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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I have to say, I wasn't particularly annoyed with the theme music of Enterprise. It wasn't obviously to the same kind of scale of the others, but it kind of felt full of hope and stuff which is what its all about anyway.

Then they seem to have upped the tempo in S3. My ears.

People seem to forget they did a terrible up-tempo version of the DS9 theme too starting with S4.


I have to say, I wasn't particularly annoyed with the theme music of Enterprise. It wasn't obviously to the same kind of scale of the others, but it kind of felt full of hope and stuff which is what its all about anyway.

Then they seem to have upped the tempo in S3. My ears.

Mostly people just seemed angry there were words, which was silly.

Anyways, everything pales in comparison to the ST2 theme, so whatever.


DS9 is not HD on Netflix and looks very grimey. Kind of jarring after watching so much HD TNG.

Yeah its not been and not going to be get a HD release so the best you'll get is the DVDs.

If they would even just make new files from the masters it would look a lot better.


I read somewhere that Voyager is more likely (but still pretty low chance) to get a HD version because they actually started with (and kept) higher quality assets like everything in the credits is supposedly fine to just render at an HD resolution.

Not that the CG is used any better especially since a lot of it is LOOK AT THIS CG EFFECT for the first couple seasons. Even by the time they get to using Species 8472 regularly it's still jarring since they can't be in the same scene as anyone real for long.


I believe the CG special effects were only done to tape and not film, so they would need to be redone entirely or look poor upscaled to HD.


I believe they saved the assets from Voyager so they can "just" re-render them higher and touch it up.

That's not the case for DS9 because the show was inbetween using CG and "regular" effects. Especially redoing all those War-era space battles would be hell...

I'm remembering this from an interview back when they started releasing TNG's so it might have changed or I might have it all wrong or something else entirely.

edit: well, see immediately above I guess
So, how would I approach it? The same way I did at the time – I'd figure out what was done in CG, and we'd just start from there. And today, it would be easier! Literally, you could just load the scene files and hit ‘render' – it would be done! I mean, not everything... but a lot more than you'd think.
...If it was built by my team, it was overbuilt. It'll hold up. I would be more surprised to see something that doesn't hold up. I would be shocked if it doesn't hold up to high definition.


There was an article about how many of the CG assets for DS9 and Voyager were "overbuilt" and would not have to be redone from scratch. The biggest problem seems to be that since TNG's Blu Ray release wasn't a financial success, there's even less chance those would be.

Ding ding. It's time-consuming and expensive to do, and for the less-popular shows it just doesn't make economic sense.

It's a shame, though. You could get fans to chip in with render hours and the like, but I imagine there's still a lot you need pros to do and that ain't cheap over that many hundreds of hours. Still a shame... there's plenty of good episodes of DS9 and Voyager that should be saved and seen in the best possible light.


I don't think the re render times are the expensive part, as in, if they've literally got the file and just need to render it, its not that expensive. Obviously redoing anything from scratch would be. For the remaster every reel of film needs to be digitised and then recut together and then worked on. That's a lot of work for a show that has as many episodes as these do.


Last year one of the VFX artists re-rendered the original DS9 CGI files as a test.


Direct download of all the footage:



Eugh. Just finished seaon 3 of Enterprise. I was really enjoying it, till the last 20 seconds with more bloody time travel and alien space nazis.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They'll do DS9 someday as it'll be worth the money. Plenty of whales will buy disc versions and then you can bring it to streaming sites.


Eugh. Just finished seaon 3 of Enterprise. I was really enjoying it, till the last 20 seconds with more bloody time travel and alien space nazis.
Berman and Braga got fired (edit: de facto replaced), so they (edit: were speculated to have thrown) that scene in to sabotage the series. The next two episodes aren't great, but they resolve things as well as possible and then move into a great season.


Don't worry, things get better.

Yeah its ok now, they have.

I would have been so fucking pissed off if that was the ending and I'd had to wait for the next season. I genuinely really enjoyed season 3, the episodes were well linked and felt like they were actually going somewhere and then that.


Except they weren't. What are you talking about?
Fired was the wrong word, but http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Rick_Berman
Nevertheless, while already indicating cancellation with the approach of the end of the third season of Enterprise, so too did Paramount and UPN indicate the apparent end of Rick Berman's tenure as the overseer of Star Trek productions. Whether or not influenced by the petition and though remaining credited, franchise management indeed virtually relegated both Berman and Braga to the role of figurehead at the end of the third season (admitted as such by Braga in 2007 [5]), and their places were de facto filled for, what turned out to be, the last season by Manny Coto and his second man Mike Sussman
Brannon Braga said:
I was indeed involved in Ent-season4. But only in a supervisory capacity. Manny was really running that writing staff. I was there to help him fashion stories and give notes, which was only part of the time because Manny was doing an amazing job
No source on the sabotage part; that seems to just be speculation.


Enjoyed season 4 so far but then I've just had In a Mirror Darkly 2 parter and just found I didn't care. Maybe because I felt it was time wasted considering there are only a few episodes left.

Shame that Evil in this was just dyed hair and visible midriffs rather than a more traditional goatee.

EDIT: Just finished my first ever complete watch of Enterprise. I enjoyed it a lot. However that last episode was shit.


Subete no aware
There was an article about how many of the CG assets for DS9 and Voyager were "overbuilt" and would not have to be redone from scratch. The biggest problem seems to be that since TNG's Blu Ray release wasn't a financial success, there's even less chance those would be.
I saw an interview and for some reason I thought it was the same one, but it's much more recent:

Yeah, basically TNG lost money since people don't want to own media anymore and there's no way to make a restoration of the other shows, particularly the CG, viable.

I guess that's why they released the TNG "movies" seperately, to try to recoup the cost of doing documentaries and commentaries, since he makes it sound like a DS9 or Voyager style reunion feature is essentially impossible unless someone funds it.

Although, a neat bit of news is that Ira Behr is trying to get a DS9 documentary made.


Everything is streaming these days and I doubt Netflix paid much more than they were previously to get access to HD TNG.
Female aliens really didn't like wearing much clothes in TOS huh...lol I just watched the episode with the cloud city, it was nice seeing a different type of advanced civilization. A lot of the planets they visit are either old ruins or not very advanced.

Sucks the show only got 3 season, I've loved all of it so far.


Lots of female aliens in lots of the shows had minimal clothing. Not that they were aiming for a demographic at all lol.

Never forget the women on the planet in the Delta Quadrant that the Ferengi had landed on after going through the wormhole in TNG.


So much underboob.


Female aliens really didn't like wearing much clothes in TOS huh...lol I just watched the episode with the cloud city, it was nice seeing a different type of advanced civilization. A lot of the planets they visit are either old ruins or not very advanced.

Sucks the show only got 3 season, I've loved all of it so far.

The costume designer was gay as all hell, for what difference it makes.
Lots of female aliens in lots of the shows had minimal clothing. Not that they were aiming for a demographic at all lol.

Never forget the women on the planet in the Delta Quadrant that the Ferengi had landed on after going through the wormhole in TNG.


So much underboob.

Oh yeah and Edo was even worse lol

The costume designer was gay as all hell, for what difference it makes.

Well there were a lot of half naked men running around too lol
Lots of female aliens in lots of the shows had minimal clothing. Not that they were aiming for a demographic at all lol.

Never forget the women on the planet in the Delta Quadrant that the Ferengi had landed on after going through the wormhole in TNG.


So much underboob.

Is this from TNG or from Voyager? The latter makes sense as they basically ruled as gods and influenced the society, so being basically perverts...


Is this from TNG or from Voyager? The latter makes sense as they basically ruled as gods and influenced the society, so being basically perverts...

It's interesting that the Ferengi basically being massive sexual fetishists of other races is pretty much the one repulsive thing about them that doesn't get heavily discussed, but then again there's the weird scenes where characters basically just jack off Ferengi to get what they want too, which bring up other ethical issues and also beg the question of how they ever became so good at wheeling and dealing if they're so easy to play.

Oh yeah and Edo was even worse lol

Well there were a lot of half naked men running around too lol

Bill Theiss gave us the excellent "Theiss Titillation Theory".


Is this from TNG or from Voyager? The latter makes sense as they basically ruled as gods and influenced the society, so being basically perverts...

It's Voyager. False Profits.

I understanding it from the point of view of the universe, but lets not pretend that they aren't like that simply for the audience.


Is this from TNG or from Voyager? The latter makes sense as they basically ruled as gods and influenced the society, so being basically perverts...

That screenshot's from the Voyager episode.

In the TNG episode, Starfleet and the Ferengi were competing to buy a purportedly stable wormhole that led to the Gamma Quadrant. They sent through two ships, and Starfleet said "WTF? This isn't the Gamma Quadrant, it's the Delta Quadrant. Abort the mission and return home immediately." The Ferengi refused to abort and were stranded in the Delta Quadrant (fate unknown) when the wormhole jumped to a new location.

In the Voyager episode, Voyager bumped into the planet where the Ferengi had decided to make themselves comfortable, and the crew figured out how to harness the wormhole and hop a ride back to the Alpha Quadrant. But Janeway couldn't abide Ferengi acting like perverts (as in the screenshot), so she decided to abuse the might of her ship and drag the Ferengi back to the Alpha Quadrant against all law, and as the Ferengi kicked and screamed they fucked up the wormhole, eliminating Voyager's chance to get home, and getting themselves thrown to some other random part of the galaxy for them to corrupt. Janeway is a terrible captain.


It's interesting that the Ferengi basically being massive sexual fetishists of other races is pretty much the one repulsive thing about them that doesn't get heavily discussed, but then again there's the weird scenes where characters basically just jack off Ferengi to get what they want too, which bring up other ethical issues and also beg the question of how they ever became so good at wheeling and dealing if they're so easy to play.

I guess theoretically they "solved" the problem by basically keeping their women naked at home and prohibiting them from earning profit.
It's interesting that the Ferengi basically being massive sexual fetishists of other races is pretty much the one repulsive thing about them that doesn't get heavily discussed, but then again there's the weird scenes where characters basically just jack off Ferengi to get what they want too, which bring up other ethical issues and also beg the question of how they ever became so good at wheeling and dealing if they're so easy to play.

Are they easy to play though, from what I remember of Quark he would be a bit more generous in his deals but still needed earn well out of them.

It's Voyager. False Profits.

I understanding it from the point of view of the universe, but lets not pretend that they aren't like that simply for the audience.

To be honest I remember a lot from that episode but not the women, I guess that scene is before they are revealed to the audience (and Voyager crew)? I don't think they got much screen time.




I mean, it's not like a ST species has ever had their appearance drastically altered between incarnations or anything.
That's an awful lot of stuff on the back of their heads to then have a wig over the top of it. Why bother?

Have to wonder what reason there is for the them looking so different from ENT and TOS, though I think at this point they might just be doing whatever the hell they want.
I'm probably in the minority but I don't want them to slavishly adhere the look of old shows. As long as the timeline is preserved, I think they should try to make the technology look as futuristic and the aliens as diverse as the budget will allow.


The technology side I get, TOS really is a product of it's time.

What Klingons look like has been set in stone since the first time they appeared on TNG. I just don't get changing them.
I guess they look a little like the Abrams Klingons but you could also tell me they are some random alien and I would believe you too. They look lizard like.
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