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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Never seen any Trek before (besides the awesome recent movie), but I'm planning on starting DS9 very soon. Soon as I finish the latest Doctor Who season.


Jealous Bastard
i would actually recommend just hitting some major highlights--generally well-regarded episodes of any of the shows you're interested in--to sample and see if the tone of it is even to your liking. that's how i did it, years ago, cherry-picking ones i was curious about, then watching them all straight through once i understood that i loved it like a child.
Never seen any Trek before (besides the awesome recent movie), but I'm planning on starting DS9 very soon. Soon as I finish the latest Doctor Who season.
It'd probably be better to start off with TNG then move on to DS9 as DS9 does far more with the universe than TNG did, and it'll be easier to slide in.

But if you're sure you won't be overwhelmed with everything, go right ahead.

Davey Cakes

I started with DS9 and that's probably what made it easier to forgive TNG's early shortcomings. It was a backwards leap over a decade's worth of time, which didn't do TNG any favors in its first, worst, and most dated season, but by that time I had an understanding of the Trek universe and I enjoyed the setting (in terms of being a "soap opera in space") because of DS9, so I was more forgiving. That said, the idea of cherry-picking specific episodes works in TNG's favor more than DS9's, so going that route wouldn't hurt.

DS9 to me was actually a good show in general as much as it was a good Star Trek show. I think it has easier likability for non-Trekkies, which is why I always deem it to be "Star Trek for people who don't know if they'll like Star Trek." A strong entry point in its own ways.

But again, the choice to specifically sample some of the most recommended TNG eps from Seasons 3-6 is entirely valid.


I only caught a few ST episodes here and there when they were new but now Ive been pvring TNG and Voyager episodes(no DS9 airings seem to be around here) for the last few months. TNG is hit and miss, too 90s and I really just skip anything that doesnt have anything to do with the war, or klingons.
But voyager is just plain awesome.
Has there ever been any talk about getting the cast of Voyager or DS9 back together for a movie or miniseries? I really just want a 'where are they now?' type episode.


Has there ever been any talk about getting the cast of Voyager or DS9 back together for a movie or miniseries? I really just want a 'where are they now?' type episode.
There are books that take place after the series if you really want something like that.


Kills Photobucket
Has there ever been any talk about getting the cast of Voyager or DS9 back together for a movie or miniseries? I really just want a 'where are they now?' type episode.

There's really no chance of this ever happening. Just isn't realistic so long after the shows ended.


I should watch The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine again. I've probably watched TNG only about half a dozen times since the series ended and I haven't watched a single episode of DSN since it ended. I can't believe it's been 18 fucking years since TNG ended and 13 for DSN.


You're absolutely correct. Voyager did many things wrong, and its reliance on bad science and jargon was at the top of the list.

The technology worship got so bad on Voyager they had the captain routinely seeking advice from a hologram.

When they said in the pilot that Voyager's computer was based on bio-neural gel, and revealed the Doctor, I expected them to eventually claim that Voyager (and by extension its holograms) were sentient.


Anyone get the TNG: The Next Level sampler disc? It came from Amazon today. Un-freaking-believable!!! I never thought I'd get to see TNG like this. Hopefully the season sets won't be completely price inflated (but it's what I'm expecting).

The 7.1 sound mixes are rather weird. It sounds like a good deal of the score got shoved back into the rear speakers - which just sounds odd. Then again, I only actually have a 5.1 sound system, so maybe the down-mix via my AV receiver isn't working to well for this disc for some reason.

Got mine today!


Can't wait to watch it tonight after work!


When they said in the pilot that Voyager's computer was based on bio-neural gel, and revealed the Doctor, I expected them to eventually claim that Voyager (and by extension its holograms) were sentient.

Gotta love that bit about the bio-neural gel in general. Why was it using that? Who knows. What difference did it make? None at all. But it sure sounded nifty!


Gotta love that bit about the bio-neural gel in general. Why was it using that? Who knows. What difference did it make? None at all. But it sure sounded nifty!

Just finished Voyager yesterday. Apparently it allowed the ship to carry out functions faster, similar to a biological brain. It was pretty cool that the ship could essentially get "sick".

Ive been wondering what a new Star Trek show would bring to the table recently. Where would it be set? What would be its thing(Voyager = Lost in space, DS9 = War). I think setting it in the far future would be interesting, like 29th Century and beyond. Id be curious to see how humanity would hold up for that long.


Junior Member
I would kill to see an animated Star Trek series that redesigns all the races into less "humans with forehead ridges" and more "crazy aliens".



Also an animated series would allow for a Star Trek show to actually show alien environments. I wish Star Trek had more exploring uncharted planets, running into crazy wildlife and locales. For a show about exploration, it's always been kinda poor on that front.

And any new Star Trek series needs to completely retcon all the "hurr, gritty Star Trek isn't dat cool" nonsense that DS9 tried to introduce with the Section 31 trash and Dominion War. Return to the free socialist sexual utopia of Roddenberry's vision or not at all.
Return to the free socialist sexual utopia of Roddenberry's vision or not at all.

Having a show where your main cast members all love each other makes for a pretty boring drama. I think you can still have an idealized vision of the future without turning it into an after school special.


I would kill to see an animated Star Trek series that redesigns all the races into less "humans with forehead ridges" and more "crazy aliens".



Also an animated series would allow for a Star Trek show to actually show alien environments. I wish Star Trek had more exploring uncharted planets, running into crazy wildlife and locales. For a show about exploration, it's always been kinda poor on that front.

And any new Star Trek series needs to completely retcon all the "hurr, gritty Star Trek isn't dat cool" nonsense that DS9 tried to introduce with the Section 31 trash and Dominion War. Return to the free socialist sexual utopia of Roddenberry's vision or not at all.

Yeah there needs to be more aliens. That is why I enjoy the books. The raptor doctor on the Titan is awesome. The fact that crew kind of shuns him and him disliking childbirths is interesting twist.


I always liked the time travel stories..
Maybe a show based on a timeship crew?

Though writing for that show would probably be confusing as hell.

Or... how about a show that isnt about a crew at all. What if they made the Star Trek version of Masters of Horror/Science? Every episode would focus on a different character within the federation. Life on earth, the colonies. One episode your on the enterprise, another its about ensign kim trying to make captain.


Junior Member
Having a show where your main cast members all love each other makes for a pretty boring drama. I think you can still have an idealized vision of the future without turning it into an after school special.
The "no interpersonal conflict" rule of Roddenberry is a bit silly, I agree. I'm not saying the main cast should all be best friends, I'm more thinking of the general tone that DS9 tried to establish. The idea that the Federation is inherently flawed and willing to do evil things (Section 31, etc.) and that there are plenty of people willing to betray Starfleet and the Federation (that military coup plotline) is what I think goes too far away from Roddenberry's vision.

Basically, more happy-fun-times TNG, less tries-too-hard DS9.


Having a show where your main cast members all love each other makes for a pretty boring drama. I think you can still have an idealized vision of the future without turning it into an after school special.

TOS was hella compelling drama for the most part and it's when Roddenberry actually had the control to make that be roughly the case. There were a couple of episodes that strayed from that vision, but not very far.
Watching TNG S6. Was it ever explained why Troi retains her traditional starfleet uniform throughout the season after the events of Chain of Command?


I always liked the time travel stories..
Maybe a show based on a timeship crew?

Though writing for that show would probably be confusing as hell.

Or... how about a show that isnt about a crew at all. What if they made the Star Trek version of Masters of Horror/Science? Every episode would focus on a different character within the federation. Life on earth, the colonies. One episode your on the enterprise, another its about ensign kim trying to make captain.

The Department of Temporal Investigation was pretty fun. Wraps up the temporal cold war nicely, even explained the plot hole from First Contact.


Watching TNG S6. Was it ever explained why Troi retains her traditional starfleet uniform throughout the season after the events of Chain of Command?

Did it need to be? She took his criticism to heart and started wearing a uniform and then kept doing it. Not really a big leap.

Truth is, though, I think Marina Sirtis was tired of that ugly onepiece.


Watching TNG S6. Was it ever explained why Troi retains her traditional starfleet uniform throughout the season after the events of Chain of Command?

Troi wore casual clothes because she didn't take Starfleet regulations seriously, and Picard was fine with that. She wore the Starfleet uniform when that meant something to her.

In season 7, they explained that she was thinking more and more about taking Starfleet seriously ever since a season 5 accident put her temporarily in command of the ship and responsible for the lives of everyone on board.

Captain Jellico confronted her casual ways (in season 6). While he was there, she was basically forced to wear the uniform, and when Picard came back she wasn't forced anymore. But the question remained, did she want to act more formally and less casual?
Jellico: "Counselor, I can't help but notice you're the only one wearing a unitard that displays your aweesome cleavage. It makes me uncomfortable."

Everyone else: :(

Davey Cakes

Truth is, though, I think Marina Sirtis was tired of that ugly onepiece.
Yeah, I don't get why they had her continue wearing it. Was always really ugly to me.

Personally, I liked that green dress that she wore once in a while. Don't know why they didn't go with that one more often.

Anyway, I welcomed the change when she started wearing the Starfleet uniform.
Yeah there needs to be more aliens. That is why I enjoy the books. The raptor doctor on the Titan is awesome. The fact that crew kind of shuns him and him disliking childbirths is interesting twist.
Haha, yeah, Titan is crazy. Giant spiders, aquatic people using reverse-scuba, people from microgravity environments, and the whole gathering of carnivores.
Bleeding Cool has squirrelled out news of an upcoming crossover that might send certain minds reeling. That in May, IDW are to publish a Doctor Who/Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover series. Featuring The Doctor, Rory, Amy, Captain Picard, Worf, Data, Geordi LaForge, Deanna Troi, Will Riker and the rest. And that this art, featuring the Doctor, Rory and Amy on the bridge of the Enterprise is a cover that will be used in the series.
I think all this thread serves is for everyone to bash other series when someone posts asking which season to watch in order. Come on, guys. We can all do better than this. Instead of creating tangential arguments, we can just answer the question thats been posed.


Just saw the first episode of ST: DS9. It was solid, I guess. Certainly better than the Babylon 5 pilot, and effects/sets wise it looks pretty good for a show from '93. Will watch more.

But god, I hate Sisko's actor. He's very... theatrical. Please tell me he gets better.
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