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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dante said:
WTF is taking Gamespot so long?

Tomorrow evening. when folks are FROTHING to read it, they will get way more traffic, and therefore way more ad hits. Smart, and still perfectly ethical. IT IS TYME TO GET HYPED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Stinkles said:
Tomorrow evening. when folks are FROTHING to read it, they will get way more traffic, and therefore way more ad hits. Smart, and still perfectly ethical. IT IS TYME TO GET HYPED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

not only that, but they get a page hit every time someone goes to check if its up yet.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Stinkles said:
Tomorrow evening. when folks are FROTHING to read it, they will get way more traffic, and therefore way more ad hits. Smart, and still perfectly ethical. IT IS TYME TO GET HYPED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
So is this a tactic that you learned in the business, or just your assumption? I always assumed that they took long because they liked to spend their time with games to give a more accurate score, but with the old staff gone, I wonder if philosophy this still stands.
Botolf said:
Why not, let's see how far we can bush the bounds of reason!


This next-gen GTA4 is starting to make me feel sick :X


This is my favorite thread in a long ass time. It's refreshing seeing so many people respond so earnestly to fanboy drivel. It's like a pre-gaming yourself on GAF so you don't have to deal with the dumbassadry when GTA actually comes out.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
godhandiscen said:
So is this a tactic that you learned in the business, or just your assumption? I always assumed that they took long because they liked to spend their time with games to give a more accurate score, but with the old staff gone, I wonder if philosophy this still stands.

Assumption. Our company's current website gets a TON of traffic and is not monetized and back when I worked on a commercial site, we were naive.


f_elz said:
ya lets all discredit kotaku... it's not like they played the...

oh shit.
kotaku said:
peaking higher in certain circumstances, such as in confined spaces or during light traffic, but both versions seemed to regularly run at a similar clip.
for kotaku's claim to be true, rockstar would have literally set the max framerate cap on the 360 version to a different value than the ps3 version. it's reasonable to believe ps3 reaches it's framerate cap in confined spaces and when nothing's going on etc, and i think it's safe to say both have the same max FPS cap.

in videos, both versions seem to have fine framerate. it just sounds like the placebo effect to me -- one version having a higher max framerate is just not likely. and it's not like kotaku is known for being... right.


Thunderbear said:
IGN video review did.

Where in the video does it say that? I saw the review and did not see that.

Edit: Just watched the IGN video review again and there is no mention of framerate being better on the PS3. So much FUD in this thread.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Jtwo said:
So where's the Bungie.net review?

Since everyone keeps going on about the pop up and almost nothing else, here's my corporate shill and also potentially logical 2 cents:

360 version:

1. Downloadable content. MOAR GTAIV SOONER
2. Better controller.
3. Universal voice chat.
4. Sturdy in-game Friends management and interaction.
5. More online players/population.
6. Universal rumble.
7. Exaggerated caricatures of corruption in local politics.
8. Custom soundtracks.
9. Warmer/colder/vibrant/muted/bright/soft/sharp/ colors.

Caveat: I used to work for MS and they still publish our games. Uncaveat: I am human, like you, but can bench press more and I like Moon Patrol.


Stinkles said:
Since everyone keeps going on about the pop up and almost nothing else, here's my corporate shill and also potentially logical 2 cents:

1. Downloadable content. MOAR GTAIV SOONER
2. Better controller.
3. Universal voice chat.
4. Sturdy in-game Friends management and interaction.
5. More online players/population.
6. Universal rumble.
7. Exaggerated caricatures of corruption in local politics.
8. Custom soundtracks.

Caveat: I used to work for MS and they still publish our games. Uncaveat: I am human, like you, but can bench press more and I like Moon Patrol.

9. Will hopefully knock CoD4 off the top of the Xbox Live charts.


I'll say this for the good old PS3 version...

...I'll be buying it for the Sony system because I'm basically too afraid to play anticipated games on my 360 for fear of it exploding/dying/whatever.

At least on PS3 you feel like it's made with care, rather than put together with pegs and stickytape.

I pretty much only have my 360 to play 1st party exclusives like Gears of War 2, Too Human, etc.

But in terms of the content of GTA4, let's face, it seems like you can't go wrong with either version.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Stinkles said:
Assumption. Our company's current website gets a TON of traffic and is not monetized and back when I worked on a commercial site, we were naive.
I've been following your journalist work for years now, so when I asked about your experience, I was referring to your time in OXM and before. Obviously, now you can put just a collage of Luke Smith and get more hits than many other publications. :D

bounchfx said:
why do you care whats on the top of the xbl charts? does it really matter?
People like to be competitive about things. A lack of competitiveness in a person usually leads to less success.


Orlics said:
Yup. And I don't think anyone should.

100 posts per page has less pop-in lol
Admit it, the only reason you replied to my post was to make yourself look cool and show-off that you don't use the default ppp setting.

...it worked.


And even i am moderately surprised
because I'm basically too afraid to play anticipated games on my 360 for fear of it exploding/dying/whatever

i don't mean this to come out the wrong way, but i've seen several people say this as a reason to get the Ps3 version or to not get something on the X360 or whatever.

If you are really afraid to play games on your X360 - then sell it.
It's worthless to you.
use the cash to buy PS3 games.

Seriously - what IS the point of owning a games console if you aren't going to play it?

I pretty much only have my 360 to play 1st party exclusives like Gears of War 2, Too Human, etc.

i can give you a guarantee - when your X360 breaks, it'll break. It'll have to go back, but it will come back to you at some point. That might not even be the last time. But refraining from playing a games machine? shesh, that would drive me crazy and , as i say, if it's gonna break, it's gonna break.


islewarrior said:
here the biggest kicker.

xbox360 10
ps3 10

what no .5 deduction for the lousy 360 port.
all these web sites = ms fanboys

for a year every ps3 version of a game had points deducted compared to a 360 version wtf

I know this is pages old... but it may be the greatest post I've ever read.

Well done.


DCharlie said:
i don't mean this to come out the wrong way, but i've seen several people say this as a reason to get the Ps3 version or to not get something on the X360 or whatever.

If you are really afraid to play games on your X360 - then sell it.
It's worthless to you.
use the cash to buy PS3 games.

Seriously - what IS the point of owning a games console if you aren't going to play it?

i can give you a guarantee - when your X360 breaks, it'll break. It'll have to go back, but it will come back to you at some point. That might not even be the last time. But refraining from playing a games machine? shesh, that would drive me crazy and , as i say, if it's gonna break, it's gonna break.
I doubt he has one, and if he does, Its probably a family members or he just uses it to say hes not biased.


And even i am moderately surprised
I doubt he has one, and if he does, Its probably a family members or he just uses it to say hes not biased.

i'm sure he does have an X360, i just find it baffling to own a games console and not use it for fear it'll break.

I'm not even saying X360's won't break - they do! lot's !

but just to have it sitting there and to keep going on about how it's going to explode/break/whatever, then why would playing 1st party games delay the inevitable if it's THAT unreliable?


Emiru said:
I doubt he has one, and if he does, Its probably a family members or he just uses it to say hes not biased.

Not wanting to start anything, but please don't spout off nonsense. I have had a 360 at launch and thank it for giving me the opportunity to play Bioshock, Gears of War, etc, but to be honest, now that ps3 ports are getting better, I prefer to use my PS3 as the console of choice simply because it feels reliable, unlike my 360 which decides to have disc-read errors every 3 hours for no reason, or whirs like a jet engine, or freezes randomly, etc.

I like my 360, but I wish it was more trustworthy. It feels cheap to me, which is certainly not the case with the PS3 (which was bloody expensive, yikes).

As I said, i'm getting GTA4 and most other multiplatform games for PS3 because I wanna enjoy the latest game from start to end without having to send my machine in for repairs right in the middle of it.

EDIT: Oh, DCharlie, I do see your point, but I can't be bothered selling it now and besides it does have some great exclusives on the way. I want to delay the inevitable for as long as possible - when I have to play Gears 2 on the shonky 360, I will do so with my fingers crossed!


Emiru said:
I have one system, had 3 sold the other 2 because they were garbage, I make no claims that im unbiased, jump off my balls douche.
Yeah, you're right, you are pretty forthright with your stupidity. How you've avoided getting banned with your post history is a mystery


Yoboman said:
Yeah, you're right, you are pretty forthright with your stupidity. How you've avoided getting banned with your post history is a mystery
Im here because it annoys you, no other reason.


Okay, trying to stop this bickering...quick, say something to defuse the situation...


Erm. Okay.

I actually think this thread is a little bit funny because the general consensus is that the game is the damn same and nobody will have any less fun on either system.

Just nitpicky things to differentiate, really - I wonder when platform comparisons will die out for this generation?
DCharlie said:
i'm sure he does have an X360, i just find it baffling to own a games console and not use it for fear it'll break?
Have you ever had a 360 die on you? I'm on my third system, so I'd say I have the right to be paranoid about it dying. That's why I only play exclusive games on it and multiplatform games on PS3. I'm going to play GTAIV for hours upon hours and I want to do it without interruptions of any kind.

PS3 offers me that security. The 360 does not.


^^^ That's pretty much it in a nutshell, Mister Chef.

I want to keep my 360 for all the exclusives, but when I get the chance to have peace of mind, I will take it.
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