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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Wax Free Vanilla said:
630P :lol

But seeing as I have the superior version from a visual, framerate, loading and pop-in perspective, myself, and I'm sure millions of other gamers who purchase the superior PS3 version don't care what resolution it's running at.

It does give some ammo to the xbox fans who try and defend their inferior version - should be fun to read their inane rambling. :d :lol

Please be joke post, Please be joke post, Please be joke post.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
supermackem said:
You seem upset, does it bother you that much would you even have noticed if it wasnt pointed out.:lol

Yes he does sound a tad miffed.

It's not like this is another nail in the coffin of the PS3 power hype train is it. Or is it?
CoG said:
If it's true it just goes to prove resolution is only part of the equation. A game can look "better" even if it's being rendered internally at a lower resolution, depending on AA, lighting, post-processing, etc. These zoom-in shots of both versions are interesting:


Either way, they need to count pixels from a better source than an IGN grab to confirm it.
they don't. just stick to the first half of your argument.
If the PS3 version has less pixels, it sure does a fine job at looking better than the 360 in screenshots. They should have done the same thing on the 360, and cut down on the pop ups?


We need to find out if the PS3 version has the same pop-up problems as the 360 version, that is the real problem, not pixel count
except on GAF
because in the end, 720p or 630p won't matter if there are other issues with the game's performace, like clipping, pop-up, etc...

Hopefully, R* can patch out some of the performance issues in both versions...

I can't even imagine how awesome the PC version will look though, regardless of how many p's the two console version have, I thought they look phenomenal... its less than fifteen hours away... :D
No_Style said:
So what's the unofficial breakdown?

+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.


Wasn't Wollan calling for someone's ban for implying that the PS3 version looked softer, even though Jeremy Dunham said on the IGN GTA4 podcast that he thought the PS3 version looked lower rez? Many folks have said the game looked softer on the PS3, we just haven't had anything to say one way or the other.




Xdrive05 said:
Hell no, that looks sexy as all get-out, but soft. I need it to be hard. Hard and clinical and 720p in my ass! And with the 360 version it can pop-up out of my ass when I can't take it any longer.



_leech_ said:
+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.

How do you knock PS3 for having an install, and also knock the 360 for not having an install?


_leech_ said:
+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.

I thank you, kind sir. There's just so much waste to wade through.


JRW said:
For those of us that own BOTH systems a thread like this makes perfect sense.

And thats why we're the ones laughing at the console warriors and generally having a fun time when turnabouts happen like this.

PhatSaqs said:

I wonder if the mis-spelling is intentional?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
_leech_ said:
+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.

You forgot to say that the PS3 screens look nicer. Which they do.


_leech_ said:
+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
+ Better Frame Rate
+ Sharper, lighting, more vibrant colors
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.

j-wood said:
How do you knock PS3 for having an install, and also knock the 360 for not having an install?

because 360 could have had an optional install that would have reduced loading time and pop in (not sure, but maybe) like it does with PS3s mandatory install.


Wax Free Vanilla said:
630P :lol

But seeing as I have the superior version from a visual, framerate, loading and pop-in perspective, myself, and I'm sure millions of other gamers who purchase the superior PS3 version don't care what resolution it's running at.

It does give some ammo to the xbox fans who try and defend their inferior version - should be fun to read their inane rambling. :d :lol

That sounds like very hollow laughter friend.
j-wood said:
How do you knock PS3 for having an install, and also knock the 360 for not having an install?

1. The PS3 install is mandatory, people have complained about it.
2. The 360 doesn't have the option, people have complained about it.


This is great. Just when the reviews were tilting things too much toward the PS3 version, and making this thread b-o-r-i-n-g, the pixel counters come to the rescue! :lol


krypt0nian said:
If the PS3 version has less pixels, it sure does a fine job at looking better than the 360 in screenshots. They should have done the same thing on the 360, and cut down on the pop ups?

Probably not, since the pop ups are more related to streaming speed. If they wanted to cut down on the popups they could have installed on the damn hard drive and still kept the real 720p at the same time.

By the way, what evidence is there that the PS3 version has better lighting effects? The reviewers seemed unanimous that both versions had the same quality of assets, sans color palette, and that the differences were in framerate, loading times, and pop-in amount.

In conclusion:

I need it to be hard. Hard and clinical and 720p in my ass! And with the 360 version it can more easily pop-up out of my ass when I can't take it any longer.


Linkzg said:
because 360 could have had an optional install that would have reduced loading time and pop in (not sure, but maybe) like it does with PS3s mandatory install.

.....wouldn't that make the PS3 install a positive then? :lol


sprocket said:
lol the ps3 version is 720p. You guys are trying way too hard. The game looks awesome on both consoles!

Says the guy whos avatar is 80x80 pixels, upscaled to 90x90 thanks to the forum software!!


j-wood said:
How do you knock PS3 for having an install, and also knock the 360 for not having an install?
This is NeoGAF, dude. We dislike being forced to do things almost as much as we hate not having the option to do them.


_leech_ said:
+ Shorter load times.
+ Less pop-in.
+ Can scale up to 720p/1080i/1080p.
- Native resolution is less than 720p.
- Mandatory install, around 7-8 minutes.

+ Native resolution is 720p.
+ Can scale up to 1080i/1080p (same as all 360 games).
- More noticeable pop-in.
- Slightly longer load times.
- No install option.

its a time paradox... both having an install an not having an install are negatives! :p

I hope we can get some direct capture shots to the b3yond crew guys so they can work their magic... I hate seeing professionals working with inferior equpment, i.e. IGN shots...
j-wood said:
.....wouldn't that make the PS3 install a positive then? :lol

but the PS3 version is mandatory.

look, I don't make up the rules here, people complain about some fucked up shit and I just so happen to have the free time right now to help explain it.


Xdrive05 said:
Probably not, since the pop ups are more related to streaming speed. If they wanted to cut down on the popups they could have installed on the damn hard drive and still kept the real 720p at the same time.

By the way, what evidence is there that the PS3 version has better lighting effects? The reviewers seemed unanimous that both versions had the same quality of assets, sans color palette, and that the differences were in framerate, loading times, and pop-in amount.

In conclusion:

I need it to be hard. Hard and clinical and 720p in my ass! And with the 360 version it can more easily pop-up out of my ass when I can't take it any longer.
The same B3D gurus disecting the resolution


fortified_concept said:
damnit I have to go

Stop with the framerate and lighting FUD please, you're taking your role waaaay too seriously.

That is straight from Kotaku and IGN podcast, quit with the BS.

+Aliken+ said:
Eh? I was under the impression that you could install on the 360 :/

I was hoping the same.
_leech_ said:
1. The PS3 install is mandatory, people have complained about it.
2. The 360 doesn't have the option, people have complained about it.
yeah, really you knocked both games for not having the option to install or not. you gave the PS3 one a plus (load times) which is a result of the mandatory install.

i think it was a perfectly fair list of pluses and minuses.
plagiarize said:
yeah, really you knocked both games for not having the option to install or not. you gave the PS3 one a plus (load times) which is a result of the mandatory install.

i think it was a perfectly fair list of pluses and minuses.

Do your own list then =P


_leech_ said:
I wasn't going to put anything subjective on the list.

So you think the frame rate comments from Kotaku are subjective? Perhaps the shaper image comments from IGN podcast maybe.


plagiarize said:
yeah, really you knocked both games for not having the option to install or not. you gave the PS3 one a plus (load times) which is a result of the mandatory install.

i think it was a perfectly fair list of pluses and minuses.
Is there really anyone who wouldn't install on either system?
Jtyettis said:
That is straight from Kotaku and IGN podcast, quit with the BS.

Kotaku is full of shit and IGN actually said they equally have framerate drops. Btw you forgot to mention where you got your lighting superiority FUD from.
_leech_ said:
Do your own list then =P
what? i agree with your list.

i was just trying to clarify it for other people.

you didn't deny the benefits of having an install, you just knocked BOTH versions for not letting the user decide if they want to do an install or not.


Dot50Cal said:
And thats why we're the ones laughing at the console warriors and generally having a fun time when turnabouts happen like this.

I wonder if the mis-spelling is intentional?

Yup! This thread feels like a Rocky movie... :lol

Things we need in this thread:

1. Chubigans cartoon - It's your thread... make it happen.
2. Crushed GIFS - need moar
3. More Bitter fanboy tears on both sides.
4. PC Warriors to descend upon us.

Please feel free to add to the list... I want this thread to go down in history....
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