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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Oh, shit. You know, I understand how people are pissed off that the last episode was hijacked as such, but I think it'd be pretty amusing to recut the two together in chronological order.

So, mindfuck episodes. Parallels isn't as good as the above two, but it's fun and definitely along those general lines. Actually, the series clincher was like that, too, and I really liked the fanservice and forced disorientation there, as well.

C&E is probably my favourite TNG episode. So good. Don't watch Time Squared. It's an incredibly inferior knock-off
that was made first

Whenever I'm hungry for a great single-serving portion of TNG I always go straight for "Disaster".

Great suggestions, I'd forgotten about these two! I'd also managed to brainfart and forget about all the wonderful Q eps. Good times ahead. :)

(Am I the only one that dug the Voyager Q episodes? I mean, sure, they'd been reduced in power by the outcome, same as the Borg, but some moments were amazing, like the trial Janeway was forced to adjudicate between the Q's)


Are those Borg talking? I sure hope not, because the Borg don't need to talk to each other.

Nah, it's Bane from Batman before Nolan gave him a mouth-thing.



New favorite hilarious DS9 moment.

4th season finale:

Bashir almost fucking skipping a rock across the Great Link.


"Oh. OH." D:


I continued rewatching DS9 again, getting close to the end of Season 4 already. Seasons 1-3 were pretty bland, but season 4 has had some really good episodes. Little Green Men and Our Man Bashir were good fun, and Hard Time was the first really good serious episode (okay, after Duet).

Getting Worf joining the cast seemed to really help the show. Even though I dislike the Klingon centered episodes, having Worf as one of the main characters makes the show much stronger. Not sure why this is, maybe the writers knew how to write Worf already from TNG... And I guess more Worf means less Dax, Kira & Sisko, so it's all good.

The Ferengi eps have been pretty good, but there's quite lot of them already. They must have been pretty popular because they kept making so many of them.

And the Mirror universe episodes are just dumb... TOS and Enterprise made them much better.

What do you expect from a universe ruled by Evil Hoshi and her fam?
Gah, the first Vic Fontaine episode is awful.

I think season 4 may have been the best season of DS9. Seaso 5 felt a bit uneven, and S6 is only slightly better. Episodes like Resurrection, Far Beyond the Stars and His Way would have been better placed outside the Dominion War story arc, or left out altogether.

The Magnificent Ferengi was a fantastic episode, funny how I never realized that se second Vorta was played by Iggy Pop before looking it up. He looked and sounded familar, and the sarcasm the character portrayed was brilliant.

Statistical Probabilities was also pretty good, other than I liked Bashir more before the writers made him a genetically engineered genius. Now they seem pretty unsure what to do with the character. Inquisition was an another interesting Bashir episode, but Section 31 as descripted in this episode is quite unbelievable. I mean, how can organization like that stay secret for so long, when in that episode Sloan wasn't exactly subtle about its existence. And there are several telepathic alien races in Federation, how the hell could they remain secret from them...


I don't mind fontaine, he's not great but people overreact to him - the only episodes he has a REALLY heavy focus in are his way and it's only a paper moon, which are both good episodes. (I guess the heist one near the end too but that's the writers jerking themselves off into a script, based on my intense analysis of the DS9 companion).


napkin dispenser
+1 Vic Fontaine Hate Club. Is there a newsletter?

I hope you at least appreciate the music Gary.

Can't wait for my TNG replacement discs to arrive. I tried watching the affected discs, but the sound issues were way too much of a nuisance to bother trekking through.

Also...dat upscaling of Riker...was terribad. At least it was only for a few frames.
Last night was 'Remember Me', TNG. So good.

Crusher: "If there's nothing wrong with me... there must be something wrong with the universe!"

Computer: "That information is not available"
Crusher: "I wasn't talking to you"

She's so good in that episode. I never understood the lack of love for Crusher/McFadden. (Although from what I've read she wasn't that liked by some of the higher ups, which is probably why she was rarely the focus and was the only member of TNG not to appear in another Trek series in some capacity)
I don't remember the exact line but I love that part in Remember Me when Crusher asks the Enterprise computer to define the universe and the Enterprise tells her it's a spheroid region only slightly larger than the ship itself. Also Picard trying to rationalize why they are the only two crew members on the ship.


Yeah love that episode. Probably one of my favorites, and so simple and low budget comparatively too I'm sure. Star Trek has always done the episodes that torture their characters particularly well.


Gonna watch that ep now.

Crusher: "If there's nothing wrong with me... there must be something wrong with the universe!"

Computer: "That information is not available"
Crusher: "I wasn't talking to you"

She's so good in that episode. I never understood the lack of love for Crusher/McFadden. (Although from what I've read she wasn't that liked by some of the higher ups, which is probably why she was rarely the focus and was the only member of TNG not to appear in another Trek series in some capacity)

From memory alpha
McFadden became pregnant with her first child during the fourth season of TNG, learning of the pregnancy only days after performing her own stunts for the episode "Remember Me". This explains her absence during the last part of the season.

Also I read several times that Maurice Hurley was sexually harassing her, and only when he was gone did McFadden come back.


Gonna watch that ep now.

From memory alpha

Also I read several times that Maurice Hurley was sexually harassing her, and only when he was gone did McFadden come back.

:/ That sucks. Supposedly a similar sort of thing happened with the actress who played Janice Rand in TOS and that's why she disappeared off that show. Probably wasn't a firing offence back then though. :/


Hurley seems to have been a douche to alot of people.

The late Herbert J. Wright cited Hurley as one of the reasons he left TNG. He described Hurley as "basically playing drinking buddies with Gene." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 224) Tracy Tormé also named Hurley as one of the causes of his departure, after numerous disagreements over Tormé's scripts. (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, pp. 170, 177-178, 181-182)
Oh, forgot perhaps my other favorite single-serving episode. Starship Mine. Just a brilliant piece of action, Picard at his ass-kicking best.
Also I read several times that Maurice Hurley was sexually harassing her, and only when he was gone did McFadden come back.

Just read the memory alpha page on him. If the sexual harassment thing is true, would not be surprised if when she turned him down that was when he tried to get rid of her. Glad they got rid of him come Season 2.


lol rehost
Sorry about that, were in my cache so were showing up.

I did read it. It seems stupid. Apparently he's a liberated Borg that tries to form a new hive mind.

Did they ever say on a Star Trek TV show that the Tholians even have a hive mind?
They're a splinter group of Hugh's splinter group.

I have no idea where the hive mind thing comes from, but it's on startrek.com's entry. (I checked my copy of the Star Trek Encyclopedia for the first time in like a decade and it says nothing about this. Before Memory-Alpha that and the Chronology were so awesome, now they're like pulling out the ol' World Book.)

The comic is from September 1995 so it predates even "Tholian silk" being mentioned.

I assume it's from this book: http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Worlds_of_the_Federation

The comics are particularly hit or miss or their canon depending on when written/by who/etc. For example, the Tholians in that arc all have two legs, something Enterprise contradicts. And there's gobs of character stuff that's proven wrong by later episodes. I think there's like two separate accounts of Picard getting stabbed, which both get contradicted by later episodes and then completely overwritten by Tapestry. (Still some solid stories, along with some horrific ones. The short-lived, ending on a bunch of cliff-hangers Marvel run is pretty good.)

For reference, I'm reading from this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B5KYR2/?tag=neogaf0e-20 (though I downloaded a cbz version of it eventually since it's easier to use than the included pdf version)

Anyway, I posted it because he's Enab.
In the remastered episode, the water in the stream in the background is running and the leaves of the plants are moving.

Wait, so it didn't before?

Anyway, I know I haven't poked my head much, but I do have the S1 Bluray, I'm waiting for my replacement discs, and then I'm going to rip them and add then to my XBMC rig. Since I'll have "direct" access to the video, let me know if anyone has any requests for shots,gif material,etc.
Those comparison shots are so good. So much clearer, crisper in the remastered version.

Also watched The Visitor (DS9 S4) last night. It's gud, you guyz win.


It really is quite awesome compared to how the TOS remaster went. I thought the new space shots were jarring and out of place more than the original. Some of the effects too.


Pretty sure it's true but knowing how Hollywood things go, people tend to sweep it under the rug and cite other 'differences'.

Apparently there was a plan to have Boothby be The Traveler incognito, idk how I feel about that idea.

I kind of hate when they try to overconnect things like that. Hell, reading that list of things they added to this minor character in Voyager makes him look silly.

And creepy:
In the mid 2350s, Boothby brought fresh roses to Cadet Kathryn Janeway's quarters each morning. (VOY: "In the Flesh")


Is that as creepy as some dope from Species 8472 who researched and then PLAYED that role for their simulation?!?

To tie to the comments above, in the Academy comics he's nothing but that. The guy is like the sitcom janitor who knows everything or whatever. He saves one cadet by alerting campus police, can somehow provide evidence to turn up a secret plot, everyone goes to him for advice, etc.

They even weave him into the Homefront/Paradise Lost plot.
What happened to Tasha's head behind Troi in that on shot? In the original it's there but in the remastered it's not.

As to the other topic, don't even get me started on how much 99% of the tie-in fiction is crap. It's like "You know that bit character that had all of one line in one scene in one episode...yeah well later on they became the bestest, most loved, fightingest, savoir of all time EVARSSSS!!!!!!"
What happened to Tasha's head behind Troi in that on shot? In the original it's there but in the remastered it's not.

As to the other topic, don't even get me started on how much 99% of the tie-in fiction is crap. It's like "You know that bit character that had all of one line in one scene in one episode...yeah well later on they became the bestest, most loved, fightingest, savoir of all time EVARSSSS!!!!!!"

It was improved.
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