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The GOP has lost the race for NC Governor, is now trying to steal it

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Unconfirmed Member
So if the vote for governor was tainted by fraud and needs to be thrown out, as the Republicans are trying to assert, does that not mean the same holds true for the presidential votes on the very same ballots?


So if the vote for governor was tainted by fraud and needs to be thrown out, as the Republicans are trying to assert, does that not mean the same holds true for the presidential votes on the very same ballots?

I believe that it does. Let's definitely throw out Florida, NC, PA and WI and try again just to be safe.


This makes me so angry. Democracy is on a path to death in the US. The conservatives are literal fascists who want to claim power and stay in power regardless of method.

Fuck the Republicans

Yeah. The conservatives in Canada can't pull half of the things the GOP is able to in Canada even though conservative groups and parties have done really shady stuff to other political parties in the past like enticing members of a political party to cross the floor to their political party or pulling schemes. I wish there was a way to make the election process less messed up in the US but as long as the GOP has power on the state and federal level nothing will be done.

Nelo Ice

This makes me so angry. Democracy is on a path to death in the US. The conservatives are literal fascists who want to claim power and stay in power regardless of method.

Fuck the Republicans
Yep, and I want to fight back but what in the world can we do with the GOP controlling near everything!?.


Yep, and I want to fight back but what in the world can we do with the GOP controlling near everything!?.

If the GOP ever wants to get elected again there is plenty they have to do for us. Whether they like it or not the working class gop have just as much to gain or lose as the working class dems and if the gop fucks it up it can lead to them losing ground decisively in two-four years.

remember when a bunch of neoliberals held a fundraiser for these monsters?

Oh god I forgot about that.
If the GOP ever wants to get elected again there is plenty they have to do for us. Whether they like it or not the working class gop have just as much to gain or lose as the working class dems and if the gop fucks it up it can lead to them losing ground decisively in two-four years.

Well, as long as the GOP allows the peaceful transition of power.

Which... I mean, this is a thread about them trying to subvert the peaceful transition of power.


The Autumn Wind
To the first, the least you can do is vote.

To the second, if you don't vote, then you are part of the problem in 2018.
Did you not read the portion of the story I quoted?

Under state law, the legislature could order a new election or, “if it can determine which candidate received the highest number of votes,” it may declare a winner. The law asserts that the legislature’s decision in such a contest is “not reviewable” by the courts.
Apparently, election results don't even fucking matter to these people.


Did you not read the portion of the story I quoted?

Apparently, election results don't even fucking matter to these people.

Had he lost by 60k rather than 6k, I don't know whether he'd be singing the same tune. To make it absolutely clear, it's deplorable either way, but margin of victory (and defeat) matters.

Also, by voting, I meant for more than just the governor. If the state legislature weren't controlled by the GOP, he wouldn't be trying this farce either.
Yep, and I want to fight back but what in the world can we do with the GOP controlling near everything!?.
Well, for starters you call your senators in D.C. and let them know you disagree with their policy, their wanting a revote, etc. Talking to your representatives, voting and contributing to your state candidate's campaign for 2018 will be a start.


Yeah. The conservatives in Canada can't pull half of the things the GOP is able to in Canada even though conservative groups and parties have done really shady stuff to other political parties in the past like enticing members of a political party to cross the floor to their political party or pulling schemes. I wish there was a way to make the election process less messed up in the US but as long as the GOP has power on the state and federal level nothing will be done.

The biggest example of an MP crossing the floor to pass a confidence motion was when Belinda Stronach crossed the floor from the Conservatives to the Liberals, while simultaneously dumping her Conservative deputy-leader boyfriend.

Had she not crossed it would have triggered a federal election.



I just read Slate's updated summary and holy shit it would be awful if he stole the election by dragging this shit out.


So they are using the branch of government they gerrymandered, to keep the two branches of government the public has the power to change. Or had, rather.

It's the most blatant perversion of democracy I've read about so far in this country. It's like they just straight up revoked it from the population.
Some real odious shit going on in North Carolina

Seriously. As someone that partially grew up there reading about all the fuckery at state govt level and regressive shit that has been passed over the years has me smh. Hope this McCrory fuck will just go away, have been considering going back there but not if that idiot has anything to do with governance.
This sounds dumb coming out of my mouth, but my god I would support an open and full on revolt in NC if this piece of shit managed to hold onto his position.


The Autumn Wind
What's going to be worse? When the NC GOP pulls this shit off or when no one does a fucking thing about it?


What's going to be worse? When the NC GOP pulls this shit off or when no one does a fucking thing about it?

I honestly don't know what the people can do. The GOP is gerrymandered into a majority in the statehouse. They are packing the courts and stealing the governorship. The public has literally no way to vote them out.

The national GOP see's NC as a model for the nation, I'm sure.


The Autumn Wind
I honestly don't know what the people can do. The GOP is gerrymandered into a majority in the statehouse. They are packing the courts and stealing the governorship. The public has literally no way to vote them out.

The national GOP see's NC as a model for the nation, I'm sure.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but at that point, it's time to use the 2nd Amendment for what it was originally intended.


Cooper announced his transition team today. I love that he's moving forward regardless of McCrory.

From WRAL, "The protests so far have largely been dismissed by Republican-controlled county elections boards as either factually incorrect or unproven. The State Board of Elections plans to meet Tuesday to decide how to instruct counties to handle ballots that have been shown to be ineligible."

We should know more tomorrow hopefully.

edit: fixed link
I honestly don't know what the people can do. The GOP is gerrymandered into a majority in the statehouse. They are packing the courts and stealing the governorship. The public has literally no way to vote them out.

The national GOP see's NC as a model for the nation, I'm sure.

Only good thing is that Mcrory is hated by everyone except the die-hard partisans. The business friendly Republicans hate him because his shitty ass HB2 law sent companies packing from the state. I hope there's enough of those around to deny this jackass.


The fact that even the county election boards controlled by Republicans are largely dismissing McCrory's claims gives me some hope. But, I'm sure he'll find some way to steal the election somehow.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but at that point, it's time to use the 2nd Amendment for what it was originally intended.

Making volunteer soldiers supply their own weapons because Congress didn't have the political capital to raise taxes to fund a standing army?
Trump will appoint a SCOTUS judge who will side with the GOP.

Would go before 4-4 court. before january


If there is clear evidence both that Roy Cooper got more votes in North Carolina, with no plausible basis to claim that fraud infected the result (and by all indications so far, both of these facts are true), it could well be both a Due Process and Equal Protection Clause violation for the North Carolina legislature on a partisan basis to consider a “contest” and overturn the results and hand them to Pat McCrory. There are cases where federal courts have gotten involved in these kinds of ugly election disputes (think Roe v. Alabama, Bush v. Gore). But a brazen power grab without a plausible basis for overturning the results of a democratically conducted election? I expect the federal courts would take a very close look at such a thing.

Doubt they really try to appoint him. Seems more to cast a cloud over his term as gov.

Court packing a real posibility


The Autumn Wind
Honestly, I have no faith in government anymore, and have no illusions that this will be stopped by anyone, including the Supreme Court.
Either way, it would likely come down to Kennedy, and it seems quite possible that he would side with the liberal bloc in this case.

Roberts would likely too. Roberts is all about the courts legitimacy. I actually expect him to be pretty swingy in a trump administration


The biggest example of an MP crossing the floor to pass a confidence motion was when Belinda Stronach crossed the floor from the Conservatives to the Liberals, while simultaneously dumping her Conservative deputy-leader boyfriend.

Had she not crossed it would have triggered a federal election.


Wasn't reffering to anything on the federal side but your example still works. I was referring to that massive floor crossing in 2014 in alberta.


Only good thing is that Mcrory is hated by everyone except the die-hard partisans. The business friendly Republicans hate him because his shitty ass HB2 law sent companies packing from the state. I hope there's enough of those around to deny this jackass.

Yet they voted back in the people who wrote and passed the law in less than a day.


sparkle this bitch
Would go before 4-4 court. before january


Doubt they really try to appoint him. Seems more to cast a cloud over his term as gov.

Court packing a real posibility

To be fair, are we sure they would go 4 - 4? Or hell, even if it went to it. Most of them while either being extremely conservative or liberal with social views, seem to be much more flexible in terms of these legal issues. Because, this would be opening up a massive can of worms and even approach on their own dealings. So I would feel, they would side against the Reps in this case. It would be a shit show to rule for them basically... like a complete shit show where every close election from this day forward would have that precedent.


Everyone living in a North Carolina and reading this thread should be calling and screaming at every representative up and down the line to honor the results and stop this horseshit. Everyone else can reach out to the appropriate civic NGOs to raise the issue and donate accordingly.
The dude voted against legalizing gay marriage. I don't see how that helps his legacy.

He's not worried about "his" legacy as much as "his court's" legacy. The idea is that he doesn't want to be the person that presides over the point in time where Supreme Court becomes explicitly partisan instead of just implicitly.
Everyone living in a North Carolina and reading this thread should be calling and screaming at every representative up and down the line to honor the results and stop this horseshit. Everyone else can reach out to the appropriate civic NGOs to raise the issue and donate accordingly.

If the mainstream media here would just tell it like it is, the GOP would probably back down and accept defeat. Unfortunately, even NPR loves to glance over or outright ignore things like this. They did have some gop dude on there yesterday claiming that what might happen is another election. And that's all that was said of course. No one from the Democrats to explain how the GOP was simply trying to steal the election from there people.
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