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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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jet1911 said:
How do you know?
I'm not sure, but he Pmed me asking if he could host that gif for a FUD article. So maybe thats why, heres his link:

*Link removed as per request*

Despite the PS3 version of GTA IV looking better than the 360 version, due to what appears to be superior post processing, lighting, framerate and lack of pop-in, that hasn't stopped folk desperately trying to claim the 360 one is 'sharper'. Well, there might be some truth to that after all, as pixel counter Quaz51 at the Beyond3D forums appears to have the answer, albeit via a dodgy IGN screen grab.

He's claiming that the PS3 version runs at 630p, 90 lines less than the Xbox version, although this isn't confirmed by the developers. Until we get anything official, this is just one guy talking, but he's been right before. What is clear is that regardless of the miniscule resolution difference, the PS3 version is the better looking game.

As this gif shows (from GAF member Dot50Cal) the pop-in on the 360 version is, well, not worth the extra 90 lines:

Via the epic NeoGAF thread.

28/04/2008 14:30:00 - nofi

:lol :lol :lol Bold added :D
Dot50Cal said:
That particular tree is a bastard. It does that every time I drive by there. Its cursed. As for how often, I'd say roughly every 20 minutes I get snagged on an invisible object. Just stay away from sidewalks.

Then something is very wrong with running the game on HDD only.


Dot50Cal said:
That particular tree is a bastard. It does that every time I drive by there. Its cursed. As for how often, I'd say roughly every 20 minutes I get snagged on an invisible object. Just stay away from sidewalks.

About where in LC does this happen? I want to reproduce that here. The reason I ask is I'm trying to reproduce a pop-in that happened to me last night. I was driving at night from East Island City getting ready to get on the East Borough Bridge, and well, one of the middle dividers just popped up, then again it was night and I was running from the LCPD with busted headlights so it was possible that I missed it. First time that ever happened to me.


Should not be allowed to breed
cyberheater said:
er no. The 360 version isn't scaled. It's native at 720p. Which is the point.


uhmm 720p, sooo goood.


Dot50Cal said:
I'm not sure, but he Pmed me asking if he could host that gif for a FUD article. So maybe thats why, heres his link:

:lol :lol :lol

Hey, I'm balanced: 630p vs pop-in.

I'm like the whole thread in one blog post. :lol


Dot50Cal said:
Probably will, considering this was running off the 360 HDD
Really? I thought that was retail. So why are people running around like this happens through out the entire game. Do you mind after this week doing a comparison on the same spot with the retail version?


Treo360 said:
about where in LC does this happen? I want to reproduce that here.
Die, and get sent to the hospital. As you are leaving it, turn left and continue down that road. It loops around and as you progress a bit, you'll see the area.


Dot50Cal said:
Newcomers might be a bit confused about the origin of the tree meme, Especially since all my gif's are dead links now. Heres what spawned that meme:


Open Dir of the gifs I've posted in the thread:
Rehost these if you are going to use them or bad things will happen to you.

I remember PS2 verisons of GTA having the same popin issues when burned on crappy media ..but if thats from a retail copy then disregard that idea.


Really? I thought that was retail. So why are people running around like this happens through out the entire game. Do you mind after this week doing a comparison on the same spot with the retail version?

I'll look into it, but this is a review build I'm playing. It happens when loaded on the HDD or being played via disc.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dot50Cal said:
Bad engine design?
No, I mean, how did anyone manage to play the game from the 360 HDD? Dev-kit?

JRW said:
I remember PS2 verisons of GTA having the same popin issues when burned on crappy media ..but if thats from a retail copy then disregard that idea.
That occured in the retail copies of the PS2 games. There were some pretty severe pop-up issues depending on how fast you were driving.


I'm an ever rollin' wheel, without a destination real.
I'm an ever spinning top, whirling around till I drop.
Oh but what am I to do, my mind is in a whirlpool.
Give me a little hope, one small thing to cling to.
You got me going in circles (oh round and round I go)
You got me going in circles
(oh round and round I go, I'm spun out over you)
I'm a faceless clock, with timeless hopes that never stop.
Lord but I feel that way, of my soul. My soul is stay.
Oh but what am I to do, my mind is in a whirlpool.
Give me a little hope, one small thing to cling to.
You got me going in circles (oh round and round I go)
You got me going in circles
(oh round and round I go) I'm spun out over you
(I need you baby) over you (I need you baby) spun out over you.
(I need you baby, I need you baby baby)
I'm spun (I need you baby) I said I'm spun out over you (I need you baby)
Spun out over you (I need you baby, I need you baby, I need you baby)


Well, before I even checked this topic today, I called up GAME to see if I could get a copy of the PS3 version as well as the 360 one tonight, and it seems they stopped pre-orders two weeks ago. They said that I may be able to get hold of it tomorrow morning but they'll only be selling to people with pre-orders tonight.

Obviously I don't need to do a comparison now, as we know that it's lower resolution, but resolution isn't the only factor here so I may still pick it up at some point.

fortified_concept said:
I refuse to believe it. It is a proven fact that andrewfee is never right. This is breaking the rules
:lol Or it could be that I've always been right, but you've just never agreed with my seemingly arbitrary rules. Eg: can't stand tearing, but I felt that the full-screen blur DMC4 had was even worse. For other people, the better effects [was that ever confirmed in the full retail versions rather than the demo?] and lack of tearing may have been preferable – especially if they were playing on an LCD where the blur wasn't noticeable at all.

dark10x said:
It actually is different, though. Halo 3 does not use any anti-aliasing which results in a rather jaggy image. Call of Duty 4 used a lower resolution than Halo 3, yet produced a cleaner image as a result of its AA.
The problem about rendering at a lower resolution isn't the extra aliasing, in my opinion – it's that the consoles force you to upscale it which results in a soft image [which most people with HDTVs won't notice] and things like the grass or other fine details in CoD4 shimmer like crazy. While MGO looks nice and smooth overall, it's because there's not a lot of fine details there. Things like the back of the tranq. gun, barbed wire at the top of gates/walls etc all shimmer as a result of the lower resolution.

It's similar in a way to the ‘flicker filter’ that older consoles used – it was basically a full-screen blur to hide aliasing. It made the whole image look smoother, but that was simply because it was blurrier. It didn't reduce aliasing at all, but for some reason, some people don't find it as noticeable or as offensive like that. Personally, I prefer to have the sharper image rather one that has the same issues, but is also blurred. Take RE4 on the Gamecube vs the Wii for example. The graphics are the same, but Capcom enabled the flicker filter even in 480p on the Wii which means it looks blurred compared to the Gamecube one. The improved control is great, but the game actually looks worse in my opinion – if I wanted a blurred image I wouldn't be using a VGA lead on a CRT.

_leech_ said:
That they couldn't achieve an HD resolution on an HD console? They both look the same (more or less, despite coloring differences) but from a technical standpoint it's disappointing.
It's IGN's captures that make them look “the same” – IGN's capture hardware is pretty awful and makes even 720p native games look blurred.

But if you're going to be playing on a 1080p screen, the game is going to end up being blurred anyway, it's just going to be somewhat more blurred on the PS3.

xero273 said:
Because you are missing the pixels and apparently neogaf can see missing pixels now.
Seeing as I use a CRT, which is effectively “720p native” [or 480p native, 1080p native etc] then the difference is quite obvious on my screen when a game is running at a lower resolution and being upscaled. If the PS3 could send 1120x630 to my screen it wouldn't be an issue, but it forces it to be scaled to 720p/1080p.

I can't look at an image and say “this is 630p” nor do I have the inclination to do so. I do see the effects of running at a lower resolution and having it upscaled, however, which I don't like.

dark10x said:
Again, Halo 3 was only jaggy due to the lack of AA and its approach to visual design. Both CoD4 and GTAIV PS3 use lower resolutions yet have a much smoother appearance overall as a result of anti-aliasing and, in the case of GTA, the post processing.

Does THIS look bad to you?

It looks bad to me, but not because it's ‘630p’ but because IGN have over-sharpened the really soft image they got from their crap capture hardware. And isn't the post-processing all specualtion at this point? For all we know the 360 looks identical in that location/time of day, but just a bit sharper.

Dot50Cal said:
Its a tough choice, but I gotta go with the people I know in real life. I hate this multi-platform crap.
I agree completely – I have a group of friends I want to play this with on both platforms. I would much rather that it was exclusive to the PS3 as it would have been a better game overall. Shame Microsoft won't let you install it on the hard drive. Ok, it might take up too much room on a 20gb machine, but I've got something like 80–90gb free on my Elite.

And before anyone jumps at me for supporting installs when I was so against the DMC4 one – it is forced installs that I am against, not optional ones. I don't see the point in being forced to wait 20 minutes before playing to shave off literally a couple of seconds vs the 360 version. As it wasn't a game I played over and over, I would rather have just loaded it off the disc. With GTA I would absolutely choose to install it even if it was optional on PS3.

This is why I'm all in favour of exclusive games, or a ‘one console’ future. That way no-one gets a worse version of it. I still believe that it would have been a better game had it been exclusive to the PS3 – games like this could make good use of the additional space Blu-Ray offers, and certainly open-world games that do a lot of streaming would benefit from an install.

squicken said:
Wasn't Wollan calling for someone's ban for implying that the PS3 version looked softer, even though Jeremy Dunham said on the IGN GTA4 podcast that he thought the PS3 version looked lower rez? Many folks have said the game looked softer on the PS3, we just haven't had anything to say one way or the other.
He mistakenly thought I posted over at Gamespot saying the PS3 version was ‘confirmed’ to be running at a lower resolution, using my own post from here as evidence. If that had been the case, I should have been banned, but it was someone else – I don't post on the Gamespot boards, and I don't know anyone that does post on them.

iceatcs said:

ScrabbleBanshee said:
Fixed for accuracy.
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