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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


You'll still get noticeably better picture and audio quality through the actual blurays than you will with the Netflix version.

Yep. Not to mention they might get pulled off Netflix at some point with a month's worth of notice at best. Always going to be good to have a hard copy/backup, even if you end up ripping everything.


So not worth it
Yep. Not to mention they might get pulled off Netflix at some point with a month's worth of notice at best. Always going to be good to have a hard copy/backup, even if you end up ripping everything.

You can always buy it later, it is not going anywhere. It is Star Trek, it will be available forever and ever.


You can always buy it later, it is not going anywhere. It is Star Trek, it will be available forever and ever.

Yep, but given that it's eternally popular it's not like prices are likely to ever drop to something ridiculously low either.


Subete no aware
I bought the sets individually so 100 bucks is insane.

Assuming it has all the features of the original sets, including the double dip two-parter commentaries, then I figure it's worth it if you are a fan and like seeing supplementary material.
I'm currently doing a rerun of DS9. I've only watched a couple of episodes and I've already run into a couple of episodes where I feel like the Federation is a little too... "nice" to others. The latest episode is the Dax episode (episode 6, season 1 I think).
These guys try to kidnap Dax. Now after they fail, they claim that they have some kind of one-sided extradition treaty, which - if true - would be a hilariously one-sided (duh) treaty. Why should the federation do sth. like that? Moreover, these guys physically attacked both Dax and Bashir, damage property of DS9, sabotage DS9 and apparently illegaly obtained security codes of the station.
Why is no one of these guys being put on trial for those crimes; I mean not a literal trial, but some kind of mention during the episode, i.e. "You have commited crimes, therefore you are not allowed to leave the station, we're gonna hand you over to Federation security" etc.?
Moreover, why would the Federation - as an entity that has abandoned the death penalty - accept that its own citizens (!) be extradited to another entity which would use the death penalty in said case if the Federation citizen is found guilty (which is not allowed in several countries in our current world)? Or more general: why would the Federation extradite any of their citizens to any other world (several countries in todays world don't do that)?

Am I being too petty? It just got to my mind and for whatever reason it pisses me off immensely.

(The other episode was Tusk. Some aliens attack the station, illegaly enter the station, hurt both Federation and Bajoran officers, damage DS9 property [the door of security], and after said incident still have their weapons while on the station, firing with said weapons after O'Brian helped Tosk and in the end could simply leave DS9 without anyone ever thinking about putting these guys in prison. I mean... WHAT!?)

Edit: I know this happens all the time in DS9, just btw., which makes it even more confusing, i.e. its not a plot hole or sth. like that, it almost seems intentional.
Those seem like two pretty different cases. The extradition treaty does seem like a strange thing for the Federation to go along with.

However, with something like the Tosk and Hunters, there was no treaty and even no contact with those peoples at all previously. Sisko probably could've put them all in jail, but I think they want to give a lot of leeway for first contact situations. "Nobody died, so let's avoid turning this first misunderstood meeting into an interstellar incident." Especially for their very first visitors from the other side of the wormhole.


I think the fannon is that he was part of the first colony to Alpha Centauri after the events of First Contact.


So for the Next Gen blu ray collection are there any real differences between the UK release and the US one besides the packaging?


Finished DS9.

Season 7 assassinated the characters of Dukat and Wynn as well as the Bajoran religion(s). The signs were certainly there in season 6, but I had some hope that there would be some recovery. Nope, it went from bad to worse, culminating in a final battle scene that would have been embarrassing in TOS... heck, in TAS.

The Jules-Miles, Bashir-Garak, and Quark-Odo bromances (frenemity, in there last case) carried the series. Damar was actually built up well in the last two seasons (but ultimately wasted) and Dukat was great through season 5. Nog also blossomed in season 7, whereas Jake disappeared. Martok was surprisingly good (for a Klingon), and it goes without saying that Garak, Odo and Quark were as well. The leads (Sisko and Kira) remained mediocre throughout, with only a few standout performances each (Avery constantly overacts and Visitor's laughter is disconcerting AF). Odo and Quark consistently deliver the best insight into events, being outsiders.

Duet and Rocks and Shoals were my favorite DS9 episodes, but there were at least a few good ones each season (and lots of weak episodes, but that's Star Trek). Overall, I'm glad I watched the series but also glad I'm done with it.


Subete no aware
The religious aspects really were a waste and just turned into a boring proxy war between two aliens. It was like a headier version of the Q civil war, but took a season to get to the same place that Janeway got to in one episode. lol


Yeah, Dukat goes through a slow character assassination basically once he starts getting into that religious shit. Final season Dukat was a mistake.
Lmao a young tuco in that ds9 episode where nog loses a leg.

He's a crazy meth head in this too.
Nice. It was neat to run across Mike Ehrmantraut early in DS9, since my first time through the series I didn't recognize him from anything.
Caught TOS's A Private Little War recently, where Klingons have started supplying some members of a previously peaceful planet with weapons technology. The Kobayashi Maru is the typical Star Trek no-win scenario, and they joke their way past it by saying Kirk can even cheat his way through that, but I think this episode is a better one. Things have already been well screwed up by the time our characters arrive, so Kirk finds himself having to support a Shit solution rather than leaving the new More Shit status quo.


Purple Drazi
I'm a Dukat diehard the whole way through, and my favorite episode not just for him but for Marc Alaimo's phenomenal acting chops has got to be Season 6's "Waltz."


Looks like Voyager is going to start airing on BBC America on the 1st. Don't really have a source other than online TV guides. Why not DS9? Even Enterprise would have been better in IMO.


Purple Drazi
Looks like Voyager is going to start airing on BBC America on the 1st. Don't really have a source other than online TV guides. Why not DS9? Even Enterprise would have been better in IMO.

That's interesting. AFAIK, TNG has been the only show on BBC America. Or was TOS on there as well? In any case, I suppose the "episodic starship adventures" gig is the way they wish to go. Serialized shows don't always fare so hot in syndication. Voyager is usually quite easy to hop into on a whim. DS9 and the back half of ENT, not so much.


That's interesting. AFAIK, TNG has been the only show on BBC America. Or was TOS on there as well? In any case, I suppose the "episodic starship adventures" gig is the way they wish to go. Serialized shows don't always fare so hot in syndication. Voyager is usually quite easy to hop into on a whim. DS9 and the back half of ENT, not so much.

They currently run both TNG and TOS.

My guess is they want sci-fi shows to run since Doctor Who takes fucking forever between seasons.
Who's the best minor/sub character?

Obviously some series like tng from my recollcation doesn't have many as every episode is more of less standalone.

I think the most obvious answer would be Q

However dn9 has so many great characters.

Brunt gets my vote.


Who's the best minor/sub character?

Obviously some series like tng from my recollcation doesn't have many as every episode is more of less standalone.

I think the most obvious answer would be Q

However dn9 has so many great characters.

Brunt gets my vote.

Thinking about it Shran should have got his own series.


listen to the mad man
Who's the best minor/sub character?

Obviously some series like tng from my recollcation doesn't have many as every episode is more of less standalone.

I think the most obvious answer would be Q

However dn9 has so many great characters.

Brunt gets my vote.

Nurse Chapel (TOS); Guinan (TNG); Gowron (TNG); Vash (TNG/DS9); Morn (DS9); Kasidy Yates (DS9)... Lwaxanahahahahah no no I can't even pretend


Nurse Chapel (TOS); Guinan (TNG); Gowron (TNG); Vash (TNG/DS9); Morn (DS9); Kasidy Yates (DS9)... Lwaxanahahahahah no no I can't even pretend

I think the only real good thing we got with Lwaxana is "Dark Page", and at least you can reframe her obnoxiousness as basically dealing with trauma... badly.
About to start the final 9 episode "lets just go fully procedural" arch of DS9. Suddenly remember how dumb the Dukat stuff gets. Even when I was 11 I knew it was bad.

I really need to go back and see if I can find a post about when I first started this rewatch. Might be over a year ago. I know I took a long break in the middle.

Also I see why the purest didnt take kindly to Section 31. I dont have a issue with it but ya know... I can see why some purists who think Trek is about hope and how we can evolve might be bummed that the federation would have assassins and spies and stuff.

Also I know all the big fights are coming but for a 2 season arch, 1.5 seasons in and the dominion war doesnt really have all that much war in it. The war is just kind of this thing going on in the background thats more of a tone setter then actual scenes of fighting (outside of the Siege episode). In my memory there was a lot more defiant based stuff.
Watched The Omega Glory recently...the use of the US Flag and constitution which is almost word for word to ours was bad but in a hilarious way, that's two planets they've found which are almost exact parallels to earth at one point or another lol


That was Rick Berman's mandate. They compromised and got the big ending arc, but only if the rest of the season was episodic.

In a lot of ways DS9 was too early for its own good. They were trying to graft serialized storytelling onto the TNG episode format, which operated via first-run syndication. They'd have had a much easier time crafting the show they wanted had they released it 10 years later.


Subete no aware
In a lot of ways DS9 was too early for its own good. They were trying to graft serialized storytelling onto the TNG episode format, which operated via first-run syndication. They'd have had a much easier time crafting the show they wanted had they released it 10 years later.
I can't remember if B5 was syndicated or if it was on one of those mini-networks that existed in the 90s, but it's just another one of those "coincidences" that leads me to at least consider JMS's claims of plagiarism. lol

But on serialization, the counter argument is that most people's memorable DS9 episodes are standalone episodes, so... maybe Berman was right?


I can't remember if B5 was syndicated or if it was on one of those mini-networks that existed in the 90s, but it's just another one of those "coincidences" that leads me to at least consider JMS's claims of plagiarism. lol

But on serialization, the counter argument is that most people's memorable DS9 episodes are standalone episodes, so... maybe Berman was right?
I think that it's something of a chicken or egg situation, because when I think about the highly serialized series of today, even the ones I really like, many episodes don't stand out. The series might be great, but you end up with episodes like the tail end of DS9, where there's a lot of table-setting, plot threads get brought up too soon and get put into stasis, where episodes of anticipation leads to a "that was it?" sense of disappointment. To a certain point I think if you're going for a highly serialized show you're basically acepting that hour to hour it's probably not going to be as good as an episodic show.

Personally I'd really love shows to find a balance better in the middle. Early Stargate SG1 to me is a great example of how you can move the overarching story along with episodes scattered around the season and keep that sense of context and momentum when when the majority of episodes are standalone.
DS9 also was forced to end earlier than they wanted IIRC, so they condensed a whole lot of shit into 9 episodes instead of letting it go out. Plus they liked Dukat's actor too much to let him go after his arc had completed.


Watched The Omega Glory recently...the use of the US Flag and constitution which is almost word for word to ours was bad but in a hilarious way, that's two planets they've found which are almost exact parallels to earth at one point or another lol

Pretty sure there are more than two.

They even had to make up some bullshit in-universe "theory of parallel planet development" to explain why all these planets were exactly like Earth.

And that's not even counting all the times a person from Earth landed somewhere and managed to completely change the planet to be like Earth of X time period. I can think of the nazi planet and the gangster planet right off the top of my head.
Pretty sure there are more than two.

They even had to make up some bullshit in-universe "theory of parallel planet development" to explain why all these planets were exactly like Earth.

And that's not even counting all the times a person from Earth landed somewhere and managed to completely change the planet to be like Earth of X time period. I can think of the nazi planet and the gangster planet right off the top of my head.

Yeah I was going to mention those but at least they had the explanation that they were directly coping from our earth, but the whole parallel development thing was pretty funny.

I gotta say the backlash the new ST movies have received for things like Khans blood, the teleporter at warp or between planets etc seems kinda ridiculous after watching TOS, seems like they find the craziest things on a weekly basis that the stuff in the ST movies seem kinda tame. I know they've stumbled into immortality at least a couple times already.


Subete no aware
I gotta say the backlash the new ST movies have received for things like Khans blood, the teleporter at warp or between planets etc seems kinda ridiculous after watching TOS, seems like they find the craziest things on a weekly basis that the stuff in the ST movies seem kinda tame. I know they've stumbled into immortality at least a couple times already.
You're comparing 60s golden age scifi writing to 2010s modern writing though...

I think that it's something of a chicken or egg situation, because when I think about the highly serialized series of today, even the ones I really like, many episodes don't stand out. The series might be great, but you end up with episodes like the tail end of DS9, where there's a lot of table-setting, plot threads get brought up too soon and get put into stasis, where episodes of anticipation leads to a "that was it?" sense of disappointment. To a certain point I think if you're going for a highly serialized show you're basically acepting that hour to hour it's probably not going to be as good as an episodic show.

Personally I'd really love shows to find a balance better in the middle. Early Stargate SG1 to me is a great example of how you can move the overarching story along with episodes scattered around the season and keep that sense of context and momentum when when the majority of episodes are standalone.
Yeah, SG1 handled the whole Goa'uld threat thing fairly well. Even the secret Russian program and conspiracy stuff worked well as background arcs that appeared spread throughout the seasons. If the new show is really just going to be a yearly anthology series like the Ryan Murphy shows though, then it's clear that it's probably going to just tell a tightly packed serialized story.


If the new show is really just going to be a yearly anthology series like the Ryan Murphy shows though, then it's clear that it's probably going to just tell a tightly packed serialized story.

Yeah, it seems likely. At least with a anthology series you have a much narrower focus to devote your attention.

But it seems like with a lot of Netflix-style shows I've been feeling personally burned. The fewer episodes, the more my expectations rise. What's weird is that despite the trend towards shorter 8 or 10 or 13 episode seasons, I've become increasingly tired or bloat. Jessica Jones or Stranger Things all could have lost dead weight episodes and been better, and they're so short as it is. I hope that's not a problem with new Trek.


Watched The Omega Glory recently...the use of the US Flag and constitution which is almost word for word to ours was bad but in a hilarious way, that's two planets they've found which are almost exact parallels to earth at one point or another lol

It wes one of the draft pilot scripts, too.

I don'the know if it got butchered like This Way To Eden, but the story would have been FAR more plausible if if was some Earth colony where the superpowers had rival ideological systems and evolved seperately. TOS named dropped the Mars colony all the time... surely they weren't all successes?

Okay, it's still stupid, but at least it's not some fucking planet in the middle of nowhere that no one had EVER heard of. It's up there with the Irish in Space episode of TNG, except, I suppose Captain Tracey is a lot better than the episode.
It wes one of the draft pilot scripts, too.

I don'the know if it got butchered like This Way To Eden, but the story would have been FAR more plausible if if was some Earth colony where the superpowers had rival ideological systems and evolved seperately. TOS named dropped the Mars colony all the time... surely they weren't all successes?

Okay, it's still stupid, but at least it's not some fucking planet in the middle of nowhere that no one had EVER heard of. It's up there with the Irish in Space episode of TNG, except, I suppose Captain Tracey is a lot better than the episode.

lol so I just saw the episode with 20th century Rome, I'm guessing they had such a limited budget that creating other worlds just got too expensive.

I'm still loving the series though, Kirk, Spock and McCoy work so well together and in this episode specifically, Spock and McCoy were great, one of the best parts of Star Trek Beyond was them two interacting and it showed here as well.

You're comparing 60s golden age scifi writing to 2010s modern writing though...

But the complaint is that it's not "Star Trek" yet it totally is,


Subete no aware
Yeah, it seems likely. At least with a anthology series you have a much narrower focus to devote your attention.

But it seems like with a lot of Netflix-style shows I've been feeling personally burned. The fewer episodes, the more my expectations rise. What's weird is that despite the trend towards shorter 8 or 10 or 13 episode seasons, I've become increasingly tired or bloat. Jessica Jones or Stranger Things all could have lost dead weight episodes and been better, and they're so short as it is. I hope that's not a problem with new Trek.
Yeah, I've since been convinced that 6 is a perfect number for serialized stories, based on watching lots of British and Australian shows. You can do your 5-act structure with a little wiggle room for extra development and other plot threads.

But the complaint is that it's not "Star Trek" yet it totally is,
By the 80s, when Roddenbery was taken off the series and all his golden age writers/producers retired/were let go/etc, most of that type of writing was gone. Sure the movies are supposed to be "TOS" movies, whatever that meant, but even the original Star Trek movies weren't as "silly" as the original television show. Hell, one of them had the balls to kill off a main character (even if temporarily).
Yeah, I've since been convinced that 6 is a perfect number for serialized stories, based on watching lots of British and Australian shows. You can do your 5-act structure with a little wiggle room for extra development and other plot threads.

By the 80s, when Roddenbery was taken off the series and all his golden age writers/producers retired/were let go/etc, most of that type of writing was gone. Sure the movies are supposed to be "TOS" movies, whatever that meant, but even the original Star Trek movies weren't as "silly" as the original television show. Hell, one of them had the balls to kill off a main character (even if temporarily).

That is true and I'll be honest that I didn't become a fan until ST 2009, I had watched a couple of the TNG/TOS movies but I didn't really get hooked until the reboot and then I started with TNG/DS9 before jumping into TOS so I thought TOS was going to be a lot more grounded like TNG (and even then TNG still had some crazy stuff all the time) and that that's where the complaints were coming from but from what I've seen of TOS it's just pure campy sci-fi fun and I have seen all the TOS movies already and they are very different from the show, they took themselves more serious and the use of Uhura, scott, and sulu in the show compared to the movies was a surprise, I thought they were going to be main characters in the show.

I can see why people didn't like STID though, after having watched Space Seed, there was so much they could have done but they just turned it into super bad guy in space. Kinda sucks to think about even though I still enjoy the movie.


Subete no aware
That is true and I'll be honest that I didn't become a fan until ST 2009, I had watched a couple of the TNG/TOS movies but I didn't really get hooked until the reboot and then I started with TNG/DS9 before jumping into TOS so I thought TOS was going to be a lot more grounded like TNG (and even then TNG still had some crazy stuff all the time) and that that's where the complaints were coming from but from what I've seen of TOS ii's just pure campy sci-fi fun and I have seen all the TOS movies already and they are very different from the show, they took themselves more serious and the use of Uhura, scott, and sulu in the show compared to the movies was a surprise, I thought they were going to be main characters in the show.

I can see why people didn't like STID though, after having watched Space Seed, there was so much they could have done but they just turned it into super bad guy in space. Kinda sucks to think about even though I still enjoy the movie.

The context is important though, and you have to place Original Series alongside shows like Lost in Space and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (and even the Jetsons). The writers grew up during the pulp era of the 30s/40s, so it makes sense that they would in some way try to recapture that - just like how everyone is trying to remake the 80s now in games, books, movies, etc - hell, Into Darkness is a symptom of that, except they made a pale imitation of Wrath of Khan instead of doing something original and cool like Stranger Things.

Besides, I don't think what you would clearly see as convenient plot devices (why does Khan's blood bring Tribbles back to life? Do Tribbles share Human physiology?) could be compared to the inherent pulpy stories of the 60s show.



Updated slightly.

To add to that a demo from Star Trek Excalibur has been released (leaked?)


It's a UE4 space combat game. Has as much functionality as the VR releases, except they've been working on this for 10 years :(. Very disappointing. The team itself seems to be just two or three people with constant infighting, and now someone's taken to posting a download of the alpha everywhere, so.........
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