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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Htown said:
I loved that line in T&T, but once you put that physical appearance change as canon in-universe instead of just a costume change, there are always going to be questions.
It really didn't need it though. The scene in DS9 was a classic example of "hanging a lantern on it". It's where you (as a writer) have a failure in consistency, and instead of running away from the subject and hoping the audience doesn't notice, you shine a bright light on it by having one of the characters point out the glaring inconsistency, and then you have another character dismiss it in response as if it's nothing and move on.

Enterprise ruined it by refusing to move on. This wasn't some plot hook intended to be expanded on at a later date (like the Clone Wars reference in Star Wars), it was a super-blatant lantern fix. It was so blatant it became funny.

I still think it would've been way funnier to have Worf's forehead ridges disappear without explanation for the duration of the crew's trip into the past.
That suggests an alternate reality, which I think would prompt more explanation than Worf's "It's personal, so drop it." And even that was sadly proven to prompt too much explanation. Explanation is not the objective. Getting people to ignore the inconsistency is the objective. Trying to explain even part of it has the opposite effect. And your idea specifically involves the characters not mentioning it, which means that there is no opening for the disguised message from the writer to the audience telling them to drop it.


Sir Fragula said:
Not really - the explanation is pretty well made all things considered. Plus the episode arc behind it was fun to watch.

No, it was really lame and contrived. Just like the rest of Enterprise's "foreshadowings".


Zenith said:
No, it was really lame and contrived. Just like the rest of Enterprise's "foreshadowings".
No, can't agree at all. In the context of the show it wasn't at all contrived. There was a three episode arc dedicated to introducing the Augmented Humans and there was a similar arc showing how the Klingon's dodgy genetic engineering attempts backfired.

And it's a bit much to complain about a prequel's "foreshadowings". You set a show in the "past" if you want to explain how stuff came to be in the "present".


Sir Fragula said:
And it's a bit much to complain about a prequel's "foreshadowings". You set a show in the "past" if you want to explain how stuff came to be in the "present".

They ripped off the previous series' good stuff and then screwed them up. the augments were the worst IMO. Soong at the end deciding to switch to androids and saying how it will take a few generations to complete to foreshadow Soong creating Data. Yeah, 'cause that's how it works, your kids carry on your research in a seamless line. It was so contrived and spelled out so strongly it was almost 4th wall breaking. the Borg, the Klingons, even mirror Phlox being the one who created the pain booths. pointless contrived links. it was all total shit.


I like Enterprise. More than Voyager in many respects.

But I think one thing it, the new film, the Star Wars prequels, etc. show is that if you're going to establish a canon, and then go back and yet try to stick to the canon you're going to fuck up your ability to tell a good story because you're trapped trying to tell what happens that we already know about and how your new stories fit in.

It's one reason they set KOTOR so far back.


Canadians burned my passport
Have you guys seen Star Trek Phase II? It used to be called New Voyages or something, but I just watched a few episodes and I'm amazed at the quality and how authentic it looks. The acting could be better, but everything else is pretty great.


I somehow never caught this one before; from the teaser of "Galaxy's Child": Geordi to Picard about the real Leah Brahms, "I've studied her...schematics for years."


benjipwns said:
I somehow never caught this one before; from the teaser of "Galaxy's Child": Geordi to Picard about the real Leah Brahms, "I've studied her...schematics for years."
I caught that when I watched the episode. It took me a bit by surprise, but got a good laugh out of it.


I almost done with the DTI novel and I must say if they had used the novel's reason for the temporal cold war in Enterprise. The concept probably would have gone over better.


Data's dating in "In Theory" is fun. Could probably be used for Girl/Dating-GAF.


In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot...

Episode has one of the worst deaths in the entire franchise.


I started Voyager a few days ago after finishing TNG, and one thing is really bothering me. Whenever someone pages another person, they just start talking instead of tapping on their com badge to confirm. It's not huge, but it isn't right.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
benjipwns said:
Data's dating in "In Theory" is fun. Could probably be used for Girl/Dating-GAF.


In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot...

Episode has one of the worst deaths in the entire franchise.

The woman being fused into the floor? Yeah, that scared me as a kid.
An-Det said:
I started Voyager a few days ago after finishing TNG, and one thing is really bothering me. Whenever someone pages another person, they just start talking instead of tapping on their com badge to confirm. It's not huge, but it isn't right.

Oh don't worry, there will be many more things to bother you than that when going from TNG to Voyager.


Kills Photobucket
An-Det said:
I started Voyager a few days ago after finishing TNG, and one thing is really bothering me. Whenever someone pages another person, they just start talking instead of tapping on their com badge to confirm. It's not huge, but it isn't right.

But it's a few years after TNG, technology has improved. Voice activated comm systems, bio gel packs, self replicating shuttlecraft...
DrForester said:
But it's a few years after TNG, technology has improved. Voice activated comm systems, bio gel packs, self replicating shuttlecraft...

Not to mention the astonishing ability to create water out of thin air!


Dax01 said:
What difference do the remasters have?
All the redone space shots and background images. They had season 1 up a year or so ago, and I watched some of them. Very well done, the opposite of how Lucas did it.

Anyway, all 3 seasons should be up this time.


I decided to watch some Star Trek: The Next Generation out of boredom. First stop The Royale.

It got me thinking, what if the astronaut had had a better book with him instead of a second rate one? Like say Harry Potter or something? The away team could be stuck in Hogwarts for 7 years. Hell, what if he'd had Twilight? God I shudder to think what they'd be putting up with right now.

One of my favorite episodes. It's like a Holodeck episode without the Holodeck.

"She says the kitchen will be open all night if we change our mind."
Jasoco said:
It got me thinking, what if the astronaut had had a better book with him instead of a second rate one? Like say Harry Potter or something? The away team could be stuck in Hogwarts for 7 years. Hell, what if he'd had Twilight? God I shudder to think what they'd be putting up with right now.
Heh. We could ask the same question about TOS's A Piece of the Action, except in that case everything would go planetwide instead of an isolated building.
GameplayWhore said:
Not to mention the astonishing ability to create water out of thin air!

And magical shuttle pod creation abilities. No matter how many get destroyed, there is always a backup

Tobor said:
TOS remasters and TNG should be up on Netflix sometime in July. I'm so ready.

Was it confirmed that the TOS was going to be the remastered series. Seen it mentioned many places but never anything about whether it would be remastered or not, or is this assumed since they are supposed to be in HD?


"Disaster" is a great episode. Everybody gets to do something fun and somewhat out of their element. (Crusher working with Geordi, Worf as nurse, Troi in command, Picard with kids.)

I wish I was the executive officer in charge of radishes.
benjipwns said:
"Disaster" is a great episode. Everybody gets to do something fun and somewhat out of their element. (Crusher working with Geordi, Worf as nurse, Troi in command, Picard with kids.)

I wish I was the executive officer in charge of radishes.

I love how Crusher's unusual circumstance is being stuck with Geordi.


Digital Bits has some new information about The Next Generation Remastered.

Multiple sources I spoke with at Comic-Con have also confirmed our report from earlier this year that CBS is hard at work on Star Trek: The Next Generation - Remastered for Blu-ray release starting sometime in 2012. The latest word is that 4 test episodes are currently being worked on for release as a sampler/demo BD disc of the project, and that sampler disc will somehow be available to fans by the end of this year. Watch for additional news in the months ahead.
Am I the only one who doesn't want a Remastered set? I couldn't stand the awful cg in the TOS remasters and would hate to see how they would ruin TNG.


Rex Banner said:
Possibly because TOS looks like ass by now?

Seriously, TNG does NOT need CG.
Have you watched TNG lately? The poor effects really take away from it. Update the space shots, put some realistic planets in and maybe spruce up the phaser and transporter effects. Job done. That's what I liked about the TOS remastered effects - they weren't over the top and they *fit*.
Sir Fragula said:
Have you watched TNG lately? The poor effects really take away from it. Update the space shots, put some realistic planets in and maybe spruce up the phaser and transporter effects. Job done. That's what I liked about the TOS remastered effects - they weren't over the top and they *fit*.

edit: Yes I have. Props/Models will always look better than overly shiny/uncanny valley CG


TNG's model shots were done on film, so it probably won't need a full CG upgrade like TOS. That would limit the work to stuff like phaser blasts, the Crystilline Entity, etc. and make it more economical. DS9 had a lot more CG that would need to be redone in HD, but I'm hoping TNG sells enough to make it worthwhile.
tuffy said:
TNG's model shots were done on film, so it probably won't need a full CG upgrade like TOS. That would limit the work to stuff like phaser blasts, the Crystilline Entity, etc. and make it more economical. DS9 had a lot more CG that would need to be redone in HD, but I'm hoping TNG sells enough to make it worthwhile.

Im kind of glad TNG still had to use models for it SFX. voyager started to substitute SPLOSIONS for real stories. It just became too easy to use SFX shots.

MC Safety

If the Next Generation remasters digitally erase Wesley Crusher and all mention of Wesley Crusher they will be worthy of a purchase.


Trent Strong said:
Janeway murdered Tuvix in cold blood.

Tuvix's plea on the bridge when they came to take him away was well done and heartfelt. I was really glad that the Doctor refused to cooperate, but Janeway was out for blood in that episode.


Kills Photobucket
Henchmen21 said:
Am I the only one who doesn't want a Remastered set? I couldn't stand the awful cg in the TOS remasters and would hate to see how they would ruin TNG.

Then turn them off, assuming you have the BR and not the DVD's you can watch either the original, or remaster.


Henchmen21 said:
Am I the only one who doesn't want a Remastered set? I couldn't stand the awful cg in the TOS remasters and would hate to see how they would ruin TNG.

Yep. You're the only one.
Trent Strong said:
Janeway murdered Tuvix in cold blood.
Definitely a key thing that makes me anti-Janeway, and anti- the people who put up no objection. If Tuvok's death would save two others, no way in hell would Janeway force him to do it. She tried to make a point about how Tuvok and Neelix would give their lives for others, but it made it seem like Catch-22.

Janeway: These guys would die to save people!
Tuvix: So allow them to do that, for me their "offspring".
Janeway: Your not wanting to die makes it all the more clear you shouldn't live.
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