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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Kills Photobucket
lastplayed said:
Don't really like what's going on down below, the top looks awesome though.


I'd prefer the underside to keep the same flat surface so it's just a saucer and nacelle pylons. A bit like the NX.

Those are clearly not the same class of ship though. I imagine the J looks pretty flat on the bottom.

a176 said:
while on that topic

this would have been the nx in season 5

You sure that's not a fan mockup? Why would it have the Starfleet emblem on it? Also, it wold directly contradict the season 4 finale, where Enterprise was being retired.
Haven't seen that exact image before, but it's a design done for the Ships of the Line calendar as a could've-been.


I don't think it's anything they were actually considering, though. We have some idea of things planned for the fifth season, but the only mention of the refit on that page is about the calendar.
DrForester said:
You sure that's not a fan mockup? Why would it have the Starfleet emblem on it? Also, it wold directly contradict the season 4 finale, where Enterprise was being retired.
Well, had there been a season 5 I'm sure season 4 would've ended a biiit differently.


I wish they did something with the XCV330 Enterprise. There's that whole period after the Federation being founded where it would have made sense for Starfleet ships to take Vulcan design inspiration, and the XCV330 would have been an interesting addition.


DrForester said:
You sure that's not a fan mockup? Why would it have the Starfleet emblem on it? Also, it wold directly contradict the season 4 finale, where Enterprise was being retired.
If there had been a fifth season it would have been set in 2155+ after "Terra Prime."

"These Are The Voyages..." takes place six years later in 2161 and probably would not have been the season finale.
DrForester said:
I think I remember reading that "These are the Voyages..." was filmed well before they knew they were canned.
Looking into things on Memory Alpha, it looks like it was conceived earlier, filmed after.
3 February - ENT: "United" airs and Paramount Pictures announces that Star Trek: Enterprise has been canceled by UPN.
Shooting on this episode began late on 25 February 2005, after a good part of the day had been spent wrapping up the filming of the previous episode, "Terra Prime".

Principal photography lasted eight days, rather than the usual seven, concluding on 5 March 2005
The concept was already floating around, though, and some version of it may have been used anyway.
This episode was reported to have been written as a possible finale for the show's third season should the series not have been renewed. According to Enterprise producer Mike Sussman, however, while the idea for this episode was conceived during that year, the episode was not written until season 4. [1]

According to Rick Berman, this episode would have been the fourth season finale even if the series had been picked up for a fifth season. He did state, however, that if the series had been renewed, Tucker would still have been killed off because the episode flashed forward in time and so when the show came back for the new season, Tucker would still have been alive. [2] In later interviews, Berman said that if the show had been renewed, several story elements, including Tucker's death, would likely have been changed. [3]
These are the Voyages... would have been great if all the characters were off and all the little details like uniform were wrong, the whole holosuit can create exact real reactive recreations of people always seemed cheap and lazy.
TATV could have been used to show how history is misreading, how real complex people get softened and turned into simple heros.
JoshuaJSlone said:
I don't think it's anything they were actually considering, though. We have some idea of things planned for the fifth season, but the only mention of the refit on that page is about the calendar.
In a 2009 interview, Welsh writer/producer Russell T Davies, showrunner of the British series Doctor Who, said that he had considered proposing a crossover between Doctor Who and Star Trek, but that the latter was canceled before the idea could be pursued.[9]
Wait... WHAT?

That would have been the crossover to end all crossovers.

Pure amazing.


lunarworks said:
Wait... WHAT?

That would have been the crossover to end all crossovers.

Pure amazing.

Not really if RTD was involved, half the main characters of trek would have been retconned as gay and the story would involve around a thressome between picard, sisko and the doctor.


Junior Member
a176 said:
while on that topic

this would have been the nx in season 5
Should have been the design in Season 1. The NX Enterprise is the ugliest most incongruous piece of shit ever.
dalin80 said:
Not really if RTD was involved, half the main characters of trek would have been retconned as gay and the story would involve around a thressome between picard, sisko and the doctor.
And they heros would escape thanks to something that was never even hinted at before.


dalin80 said:
Not really if RTD was involved, half the main characters of trek would have been retconned as gay and the story would involve around a thressome between picard, sisko and the doctor.

Poor Doctor, he'd never have a chance with those two.
Qwomo said:
Should have been the design in Season 1. The NX Enterprise is the ugliest most incongruous piece of shit ever.
Not just NX. All starship designs on the shows went downhill imho. The Enterprise-E is really were it begins.
Teh Hamburglar said:
What other ships were there after Ent-E? NX?
I'm talking about all ship designs not just enterprise.

The Enterprise E is one of the finest looking ships in Star Trek.
God no. Sovereign class was horrid, it was like a bastard child of Excelsior and Constitution. First, there's the engines. Prior to E, you could see engine design getting smaller not larger. Then there's that god awful no neck design. There's a reason they never shot that ship from the front. Plus, it was around that time the ship design went more militaristic.

Galaxy was the pinnacle of starship design. It had a grandness to it while at the same time feeling mighty.


Voyager is my third favorite, after constitution-C.

Nubula is just dumb though. Galaxy saucer with stunted legs? No thanks.
Henchmen21 said:
God no. Sovereign class was horrid, it was like a bastard child of Excelsior and Constitution. First, there's the engines. Prior to E, you could see engine design getting smaller not larger.
Engines make it look fast and deadly.
Then there's that god awful no neck design. There's a reason they never shot that ship from the front.
You mean besides when it was first shown? And plenty of good-looking ships have no neck: Voyager, Defiant, Prometheus, Akira, Miranda, etc...
Dax01 said:
Engines make it look fast and deadly.

You mean besides when it was first shown? And plenty of good-looking ships have no neck: Voyager, Defiant, Prometheus, Akira, Miranda, etc...
Voyager? Defiant? no...just no.

Miranda doesn't count cause it doesn't even have a body. It's just saucer with engines attached.

Also, they don't film it directly from the front (atleast not in long shot. The closest you get is zoomed in on the torpedo launcher when they fire). It's always slightly to the side, or from above.

Voyager is my third favorite, after constitution-C.

Nubula is just dumb though. Galaxy saucer with stunted legs? No thanks.
Ambassador class is the one you're thinking of. That was a great ship design. It really did feel like a between class of the constitution & the Galaxy. In fact it does kind of look like a constitution TNG'izied.

What's wrong with Nebula? Like the Ambassador class, it feels like a TNG refit of an earlier class (in this case Miranda)


Somehow that design (Miranda) really did work better with the TMP-era parts. Miranda is probably my favorite design, but Nebula just looks kind of bubbly and silly.
maharg said:
Somehow that design (Miranda) really did work better with the TMP-era parts. Miranda is probably my favorite design, but Nebula just looks kind of bubbly and silly.
You know, that occurs to me...Where the hell is the deflector dish on that thing? Nebula had one and it was the same basic design. How the hell can they have shields without one?
Henchmen21 said:
Voyager? Defiant? no...just no.

Miranda doesn't count cause it doesn't even have a body. It's just saucer with engines attached.

Also, they don't film it directly from the front (atleast not in long shot. The closest you get is zoomed in on the torpedo launcher when they fire). It's always slightly to the side, or from above.
You're hating on Intrepid and Defiant? Seems to me you just have weird taste in ship design. And there's hardly any filming, of any ship, from directly in front. It's always slightly off to the side.



First, the Sovereign class is amazingly well designed. It just looks gorgeous.

Second, has anyone seen the above ship linked on Doug Drexler's blog? Supposedly an intermediary between Galaxy and Sovereign; Drex has a bit of a soft spot for ships from non-TV eras.


The bussard collectors look weird, and the saucer doesn't really go with those chunky nacelles either imo. Not feeling it.

The Sovereign and Defiant are both brilliantly designed ships. For me the Sovereign design is even better than the Con Refit/Excelsior.
Sir Fragula said:

First, the Sovereign class is amazingly well designed. It just looks gorgeous.

Second, has anyone seen the above ship linked on Doug Drexler's blog? Supposedly an intermediary between Galaxy and Sovereign; Drex has a bit of a soft spot for ships from non-TV eras.

I really dug the Ent E for the movies. It felt like a heavy cruiser, capable of dishing out the hurt as well as taking some in turn. It wasn't as elegant as the Ent D but there was a huge split in tone between the show and movies.


Sovereign class is iconic. I liked the Vesta class from the "extended universe".


Also found the Sabre class growing on me.
DrForester said:
The Doctor alone makes Voyager better than Enterprise.

Yeah, Bob Picardo really shone in that role. Probably a combination of his natural comic talent and the fact that unlike everyone else on the ship he was actually allowed character development.
Sir Fragula said:
Enterprise hate is pretty funny, given that every single episode is better than every single episode of Voyager.
I was once told about a type of bird that fucks while both mates are in the air, as they fuck they do into a spiraling fall that often leads to both dieing, that's Voyager and Enterprise that is.


Anyone know what channel they show Star Trek on in the UK, after they killed off Virgin 1/Channel One and as such stopped Star Trek, I don't think I have seen it on the listings since.

Dax01 said:
The Enterprise E is one of the finest looking ships in Star Trek.

I love the Sovereign class, no doubt my favourite of the TV/Film series of ships.
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