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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Digital Foundry
Islewarrior said:
here the biggest kicker.

xbox360 10
ps3 10

what no .5 deduction for the lousy 360 port.
all these web sites = ms fanboys

for a year every ps3 version of a game had points deducted compared to a 360 version wtf

Ploid 3.0 said:
Having live, achievements, and 360's controller = + 1.5 points automatically. In other words, the xbox version is getting cheated.

And I doubt it's that bad. Maybe bad dvd drives, and no HDD will cause this. The different hardware comments in this thread might be a possibility. If that's the case, just get another xbox if it annoying.

It's all so petty. :lol

Seriously guys. It's worth being here just to see how much bile we can unleash in one thread. We must be shooting for a record.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
MobiusPigeon said:
2 360 gifs. same place. HMMMMMMMMMM WHATS GOING ON



edit OK with those last set of pics i'm outta here until some GT comparison trailers are up. this is just beyond retarded and unfunny now.

First one came from a badly burned pirated version.
Crushed said:
Those colors are too warm and soft. Stop trying to pass off the PS3 version as its more vibrant and clinical cousin.

the ps3 version has an x on the map you fool.

Router said:
First one came from a badly burned pirated version.

even the colors are different. somethings up. HMMMMM...


EviLore said:
Permanent bans for intentionally misleading people with slightly photoshopped screenshots, btw. Satire is fine obviously, like this one.


(Yesterday, 11:02 PM)
Reply | Quote

My work here is done. Good night, Gents! See you on the 29th!


MercuryLS said:
Yeah that's true too, but with the hospital gif that is something that never changes. Every time you die that same scene comes up.
but it would be different if you died in a place where those buildings would already be loaded.

edit: to clarify,

if you died close by, the buildings are already loaded.

if you died far enough away where those buildings were not being drawn, you'd need to load them when you are back at the hospital.


Nitsuj23 said:
Please watch the head-to-head, there's no mention of pop ups. And by just looking at them, they're nearly identical. Some people are making this into too big of a deal.

Here's the head to head - http://www.rockstarwatch.net/news/469/IGN-Compares-GTAIV-for-the-PS3-and-360/

True. But then from the written review...

For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in.


I'm not sure what's funnier, the over the top fans, or the people who come in to a thread like this to comment on the level of discourse and let us know they are above the fray. Look what Obama is doing to the world.


dfyb said:
but it would be different if you died in a place where those buildings would already be loaded.

Hmm, good point. Blah I don't know what to believe anymore! I wish it was tuesday already so I could just play the damn thing myself.


Hmm, all this talk of pop-in worries me. I'm usually not concerned with the technical issues of games (I didn't mind the frame rate of Mass Effect at all) but pop-in does annoy me.

But I've already pre-ordered the 360 version so I'll just have to hope that it's not as bad as some are saying.

Ploid 3.0

Cataferal said:
It's all so petty. :lol

Seriously guys. It's worth being here just to see how much bile we can unleash in one thread. We must be shooting for a record.

Hey! You can clearly tell I'm going along with the joke. The second part isn't a joke though. It's probably a bad dvd drive, or something in the system causing the problem. That or the source material/dvd itself.

More lense flare.jpg[/img]

You know, that looks pretty cool.


MercuryLS said:
Hmm, good point. Blah I don't know what to believe anymore! I wish it was tuesday already so I could just play the damn thing myself.
i expect these anigifs (except for maybe the one with the archway) to represent the 360 version at it's worse (not typical). i experienced some of the archway-type stuff on the ps2 games, and i doubt that sort of thing happens on 360 unless something's up with the console or disc.


Dot50Cal said:
If its a joke, you should have made it way more obvious. I hate people who spread FUD like that.
Even if it was a joke, that kind of crap shouldn't be in here.

Stench said:
If I do manage to get both versions [could be too late now?] I'll hopefully be doing proper comparisons between the two tomorrow night. (19/20 hours from now.) They won't be screen grabs – sadly there doesn't seem to be any HD capture hardware that works on laptops, but they should be similar to this kind of quality:

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10890137&postcount=389 (heavenly sword/ninja gaiden pics)

The screen is calibrated for the PS3, but I will be matching the brightness level on the 360 to try and keep things as similar as possible. Camera settings will be locked for all the pics etc. Obviously it's not going to be as good as screen grabs, but I'll be keeping it as fair as possible.


y'all should be ashamed
By the way guys, please PM me your official screengrabs if you want them in the OP. I wont be doing much lurking in this thread after the game release.

And by screen grab, I don't mean off your tv with a digital camera. :p


Digital Foundry
Ploid 3.0 said:
Hey! You can clearly tell I'm going along with the joke. The second part isn't a joke though.

Hehe. Sorry, my bad. Judging by the sentiments of some other posters, you were quite believable!


CartridgeBlower said:
Def the people who think they're above it even though they're reading every page just like everyone else. Score!

On the other hand, it's nice to know they weep for us. Finally someone cares about me :')


Post Count: 9999
islewarrior said:
here the biggest kicker.

xbox360 10
ps3 10

what no .5 deduction for the lousy 360 port.
all these web sites = ms fanboys

for a year every ps3 version of a game had points deducted compared to a 360 version wtf

You know, normally I don't give a shit about this sort of thing, but you bring up an interesting point.

All kidding aside, the fact that some of the pop-in (by dot50cal awesome testing and gif's, and 1up's own admission) actually effects gameplay, if the PS3 version does actually have less of it ... this is kind of a serious issue.

It really does lend credence to the media having an obvious bias.


This thread made me think of a comic over at PA from awhile back:


Just replace Mass Effect with "The GTA IV Comparison Head-to-Head thead of lolipops and bitter fanboy tears"


Emiru said:
saw very few pop-ups on 360 version and that "ps3 look" can be achieved on 360 using the sliders.
In-game brightness/contrast/colour settings generally introduce banding into the image or negatively affect it in other ways, I really wouldn't advise changing them.


andrewfee said:
In-game brightness/contrast/colour settings generally introduce banding into the image or negatively affect it in other ways, I really wouldn't advise changing them.
If i mess up I can always click on the default settings option.


So, to spoil all the fun:

Does your console suffer from texture lag and pop-in on other open-world games as the drive struggles to keep up?

Yes? Then be prepared to continue experiencing the same level of performance with GTAIV.


flinging feces ---->
What's funny is IGN's comparison video says the exact opposite of what everyone else is saying: the 360 version is more vibrant and yaddah blah blah.

Jesus, some of the posts here = :lol

As for me, I'm still undecided. If there really is a distinction in pop ups between the two versions, I'll have to reconsider my 360 pre-order.


Post Count: 9999
Stinkles said:
yes. the media.


It doesn't happen often, but I was actually being serious. IF there is less pop-up that affects gameplay (and its a relatively decent amount less), then it really should be reflected in the score.

This isn't just a graphical nitpick ... we're talking about gameplay here.

I will now go back to my lighthearted enjoyment of this thread. This is seriously the best pre-launch thread I've seen in a LONG time :)

just tray


Another review of GTAIV some interesting things from it.

"The Xbox 360 version seemed capable of achieving a smoother frame rate, peaking higher in certain circumstances, such as in confined spaces or during light traffic, but both versions seemed to regularly run at a similar clip"

"The Xbox 360 version can suffer from some very noticeable texture loading, as things like trees, vehicles and building signs will regularly pop-in as one tools about town. It can be distracting, especially during high speed chases, and the PS3 version isn't entirely immune from it, but it's not a game killing problem."

The two versions are so close to identical, visually, that putting together a comparison was a challenge. Initially, it appeared that the PS3 suffered from more noticeable aliasing than its 360 counterpart, but after eyeballing the final retail copy, they appear to be on par.

If you're looking for more GTA IV, and you may very well be after you've completed the core game, you're going to want the 360 version.

The Xbox 360 version has the requisite list of Achievements exclusive to the platform, creative and challenging goals that sometimes go beyond the regular gaming experience. However, as with other GTA games, stat-tracking for kills, stunt jumps, and the dozens of extras will keep completionists on the PS3 side happy.

The PS3 version has optional SIXAXIS motion controls for piloting helicopters, steering boats and doing motorcycle tricks. You'll probably leave it off, just like I did.

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both.


I honestly would've thought that having a guaranteed 10hrs+ DLC pack would be enough to sway people. For the people who have played both, would the graphical "issues" (using that term lightly) negate any advantage that an extra 10 hours worth of story/gameplay might have?
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