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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Looking at IMDB credits it looks like Robert Duncan McNeill has had the best success of the VOY crowd outside of acting... And for those still acting it's gotta be Picardo.

Maybe. Mulgrew still seems to get work. She was in Orange is the New Black, and also whatever that weird adult swim live action show is that has everybody in it for some reason
Rewatching DS9 for the first time in a decade and I am so happy there are so many episodes I forget about.

Feel like I know TNG and Voyager like the back of my hand because they are constantly on TV over the years where as DS9 got almost no replays here.

Knowing where the show is going its fun to see its start as just a bit of a spin on the standard TNG formula. I wonder how and when the writers decided to start pushing things with less of the normal happy Gene trek stuff because so far outside of Kira being a bit angry the relationships are not really that far from what you would see in TNG. I guess the shift in direction towards a more mature style came a few seasons in.


Rewatching DS9 for the first time in a decade and I am so happy there are so many episodes I forget about.

Feel like I know TNG and Voyager like the back of my hand because they are constantly on TV over the years where as DS9 got almost no replays here.

Knowing where the show is going its fun to see its start as just a bit of a spin on the standard TNG formula. I wonder how and when the writers decided to start pushing things with less of the normal happy Gene trek stuff because so far outside of Kira being a bit angry the relationships are not really that far from what you would see in TNG. I guess the shift in direction towards a more mature style came a few seasons in.

Roddenberry dying certainly had something to do with it, but I think it was also a more natural outgrowth of the foundation they laid down as well. I don’t think DS9 would have been successful had it tried to do something with the stakes of the Dominion War right off the get-go.


Roddenberry dying certainly had something to do with it, but I think it was also a more natural outgrowth of the foundation they laid down as well. I don’t think DS9 would have been successful had it tried to do something with the stakes of the Dominion War right off the get-go.


Also, the entire reason I wish TNG would have gotten one more season would have been for the possibility of a DS9/TNG crossover during the Dominion War. It always struck me odd that the Enterprise was absent during all of that (IIRC the Enterprise E was finished before the Dominion War was over)

Also, the entire reason I wish TNG would have gotten one more season would have been for the possibility of a DS9/TNG crossover during the Dominion War. It always struck me odd that the Enterprise was absent during all of that (IIRC the Enterprise E was finished before the Dominion War was over)

That sounds cool on paper but I am not sure the Dominion War would have worked as well if they had to share it between two shows with two perspectives. Or it could be amazing. Who knows. Its a neat idea that could be a bit of a mess.

Plus I think that stuff happens more then a year after the end of TNG though so it might not line up at all.

Now I wonder what the Enterprise was doing all that time. I am sure someone wrote a book about it. lol.
That sounds cool on paper but I am not sure the Dominion War would have worked as well if they had to share it between two shows with two perspectives. Or it could be amazing. Who knows. Its a neat idea that could be a bit of a mess.

Plus I think that stuff happens more then a year after the end of TNG though so it might not line up at all.

Now I wonder what the Enterprise was doing all that time. I am sure someone wrote a book about it. lol.

There was a book series called The Dominion War. Tng one is called Behind Enemy Lines. No idea if it was any good or not.


That sounds cool on paper but I am not sure the Dominion War would have worked as well if they had to share it between two shows with two perspectives. Or it could be amazing. Who knows. Its a neat idea that could be a bit of a mess.

Plus I think that stuff happens more then a year after the end of TNG though so it might not line up at all.

Now I wonder what the Enterprise was doing all that time. I am sure someone wrote a book about it. lol.

Yeah, what was weird was they sorta' lampshaded it in Insurrection, and imply that as the flagship Enterprise was basically busy doing important negotiations or whatnot, but Insurrection is taking place during the seventh freakin’ season of DS9. The war’s at its hottest (or I guess it’s before the Breen showed up, but you know what I’m saying) and they’ve got the Enterprise crew wearing funny hats for people who really in the grand scheme of the present don’t matter at all when the Federation itself is threatened.

One thing I don’t think Voyager gets enough credit for was they did some good episodes dealing with the fallout of the war and destruction of the Maquis on the crew later in their run. Woulda’ been more impactful if it had taken more than a half-season for everyone to be best buds aside from an episode every other season, but there you go.

While at this point even if we returned to the Prime universe it’d be too late chronologically to make a series out of it, but I’d love some stuff flashing back to the immediate universe and reconstruction post-war, because I feel like there would be some fertile ground in how the Federation confronts the near-destruction of their ideals. Also, I’d love to see how the generation that fought the war would approach things differently than the Starfleet classes that would follow them.


Yeah I remember a book or two where the Enterprise E was fighting in the Dominion War. The book did a better job of showing how awesome the E was than the movies did.


listen to the mad man
I would pay money for a non-modern, not particularly detailed or complete walking simulator of the Enterprise-D and other Star Trek ships.
So I purchased Season 3 of TNG on BR recently due to it's sale (good thing too as it went back to regular price yesterday). Watching them with the trailers on, love that feature but should have been put at the end of the episodes instead of at the beginning since that was how it was on original airing, but does anyone know who that narrator was who did the "Next time on Star Trek..."?
Dang, the Blu-Rays have the trailers? That's the feature that was missing from the DVDs. Way back when, I got the TNG episode guide program that included the trailers. I was somehow able to save them all, but they're the size of postage stamps.


DS9 is rarely mentioned in pop culture, usually it's just TOS or if you get really lucky, TNG.

I think it's actually become more "popular" than TNG and TOS recently, in that a lot of people are rediscovering it, and its more serialized and darker tone makes it feel more 'modern' than a lot of earlier Trek. I know lots of people who crazily just don't like episodic storytelling these days... I'm guessing with changing viewing habits and binge-watching becoming more prevalent that the trend will only increase.
Oh. Random question.

I know some of the TOS crew had some beef with each other over the years but anyone from TNG and beyond ever really not get along?
Oh. Random question.

I know some of the TOS crew had some beef with each other over the years but anyone from TNG and beyond ever really not get along?

It seems everyone got along. Most seem to be friends still. Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn are pretty close. OBrien, Picard, Data and a few others used to do plays together after TNG ended.


They all pretty much hate Shatner. lol

George Takei has the biggest grudge, because he tried to come out to Shatner a long time ago, and Shatner was apparently confused and didn't respond well. And then when Takei got married, Takei thought Shatner snubbed him by not showing his support, but Shatner thought Takei hated him and that he wasn't welcome. So it all seems like it's based on misunderstandings, but right now, I'm sure they're just going to (mildly) hate each other until they die because it's been ingrained for too long.

James Doohan apparently feuded with Shatner, but they made up before the end.

Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koenig might have said some things about Shatner, but they mostly get along, AFAIK.

Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley were friends with Shatner.

Wil Wheaton idolized Kirk and then had a bad experience with Shatner, and the rest of the TNG cast was immediately willing to mock and disrespect Shatner in order to cheer Wheaton up, but Wheaton eventually cleared the air with Shatner and got to know him outside of work, and said that he's socially inept but he's genuinely apologetic about it, and doesn't mean any harm with the insensitive things he sometimes says and does.

As for the rest of Trek, apparently John DeLancie (a recurring guest from TNG who made some appearances on DS9 and Voyager) and Robert Picardo (an A-lister from Voyager) are good friends, so it's pretty safe to say that everyone likes everyone.

I'm sure there are some rough edges, like Garret Wang not always being Mr Popular on the set, but nothing shocking like the Shatner-Takei feud.

I remember hearing once (a long time ago) that Terry Farrell didn't like that Michael Dorn was brought in on DS9 to boost ratings, as if the DS9 cast couldn't handle their own business and they needed ringers from TNG to come swooping down to save them, but Terry Farrell and Michael Dorn ended up working together a lot, and they became really good friends.


listen to the mad man
The TNG cast all seem to socialize pretty regularly; Brent Spiner is Gates McFadden's son's godfather. Frakes played on Brent Spiner's album. Spiner is in Patrick Stewart's Blunt Talk. This tweet from Jeri Ryan suggests people are on good terms (that's very warm body language imho). Michael Dorn's last tweet is promoting Marina Sirtis' IndieGoGo. I'm seeing a happy birthday tweet from LeVar Burton to Frakes late last month.


All the casts seem to get along with each other.

Except for enterprise. I don't hear about any of them socializing.

Well, they also had the shortest working time together of any of the casts.

Which reminds me, Linda Park (Hoshi) has a one-minute tiny role in Jurassic Park III. Just noticed the other day.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The TNG cast all seem to socialize pretty regularly; Brent Spiner is Gates McFadden's son's godfather. Frakes played on Brent Spiner's album. Spiner is in Patrick Stewart's Blunt Talk.

Everybody loves Brent Spiner.
All the casts seem to get along with each other.

Except for enterprise. I don't hear about any of them socializing.

I feel like most of them just scattered in the wind after that show ended and didnt really fall into the never ending Star Trek convention trap like a lot of previous crews.

At most they roll out Scott Bakula whenever they do a "lets get all the captions together" thing and you are reminded Enterprise was a show that happened.

Oh and while in this deep dark DS9 hole I just learned that Dr Bashir's actor was married to Nana Visitor (Kira) during most of the shows run. They broke up a few years after the show ending but the more you know!
I liked how the finale for S1 of DS9 is centred around a asshole athlete arguing with a asshole religious nut about god. Its so low key for a finale as well. I wonder what their thought process was with going super quiet.

Finished S1 and yeah. DS9 is still rad. Aged real well and even for what people normally think is a pretty poor season for the show I would still put it right there with any post S2 season of TNG in over all quality.

Shockingly few episodes about actually going into the wormhole and seeing stuff. If I was watching this fresh now I would have been really annoyed with that and be yelling at my screen "GO THOUGH THE WORMHOLE AND GO LOOK AT STUFF ALREADY!"


I liked how the finale for S1 of DS9 is centred around a asshole athlete arguing with a asshole religious nut about god. Its so low key for a finale as well. I wonder what their thought process was with going super quiet.

Finished S1 and yeah. DS9 is still rad. Aged real well and even for what people normally think is a pretty poor season for the show I would still put it right there with any post S2 season of TNG in over all quality.

Shockingly few episodes about actually going into the wormhole and seeing stuff. If I was watching this fresh now I would have been really annoyed with that and be yelling at my screen "GO THOUGH THE WORMHOLE AND GO LOOK AT STUFF ALREADY!"

Well they were very wedded to the idea of staying put on the station. Hence creating the Defiant ultimately, because zipping around with runabouts was kind of ridiculous.
Well they were very wedded to the idea of staying put on the station. Hence creating the Defiant ultimately, because zipping around with runabouts was kind of ridiculous.

Yeah I get it. Its a space station show so we better stick to the god damn space station. But they tease you so much with "this ship has just come back through the wormhole and it found some cool stuff" lines every other episode.

Then the only stuff you end up seeing first hand are the Move Along Home people and thats not great.

Gotta save something for the later seasons I guess. And maybe not wanting to compete with TNG at the time played a part.

When does the Defiant show up? Does the show get its own ship + Warf + those grey uniforms + bold sisko all in one go?


Yeah I get it. Its a space station show so we better stick to the god damn space station. But they tease you so much with "this ship has just come back through the wormhole and it found some cool stuff" lines every other episode.

Then the only stuff you end up seeing first hand are the Move Along Home people and thats not great.

Gotta save something for the later seasons I guess. And maybe not wanting to compete with TNG at the time played a part.

When does the Defiant show up? Does the show get its own ship + Warf + those grey uniforms + bold sisko all in one go?

The Defiant shows up beginning of S3, Worf beginning of S4, and the uniforms show up about a third of the way through S5. I don't particularly remember when we got bald Sisko + beard, but they happened independently I believe, and it was before the new uniforms.
S2 of DS9 is so much more fun the S1. Lots of solid episodes in that season so far.

Also mirror universe Kira



Also mirror universe Kira

It's a shame what they did with the Mirror Universe in DS9. The first mirror episode is so great, because they deal with the fallout from TOS, and Mirror Kira is just delightfully demented (and how you slowly realize just how wacked out she is). Then they decided to turn Mirror Kira's kind of weird literal self-love into "so I guess all the women are lesbians here" and everything else became more warped and arch around it.
It's a shame what they did with the Mirror Universe in DS9. The first mirror episode is so great, because they deal with the fallout from TOS, and Mirror Kira is just delightfully demented (and how you slowly realize just how wacked out she is). Then they decided to turn Mirror Kira's kind of weird literal self-love into "so I guess all the women are lesbians here" and everything else became more warped and arch around it.

Yeah. I only remember bits of the later episodes where they return but I remember it got pretty silly.

Probably went back to the well a few many times. Its one of those cool ideas that really doesnt need fleshing out but its always cool as a goofy once per show thing.

But man what I would give for a TNG mirror episode with those more iconic characters.


Yeah. I only remember bits of the later episodes where they return but I remember it got pretty silly.

Probably went back to the well a few many times. Its one of those cool ideas that really doesnt need fleshing out but its always cool as a goofy once per show thing.

But man what I would give for a TNG mirror episode with those more iconic characters.

I recall the Shatner/Reeves books had a lot of the Mirror Universe. They were pretty good as I remember, but then again I've learned recently that I might have too rosy a view of some of the Star Trek novels I read...
I do like how Rom ended up so confused about the ways the mirror universe was and wasn't different.

ROM: Brother! I just realised something.
EZRI: This should be good.
ROM: This is suppose to be an alternate universe, but their Captain O'Brien seems as nice as our Chief O'Brien.
ROM: Don't you see? It doesn't make any sense. It's not alternate.
QUARK: Go back to sleep, Rom.
ROM: Right. But it's all very confusing.

ROM: Maybe in our universe he'd do something like that, but not over here. Over here, everything's alternate. So he's a nice guy. Which means the tube grubs here should be poisonous, because they're not poisonous on our side. But if Brunt gave us poisonous tube grubs it would mean he wasn't as nice as we think he is. But he has to be nice because our Brunt isn't.
QUARK: Rom, you're driving me crazy.
ROM: It's not me, brother, it's this alternate universe. It just doesn't make any sense.


The fact that Vic wasn't a hologram in the mirror universe was probably what stretched the concept to the breaking point for me.


listen to the mad man
This is going to sound pretty stupid, but does anyone remember whether or not the Journey's End Behind the Scenes Documentary (hosted by Jonathan Frakes) should be watched after the finale or just before? I have a pretty vague memory as a child of it airing before, but I'm not certain. My wife is watching season 7 for the first time and I noticed Netflix had the documentary, but they have it listed after All Good Things in the order.

Alternatively, it'd be great if someone here who has seen the finale but not the documentary could watch it and tell me if it spoils the finale. Hahaha.
This is going to sound pretty stupid, but does anyone remember whether or not the Journey's End Behind the Scenes Documentary (hosted by Jonathan Frakes) should be watched after the finale or just before? I have a pretty vague memory as a child of it airing before, but I'm not certain. My wife is watching season 7 for the first time and I noticed Netflix had the documentary, but they have it listed after All Good Things in the order.

Alternatively, it'd be great if someone here who has seen the finale but not the documentary could watch it and tell me if it spoils the finale. Hahaha.

I used to have it recorded to VHS and it was aired before "All Good Things...". As was the Top 5 Marathon they ran.
The S2 finale of DS9 is a bit of a anti climax for a final but then S3 starts with such a bang with that 2 parter and the introduction of the defiant / truth about the founders.

Kind of interesting they blew their load so quick with explaining The Dominion. Just weird they got 1 mention is S2 before the finale and then S3 starts off with the full Monty explaining everything. They could have done a few more gamma quadrant episodes teasing them.
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