sports

then DS9 comes around and they're just like, "nah, we're good with regular-ass baseball"

People make fun of Sisko for liking baseball. Liking baseball is basically the ST equivalent of being a ren-fair performer.

The Real Abed

DS9 still has holodeck right?
They call them suites and they're rented out like hotel rooms by Quark. Basically they're hotel rooms where you can live your fantasy for money. Instead of a supposedly free place to go to unwind like on the Enterprise or Voyager.

the dumbest thing about tng is their stupid future sports

then DS9 comes around and they're just like, "nah, we're good with regular-ass baseball"
Well after the whole Move Along Home fiasco, I'd probably want to stick to regular-ass baseball too.


I like the random sports, because I can't imagine games wouldn't change when exposed to new technologies and other alien races. But while I understand there are realistic practical issues with representing some of the games, just name-dropping them constantly makes it feel artificial.


Purple Drazi
That Renaissance Festival comparison with baseball is going to make rewatches of DS9 all the funnier now. Every time Sisko's eyes light up and Avery Brooks delivers his dulcet-yet-bassy "baseball" growl, I'm going to imagine him instead talking about human chess matches.
That Renaissance Festival comparison with baseball is going to make rewatches of DS9 all the funnier now. Every time Sisko's eyes light up and Avery Brooks delivers his dulcet-yet-bassy "baseball" growl, I'm going to imagine him instead talking about human chess matches.

Sisko used to get beat up by the JV football team for wearing his cloak to school.
Tim Russ's fan movie has an official trailer now


Looks low budget but I'd give it a watch

Ugh, How do so many of the ex Trek casts get involved in these things and they still completely miss the point. It's tonally not at all star trek, It's full of cheese and it looks boring from a story stand point regardless of Trek association.

Tim Russ has been around trek for a long time, What exactly is he even doing here?

If I want dumb popcorn pew pew Star Trek JJTrek has me covered without the wonky CGI.

These films could really explore some of the virtues that set Trek apart in Sci Fi, You can do that on a shoestring budget providing you have good concept and people who can act.

Picardo is a fantastic actor, Russ is pretty good.


Ugh, How do so many of the ex Trek casts get involved in these things and they still completely miss the point. It's tonally not at all star trek, It's full of cheese and it looks boring from a story stand point regardless of Trek association.

Tim Russ has been around trek for a long time, What exactly is he even doing here?

If I want dumb popcorn pew pew Star Trek JJTrek has me covered without the wonky CGI.

These films could really explore some of the virtues that set Trek apart in Sci Fi, You can do that on a shoestring budget providing you have good concept and people who can act.

Picardo is a fantastic actor, Russ is pretty good.

Tend to agree. Make a story that only requires a few good special effects, worry about the story. The problem is that fan films are easy to make from a construction standpoint, but qualities like getting good actors and scripts will still be hard to do, and so you get a flood of mediocre material among the genuine improvements. And, to be fair, the quiet films aren't going to get the same attention.

I haven't seen a Star Trek fan film I could sit through without cringing, though—even the New Voyages stuff leaves me cold.


Subete no aware
Isn't Axanar supposed to be good, at least? That's what I keep hearing anyway.
The Prelude to Axanar video works because of how it was presented - the third episode of a long running History Channel series about the war. Whether or not the movie itself will keep up the quality is a different issue, because a narrative film is going to be much more involved than sitting each actor in front of a green screen for a day or so.

Outside of the transporter phobia, was Pulaski anything like Bones?
Her relationship with Data is basically the Bones/Spock relationship. She was also supposed to be "grouchy", I guess.


Constitution refit is the GOAT. Art deco in space is great.

Really, though, it's easier to say which classes I don't think look that good. The Ambassador is just awkward. The JJ refit screws with the secondary hull with dismal results. The kitbashy minor classes, definitely. The Prometheus.

I think I'd like the Sovereign-and-later classes more with a different hull treatment. The gunmetal effect they usually have is weird.
Constitution refit is the best, I alway enjoy the slow fly-by in The Motion Picture because the ship is just so beautiful (and the music is great).

Movie era Klingon Bird of Prey looks cool. As does TNG era Romulan ships.

Galaxy look great also, at least in most angles.

I'm not fan of the ships in Voyager and DS9. Enterprise in Enterprise is quite nice though.
Outside of the transporter phobia, was Pulaski anything like Bones?

She was the only crew member not afraid or intimidated by Picard. She spoke frankly with him like Bones did with Kirk. But whereas Bones and Kirk shared a level of familiarity, Pulaski was just headstrong.


The only show that didn't get reconned was Archer's. Picard and Sisko down the toilet with Janeway. :(

It's logical to assume that Enterprise was affected by the retcon though. Enterprise technically is affected by the events of Star Trek First Contact and since that probably got erased the events of Cochrane and The Pheonix were probably altered, which probably means Archer's stuff was altered slightly as well.

I've always had my own little personal theory that says that the NX ship wasn't originally named Enterprise until after the Enterprise-E traveled back in time, and that Cochrane pushed to have a warp ship named Enterprise in honor of Picard's crew. This would at least explain why the NX Enterprise isn't referenced at all in TOS and TNG and why the NX Enterprise isn't part of the Enterprise-D's diorama.


It's logical to assume that Enterprise was affected by the retcon though. Enterprise technically is affected by the events of Star Trek First Contact and since that probably got erased the events of Cochrane and The Pheonix were probably altered, which probably means Archer's stuff was altered slightly as well.

I've always had my own little personal theory that says that the NX ship wasn't originally named Enterprise until after the Enterprise-E traveled back in time, and that Cochrane pushed to have a warp ship named Enterprise in honor of Picard's crew. This would at least explain why the NX Enterprise isn't referenced at all in TOS and TNG and why the NX Enterprise isn't part of the Enterprise-D's diorama.

Well the easy route to explain the latter is that the NX-01 was never a Federation vessel.
Well the easy route to explain the latter is that the NX-01 was never a Federation vessel.

Hmm... Memory Alpha says the ship served only 10 years before it was put into a museum - the year Federation was born. That doesn't seem like an efficient use of resources


Hmm... Memory Alpha says the ship served only 10 years before it was put into a museum - the year Federation was born. That doesn't seem like an efficient use of resources

Eh, ships in Star Trek in general tend to have short lives. Only the original E had a service record anywhere approximating a modern ship.

Although I'd love to know how long the Enterprise-B was in service.

The battleship Enterprise wasn't a Federation vessel

Yeah, but they don't have any of the seven previous ships in the US Navy that had that name either.

Continental Navy of the United States
USS Enterprise (1775), a Sloop-of-war, burned to prevent capture in 1777
Enterprise (1776), a Schooner, returned to Maryland Council of Safety in 1777

United States Navy
USS Enterprise (1799), a sailing vessel that fired the first shots in the First Barbary War
USS Enterprise (1831), a sailing vessel
USS Enterprise (1874), a sailing vessel
Enterprise (SP-790), a motorboat (1917-1919)
USS Enterprise (CV-6), an aircraft carrier (1938-1947) that served in World War II
USS Enterprise (CVN-65), a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (1961-2013)
Eh, ships in Star Trek in general tend to have short lives. Only the original E had a service record anywhere approximating a modern ship.

Although I'd love to know how long the Enterprise-B was in service.

Constitution class and the refit ships seem to last lot longer. Enterprise was already 20 years old when Kirk became its captain the first time, and Star Trek III happened maybe 25 years after that. And Excelsior class lasted for 90 years at least (Star Trek III -> Voyager: Endgame), maybe not single ships though. But yeah, NX-01 Enterprise itself should clearly have been usable for a lot longer than 10 years. It was their first warp 5 ship for once, most of their ships were slower and older. And would have been very useful for exploration or diplomatic missions for decades after. Okay, it was put in a museum for dramatic purposes, it just felt silly to me.


Constitution class and the refit ships seem to last lot longer. Enterprise was already 20 years old when Kirk became its captain the first time, and Star Trek III happened maybe 25 years after that. And Excelsior class lasted for 90 years at least (Star Trek III -> Voyager: Endgame), maybe not single ships though. But yeah, NX-01 Enterprise itself should clearly have been usable for a lot longer than 10 years. It was their first warp 5 ship for once, most of their ships were slower and older. And would have been very useful for exploration or diplomatic missions for decades after. Okay, it was put in a museum for dramatic purposes, it just felt silly to me.

If they ever produced Prime Universe Trek in the near future of where we left it in the 24th century, I'd love "refit" versions of the Excelsior and Miranda classes to make them fit with the style of post 2373 ships. It is kind of ridiculous that they exist basically unchanged externally for up to basically 100 years (in the case of the Miranda class, and even longer if we assume the Soyuz class is pretty damn close.)

It's kind of odd they just up-and-retired the Enterprise-A after seven years too, although it's conceivable it might have been a refit Constitution with a service record similar to the Enterprise. I don't think there's a hard canon confirmation of what ship it originally was.
If they ever produced Prime Universe Trek in the near future of where we left it in the 24th century, I'd love "refit" versions of the Excelsior and Miranda classes to make them fit with the style of post 2373 ships. It is kind of ridiculous that they exist basically unchanged externally for up to basically 100 years (in the case of the Miranda class, and even longer if we assume the Soyuz class is pretty damn close.)

It's kind of odd they just up-and-retired the Enterprise-A after seven years too, although it's conceivable it might have been a refit Constitution with a service record similar to the Enterprise. I don't think there's a hard canon confirmation of what ship it originally was.

At the same time younger Constellation class was already outdated by the time of TNG. Which was kind of shame, I liked the look of that ship.

I think it was pretty clear that the Enterprise at the end of ST4 was some older ship just renamed Enterprise. But I always wondered how they could just take an old ship that was being refitted, and give it to Kirk just like that. What happened to the senior officers that were originally assigned to that ship before it was renamed?-)


I think it was pretty clear that the Enterprise at the end of ST4 was some older ship just renamed Enterprise. But I always wondered how they could just take an old ship that was being refitted, and give it to Kirk just like that. What happened to the senior officers that were originally assigned to that ship before it was renamed?-)

The senior officers of the previous ship probably got promoted to a newer, bigger, better ship. Some people like promotions, some like sticking with the classics.

Sulu was hoping they (the Enterprise senior officers) would get the Excelsior, so if that was an option, maybe those other guys got moved to Excelsior instead. Maybe Christian Slater was serving on the Enterprise-A before it became known as the Enterprise-A.


At the same time younger Constellation class was already outdated by the time of TNG. Which was kind of shame, I liked the look of that ship.

I think it was pretty clear that the Enterprise at the end of ST4 was some older ship just renamed Enterprise. But I always wondered how they could just take an old ship that was being refitted, and give it to Kirk just like that. What happened to the senior officers that were originally assigned to that ship before it was renamed?-)

I don't see why it would be so clear, the original enterprise was already being mothballed when Kirk stole it, they may already have been planning an Enterprise-A at that point.
I don't see why it would be so clear, the original enterprise was already being mothballed when Kirk stole it, they may already have been planning an Enterprise-A at that point.

Pretty sure the entire line was being decommissioned. Only Kirk's stature as a captain was allowed him a ship. And unofficially, it was stated that the A was a renamed USS Yorktown.


Kills Photobucket
And I think the Yorktown was just renamed, not a new ship that was renamed before launch, but an existing ship. Kind of like the 2nd Defiant.
In Star Trek V it was suggested that the Enterprise-A had just gone through a massive overhaul, and most of the subsystems were not working correctly yet. I always thought that it was strange that such an overhaul would be made if the whole class were to be mothballed...

edit: I think Scotty might have called it a new ship, but he seemed to be drunk during most of the movie, so I didn't pay that much attention.
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