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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Fatghost said:
Is the fog in the PS3 version?
at that point in the video no. I wonder if thats a constant effect :/ Also, at that point in the vid, why did the 360 version look so gray. It just seemed to be lacking allot of color there.




From the IGN video. Not that this is even remotely bad or unexpected, but saying things like the PS3 will have zero pop in is just silly.

Rockstar have done an excellent technical job and I'm sure it will be an incredible experience on both consoles.
BobTheFork said:
at that point in the video no. I wonder if thats a constant effect :/ Also, at that point in the vid, why did the 360 version look so gray. It just seemed to be lacking allot of color there.
different time of day/effects.


From the IGN comparison video, don't see much for a difference. For both console it's going to run well. The PS3 may have a slight lead in the loading like in Oblivion.


duk said:
i really can't tell a diff from the shots
If you're referring to Dire's post, look at the road on the right side of the screenshots.

I think that is road anyway, I haven't looked at the video.


Dire said:
From the IGN video. Not that this is even remotely bad or unexpected, but saying things like the PS3 will have zero pop in is just silly.

Rockstar have done an excellent technical job and I'm sure it will be an incredible experience on both consoles.
why did you enlarge that video cap like that? just looks like a blurry mess when you take youtube quality video and enlarge it.
I swear this forum is home to some of the most bleedingest-vagina pantywaist whicker-basket bitches on the planet.

-You have a bunch of fanboys calling each other fanboys. Add to that there are the idiots who know "who the fanboys are". Well no fucking shit, everyone in this forum is a fanboy. Some people manage to have a bit of class about it....most don't.
-A pool of posters who never post original shit and just copy & paste from other posters.
-The "wat" "." "!" crowd of one word replies who add absolutely nothing to discussion.
-The same crowd who gets their bullshit called on nightly but God forbid they actually decide to change their ways and maybe get some credibility.
-The usual trolls who do nothing more than make the threads I read look like shit because they turn into nothing but "This user is on your Ignore List." times some random number greater than a hundred.
-The complete numbskulls who post stupid shit and when called on it just point out that they were making a joke/being sarcastic. I'm not impressed in the slightest so fuck you guys.
-Meme-spewing machines who think "it's funny at 4chan so it must be funny everywhere else!" here's one for ya! Die in a fire.
-The worthless bastards who feel they have a sense of entitlement and whine constantly about how their system isn't getting the games they want. Nobody cares.
-The screwball shitheads whose only pleasure in life is watching fanboys fight and work feverishly to stoke the fires whenever possible. Thankfully we'll never have to worry about them procreating.
-The people who simply don't belong in threads regarding sales/technical discussion because they haven't a clue but they come in anyway because "their system" is kicking ass/sucking wind/etc.
-The "No games and FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY-NINE CENTS"/"RROD & paying for online LOL"/"Waggle and Non-HD? Fuck that!" guys can eat shit and choke on it. Again they add nothing to the forum and they just lead to people quoting their post and saying "WTF?" or posting some shitty gif that everyone has seen a thousand times except for the one guy who asks for the source and this happens way more often than it should..fuck.
-The people who say something is awesome and don't bother to explain why...doubly so for the people who say something sucks. These people are useless...not even worth the trouble of ignoring.
-The "too cool for school" clowns who take time from their busy schedule of blowjobs and double blowjobs to post in a videogame messageboard. Want to brag about your wealth and status as well? Great..lemme just update my ignorelist.
-The "Internetz. Serious Business" people who dog anyone that attempts to call bullshit on someone else....usually involves posting that completely nonsensical picture of that guy in the glasses looking serious. These guys are trash and I hate to think they breathe the same air as me.
-The mods who talk about cleaning house but when that time comes the same deviant fucktards that ruined threads continue to come back and repeat the bullshit that got them banned in the first place.
-Myself for putting up with this bullshit for eons just to grasp the distant dream of legitimate gaming discussion, the only reason I joined this forum in the first place.

Anyway I'm out of here. I don't know for how long but if I make one post in this forum or even get caught looking in this forum feel free to have somebody permaban me.

Oh and feel free to quote this post and respond to it how you see fit but there's a 110% chance that I won't read it, and there's a 130% chance I won't sign out of GAF to read it either.
R* will never be able to eliminate pop ins on GTA. As long as it's no worse than previous GTA's I don't see the big deal. All the jokes have been funny for the most part, but seriously it's 3:00 a.m. and at this point people are going to get it on whatever console they have...and in some retarded cases on both.

So maybe we can all be friends now?

Edit: Look you made PepsimanvsJoe go insane. Happy now GAF?


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Anyway I'm out of here. I don't know for how long but if I make one post in this forum or even get caught looking in this forum feel free to have somebody permaban me.

Oh and feel free to quote this post and respond to it how you see fit but there's a 110% chance that I won't read it, and there's a 130% chance I won't sign out of GAF to read it either.


I'm sorry but it had to be done. The ungodly amount of meltdowns in this thread makes me Lol. You know why? Because I'm buying a version of GTA IV, and I'm gonna enjoy it.

Go spread some bitter tears elsewhere.


dfyb said:
why did you enlarge that video cap like that? just looks like a blurry mess when you take youtube quality video and enlarge it.

It's the format I was watching it in. I'm not trying to point out anything other than - yes, the PS3 version also has popins. Those shots show that clearly enough. And if you'd like to see it in motion/context, the video is readily available.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
PepsimanVsJoe said:
A whole lot of whiny "oh woe is me" bullshit.
Dude, perspective. Your lack of it is actually offensive. Get a real problem you douche.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Anyway I'm out of here. I don't know for how long but if I make one post in this forum or even get caught looking in this forum feel free to have somebody permaban me.

Oh and feel free to quote this post and respond to it how you see fit but there's a 110% chance that I won't read it, and there's a 130% chance I won't sign out of GAF to read it either.

Jeez dude, did something offend you? Just enjoy the ride, its fun reading all these posts. Especially all the troll baiting and posters breaking down after being harassed about which version is better.


Esperado said:
Jeez dude, did something offend you? Just enjoy the ride, its fun reading all these posts. Especially all the troll baiting and posters breaking down after being harassed about which version is better.

I'm glad that I am not the only one. People need to put console a and console b to the side and be glad that they're gonna have the opportunity to experience the best sandbox game this summer. Well I'm out, time to hit the sack.

Happy gaming everyone! :D
Choke on the Magic said:
R* will never be able to eliminate pop ins on GTA. As long as it's no worse than previous GTA's I don't see the big deal. All the jokes have been funny for the most part, but seriously it's 3:00 a.m. and at this point people are going to get it on whatever console they have...and in some retarded cases on both.

So maybe we can all be friends now?

it should be obvious to anyone who knows anything about how video games are created that the pop-in (or lack of it) on ps3 is due to the game running off the hard drive. on 360 it's only partially running off the HD (using caching) but a lot of data comes off the dvd drive. any seek errors or just unexpected seeks on the dvd would likely cause pop-in.

it is what it is.

ps3 owners should be thankful that R* added the "install" requirement because i bet pop-in would be much worse running off the BRD.
theres at least a 5% chance I made it though 10% of that block of text.
I do have to say that 'loser tells off internet' is my favorite meltdown.


Dire said:
Is that really a pop-in tho? I recall graphical technique/feature that (as far as i can tell from watching the videos anyway) fills the streets with streams of moving headlights when you're at a certain altitude, which fades away and get replaced by actual vehicles when you're closer to the ground..


The Amiga Brotherhood
PepsimanVsJoe said:
-The "too cool for school" clowns who take time from their busy schedule of blowjobs and double blowjobs to post in a videogame messageboard. Want to brag about your wealth and status as well? Great..lemme just update my ignorelist.

Who inspired this one?
SeaOfMadness said:
it should be obvious to anyone who knows anything about how video games are created that the pop-in (or lack of it) on ps3 is due to the game running off the hard drive. on 360 it's only partially running off the HD (using caching) but a lot of data comes off the dvd drive. any seek errors or just unexpected seeks on the dvd would likely cause pop-in.

it is what it is.

ps3 owners should be thankful that R* added the "install" requirement because i bet pop-in would be much worse running off the BRD.

Really though if the differences between the two platforms were that significant, the rating would have been different. It's DMC4 all over again except x1000.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
-The "wat" "." "!" crowd of one word replies who add absolutely nothing to discussion.

This shit is old. It's terrible. Add to the discussion or don't say anything at all. If you agree, then quote and say why you agree. If someone opinions something you don't understand, or think it's laughable from your perspective, explain why. "Wat, Whut, Wut, What" is seriously a freaking waste of space and it's simply annoying. Is it so hard to add in at least a line or two why you feel the way you do about said thing?

I'm not saying this place shouldn't be lighthearted and fun, hell, that's what makes this place great. But these "wat" posts are shit you see at the shittiest of shitfestering shitfestery forums.


Am I the only one, who looking at that IGN comparison, thought that the PS3 version looked better even thought they say that the 360 version looks better ?


ya ps3 has pop in, but who cares game rocks both vers of it.
hopefully people didn't think that ps3 had zero pop in.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I swear this forum is... blah blah blah...
Woah you're taking this thread far more seriously than I am.

Come on man, most of the posts in this thread are tongue in cheek, and the rest are made by immature fanboys or insecure defence forces who you should ignore in all threads anyway.
Angelus said:

I bet you anything her belly is home grown because this is a major eating machine.
Haha oh man!
Dire said:
From the IGN video. Not that this is even remotely bad or unexpected, but saying things like the PS3 will have zero pop in is just silly.

Rockstar have done an excellent technical job and I'm sure it will be an incredible experience on both consoles.

Yea it was an entire stretch of road that popped into view stretching as far back as the bridge with the blue lights on it, but it doesn't hurt the experience any at all which is pretty much the same thing I've been trying to tell people about the 360 version of the game.

More than anything, people can now see for themselves that the PS3 version does have pop-in as well. It happens less frequently than in the 360 version, but it definitely exists. I don't think it's a problem in either version in the grand scheme of things though.

If anything all this pop-in controversy only reinforces that my decision not to make any videos of the build of the PS3 version I had was the right decision. People would've seen bugs that aren't in the final game or some of the more random pop-ins that were in the build I beat and would've went around screaming about how PS3 owners got screwed yet again by a lazy developer who didn't invest any time into properly exploiting the cell.
Afrikan said:
although this should go to the Official thread.... I thought I would post this for those unfortunate ones who live here....


I didn't make this...

Can't F'n WAIT!!!!!!

Seeing how he's somehow still in tact after flying head first into the pavement at 100 mph, who thinks he survived the police car too?


the only posters who are entitled to a meltdown are wii only gamers. they are true losers here. ps3 or 360,
in 24 hours we all will be playing the best game ever.
le.phat said:
the only posters who are entitled to a meltdown are wii only gamers. they are true losers here. ps3 or 360,
in 24 hours we all will be playing the best game ever.

I own all 3, but I couldn't see myself owning just a wii and missing out on this awesome game.

I wish I had that much discipline :p


CowboyAstronaut said:
I own all 3, but I couldn't see myself owning just a wii and missing out on this awesome game.

I wish I had that much discipline :p

I just ordered a 360 for GTA, despite saying I'd wait for the PC version in the poll. With all these gifs and live feeds it's too hard to resist.
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