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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Kills Photobucket
Teh Hamburglar said:
Picard's ready room in the Trek movies is actually Captain Janeway's redressed.

It's amazing who much they reused. TNG sickbay was from Movie 1. Kirk and Spocks rooms in Star Trek 6 were redresses of Data's room from TNG, which itself was a redress of Kirk's quarters from ST1.

Often they did a really good job. Watch ST5 they used TNG corridors and they looked the same. ST6 they used them again but added metallic panels to make it look different. I never would have guessed the Federation President office was Ten Forward.


Nothing beats the costume recycling from 1 to 2, IMO. Amazing what some red dye and some trim can accomplish. :lol


I think he's talking about these:

The main cast pretty much refused to shoot more films in those ones from TMP.
So am I the only one who likes the TNG season 1/2 uniforms?

I like them mainly for the stripe on the shoulders and for the fact that they seemed much deeper in color compared to the later season ones (atleast the medical/sciences ones. I swear they went from deep blue to almost green in color)


Kills Photobucket
Henchmen21 said:
So am I the only one who likes the TNG season 1/2 uniforms?

I like them mainly for the stripe on the shoulders and for the fact that they seemed much deeper in color compared to the later season ones (atleast the medical/sciences ones. I swear they went from deep blue to almost green in color)

No neck made them look like cheap t-shirts.


They actually do transition to a green, and then you can see that color on the DS9/Voyager uniforms. But there's a season where they haven't done it fully, so you'll have Crusher in the green and Troi in dark blue. And then episodes where they'll switch between the two colors depending on the scene. It's like the random uniform switching in Generations.

Season One also this had this action:

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DrForester said:
No neck made them look like cheap t-shirts.
I think the TNG uniforms were all pretty ugly, but they looked far better as they went on; but they never really got rid of the "pajama sweater" look.

The Wrath of Khan era uniforms were definitely the best. At least they looked like professionalish uniforms. :lol
benjipwns said:
They actually do transition to a green, and then you can see that color on the DS9/Voyager uniforms. But there's a season where they haven't done it fully, so you'll have Crusher in the green and Troi in dark blue. And then episodes where they'll switch between the two colors depending on the scene. It's like the random uniform switching in Generations.

Season One also this had this action:
Thing is it's not even a real green. It's more like someone tossed a green sock in with the uniforms and it bled through.

The short sleeves work but the skirt doesn't.
DrForester said:
Watching Star Trek VI on Blu-Ray

Can not unsee TNG sets now that someone told me about them

Engineering = Engineering
Dining Hall = Conference Room
Federation President Office = Ten Forward
You forgot the Transporter room. They hardly even redressed it :lol (incidentally they also used the same transporter room set in STV)


DrForester said:
Watching Star Trek VI on Blu-Ray

Can not unsee TNG sets now that someone told me about them

Engineering = Engineering
Dining Hall = Conference Room
Federation President Office = Ten Forward

I haven't watched VI in years. I'll have to keep an eye for that if I ever buy the Blu-Rays. I never even upgraded to DVD. I still only have all six movies on VHS.


Kills Photobucket
To be fair the Federation President Office is a pretty impressive redress. The only really defining thing is the doors and the wall panels.




benjipwns said:
I think he's talking about these:

The main cast pretty much refused to shoot more films in those ones from TMP.
That might be true. But I just finished watching Wrath of Kahn on TV, and was just looking at the two main cast photos I linked above.

I think that if you took one of the pullover tops from The Motion Picture, dyed it red, cut a backwards 7 across the chest with scissors, added a flap of white cloth to the side you shortchanged (actually, it would be a white liner across the whole inside of the shirt, making the whole thing beefier), then trimmed all the rough edges with black, and wore it belted and clasped tighter than the line you cut into it with scissors, suddenly an ugly pajama shirt becomes a really cool Starfleet jacket.

Basically, the Motion Picture tops could have been used as the foundation for a jacket that ended up having more added material than they did base material.

Looking into it, these jackets are called "monster maroon", supposedly because they're such a chore to create, but I wonder if the "maroon" part of the name comes from the color you get when you try to dye tan-colored cloth red but don't quite get there?


B.K. said:
What? Those can't be the same costumes.
Yeah, they are.

Wikipedia said:
Meyer did not like the Starfleet uniforms from either the television series or The Motion Picture and wanted them changed,[24] but for budgetary reasons they could not be discarded entirely. Dye tests of the fabric showed that the old uniforms took three colors well: blue-gray, gold, and dark red. Fletcher decided to use the dark red due to the strong contrast it provided with the background. The resulting naval-inspired designs would be used in Star Trek films until 1996's Star Trek: First Contact.

Thanks for the pics, ruby_onix, that's exactly what I was talking about.


The best reuse of Star Trek material ever is in John Carpenter's Halloween, by the way.

The iconic Michael Meyer mask was actually a Captain Kirk mask that was stretched, painted, and given a bad hair cut. :lol


Jealous Bastard
some of the earliest tests for the new STAR TREK movie were done putting a great voice and body actor into a michael myers mask which was turned inside out and painted beige.

these tests were only marginally successful.


I'm in the middle of the second season of DS9 right now and I don't know, I'm not feeling the series very much. I will still give it the benefit of the doubt (like i did with TNG) but the problem I'm having is that I can't stand some of the characters, specially Benjamin Sisko.

Very weak personality, Kira walks all over him and he has this expression that he's about to smile all the time.

I like Quark and Odo though. The chemistry between the two is entertaining.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Tobor said:
The best reuse of Star Trek material ever is in John Carpenter's Halloween, by the way.

The iconic Michael Meyer mask was actually a Captain Kirk mask that was stretched, painted, and given a bad hair cut. :lol

I thought this was well known, I can never take the Halloween movies seriously, everytime Michael Meyer stumbles into a scene all I see is a roided up kirk with down syndrome who put his face in bonfire.


Ok, the episode where Odo had to solve a 5 year old murder was pretty damn good. I hope it continue like this, I'm starting to feel the series.
Dizzy-4U said:
Ok, the episode where Odo had to solve a 5 year old murder was pretty damn good. I hope it continue like this, I'm starting to feel the series.
"Necessary Evil." Yup, pretty damn good. So is "Cardassians." But then again, every episode with Garak is awesome.

So you're still near the beginning of season 2, approaching the middle.
Angry Grimace said:
I think the TNG uniforms were all pretty ugly, but they looked far better as they went on; but they never really got rid of the "pajama sweater" look.

The Wrath of Khan era uniforms were definitely the best. At least they looked like professionalish uniforms. :lol
Personally, The worst uniforms for me were the First Contact era ones. They're just so lazy and ugly. Mostly because they spent all that time bitching about how the uniforms didn't look good on film in Generations so what do they do? They just take the DS9 uniforms and turn them inside out :lol (of course the DS9 ones were ugly to begin with. Also they were also just a redress of the cadet Uniforms from the 5th season TNG episode "The First Duty")

Goes to
Goes to

These prototype ones from Generations look great. They seem to take the best bits of the TWOK era ones and mix them with the 3-7 era TNG ones



Started season 3. Pretty decent so far.

Is it ever revealed if Kira
is really a Cardassian or not
? The final scene gave me the impression that she remembered something (The drug taking effect?)....

Also, Nog's speach about why he wanted to be in starfleet was excellent. One of my favorite moments of the series so far.
Dizzy-4U said:
Started season 3. Pretty decent so far.

Is it ever revealed if Kira
is really a Cardassian or not
? The final scene gave me the impression that she remembered something (The drug taking effect?)....

Also, Nog's speach about why he wanted to be in starfleet was excellent. One of my favorite moments of the series so far.

No, she isn't. But there was a moment where Kira began to wonder if it might actually be true. Kind of how Picard almost broke in the "Five Lights" torture session, Kira almost believed the lie.


Teh Hamburglar said:
No, she isn't. But there was a moment where Kira began to wonder if it might actually be true. Kind of how Picard almost broke in the "Five Lights" torture session, Kira almost believed the lie.
Oh, bummer. It could have been an interesting twist.
Dizzy-4U said:
Started season 3. Pretty decent so far.

Is it ever revealed if Kira
is really a Cardassian or not
? The final scene gave me the impression that she remembered something (The drug taking effect?)....

Also, Nog's speach about why he wanted to be in starfleet was excellent. One of my favorite moments of the series so far.
Huh? Nog doesn't reveal he wants to be in Stafleet until at least the middle of season three.
Dizzy-4U said:
Oh, bummer. It could have been an interesting twist.
The guy they were targeting in that episode, Gamore I think is his name, comes back. It's a pretty fantastic episode too.

Edit: I'm on a DS9 rewatch run. I noticed that after season three, specifically from "Improbable Cause" onwards, is when the series really picks up. I watched "The Visitor" today, and man, if that episode doesn't get my teary-eyed every time I watch it.
Did they ever explain how the Founders came to be so powerful? For a people that live as a pile of goo on a planet they sure do have advanced ships and cloning facilities........shouldn't they have some signs of this tech on their planet?

And why did the Dominion invade the Alpha Quadrant in the first place? I can't remember =/
BigJonsson said:
And why did the Dominion invade the Alpha Quadrant in the first place? I can't remember =/

Founders were control freaks. What you can control can't hurt you. They knew the Federation wasn't a threat but they weren't going to take the chance that any other Alpha Quadrant species would come bite them in the ass.


Dax01 said:
Huh? Nog doesn't reveal he wants to be in Stafleet until at least the middle of season three.
Well yeah, I started on friday with the season and watched like 16 episodes. It gets kinda addicting :lol


Kills Photobucket
BigJonsson said:
Did they ever explain how the Founders came to be so powerful? For a people that live as a pile of goo on a planet they sure do have advanced ships and cloning facilities........shouldn't they have some signs of this tech on their planet?

And why did the Dominion invade the Alpha Quadrant in the first place? I can't remember =/

Well the founders are near immortal they got their empire over a very long time.

Regarding the Federation they always planned to go to war with them, but not for a few hundred years. The writers have admitted that they intended to reveal at one point that the Dominion was aware of the Federation but did not anticipate a full encounter with them for a few hundred years and the discovery of the Wormhole changed everything.


A spaceship with sails? What the hell was that? It moved with the help of the sun's sparkles or something? Ahhh whatever, it wasn't a good episode anyways...

Almost finished with season 3. All I have to say is that parallel universe Dax > Dax
Dizzy-4U said:
A spaceship with sails? What the hell was that? It moved with the help of the sun's sparkles or something? Ahhh whatever, it wasn't a good episode anyways...

Almost finished with season 3. All I have to say is that parallel universe Dax > Dax

Season 4 is really where the show hits its stride. Plus...Worf!
Dizzy-4U said:
Interesting. I thought they were making up stuff in that episode. Glad to be proven wrong.
If made-up stuff bothers you you should probably avoid any episode that features warp drive, subspace, replicators, holodecks or transporters. ie all of them.
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