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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


So I was just watching the DS9 episode "You Are Cordially Invited" where Worf and Jadzia get married, and I think maybe Jadzia got herself double-penetrated by Morn and Manuele Atoa (the Samoan dancer) while drunk after her interrupted bachelorette party.

When Martok's wife spoiled the party, Jadzia rebelled and demanded that it continue. After the commercial break, everyone has already left (not counting Kira and Odo talking in the bedroom closet), while Morn and Atoa emerge from behind a couch. My first thought was a non-serious "Heh, Morn and the Samoan guy probably did it" but then Atoa saw Worf at the door and had this "Ohgod ohgod ohgod!" look on his face. That's when I thought "Not Morn and the Samoan... Morn, the Samoan and Jadzia!" Worf was oblivious, of course.

A quick google says that Jadzia used to have a thing for Morn but he turned her down, and the writer of that episode (who went on to BSG) said that, had the party continued as it was headed without Sirella's interruption, Jadzia would have "likely" slept with Atoa. Do you think that pissing Jadzia off and canceling the wedding would have made her less or more likely to have random sex?

If Bashir had gone to her party instead of Worf's, she would have probably done him too. Kill Worf, indeed.
ruby_onix said:
So I was just watching the DS9 episode "You Are Cordially Invited" where Worf and Jadzia get married, and I think maybe Jadzia got herself double-penetrated by Morn and Manuele Atoa (the Samoan dancer) while drunk after her interrupted bachelorette party.

When Martok's wife spoiled the party, Jadzia rebelled and demanded that it continue. After the commercial break, everyone has already left (not counting Kira and Odo talking in the bedroom closet), while Morn and Atoa emerge from behind a couch. My first thought was a non-serious "Heh, Morn and the Samoan guy probably did it" but then Atoa saw Worf at the door and had this "Ohgod ohgod ohgod!" look on his face. That's when I thought "Not Morn and the Samoan... Morn, the Samoan and Jadzia!" Worf was oblivious, of course.

A quick google says that Jadzia used to have a thing for Morn but he turned her down, and the writer of that episode (who went on to BSG) said that, had the party continued as it was headed without Sirella's interruption, Jadzia would have "likely" slept with Atoa. Do you think that pissing Jadzia off and canceling the wedding would have made her less or more likely to have random sex?

If Bashir had gone to her party instead of Worf's, she would have probably done him too. Kill Worf, indeed.

dax did find Morn attractive too. The plot thickens...


Damn sucks that Koloth died. I always loved the old Klingon episodes. I loved the last episode where Koloth dies honorably and Martok doesn't even fathom how it was possible for an old drunk to last that long and Worf just goes "He is the Dahar Master". Love it.
I previously mentioned a few Doctor Who references in the recent Star Trek DTI book. However, it turns out the other book released the very same day also contains a few. Less surprising coming from Peter David, though. In his latest New Frontier book he has a little fun with Voyager's Doctor. After being introduced to him, a character says something like "I met a man called the Doctor once. Wore a blue suit and a long brown coat. Strange guy. This isn't him." Later in the story, Voyager's Doctor lets out an "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Sir Fragula said:

The winning Enterprise-F design has been selected by CBS and Cryptic [Star Trek Online], as above. Not too sure on it, but waiting for the professionally rendered model - they're saying the sketch is the *inspiration* for the final version.

Definitely the child of Galaxy and Sovereign.
The TNG porno is out. It's not bad at all, plotwise. The Picard impersonator can't act at all. Riker is spot on. Troi can't hit the accent. Porn Yar is better than the original, though that's not saying much since teak furniture could out-act Denise Crosby. Everyone else is decent.

As to be expected in the future, everyone uses the holodeck for sex.


SpoonyBard said:
Sounds good, the video effects may have looked good on original broadcast and VHS, but on DVD the image quality is pretty poor. I don't even think they need to do the effects again like they did for TOS, just remaster and clean up the picture.

I doubt it's that simple. Especially if/when they did any kind of digital processing on the footage (probably not so much earlier as later). If they didn't do the processing to a resolution higher than demanded for television, they'd have to go back to the prints and re-do it.


Yeah this would not be a simply project. I mean I am really hoping they are gonna do it but it seems odd it would be a netflix debut thing. Its been said the process is gonna cost a ton of cash because of the way TNG was handled.

Someone has to be helping pay for it if its gonna happen


maharg said:
If they didn't do the processing to a resolution higher than demanded for television, they'd have to go back to the prints and re-do it.

Digital Bits had a great writeup about all the problems with TNG HD. I believe that was what they said was the biggest issue. The episodes themselves were filed on 35mm film, but all the effects were done at tv resolution, so EVERY effect will have to be redone for the series.
maharg said:
I doubt it's that simple. Especially if/when they did any kind of digital processing on the footage (probably not so much earlier as later). If they didn't do the processing to a resolution higher than demanded for television, they'd have to go back to the prints and re-do it.

The scenes were shot on film, then converted to SD video, and effects were added. I don't know how the model shots were shot... Well, on film probably, then visual effects added in video domain again. Meh, they probably either just upsale and clean up the SD video master, or take the film master and redo all effects shots on computer. The later would cost much more, but would look much better. As much as I like the original ship models...
As long as the powers that be have their heads up their asses about new Trek on TV, presenting the good old stuff in a much improved format is better than nothing.


Almost finished with the DTI book and enjoyed it so far. Funniest parts as always has to do with Janeway, they pretty much consider her the temporal Osama.


JoshuaJSlone said:
As long as the powers that be have their heads up their asses about new Trek on TV, presenting the good old stuff in a much improved format is better than nothing.
With the shit that was Enterprise, I'm content with them taking their time and re-establishing the series in the theater before bringing it back to the small screen.
Interesting news about DTI. It seems Christopher L. Bennett intended that to be his big final word on Trek time travel, but he has a followup of sorts coming. Apparently it will be about the founding of the DTI, and take place in TOS timeframe.


JdFoX187 said:
With the shit that was Enterprise, I'm content with them taking their time and re-establishing the series in the theater before bringing it back to the small screen.
Enterprise was great in Series 3 and 4.
Regardless of what one thinks of Enterprise, a new series made this year or in 2016 has an equal chance of turning out good or crap, depending on who is involved with it. I just really really disagree with the sentiment that if film and TV suck attention from each other that Trek makes more sense as a film-only franchise than a TV-only one.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Interesting news about DTI. It seems Christopher L. Bennett intended that to be his big final word on Trek time travel, but he has a followup of sorts coming. Apparently it will be about the founding of the DTI, and take place in TOS timeframe.
So they can hate Kirk in local time?
Slayven said:
So they can hate Kirk in local time?
Should be. Going with dates established by the initial DTI book it would've been founded about the end of the Enterprise's five-year mission, and it makes sense that some of the things they did in that show like hop back to the 1960s a few times would be part of the reason. On his blog he said at this point it wasn't clear whether it would be released as a DTI book or a TOS book or what.

Also on the subject of Star Trek books, it seems New Frontier might be over? Here's what Peter David said in a recent interview:
We realize that you do not own the "New Frontier" saga, but that little factoid aside, do you have an end game in mind for Calhoun and the Excalibur? Are you ultimately building to something and one day planning to wrap it all up?

David: I do have thoughts as to how I’d wrap up the series if given the opportunity. I also have a lot of interesting directions I’d take the books if the series keeps going. But I honestly have no clue if that’s going to come to pass. “Blind Man’s Bluff” was the last book on my current contract, and I’ve been asking Pocket for a year if the series is going to be continuing. I have yet to get a straight answer, or any answer. So for all I know, “Blind Man’s Bluff” is the last hurrah of New Frontier.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Regardless of what one thinks of Enterprise, a new series made this year or in 2016 has an equal chance of turning out good or crap, depending on who is involved with it. I just really really disagree with the sentiment that if film and TV suck attention from each other that Trek makes more sense as a film-only franchise than a TV-only one.

Personally, I think Trek has always been at its best in film form, so I'm ok with that. STII, STIV, and STVI in particular are the peak of the franchise for me. Even when I was a huge TNG fanboy back when it was airing, it was still STII and STVI that I'd go back to time and again.
maharg said:
Personally, I think Trek has always been at its best in film form, so I'm ok with that. STII, STIV, and STVI in particular are the peak of the franchise for me. Even when I was a huge TNG fanboy back when it was airing, it was still STII and STVI that I'd go back to time and again.

Depends. TOS went from a sort of space western action format to (when it was good) a more introspective, layered look at its characters. TNG did it the other way and ended up with a series of primarily action-driven films which, in the end, were not nearly as good as their televised counterparts. In my opinion, at least.

The Star Trek: TNG Porno, Minus All That Gratuitous Sex
Comments (17)
By Rob Bricken in Nerdery, TV
Friday, May 13, 2011, at 4:04 pm
Remember how I told you that the NSFW trailer for the Star Trek: The Next Generation porno movie looked like a pretty good fan film with inexplicable and gratuitous fuck scenes added in after the fact? Well, someone -- by which I mean the Thumbcast -- edited out all that annoying fucking, leaving us with a 25-minute, totally SFW Star Trek: TNG fan flick. Or so I read on Comics Alliance. I haven't watched it, partially because I'm not a big TNG fan and partially because watching it might cut into my afternoon drinking, and after today's FFF, that's priority #1.


So I'm planning on getting into the series in the near future, what of the TV series should I watch?
I don't mind starting from the Patrick Stewart era, so what seasons and series should I watch of them?
So I decided to read a Star Trek book since I had a week of nothing inbetween terms. TYPON PACT books are absolute shit. fucking amateur hour up in here. Waste of money. Grrr.

Not sure who the main character was. No character arcs or tension. No drama or excitement. sigh. Even Sisko's characterization was shit! Ugh. fml

So I'm planning on getting into the series in the near future, what of the TV series should I watch?
I don't mind starting from the Patrick Stewart era, so what seasons and series should I watch of them?

They don't exactly reference each other too often. Theres one or two DS9 crossovers (use that term lightly) in TNG. And VOY steals...borrows some TNG/DS9 plot elements in a few episodes so I would watch that last (if at all, its bad).
Tizoc said:
So I'm planning on getting into the series in the near future, what of the TV series should I watch?
I don't mind starting from the Patrick Stewart era, so what seasons and series should I watch of them?
The TOS movies 2,4,6 then TNG season 2 onwards - all of DS9 then go back to TOS 1 then walk away.

Davey Cakes

B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
The TOS movies 2,4,6 then TNG season 2 onwards - all of DS9 then go back to TOS 1 then walk away.
Hmmm. I'm not sure I'd even condone skipping TNG Season 1. I'm going through it now and it's a bit weak, but it's always nice to see how things started. Additionally, episodes such as Datalore really shouldn't be missed in my opinion.

And I may say that even DS9 is a good place to start. It's basically Star Trek for people who aren't sure if they'll like Star Trek. This is probably why I enjoyed starting with DS9; I watched the entire thing (and loved it) and yet still don't consider myself much of a "Trekkie." It was more like enjoying a good show rather than enjoying a good Star Trek show.
Rash said:
Hmmm. I'm not sure I'd even condone skipping TNG Season 1. I'm going through it now and it's a bit weak, but it's always nice to see how things started. Additionally, episodes such as Datalore really shouldn't be missed in my opinion.

Sorry just had to lol.


B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
The TOS movies 2,4,6 then TNG season 2 onwards - all of DS9 then go back to TOS 1 then walk away.
TOS is The Original Series right?

Thanks for the input, will look into these soon enough =)


B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
The TOS movies 2,4,6 then TNG season 2 onwards - all of DS9 then go back to TOS 1 then walk away.

If you're new you really shouldn't skip STIII. Weak though it is, 2-4 form a continuous story and without the middle chapter you'll just be confused.
Tizoc said:
TOS is The Original Series right?

Thanks for the input, will look into these soon enough =)

And watch Babylon 5 before Deep Space Nine. It's similar but better. Deep Space Nine is based on Babylon 5 concept that B5 producers tried to sell to Paramount, and Paramount used later to create a new Star Trek series. Even some of the character names are almost identical (Dukat/Dukhat), not to mention plot points.

I'm not saying DS9 is shit because of this, just that B5 handles the main story arc better. And because of the many similarities, it's better to watch B5 first. And as a bonus, there's less technobabble.

Davey Cakes

I've never seen Babylon 5. I'll probably try to get into it some time after my TNG run, when I'm more in the mood to return to a DS9-ish setting.
SpoonyBard said:
Deep Space Nine is based on Babylon 5 concept that B5 producers tried to sell to Paramount, and Paramount used later to create a new Star Trek series.
Half-true, if even that. The whole Cardassian/Bajoran concept was established in TNG in season five, before DS9 came out.

Brandon Tartikoff, president of NBC entertainment from 1980 to 1991, approached Rick Berman and Michael Piller to create a new series. Tartikoff wanted it to have a new format, a "rifleman" in space as compared to TNG's "wagon train." (You can read this on memory-alpha)

From what I remember from the DS9 DVD extras, Berman and Piller settled on what could best be described as a "saloon" in space. Early concepts of the show had it take place on a planet, but that was deemed too expensive so they scrapped that idea.

DS9 didn't know what it wanted to be at the start, and it took a couple of seasons to finally find its place (midway season three).

I think there are some similarities you can argue that were perhaps "stolen" from B5. For example, Dukat and Dukhat. But to say that DS9 is based on the Babylon 5 concept is overall pretty false.

As to which show is better, I think each has its strengths over the other. Babylon 5 does a significant job of handling individual character arcs, much better than DS9, but I personally thought that the
Dominion War
was a far more interesting and involving conflict than any of the major conflicts presented in B5. To each their own, though.
Babylon 5 is amazing, but I would rather watch DS9 first as watching B5 first will hamper your enjoyement of DS9 personally. DS9 I think had a more solid production when it came to look and production values, but B5 just felt superior in so many aspects.
BattleMonkey said:
Babylon 5 is amazing, but I would rather watch DS9 first as watching B5 first will hamper your enjoyement of DS9 personally. DS9 I think had a more solid production when it came to look and production values, but B5 just felt superior in so many aspects.

DS9 pros: budget, Trek universe, good actors, some continuity, great villains

DS9 cons: stuck with runabouts for a while, plot limits because of Trek franchise rules, underwhelming season 1

B5 pros: continuity, good sci-fi, fresh start with no baggage

B5 cons: low budget, cringe-worthy lines, soap-opera actors, videotoaster
Instigator said:
DS9 pros: budget, Trek universe, good actors, some continuity, great villains

DS9 cons: stuck with runabouts for a while, plot limits because of Trek franchise rules, underwhelming season 1

B5 pros: continuity, good sci-fi, fresh start with no baggage

B5 cons: low budget, cringe-worthy lines, soap-opera actors, videotoaster

B5 pros += occasionally, aliens that actually feel like aliens and not humans with funny hats on
B5 cons += incredibly slow pacing initially; individual storyline quality sometimes took a back seat to overall story arc; "get the hell out of my galaxy"

DS9 cons += generally incredibly, incredibly terrible attempts at comedy

Also, I'm highly amused that you listed "videotoaster" as a con. I agree wholeheartedly and solidly prefer model work, but they did win awards for their cgi back then.
beelzebozo said:
DS9's best comedy is its dry comedy. garak comes to mind. i will reference here the root beer scene. and also this one, about "the boy who cried wolf"

to me, this is funny writing.

Well, anything that involved Garak in any way was pretty much automatically great. There was a character who crapped latinum.

edit: Even when it's not really him. "You mean no-one told you? You see, I pretend to be their friend and then I shoot you."


A few of my Garak favs:
Amaro: [on the death of Boq'ta] He asked me to get a coil spanner for him. I just turned my back for a second...
Garak: That's a shame... And the worst part of it is - this isn't a coil spanner...
Dr. Julian Bashir: Is there anything you need me to do while you're gone?
Elim Garak: Like what?
Dr. Julian Bashir: I don't know. Any unfinished business?
Elim Garak: Actually, Doctor, there is something.
Dr. Julian Bashir: What?
Elim Garak: If you go into my quarters and examine the bulkhead next to the replicator, you'll notice there's a false panel. Behind that panel is a compartment containing an isolinear rod. If I'm not back within 78 hours, I want you to take that rod... and eat it.
Dr. Julian Bashir: Eat it?
Elim Garak: [affirmatively] Mm.
Dr. Julian Bashir: You're joking.
Elim Garak: Yes doctor, I am.
Dr. Julian Bashir: Assuming you're not a spy... then maybe you're an outcast.
Elim Garak: Or maybe I'm an outcast spy.
Dr. Julian Bashir: How could you be both?
Elim Garak: I never said I was either.
Captain Sisko: Who's watching Tolar?
Garak: I've locked him in his quarters. I've also left him with the distinct impression that if he attempts to force the door open, it may explode.
Captain Sisko: I hope that's just an impression.
Garak: It's best not to dwell on such minutiae.
Dr. Julian Bashir: Out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't?
Elim Garak: My dear Doctor, they're all true.
Dr. Julian Bashir: Even the lies?
Elim Garak: Especially the lies.
Dax01 said:
Half-true, if even that. The whole Cardassian/Bajoran concept was established in TNG in season five, before DS9 came out.

That was 1991, Paramount got their hands on B5 plans in 1989. It doesn't really matter which episode or series came out first, it's a well known fact that B5 creator JMS was trying to sell his series to several companies before he succeeded, Paramount being one of those.

As for the special effects and space battles I think B5 did them brilliantly before the Whitestar stuff came and it went too flashy and unrealistic. The capital ship + fighter fleet stuff worked great, and only the new Galactica did them better, much later.

And actors... well, B5 had it's soap opera acting, but no one was as bad as Avery Brooks in DS9. He was good in Spenser, where he didn't have too many lines, but when playing Sisko he just plainly sucks.
SpoonyBard said:
That was 1991, Paramount got their hands on B5 plans in 1989. It doesn't really matter which episode or series came out first, it's a well known fact that B5 creator JMS was trying to sell his series to several companies before he succeeded, Paramount being one of those.

As for the special effects and space battles I think B5 did them brilliantly before the Whitestar stuff came and it went too flashy and unrealistic. The capital ship + fighter fleet stuff worked great, and only the new Galactica did them better, much later.

And actors... well, B5 had it's soap opera acting, but no one was as bad as Avery Brooks in DS9. He was good in Spenser, where he didn't have too many lines, but when playing Sisko he just plainly sucks.

*gasping for air* you.... *gasp* what......


SpoonyBard said:
And actors... well, B5 had it's soap opera acting, but no one was as bad as Avery Brooks in DS9. He was good in Spenser, where he didn't have too many lines, but when playing Sisko he just plainly sucks.
SpoonyBard said:
That was 1991, Paramount got their hands on B5 plans in 1989. It doesn't really matter which episode or series came out first, it's a well known fact that B5 creator JMS was trying to sell his series to several companies before he succeeded, Paramount being one of those.

As for the special effects and space battles I think B5 did them brilliantly before the Whitestar stuff came and it went too flashy and unrealistic. The capital ship + fighter fleet stuff worked great, and only the new Galactica did them better, much later.

And actors... well, B5 had it's soap opera acting, but no one was as bad as Avery Brooks in DS9. He was good in Spenser, where he didn't have too many lines, but when playing Sisko he just plainly sucks.
Not to mention the fact that even the name Babylon 5 popped up in "Captain Power And The Solders of The Future" circa 1987.... the same year TNG started and 6 years before DS9
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