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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Linkzg said:
You guys have to watch it with the sarcasm, people will honestly start thinking you are serious.

That's really the whole point of the war though, isn't it? So that somebody will come in here and read enough posts to believe that one version or the other is superior and purchase accordingly, adding up to a "point" for that side.

You'd better believe that there are a shit-ton of lurkers reading this thread right now, sifting through the BS in a vain attempt to decide which version to buy or, more importantly, which platform to invest in. It's not just fun and goofing off in here. Well, it may be now but it didn't start that way. The whole point of message board fanboyism/shilling is to try to convince others to join your cause and purchase your platform so the numbers build and they will be more able to secure the next exclusive or lead platform status or a multi-release.

There have already been reports of people taking shots and info from this thread to other forums and spreading it as "gospel" in an attempt to influence opinion. It's amazing how "slightly more pop-in" becomes "utter shite" when people are spreading the news for their team.

Make no mistake. The thread has now become a circus but for a while it was serious. Deadly serious.
Choke on the Magic said:
You should take some of your own advice. :p
Why spoiler your bias?

Wait, what? There's words under dem black bars? LOL

Dr. Zoidberg said:
That's really the whole point of the war though, isn't it? So that somebody will come in here and read enough posts to believe that one version or the other is superior and purchase accordingly, adding up to a "point" for that side.

The ONLY thing this thread has even been about is +1 NPD.

My trolls have been consistent and epic and always towards that end. Make no mistake.

PS3 fans are being served hot plates of 630p in this thread, and they find the taste not to their liking. Bitter is the crow after all the 'superior version' talk in the beginning of this thread.

I can see buying a gimped PS3 version if you have no choice, or for some reason you allowed yourself a momentary lapse of judgment in which you purchased the wrong console. But if you're a multi console owner, really the choice has been made quite clear. I'll take the nearly 25% extra game that I'll get with the 360 version.

Just think, what could those extra 25% pixels have been? A fuck awesome mission? Perhaps more stippers? PS3 owners will never know.


exfixate said:
If it's true that the PS3 version is running at 630p, it entirely makes sense that the 360 version has slightly more pop-in -- it's running at a higher resolution. The slightly longer loading is because on PS3 it's an optional hard drive install.

Yes. The PS3 install is forced though.

On 360 they had to take into account those people without one also. Which meant a lot more testing and tweaking to the streaming engine I bet.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Vast Inspiration said:
This thread is good for something. Not a single asshole troll, will ever make fun of Halo 3's resolution after they buy/defend GTA4 on the PS3.

don't presume that everyone in here defending the 630p resolution of GTA IV on the PS3 are the same people that criticised the lower resolution that Halo3 ran at.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
got back from midnight launch

some nice console wars tidbits for y'all (belgium, euroland here)

- I was one of the only ones getting the 360 version
- pre order copy supply in the back: ps3 versions outnumbered 360 pretty much 3:1, maybe even more.
- ps3 hardware mover for sure


exfixate said:
I don't think anyone should be upset games aren't natively running at 1920x1080 either, mang. They should be upset that they can't natively run at one of the 720p resolutions though.
... Why? As a PS3/Wii owner why exactly should I be upset that this or any other game is upscaled to 720p from some lower resolution?

I mean, unless I actually BELIEVED the pre-launch overhype from 2006, which I didn't...

EDIT: Pre-emptively defending myself... I never criticized Halo 3 for its resolution, either. It's a good looking game with OK image quality, good framerate, and fucking miraculous dynamic lighting.


Darunia said:
got back from midnight launch

some nice console wars tidbits for y'all (belgium, euroland here)

- I was one of the only ones getting the 360 version
- pre order copy supply in the back: ps3 versions outnumbered 360 pretty much 3:1, maybe even more.
- ps3 hardware mover for sure

I was wondering if this thread would die once people got copies of the game.

Sales-age to the rescue!


_leech_ said:
You unlock a ROFLCOPTER after the last mission.


NOW i'm hyped :lol
Does anyone know if the PS3 (or 360) have server lists or dedicated servers for the online mode or is it only matchmaking?

Darunia said:
got back from midnight launch

some nice console wars tidbits for y'all (belgium, euroland here)

- I was one of the only ones getting the 360 version
- pre order copy supply in the back: ps3 versions outnumbered 360 pretty much 3:1, maybe even more.
- ps3 hardware mover for sure

Its only 7:30 in the correct time zone. I think your store is breaking the NDA or something.
Darunia said:
got back from midnight launch

some nice console wars tidbits for y'all (belgium, euroland here)

- I was one of the only ones getting the 360 version
- pre order copy supply in the back: ps3 versions outnumbered 360 pretty much 3:1, maybe even more.
- ps3 hardware mover for sure

Sandman7 said:
I was wondering if this thread would die once people got copies of the game.

Sales-age to the rescue!

Uh oh. I'm going to make some waffles.


First tragedy, then farce.
i think halo3 looks great. i wish the 360 was rendered lower with less pop in and snazzier lighting


not an idiot
Doubledex said:
because Xbox fans can't deal with it ;p It hurts so much.
or it could be ps3 fans reveling in something not really worth being excited about. ;)

all i have is a ps3 and a red ringed broken 360 so don't hurt me


shpankey said:
or it could be ps3 fans reveling in something not really worth being excited about. ;)

all i have is a ps3 and a red ringed broken 360 so don't hurt me
edit: EGM, IGN and so on. Fact: PS3 ;)
GenericPseudonym said:
-blow 360 pop-in out of proportion while ignoring the inevitability of PS3 pop-in
-discredit preople who claim PS3 GTA IV is sub-720p
-accept that GTA IV is sub-HD, but is still somehow better for it
-blame everything on the 360 fanboys
-cling to what review sites said, depite claiming how biased they were in every game up to now.
PS3 fanboys got to love them.
you got a point there...


Fry Daddy
chubigans said:
The abyss that is this thread. Enjoy. :D
its like if vgcats sense of "wacky" and cad's sense of "holy shit words this is one big old joke" combined into some sterile and crippled chimera with melting skin
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