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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
If you plan to get the Blu-Ray set for TNG Season One, wait a while!

They'll probably make replacement discs available to consumers who purchased the glitched discs. Thanks for the heads-up!


Subete no aware
If you post something bad about The Visitor, I'm going to have to Internet Punch you in the Internet Face.
I have a friend who thinks it is over-emotional pablum. lol

Of all the stupid time travel reboot episodes that Trek has done though, it's definitely the best one.


ONe thing I love about a Bluray release such as this is how you notice things you never noticed before.
This certainly caught me by surprise. :p


Sorry about the crappy quality. It's taken off-screen with an iPad.

What am I supposed to be seeing?


Finished watching DS9 again, and the rushed feel to the finale still annoys me, especially how they handled Gul Dukat and the pah-wraiths (he deserved better). They probably could've done another season out of that, let alone the Dominion war which ended real quick, too.


Just watched the Voyager episode where the Doctor gets sent to the Prometheus, the Doctor is awesome, it was a good idea to introduce the mobile emitter really an expand his character as it would have been a real shame if he was kept away in the med bay and holo deck for the entire series.

That Prometheus episode is such a tease though, here's this new ship with some sweet technology going on in the background of the Dominion War, but never gets taken further than that afterwards. And then they go back to Enterprise.

Finished watching DS9 again, and the rushed feel to the finale still annoys me, especially how they handled Gul Dukat and the pah-wraiths (he deserved better). They probably could've done another season out of that, let alone the Dominion war which ended real quick, too.

It was like they ended the whole arc the same way they do with an episode, everything got resolved in the last 10 minutes, lol.
Shame really, there was a lot to work with, pity it was all stuff in right at the end.
I continued rewatching DS9 again, getting close to the end of Season 4 already. Seasons 1-3 were pretty bland, but season 4 has had some really good episodes. Little Green Men and Our Man Bashir were good fun, and Hard Time was the first really good serious episode (okay, after Duet).

Getting Worf joining the cast seemed to really help the show. Even though I dislike the Klingon centered episodes, having Worf as one of the main characters makes the show much stronger. Not sure why this is, maybe the writers knew how to write Worf already from TNG... And I guess more Worf means less Dax, Kira & Sisko, so it's all good.

The Ferengi eps have been pretty good, but there's quite lot of them already. They must have been pretty popular because they kept making so many of them.

And the Mirror universe episodes are just dumb... TOS and Enterprise made them much better.


Kills Photobucket
Finished watching DS9 again, and the rushed feel to the finale still annoys me, especially how they handled Gul Dukat and the pah-wraiths (he deserved better). They probably could've done another season out of that, let alone the Dominion war which ended real quick, too.

The problem was they had two huge stories that needed to be ended. The war, and the Prophets. There was no good way to link these, and there was really no way to done earlier. You couldn't end the prophets arc early, becasue you'd have to get rid of Sisko early, and ending the war arc early would have seemed anti-clamatic.

That said I do think they should have switched them. Have the Prophets bit end first, then the crew fights to save the Alpha Quadrant without Sisko.

And the Mirror universe episodes are just dumb... TOS and Enterprise made them much better.

I really enjoyed the first two Mirror episode for DS9. It was a really clever return to the universe. After the second visit, it just got silly.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
just found out that Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the villain in the ST2009 sequel. I am so ready.
just found out that Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the villain in the ST2009 sequel. I am so ready.

My greatest wish for the sequel is for it to be smarter than the first movie. The first movie's so dumb I can't enjoy it. It's really hard for me to get through. The people writing it don't give me much hope.
The problem was they had two huge stories that needed to be ended. The war, and the Prophets. There was no good way to link these, and there was really no way to done earlier. You couldn't end the prophets arc early, becasue you'd have to get rid of Sisko early, and ending the war arc early would have seemed anti-clamatic.

I really wanted to see what happened after the war. How did Cardassia rebuild? Did the Romulans immediately go back to their old ways? What about the Breen? How did all the occupied Federation planets cope during the war? What's the psychology of Earth like now?

Such a wealth of material to work from. I reckon they could've fleshed out a whole season with it.
I really wanted to see what happened after the war. How did Cardassia rebuild? Did the Romulans immediately go back to their old ways? What about the Breen? How did all the occupied Federation planets cope during the war? What's the psychology of Earth like now?

Such a wealth of material to work from. I reckon they could've fleshed out a whole season with it.

Yeah, kind of like Babylon 5 season 5, where they deal with the after effects of war(s). But on the other hand, the build-up is always going to be better than the actual event, and if too much time is spend with the after effects people are just going to get bored. Maybe Babylon 5 has done the long story arc thing best so far, and DS9, Lost and Galactica each failed in their own way.


Yeah, kind of like Babylon 5 season 5, where they deal with the after effects of war(s). But on the other hand, the build-up is always going to be better than the actual event, and if too much time is spend with the after effects people are just going to get bored. Maybe Babylon 5 has done it best so far, and DS9, Lost and Galactica each failed in their own way.

Most people think of B5's fifth season as the worst, and for good reason. A whole season of denouement is just too much. In the blueprints of the show before S5 was thought to be cancelled, the
war with Earth
would have extended through much of S5. And it would have been a better season for it.
Most people think of B5's fifth season as the worst, and for good reason. A whole season of denouement is just too much. In the blueprints of the show before S5 was thought to be cancelled, the
war with Earth
would have extended through much of S5. And it would have been a better season for it.

Yeah, the war was replaced by the telepath story, and let's face it, other than parts directly involving Bester, it sucked. But I was thinking about the later half of season 5, which dealt with the loose ends that were left after the war ended.
. . .

You've made a powerful enemy today, SpoonyBard.

I agree, Dax is awesome. How dare he slander her!

Anyway - haven't watched as much in the past couple days, but I did get through the S4 premier of DS9. Really good episode. Visitor is next I think, which is what someone was telling me about before.
I agree, Dax is awesome. How dare he slander her!

Well, she's not as annoying as Sisko or Kira, but she's not a very interesting character to me... The episodes where she plays the central role are pretty dull. Worf, Odo, Garak, O'Brien and Quark are much more interesting characters. Maybe even Bashir.


Subete no aware
Just cross posting from the BD thread:

Here's the replacement info for the BDs:

Dear Star Trek Fans, We have discovered an anomaly in the English 7.1 DTS Master Audio track in our Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 Blu-ray Box set. There are some episodes that inadvertently had their front channel designations incorrectly mapped, resulting in an undesired playback experience when listening to them in a 7.1 or 5.1 Surround Sound environment. We are quickly working to remedy the situation. Replacement discs (Disc 1, 3 and 4) will be made available free of charge. Please email phe.stng@bydeluxe.com for details regarding the replacement program. You may also call 1-877-DELUXE6 (877-335-8936) between 8am to 6pm Pacific, Monday-Friday. We strive to provide our fans the best Blu-ray experience possible and sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Just cross posting from the BD thread:

Here's the replacement info for the BDs:

Awesome! Thanks a ton.

Really happy CBS took care of this so quickly.

OK. I called and ordered my replacement discs. They said that they should ship within five days after August 10th, so I guess they're still manufacturing them right now (and preparing future S1 releases with the correct discs.)

Make sure you have your S1 discs handy when calling.


Which episode of Star Trek (any series) should I watch right now?

It's the ultimate pre-bedtime show to fall asleep to (in a good way) for me.

Last night was 'Remember Me', TNG. So good.




What would be an amazing third ep to complement Remember Me and Cause and Effect? I fucking love those two episodes.

...or fuck it, I might just watch The Best of Both Worlds. I haven't seen it in like, ten years.


Oddly I never feel like rewatching Yesterday's Enterprise. Nothing will be the first time I saw it, blew my mind.

Nicely done! That'd be perfect. I just happened to see it on TV randomly two weeks ago though.

I've decided. It's time for Admiral Cain. I mean, Ensign Ro.

Ro & Guinan, my two fave non-regs.


No, but she was supposed to move to DS9 as first officer, but turned it down, and the role of Kira was created instead.

I know that part, but even using her as an occasional guest character on the show would've been good, I think.

Kind of a shame.
I just finished watching the entire TNG series last night. During the last 2 seasons, some of the episodes started to stretch my suspension of disbelief, even beyond what they established to that point in the series but the final episode was really really great. At some point, I'll start watching Deep Space Nine.
"Pegasus" and then "These are the Voyages..."!

Oh, shit. You know, I understand how people are pissed off that the last episode was hijacked as such, but I think it'd be pretty amusing to recut the two together in chronological order.


What would be an amazing third ep to complement Remember Me and Cause and Effect? I fucking love those two episodes..

So, mindfuck episodes. Parallels isn't as good as the above two, but it's fun and definitely along those general lines. Actually, the series clincher was like that, too, and I really liked the fanservice and forced disorientation there, as well.

C&E is probably my favourite TNG episode. So good. Don't watch Time Squared. It's an incredibly inferior knock-off
that was made first


Subete no aware
Oh, shit. You know, I understand how people are pissed off that the last episode was hijacked as such, but I think it'd be pretty amusing to recut the two together in chronological order.

Someone did that actually. It was pretty amusing to see them mashed together into a mega-episode. lol
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