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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


The technology side I get, TOS really is a product of it's time.

What Klingons look like has been set in stone since the first time they appeared on TNG. I just don't get changing them.

Everything appears to have been set in stone since the last time it changed. This is basically a tautology.


IMO, Klingons in TOS were the result of low-budget makeup. Their design wasn't particularly worth keeping (and I say this as someone whose first introduction to Klingons was the cheap TOS Klingons, not TNG). The makeup was improved for the TOS movies and TNG, and I'm fine with that.

But then Worf defined what it meant to be Klingon. Redesigning Klingons after Worf just feels like you're throwing out the best part of Klingon, and you're left with generic trash that will never measure up.

It's like the Vulcans. They were just cheap makeup too, but Spock defined Vulcans, so they remain little more than elf ears and a bad haircut, and that's not a bad thing.


So just starting with voyager (have seen most before) and god damn the guy playing chakota is a bad actor.

It's the directing, not the acting. Apparently Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Garret Wang (Harry Kim), and maybe a couple others were constantly being told to tone down their acting and act more wooden, display less emotion in their faces, because the level of acting that you're seeing in the final product was the level of acting that the producers/directors wanted for their show.


IMO, Klingons in TOS were the result of low-budget makeup. Their design wasn't particularly worth keeping (and I say this as someone whose first introduction to Klingons was the cheap TOS Klingons, not TNG). The makeup was improved for the TOS movies and TNG, and I'm fine with that.

But then Worf defined what it meant to be Klingon. Redesigning Klingons after Worf just feels like you're throwing out the best part of Klingon, and you're left with generic trash that will never measure up.

It's like the Vulcans. They were just cheap makeup too, but Spock defined Vulcans, so they remain little more than elf ears and a bad haircut, and that's not a bad thing.

As you might have already guessed, I agree entirely. We have 624 episodes of TV covering 26,000 minutes since "new" Klingons were introduced, they even tried to explain why TOS looked so cheap lol.

It's the directing, not the acting. Apparently Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Garret Wang (Harry Kim), and maybe a couple others were constantly being told to tone down their acting and act more wooden, display less emotion in their faces, because the level of acting that you're seeing in the final product was the level of acting that the producers/directors wanted for their show.

Yeah I read similar, they were asked to underplay any emotion and stuff to try and make the aliens look more alien. Utter madness.


Leaked image of STD's Klingons.


Matches the BTS trailer

Hoping it's prior to them having their wigs put on.

According to another thread on this subject, the guy who took the photos is backing down on the claim that they're Klingons.

They're just aliens, on a Star Trek set, so he casually referred to them as Klingons.
But then Worf defined what it meant to be Klingon. Redesigning Klingons after Worf just feels like you're throwing out the best part of Klingon
Yeah, being (physically) in by far more episodes of Star Trek than anyone else he has left kind of a big impression on the franchise.
According to another thread on this subject, the guy who took the photos is backing down on the claim that they're Klingons.

They're just aliens, on a Star Trek set, so he casually referred to them as Klingons.
Ahh, well that changes things.


listen to the mad man
According to another thread on this subject, the guy who took the photos is backing down on the claim that they're Klingons.

They're just aliens, on a Star Trek set, so he casually referred to them as Klingons.

One possibility is that the guy got hired to work on Star Trek but doesn't know the basic details of the character he's playing or any of the script from the scenes he's in. Another possibility is that he got in trouble for posting the photo unauthorized and is walking it back and those are Klingons.



One possibility is that the guy got hired to work on Star Trek but doesn't know the basic details of the character he's playing or any of the script from the scenes he's in. Another possibility is that he got in trouble for posting the photo unauthorized and is walking it back and those are Klingons.


After the guy posted the illicit photo online using his own name, Nick Meyer (one of the show's producers) tweeted (directly responding to the story) "One less extra. Sorry!"

It seems likely that the guy was fired for taking/posting the photo, with no chance of getting un-fired, but there's probably no harm for the guy in trying to mitigate the damage to his former employers.

Of course, him being merely an extra increases the chances of your first option being true.
Finally finished TOS, sucks that it was only three seasons I really enjoyed it.

If I had to rank the shows I've watched so far I'd be TNG>TOS>DS9 but I loved them all for different reasons so it doesn't mean much.

Now I think I'll start with Enterprise and Voyager and watch the TAS in between since it's only 20 min eps.
So apparently Axanar is now gonna be two 15 minute episodes instead of a 100 minute movie.

Entire thing stinks, not gonna get what was actually funded and gonna lose shitload of story.

Shoulda just removed all Trek references and did it, weren't many anyway and the Kharn actor died too so need recast, just keep the Trek style. Fans woulda known.

Also Discovery delayed again and also has Spock's dad in it. Also the USS Shenzhou looks like the Area class from Axanar. How petty can you be CBS?
So a few episodes in and I don't really like anyone from Enterprise, maybe the Dr I guess. (don't remember his name yet)

I get that starfleet is new so Archer is just kinda winging it but his complete dismissal of any type of protocol or caution is so weird after watching Picard, Kirk and Sisko.

Also the intro music is terrible, I hate how older shows have these long drawn out intros.

I watched a couple of episodes of TAS though and I liked how they are able to be more creative with the aliens/worlds, of course I know it's because it's animated but still would have been nice to see in the show, it became difficult to believe they were out in space visiting aliens.

Oh and the use of the "life support belt" was hilarious considering they never used any types of suits in the TOS (or even in TNG/DS9 really)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh so Discovery is in the main timeline rather than the alternate one huh?

Also I'm surprised for Tribbles being so popular, it only appeared thrice, though technically twice because one is essentially from the premiere used as clips.
So was just thinking, would a tng movie with Lore as the villian have worked?
I can imagine it, especially with as much Picard and Data were at the fore of the movies. Even without him we got some temporarily strangely twisted versions of Data in the first three movies and another twin brother in Nemesis


So was just thinking, would a tng movie with Lore as the villian have worked?
Eww, no! Lore was an awful character and Spiner played him like a mustache twirling villain, there was already way too much of Spiner in the movies, there was no need to have him as the villain too.
About to finish season 1 of Enterprise and I don't really like it that much, it's not terrible but none of the stories are really interesting and watching Star Fleet start to develop into what it later becomes is kinda cool but it's far too little to carry the show.
I'm watching Unification and there are two things.

1. I had no fucking idea that Stephen Root was the Klingon captain. That's funny.

2. It still hurts that Nimoy is gone. Probably the only actual celebrity I really felt devastated by his death. It just fucking sucks.
Eww, no! Lore was an awful character and Spiner played him like a mustache twirling villain, there was already way too much of Spiner in the movies, there was no need to have him as the villain too.

I watch Lore episodes specifically so I can see Spiner chew the scenery.

I'm watching Unification and there are two things.

1. I had no fucking idea that Stephen Root was the Klingon captain. That's funny.

I only just figured out that Stephen Root was in Office Space. Blew my mind.


I finally watched the TNG ep Lonely Among Us for the first time, and it is truly one of the worst episodes ever made.

It's like they traveled back in time to get someone who directed TOS for this ep. Random zoom-ins on faces set against squeaky trumpets.

The weird plot hole where Picard expressly tells Crusher he's an alien and she does nothing. Riker explicitly stating in his log that he is certain that Picard is compromised but can't do anything because of regulations, which is the exact opposite of the show's message. And to cap it all off, it ends on the murder and attempted cooking and eating of a passenger, and it's played as an effing joke.
My fiancee never saw Voyager because she was born in fucking 91 in Germany but she loved TNG so I'm taking her through Voyager on Amazon Prime and she has enjoyed it (I personally always loved it).

Anyway we just saw an episode last night where the Doctor gets sent to another Starfleet ship in the Alpha Quadrant but the ship has been taken over by Romulans and he and fucking ANDY DICK (the EMH of that ship) have to work together to take it back. I'm almost positive i had seen every episode but I did not remember this one and it was a fucking classic. The two of them together had some lmao moments.
Agreed. Also I had forgotten about that Prometheus ship that can separate into 3 ships for attacks. That needs to resurface in a Star Trek movie or something. That is straight fucking bad-ass.

I personally found it stupid. While it's fucking around separating to attack, it could easily be destroyed.


listen to the mad man
Voyager Season 1 is seriously bad. I haven't rewatched straight through since the original airings.

- Neelix is insufferable. At one scene around 1x05 or 1x06, he interrupts the bridge during red alert to bring paté plates for everyone.
- Kes is visually hard to look at, and Neelix is very creepy around Kes.
- Chakotay goes to Chief Crying Eagle level native American stereotype near immediately
- The Doctor's entire characterization is people ignoring him and being openly mean to him for no reason. It is played for laughs but the score cues are all wrong and you're left thinking these are deeply bad people
- B'Elana is just yelling all the time, no redeeming characteristics at all
- None of the episode plots from 1x03 to 1x06 are even a little bit interesting.
- The episodes keep ending five minutes early and then having extended find scene tags, which I guess is good in terms of establishing characters and the world or whatever, but they fit poorly. One episode ends with the crew playing holodeck pool and Janeway being a secret pool shark and it is just so charmless.
- Oddly, my DVD rips look really bad. Worse than my TNG DVD-rips and way worse than my TNG blu-rays (duh), but it's just crazy how dated the CG and matte elements look.

I am sure this is not news to anyone, but I was surprised at how little I liked it. TNG and DS9 have rough starts too, but nothing like this.
I personally found it stupid. While it's fucking around separating to attack, it could easily be destroyed.
The way I see it, if it can exist as three different ships... why not just have three independent ships that often work together and be done with it? Saucer separation was rarely used in practice, but there were sound reasons why sometimes you'd want to keep part of the ship out of danger, or use it as the king of escape pods.
Stumpokapow said:
- The Doctor's entire characterization is people ignoring him and being openly mean to him for no reason. It is played for laughs but the score cues are all wrong and you're left thinking these are deeply bad people
I think this works well enough--at that point they don't yet see him as any different than a million other throwaway holocharacters they interact with, and we are supposed to see them as being thoughtless in this regard. It's like a whole ship of Pulaskis.


Voyager Season 1 is seriously bad. I haven't rewatched straight through since the original airings.

- Neelix is insufferable. At one scene around 1x05 or 1x06, he interrupts the bridge during red alert to bring paté plates for everyone.
- Kes is visually hard to look at, and Neelix is very creepy around Kes.
- Chakotay goes to Chief Crying Eagle level native American stereotype near immediately
- The Doctor's entire characterization is people ignoring him and being openly mean to him for no reason. It is played for laughs but the score cues are all wrong and you're left thinking these are deeply bad people
- B'Elana is just yelling all the time, no redeeming characteristics at all
- None of the episode plots from 1x03 to 1x06 are even a little bit interesting.
- The episodes keep ending five minutes early and then having extended find scene tags, which I guess is good in terms of establishing characters and the world or whatever, but they fit poorly. One episode ends with the crew playing holodeck pool and Janeway being a secret pool shark and it is just so charmless.
- Oddly, my DVD rips look really bad. Worse than my TNG DVD-rips and way worse than my TNG blu-rays (duh), but it's just crazy how dated the CG and matte elements look.

I am sure this is not news to anyone, but I was surprised at how little I liked it. TNG and DS9 have rough starts too, but nothing like this.

Even in season 1 it also feels like they periodically forget that Voyager is supposed to be stranded in the Delta quadrant.


I think this works well enough--at that point they don't yet see him as any different than a million other throwaway holocharacters they interact with, and we are supposed to see them as being thoughtless in this regard. It's like a whole ship of Pulaskis.

Honestly by the end (or even the middle of the run) the crew comes off as way too permissive with the Doctor. Him tampering with his program nearly causes him to become a serial killer, for chrissakes.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Even in season 1 it also feels like they periodically forget that Voyager is supposed to be stranded in the Delta quadrant.

It's still hilarious that the idea of a mixed crew literally lost all its relevance after the first episode. The last episode of the first season was the only instance where they picked this theme up in a meaningful way, and even then it was quite irrelevant.
Still not feeling Enterprise at all and I'm almost done with the second season, only crew members I like are Tucker and Phlox. Archer and T'pol pale to Kirk/Spock, Picard/Riker (or even Data and Sisko/Kira. I think my problem is most with Archer I just don't like him as a captain.


My fiancee never saw Voyager because she was born in fucking 91 in Germany but she loved TNG so I'm taking her through Voyager on Amazon Prime and she has enjoyed it (I personally always loved it).

Anyway we just saw an episode last night where the Doctor gets sent to another Starfleet ship in the Alpha Quadrant but the ship has been taken over by Romulans and he and fucking ANDY DICK (the EMH of that ship) have to work together to take it back. I'm almost positive i had seen every episode but I did not remember this one and it was a fucking classic. The two of them together had some lmao moments.

Any Doctor heavy episode was great I think. He brought so much to that character. Without him it really would have been a substantially worse series.


Any Doctor heavy episode was great I think. He brought so much to that character. Without him it really would have been a substantially worse series.

Him and Seven. The writers got a lot of mileage writing for them, and they also tended to do more and better stuff with the characters around them in the process (Janeway's family/antagonistic relationship with Seven, for example.)


Him and Seven. The writers got a lot of mileage writing for them, and they also tended to do more and better stuff with the characters around them in the process (Janeway's family/antagonistic relationship with Seven, for example.)

Yep. The show could have lost anyone else and it would barely have mattered. Losing either of them would have seriously reduced the appeal. Sevens introduction and subsequent sexing up of the show is still quite jarring when you binge watch the show though and could have been tempered significantly, but they felt they needed boobs to boost the ratings.


listen to the mad man
I think this works well enough--at that point they don't yet see him as any different than a million other throwaway holocharacters they interact with, and we are supposed to see them as being thoughtless in this regard. It's like a whole ship of Pulaskis.

I get what they're going for, because they have Kes act as an audience surrogate and reach out for the doctor, I just think they beat it over the head a bit. When the Doctor asks the bridge for help because he is shrinking, it's played for laughs, but like... how are they going to provide emergency medical care if the EMH is disabled?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yep. The show could have lost anyone else and it would barely have mattered. Losing either of them would have seriously reduced the appeal. Sevens introduction and subsequent sexing up of the show is still quite jarring when you binge watch the show though and could have been tempered significantly, but they felt they needed boobs to boost the ratings.

It's hilarious to me because the one episode Seven is in a real starfleet uniform she's 10 times sexier.


It's hilarious to me because the one episode Seven is in a real starfleet uniform she's 10 times sexier.

Her and Troi are both hotter with the Starfleet uniforms, IMO.

I always liked the original silver catsuit as well, probably because of the collar. But the heels on all her outfits were plain dumb, and making the outfits so tight they were causing her to pass out... jeez. It is kind of amazing we got a great character out of it.


It's hilarious to me because the one episode Seven is in a real starfleet uniform she's 10 times sexier.

fuck yeah


plus it'd be good to see a blue-shirted science officer. They're always medical staff which is a sign the episode's about to slow down with either tricorder readings, diagnostic medical babble or someone lying on a table.


Still not feeling Enterprise at all and I'm almost done with the second season, only crew members I like are Tucker and Phlox. Archer and T'pol pale to Kirk/Spock, Picard/Riker (or even Data and Sisko/Kira. I think my problem is most with Archer I just don't like him as a captain.

Enterprise doesn't pick up until Season 3 honestly.

It's hilarious to me because the one episode Seven is in a real starfleet uniform she's 10 times sexier.

fuck yeah


plus it'd be good to see a blue-shirted science officer. They're always medical staff which is a sign the episode's about to slow down with either tricorder readings, diagnostic medical babble or someone lying on a table.

Yeah, uniform Seven is best Seven


fuck yeah


plus it'd be good to see a blue-shirted science officer. They're always medical staff which is a sign the episode's about to slow down with either tricorder readings, diagnostic medical babble or someone lying on a table.

This reminds me that I really disliked the switch to the almost teal coloring for science and medical with the DS9/VOY uniforms. The TNG ones were a lot more blue. That and the inconsistent front slits always really bothered me with them; definitely my least favorite television uniforms.

EDIT: Hah, missed that they threw Tuvok into the 3rd season mirror universe ep of DS9. Was about to be confused that they had Tim Russ playing yet another random extra but it was concurrent to S1 of Voyager so I guess a nice little connecting touch.
So my fiancee and I are watching TNG episode "Starship Mine" (S6 EP18) and fucking Tuvok is in it! I've seen every episode of both (though quite far apart) but didn't make the connection until now.
So my fiancee and I are watching TNG episode "Starship Mine" (S6 EP18) and fucking Tuvok is in it! I've seen every episode of both (though quite far apart) but didn't make the connection until now.
Yep. Before he was Tuvok he was there, as an officer on the Enterprise-B, and even a Klingon in a DS9 episode.
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