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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Tuvix is still my most hated unwatchable episode of Trek ever. Classic example of choosing an ethical dilemma who's moral weight was too much for the framework of the show.


Kills Photobucket
Shouta said:
You could make a case for either really. I'd go with Dear Doctor being worse than the Warp 10 episode personally though. That Voyager ep is stupid but Dear Doctor is stupid and morally insulting.

I wouldn't say Dear Doctor is a great episode, but at least it took a staple of Star Trek and gave it some back story, even if a bit muddled. I really didn't see the dilemma as much of a stretch from the TNG episode with the race that was addicted to drugs by another race. Admittedly it was a much more serious case, but it was similar.

Threshold on the other hand took a staple of Star Trek and crapped all over it.
DS9 (I think): Does anyone recall the name of the episode where some people essentially have the Xenophage from Mass Effect on them? I recall a little about the episode (guy running vaccine sims at the end, doctor euthanizing people, lots of rubble in the people city), but not enough to find the title.


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Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
DS9 (I think): Does anyone recall the name of the episode where some people essentially have the Xenophage from Mass Effect on them? I recall a little about the episode (guy running vaccine sims at the end, doctor euthanizing people, lots of rubble in the people city), but not enough to find the title.
The Quickening.

Bashir had some great moral dilemma episodes. Loved the one where he tries to cure the Gem'Hadar of the Ketrecel White.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So what's the general take on Enterprise? It's already streaming on Hulu and the CBS Trek site ahead of Netflix, so I figure more free Trek to watch can't be a bad thing (even if Takei's flying head in a jar blamed it for killing the franchise).

Go straight to season 4 it's the only season that acts as an actual prequel to TOS and TNG. Just don't watch the first two episodes (
Space Nazi's
) or the series finale (
Fat Riker & Old Troi
), which are Berman and Braga's crap filled bookend's to Manny Coto's excellent job as show runner.
Pudding Tame said:
Go straight to season 4 it's the only season that acts as an actual prequel to TOS and TNG. Just don't watch the first two episodes (
Space Nazi's
) or the series finale (
Fat Riker & Old Troi
), which are Berman and Braga's crap filled bookend's to Manny Coto's excellent job as show runner.

Nope, watch only season 3.


Looks like it's time for another set of Enterprise Essentials, then!

Season 2 time. This season kind of falls off a cliff after the first few episodes, quality wise, but it picks up toward the end.

Shockwave pt. 2 - resolving last year's cliffhanger
Minefield - Romulans, yo.
Dead Stop - ship's still broke from Minefield, oh a repair station what could possibly go wrong?
Cease Fire - more good Vulcan/Andorian business
Future Tense - more Temporal Cold War shenanigans
Judgment - this just in: Klingons don't like Archer
Cogenitor - aliens have three genders, Trip sees an injustice
Regeneration - Borg, yo. I know what you're thinking, but it's actually fun.
First Flight - about when Starfleet was more like NASA
The Expanse - shitjustgotreal.gif

I've listed more essentials here than for season1 because more of this stuff is building plot for later things in the series. Also the last stretch of this season is pretty solid.

Season 2 also contains most of the worst episodes of the whole series, and a long stretch of utterly inconsequential mediocre nonsense. After "Dead Stop" is when things get real bad. I recommended skipping some stuff for Season 1, but these right here? WOO BOY, this is the real garbage.

A Night in Sickbay
Precious Cargo


DoctorWho said:
Can't recall if I've seen First Flight or not. I definitely saw the Borg ep.
Basically it's about the earlier days of the Warp 5 program, when Archer was a test pilot.

Since I'm here, let's get some more Enterprise Essentials out of the way.

In Season 3, the show got a new, specific focus. Instead of the random exploration of the first two years, this season would be entirely about the crew's mission to stop a previously unseen alien species from destroying Earth. Since the NX-01 is Earth's only Warp 5 capable ship, that means they are all alone in hostile territory for an entire year, with no help coming and billions of lives at stake. It's extremely arc heavy, and it gets good (especially in the second half of the season), so there are going to be a lot of episodes here.

The Xindi
The Shipment
Proving Ground
Azati Prime
The Forgotten
The Council
Zero Hour


Kills Photobucket
Only big fault with season 3 was the choice to end on a cliffhanger rather than keep it a contained arc. I don't even think a Cliffhanger would have been a good idea even if it didn't suck as bad as it did.



weirdest cliffhanger ever

took them two episodes to get out of it, but to be fair, there were some things I liked about those two episodes.


Jealous Bastard
marc alaimo as gul dukat contends with patrick stewart as picard, colm meaney as o'brien, and andrew robinson as garak for the title of my absolute most favorite star trek character performance. but right now i'm watching some DS9 and alaimo just chews scenery and is a total boss, and i felt compelled to pop in and praise how really great he is.


Kills Photobucket
beelzebozo said:
marc alaimo as gul dukat contends with patrick stewart as picard, colm meaney as o'brien, and andrew robinson as garak for the title of my absolute most favorite star trek character performance. but right now i'm watching some DS9 and alaimo just chews scenery and is a total boss, and i felt compelled to pop in and praise how really great he is.

I still love the Dukat character and Alamo's performance, but I thought it was a bit hammed up towards the end.


Jealous Bastard
DrForester said:
I still love the Dukat character and Alamo's performance, but I thought it was a bit hammed up towards the end.

yeah, i'm at around season 4. i agree some of the stuff toward the end with the blindness and all that was goofy, but i just watched the episode in which he almost kills his daughter, and all his stuff with kiera is just great i think.


Htown said:
Basically it's about the earlier days of the Warp 5 program, when Archer was a test pilot.

Since I'm here, let's get some more Enterprise Essentials out of the way.

In Season 3, the show got a new, specific focus. Instead of the random exploration of the first two years, this season would be entirely about the crew's mission to stop a previously unseen alien species from destroying Earth. Since the NX-01 is Earth's only Warp 5 capable ship, that means they are all alone in hostile territory for an entire year, with no help coming and billions of lives at stake. It's extremely arc heavy, and it gets good (especially in the second half of the season), so there are going to be a lot of episodes here.

The Xindi
The Shipment
Proving Ground
Azati Prime
The Forgotten
The Council
Zero Hour
Plus fish aliens!


just how bad are the enterprise 'bad' episodes? Surely if you're a trek fan you'd be curious to see them and capable of filtering out the real shit?

Or are they 'robocop 3 raping your brain' bad?


I can't really think of any off the top of my head that are instantly clearly worse than the worst TNG and VOY episodes.

Or even the worst TOS and DS9 episodes.

But it might be because I only watched Enterprise like once and a half. And I've seen the others at least three times probably.

The bad Enterprise episodes are just like "meh" to me, or their badness comes from how they fuck with established stuff or that the plots are boring, whereas some VOY ones (like say the infamous Threshold) or something like Sub Rosa I'm like, NO NO NO NO NO.

Maybe I was already broken by that point though.

Is there anything really Robocop 3 bad?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I obviously like Enterprise, so I don't think there is anything shockingly bad.
Certainly some boring episodes though. Those episodes are no worse than the low points of the other shows though.
Even the TNG themed episode would have been fun had it not been the finale.


Sir Fragula said:
Years after TNG teased us with the mention of Dolphin crewmen, at last!
Well the USS Titan has an aquatic conn officer, her quarters are 3 stories tall and full of water. If you are weird alien, starfleet is very accommodating to your needs.


Slayven said:
Well the USS Titan has an aquatic conn officer, her quarters are 3 stories tall and full of water. If you are weird alien, starfleet is very accommodating to your needs.
As long as you're in the books or Bashir's love interest?
benjipwns said:
The bad Enterprise episodes are just like "meh" to me, or their badness comes from how they fuck with established stuff or that the plots are boring, whereas some VOY ones (like say the infamous Threshold) or something like Sub Rosa I'm like, NO NO NO NO NO.


Is there anything really Robocop 3 bad?


Too bad you can't sort these by review score. But they're almost all worth watching. He's very fair and goes into an exceptional amount of detail regarding how he came to his conclusion.

According to this website
goodbye next ten hours
, he's so far given zero rankings to "Threshold" and "A Night in Sickbay". This list may be out of date.
benjipwns said:
The bad Enterprise episodes are just like "meh" to me, or their badness comes from how they fuck with established stuff or that the plots are boring, whereas some VOY ones (like say the infamous Threshold) or something like Sub Rosa I'm like, NO NO NO NO NO.

Yup, Enterprise had lot of meh and boring stuff, but Voyager had so many episodes where you just wanted to constantly face palm.


DrForester said:
So SyFy is showing "Pegasus"...

I can't enjoy this episode anymore....
Didn't some guy turn "Pegasus" and "These are the Voyages" into one long TNG episode and one short Enterprise episode? Apparently it was quite good.
FYI, George Takei and Leonard Nimoy are going to be at the Phoenix Comicon this weekend and will also be at the big Star Trek convention in Las Vegas along with Shatner and a ton of other people in June/July/I can't remember right now.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Sir Fragula said:
Didn't some guy turn "Pegasus" and "These are the Voyages" into one long TNG episode and one short Enterprise episode? Apparently it was quite good.
Wouldn't Riker turning between fat and less fat feel weird?


benjipwns said:
As long as you're in the books or Bashir's love interest?
I don't understand. But last book with Bashir had him with the shy defective augment girl. And they were working for Section 31.


mrklaw said:
just how bad are the enterprise 'bad' episodes? Surely if you're a trek fan you'd be curious to see them and capable of filtering out the real shit?

Or are they 'robocop 3 raping your brain' bad?

The worst of Enterprise isn't as bad as the worst of Voyager, so if you can stick it you can more than handle Enterprise.


Kills Photobucket
kharma45 said:
The worst of Enterprise isn't as bad as the worst of Voyager, so if you can stick it you can more than handle Enterprise.

I don't know. A good debate could be made about whether "Threshold" or "These are the Voyages..." is the worst trek episode ever.

I'd still say Voyager comes out on top if we just look at it more in a general sense.


DrForester said:
I don't know. A good debate could be made about whether "Threshold" or "These are the Voyages..." is the worst trek episode ever.

I'd still say Voyager comes out on top if we just look at it more in a general sense.
As I say above though, These are the Voyages is ruined by the TNG element, but is otherwise a competent episode with those stripped out. Soft canon has Trip's death as a ruse for him to join Section 31 - that would have been much better if integrated into the episode itself.

Threshold on the other hand is irredeemable.
Zenith said:
How long is the subscription that comes with it?
Don't see it mentioned on the Steam page, but I'm pretty sure 30 days comes with any version of the game. Amazon's listing of the same digital edition with the same bonus items does specify 30 days.


DrForester said:
I don't know. A good debate could be made about whether "Threshold" or "These are the Voyages..." is the worst trek episode ever.

I'd still say Voyager comes out on top if we just look at it more in a general sense.
These are the Voyages is more INSULTING, surely, and it's clearly the most INFURIATING Trek episode, but I'm not sure it's quite as BAD.

Also Precious Cargo is widely considered one of the worst Enterprise episodes, and a lot of people really seem to hate A Night in Sickbay.
it's terrible, but it's so stupid and weird that it kind of becomes watchable because of that


I guess it's time for the last set of Enterprise Essentials!

Season 4 was probably the most well-liked season of Enterprise, with a lot of consistently good and fun adventures throughout. Also, the show finally got down to doing what people thought a prequel should do in the first place - show things leading to the birth of the Federation.
For my money, the second half of Season 3 is actually the best part of the show, but as an overall season 4 might be better

Instead of a season long arc like season 3, it was decided that this season would take the form of a bunch of "mini-arcs" of 2-3 episodes, with the occasional standalone story.

Home - standalone "recovery" episode
Borderland/Cold Station 12/The Augments - Orions, Klingons, Data's "great-grandfather", and Eugenics Wars supermen
The Forge/Awakening/Kir'Shara - a course correction for Vulcan culture
Observer Effect - standalone episode with an incurable disease
Babel One/United/The Aenar - biggest Federation-building story in the show
Affliction/Divergence - Klingon foreheads explained!
In a Mirror Darkly I and II - two part super fun Mirror Universe adventure
Demons/Terra Prime - the real Enterprise finale, thematically

These are the Voyages - easily the worst Trek finale ever, a giant slap in the face to every Enterprise fan.


Kills Photobucket
Htown said:
Affliction/Divergence - Klingon foreheads explained!

Problem with these episodes wasn't that they weren't entertaining, it's that Worf's explanation in "Trials and Tribbleations" was 1000x better and need no further explanation.
Htown said:
Babel One/United/The Aenar - biggest Federation-building story in the show
Yeah. I really did enjoy seeing particularly the human/Vulcan/Andorian relations shift from early on with Shadows of P'Jem to episodes like these.
DrForester said:
Problem with these episodes wasn't that they weren't entertaining, it's that Worf's explanation in "Trials and Tribbleations" was 1000x better and need no further explanation.
But Uncle Phil as a Klingon!


DrForester said:
Problem with these episodes wasn't that they weren't entertaining, it's that Worf's explanation in "Trials and Tribbleations" was 1000x better and need no further explanation.
I loved that line in T&T, but once you put that physical appearance change as canon in-universe instead of just a costume change, there are always going to be questions.

I still think it would've been way funnier to have Worf's forehead ridges disappear without explanation for the duration of the crew's trip into the past.
Htown said:
I loved that line in T&T, but once you put that physical appearance change as canon in-universe instead of just a costume change, there are always going to be questions.

I still think it would've been way funnier to have Worf's forehead ridges disappear without explanation for the duration of the crew's trip into the past.

The "canon" explanation for the change is dumb. A disease or whatever? LOL.
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