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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Linkzg said:
I don't think MS would care what a bunch of internet forum kids think about. GTAIV will sell buckets on 360 and maybe the less than 3% (at most) who change their opinion wont have an affect.


Like the "$50 a year!" and "RROD!" this will do nothing to stop people from buying a hundred million copies.


DCharlie said:
but yeah, surely this would only affect people who own BOTH consoles?

Thats who I do the comparisons for. The fanboy drivel is an unwanted side effect.

Still waiting on that link to the "other gaming forum", ith3r.
vilmer_ said:
Some of you guys make it way too easy to see what side you're on :p


And even i am moderately surprised
Thats who I do the comparisons for. The fanboy drivel is an unwanted side effect.

sorry, yes, that wasn't directed at you , it was to the drivel crowd.

As i said, appreciate the effort you are putting in for us all as always.


Tobor said:
I wouldn't worry about it. You did all the real damage in post #1.
This thread was going to happen either way. No need to blame him. Would you prefer the official thread be filled with pop up gifs and comparison shots?


Jtrizzy said:
This thread was going to happen either way. No need to blame him. Would you prefer the official thread be filled with pop up gifs and comparison shots?

This is true, I was just pointing out the irony of the OP of all people trying to stem the flow of bullshit in his own train wreck. Continue.


Brashnir said:
It was probably a trap to catch the typical fantards showing their true colors.

It might still even work =P

Or maybe someone just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar :D . Still waiting on the link, though.


hydragonwarrior said:
I'm sure a rep over at R* is getting an earful from MS right now about the negative hype that's starting to spread about the X360 version.
Yeah well, all the blame is on MS for splitting the userbase with the Core


Dot50Cal said:
Or maybe someone just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar :D . Still waiting on the link, though.

The hmm, thread got deleted, that is it.

Those are completely legitimate screens dude, trust me.


I'm joking by the way...

Off course they're fake, I tried to set up a trap and was busted -_-

Shoulda been more blatant with the photoshoping so it was more obvious, some people are just no fun...


Uh oh Dot50Cal might be right afterall. Even 1UP admits it

There's some long-distance graphical fade-in as well as some street-level hazards that appear only after you hit them. Traffic will be nonexistent one second, then three cars deep when you rotate the camera back around, and then completely disappear when your wanted level gets to two or three stars

The important question is does it happen to the PS3 version?


Will drop pants for Sony.
ith3r said:
I'm joking by the way...

Off course they're fake, I tried to set up a trap and was busted -_-

Shoulda been more blatant with the photoshoping so it was more obvious, some people are just no fun...

So you are not going to edit that post to say it was not the PS3 version?


ith3r said:
I'm joking by the way...

Off course they're fake, I tried to set up a trap and was busted -_-

Shoulda been more blatant with the photoshoping so it was more obvious, some people are just no fun...

Right. So why did you need to reduce the color depth on the "ps3" shot, again?



M3wThr33 said:
It was never about choice. It was about pretending to have a $299 system.

So painfully true, and if GTA IV wasn't big enough for MS to bend the rules and allow Rockstar to include an optional install on 360, then no game will be. It was an absolutely asinine and short-sighted decision on Microsoft's part.


I was a tester/intern for a dev one summer, so the stuff .50 and darkx do is really interesting to me. One thing I noticed was that the same arguing and console debate went on constantly there, just like it does here. I am glad we have a place to hash all this stuff out, lord knows if I ever tried to discuss this stuff with my friends or they knew I was actually interested in this they would mock me for the rest of my life.


Dot50Cal said:
So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time).

and heres the city spawning in after visiting the hospital.

Keep in mind, this is running off a 360 hard drive, not the disc.



MercuryLS said:
PS3 version looks a little softer, that's about it.

I'm still getting both.

Please follow up and let us know how pronounced the differences are; I'm toying with the idea of getting both (eventually) as well.


fortified_concept said:
So this guy edited the X360 image, labeled it as a PS3 screenshot and tried to spread FUD unaware that is was Dot50Cal's pic. Holy mother of ownage!

on the dot. Damn it, i have to shower and get ready for work soon, and this just got GOOD. Insecurities to the max.


fortified_concept said:
So this guy edited the X360 image, labeled it as a PS3 screenshot and tried to spread FUD unaware that is was Dot50Cal's pic. Holy mother of ownage!

He even named them "b3d" so he knows where he got them from. I guess he didn't look at the username that posted them (or the server name). The chopping was just subtle enough to make it look poor too, with no obvious sign that he was joking.


eshwaaz said:
So painfully true, and if GTA IV wasn't big enough for MS to bend the rules and allow Rockstar to include an optional install on 360, then no game will be. It was an absolutely asinine and short-sighted decision on Microsoft's part.

I think the happiness MS derived from the additional sales they got with the Arcade model is more than the happiness the company would have derived from satisfying these people who, instead of playing games, compare the games across the platforms the games are on.

But what do I know?


y'all should be ashamed
Holy freaking crap, I leave for a few minutes and this happens. :lol

evilromero said:
That typo in the title is driving me mad. You couldn't just double check the thread title before you submitted?

I've been typing "thead" all day...I dunno how that got past me. :(

I'll ask for a title change.
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