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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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andrewfee said:
Dark Sector runs at 1152x640 on PS3 [higher resolution than GTA4] and 1280x720 on 360, can you see the difference here? Remember, on a HDTV this will be blown up to a much larger size so it will be more apparent.


When I'm about two feet from my monitor; Yes I can see that one has more detail in the grain.

However when I sit back at normal viewing distance it's a complete guessing game. They look so similar that the difference doesn't matter.


jaaz said:
Hey can I play too?

-downplay the 57 reviews that said the 360 version has more pop-in than the PS3 version
-take as absolute fact a random poster on another board that claims PS3 GTA IV is sub-720p based on one compressed screen shot from ign.com
-deny that there's a chance that a multiplatform game might look better on the PS3
-blame everything on the PS3 fanboys

How did I do?

GenericPseudonym said:
Tired, derivative and unoriginal. There hasn't even been 57 reviews, so you clearly don't even know what you're talking about. That random poster is trusted and has revealed many different game resolutions. Plus, PS3 fanboys are horrible people and the root of all evil. You clearly don't know what you're talking about so quit jumping on my back.

GenericPseudonym said:
Someone can't get a joke/sarcasm I see.

This thread if full of Win?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I said, just in that post you cited, that shit was coming from BOTH camps.

And I stated in a completely independent post, responding to Gregor, and I quote, "Yikes."

Until "Xbots" start turning around and claiming that they're not doing a thing to stir the pot and it's allllll ProSonents doing it, as you implied (and later recanted), then your accusation has no merit.

But nice finish there at the end. I've commended Cowboy on numerous occasions, even though he prefers the PS3 version. How would the leaders I'm "working a one way street to" feel about that?

One thing I've never done is accuse you or anyone else of being on a company payroll. Is it really too much to expect the same in return?

You know its a two way street, but you're playing one side off on another. Its become you're thing in these types of threads and its lame. You used to ride the middle of the street, now you're wavering. When the talk goes the way of you're platform of choice, you ride it, when it isn't you play this line down the middle telling everyone to settle down.


exfixate said:
I haven't posted once in this thread, or even bothered to read much of it. I'm absolutely not a fanboy for either system, and understand how awesome GTA IV is going to be. I do, however, have one thing to say.

As someone who definitely can tell the difference in games running at a lower resolution than 720p -- not saying I definitively know when a game is under 720, but that I can see the difference when viewing a game that is under on a 1080p set and then on a 720p set -- I do find it hilarious that both systems this generation have several big, multi-million selling games that can't even run at 720. Generation rushed, for sure.
Not so much that it was rushed as it was overhyped. Someone with a decent knowledge of the state of the technology in 2006/2007 would have known 720p would be the de-facto standard resolution this gen, and most games would not be able to reach 1080p with consistent framerate on these platforms.
Firewire said:

You know something Benjamin, you talk all high & mighty about both sides not getting into these stupid ass wars, and you're always there bitching about PS3 fanboy comments. But low & behold you've had jackass comments from the likes of this Gregor0777 guy sprayed all over this thread and you say nothing, sometimes you even post in agreement of this crap.

These posts of your's crying about behavior are lame, because you're working a one way street to Redmond or something. Give it a rest already.

Have a walk outside my man.

sony is poo


andrewfee said:
Well, that just about seals it. At least the silver lining about how well the GTA4 engine scales down to lower resolutions is that a Wii port may not be totally out of the question.
Raist said:
SO btw, we only got IGN and GT4s reviews ? shouldn't the embargo be lifted by now ?

Also, can't wait for Yatzeeh's review. Should be epic :lol
From the official thread:

1UP.com: A+
Empire: 5/5
Eurogamer: 10/10
GameInformer: 10/10
GameSpy: 5/5
GamesRadar (360): 10/10
GamesRadar (PS3): 10/10
IGN UK: 10/10
IGN US: 10/10
LEVEL: 10/10
OPM UK: 10/10
OPM US: 5/5
OXM UK: 10/10
PSM3 France: 20/20
PSW: 10/10
TeamXbox: 10/10
EGM: A+, A+, A
GameTrailers: 9.8/10
Xbox World 360: 98%
CVG: 9.5/10
OXM US: 9.5/10


exfixate said:
As someone who definitely can tell the difference in games running at a lower resolution than 720p -- not saying I definitively know when a game is under 720, but that I can see the difference when viewing a game that is under on a 1080p set and then on a 720p set -- I do find it hilarious that both systems this generation have several big, multi-million selling games that can't even run at 720. Generation rushed, for sure.
They still look tons better than old-gen games. (or Wii games)

Sub-720p games like CoD4, HALO, or GTA4 look a lot better (imo) than a lot of PSN games that run in 1080p.

Resolution isn't everything.


Salmonax said:
Well, that just about seals it. At least the silver lining about how well the GTA4 engine scales down to lower resolutions is that a Wii port may not be totally out of the question.
:lol wowowow


GenericPseudonym said:
WOW! I don't know how you could notice that half of the response was sarcasm, but that the other half was totally serious.




Salmonax said:
Well, that just about seals it. At least the silver lining about how well the GTA4 engine scales down to lower resolutions is that a Wii port may not be totally out of the question.

Dude, the Godfather controls were tight, or something, right?


I actually only buy Nintendo games. :(
Anything with Yoshi.


I can't understand why people are arguing over this when numerous sources who have played and beat the game IE: IGN, EGM, etc. have said this game looks slightly better on the PS3.
Spy said:
I can't understand why people are arguing over this when numerous sources who have played and beat the game IE: IGN, EGM, etc. have said this game looks slightly better on the PS3.

Mate, you don't understand, they are payed by Sony, because Sony knew PS3 was 630P!


Spy said:
I can't understand why people are arguing over this when numerous sources who have played and beat the game IE: IGN, EGM, etc. have said this game looks slightly better on the PS3.
because Xbox fans can't deal with it ;p It hurts so much.



despite that he saw blatant similarity
he struggled to find a distinctive moiety
all he found was vulgar superficiality
but he focused it to sharpness
and shared it with the others
it signified his anger and misery


them and us
lobbying determined through a mire of disbelievers
them and us
dire perpetuation and incongruous insistence
that there really is a difference
between them and us


hate is a simple manifestation
of the deep-seated self-directed frustration
all it does is promote fear and constrenation
it's the inability
to justify the enemy
and it fills us all with trepidation


them and us
bending the significance to match a whimsied fable
them and us
tumult for the ignorant and purpose for the violence
a confused loose alliance forming
them and us


I heard him say
we can take them all
(but he didn't know who they were,
and he didn't know who we were.
and there wasn't any reason or
motive, or value, to his story,
just allegory, imitation glory,
and a desperate feeble search for a friend)



Rapping Granny said:
ok is the 630p really true and would you notice that much defference from 720p?

630p should technically have more jaggies and blur than real 720p. We haven't confirmed if it's rendered in 630p yet though.
Seems like the PS3 version looks the best or at least on par going by reviews so there has to be some magic involved there that we don't know about yet.
This is the best thread I've ever seen. It reminds me of one of those Indonesian chicken traps. They come in through the wide top and then can't get out, pecking each other to death.



antiloop said:
630p should technically have more jaggies and blur than real 720p. We haven't confirmed if it's rendered in 630p yet though.
Seems like the PS3 version looks the best or at least on par going by reviews so there has to be some magic involved there that we don't know about yet.

If it's true that the PS3 version is running at 630p, it entirely makes sense that the 360 version has slightly more pop-in -- it's running at a higher resolution. The slightly longer loading is because on PS3 it's a forced hard drive install.

Spy said:
I can't understand why people are arguing over this when numerous sources who have played and beat the game IE: IGN, EGM, etc. have said this game looks slightly better on the PS3.

Read above.
commariodore64 said:
So lower is better? And smaller is bigger! WE ALL WIN!!!!!
my GFs disagree, they all say its the look of it, they say mine is pretty, but everytime they leave, its always for a football player.


Evlar said:
Not so much that it was rushed as it was overhyped. Someone with a decent knowledge of the state of the technology in 2006/2007 would have known 720p would be the de-facto standard resolution this gen, and most games would not be able to reach 1080p with consistent framerate on these platforms.

I don't think anyone should be upset games aren't natively running at 1920x1080 either, mang. They should be upset that they can't natively run at one of the 720p resolutions though.
exfixate said:
If it's true that the PS3 version is running at 630p, it entirely makes sense that the 360 version has slightly more pop-in -- it's running at a higher resolution. The slightly longer loading is because on PS3 it's an optional hard drive install.
I thought it was mandatory.
antiloop said:
630p should technically have more jaggies and blur than real 720p. We haven't confirmed if it's rendered in 630p yet though.

If they're both rendered with x2 AA, the upscaled image will have less jaggies. They use different patterns too. Anything from him is confirmed, IMO. He's a trustworthy source.

antiloop said:
Seems like the PS3 version looks the best or at least on par going by reviews so there has to be some magic involved there that we don't know about yet.

The original source for the 630p speculated PS3 may be using higher precision lighting and more post processing.
mr_bishiuk said:
Can you imagine if at the height of the "Ps3 will be 1080p at 120fps" "4D" "Xbox 1.5" period someone came out and said that 360 GTA would be day 1 with PS3 and be running at a higher resolution??

They'd have been murders!
I'm seeing it in my head and its not good.
Vast Inspiration said:
This thread is good for something. Not a single asshole troll, will ever make fun of Halo 3's resolution after they buy/defend GTA4 on the PS3.

No side will mature even a tiny bit after this whole conflict. I think this thread showed how cruel (and hypocritical) both sides are.
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